2 Tips For Learning Phrasal Verbs

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

do you like phrasal verbs do you hate

phrasal verbs today i’m going to give

you two suggestions to help you remember

and use phrasal verbs in your


let’s get started the first thing we

need to talk about is what is a phrasal

verb a phrasal verb is a verb plus a

preposition or we can call it a

participle it’s two parts sometimes

three parts put together so this type of

verb is very commonly used and if you

have been studying English for some time

I’m sure you have run across them run

across is an example you have seen

phrasal verbs in English a lot so today

I want to give you two examples to help

you remember and use phrasal verbs in

the future but first I want to give you

one thing that I do not recommend one

way to learn phrasal verbs that is not

very effective it’s very frustrating and

maybe you have been doing this or maybe

you know other people who have been

doing this this technique that I don’t

recommend is learning phrasal verbs with

the same verb but different prepositions

for example if you learned go out go up

to go around it’s very difficult to

remember the different participles the

different prepositions at the end so I

recommend instead the opposite my first

recommendation is to have the same

participle but a different verb so for

example I think it’s a good way to learn

phrasal verbs by saying keep up look up

make up this way of learning will help

you remember easily because it’s easy to

remember up and the first part is a

little more unique then around up to

it’s difficult to remember that part so

keep up make up look up is a much easier

way to remember phrasal verbs so my

second recommendation goes with this it

is think about a

Corie from your personal life where you

could use these phrasal verbs if you are

learning the phrasal verb look up look

up means to research or to search on the

internet or in a book you could say ah I

remember when I was writing an email to

Vanessa I couldn’t remember a specific

word and how to spell it so I had to

look it up I had to look up how to spell


oh by connecting a story with the

phrasal verb a story from your personal

life it will help you make those

connections and make phrasal verbs much

easier to remember so to use these two

techniques in my next video I’m going to

explain three phrasal verbs look up keep

up make up using this technique of

having the same participle but a

different verb and in this way it will

help you easily remember these phrasal

verbs and also if you think about a

story from your personal life it will be

much easy thanks so much for watching

this video about phrasal verbs and how

to use them and remember them I

encourage you to go over to my website

where I’ll be giving some more examples

and ideas for how to use phrasal verbs

and some samples to help you remember

them thanks so much and I’ll see you

again next time goodbye