40 UP Phrasal Verbs in One Newspaper Article Do you know them all

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what’s up let’s talk about

it in today’s video lesson i have a new

challenge for you when i was cleaning my

closet the other day i found a box of

papers that i had saved for a long time

and one of those papers was this article

this article comes from a newspaper

actually from a city that i’ve never

lived in but somehow I saved this

article I think because it’s quite

clever so today we’re going to talk

about this article and I want to

challenge you this article is called

what’s up doc and in this article there

are over 40 uses of up phrasal verbs

there are a lot of phrasal verbs that

exist in English but in this article he

highlights 40 of those and he kind of

explains why it’s so confusing or

complicated and why do we use phrasal

verbs like this in English so what I’m

going to do is I’m going to read this

article to you I’m going to show you the

article on the screen so you’re not

going to see my face you’re just going

to hear my voice I’m going to read this

article and I want you to take a couple

of these up phrasal verbs and write a

sentence in the comments below this


using these phrasal verbs this is a

really clever article so if you don’t

understand some of the phrasal verbs

it’s okay feel free to use Google feel

free to use the Internet to learn what

they mean or feel a little more clear

about them are you ready to hear this

article wine a page with over 40 up

phrasal verbs let’s start reading

what’s up duck wow what a day

this edition of the Johnson City News &

neighbor is the largest single paper we

have ever published at 28 pages we are

an hour late for our printing deadline

and I am just now doing this column so

please excuse any errors

I found this information on our terribly

difficult English language

how do non-native learn English nuances

there is a two letter word that perhaps

has more meaning than any other two

letter word and that word is up it’s

easy to understand up meaning towards

the sky or at the top of a list but when

we awaken in the morning why do we wake

up at a meeting why does a topic come up

why do we speak up and why are the

officers up for election and why is it

up to the secretary to write up a report

we call up our friends and we use it to

brighten up a room polish up the silver

we warm up the leftovers and clean up

the kitchen we lock up the house and

some guys fix up the old car at other

times the little word has real special

meaning people stir up trouble line up

for tickets work up an appetite and

think up excuses to be dressed is one

thing but to be dressed up is special

the drain must be opened up because it

is stopped up we open up a store in the

morning but we close it up at night we

seem to be pretty mixed up about up to

be knowledgeable about the proper uses

of up look the word up in the dictionary

in a desk size dictionary it takes up

almost 1/4 of the page and can add up to

about 30 definitions if you are up to it

you might try building up a list of the

many ways

help is used it will take up a lot of

your time but if you don’t give up you

may wind up with a hundred or more when

it threatens to rain we say it’s

clouding up when the Sun comes out we

say it’s clearing up

when it rains it wets up the earth when

it doesn’t rain for a while things dry

up a guy at work was all stressed out

said he was fed up a Texas rancher

looked at his horse and said giddyup one

guy thought I was too loud he told me to

shut up I went to a casino and the

dealer told me to up my ante

then his boss came over and said ante up

I almost told him to put up or shut up

I’ll wrap it up my time is up no more to

put here so I’ll give up thanks so much

for learning with me today and focusing

on all of these up phrasal verbs now as

I said in the beginning of this lesson I

recommend in the comments below for you

my challenge is to write a couple

sentences using some of these phrasal

verbs they have a small context in the

article but if you want to research them

or do something else with them so that

you can understand them more fully I

recommend writing a comment trying to

use it and good luck to you see you the

next time bye the next step is to

download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye