Common Phrasal Verbs in English to Express Movement

okay i think it’s rolling hi everybody

and welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson

we are going to talk about phrasal verbs


to describe movement i’ve chosen about

20 about 20 phrasal verbs that we use

to talk about the movements of our


and to talk about the movements of

vehicles like cars

buses and so on so we’re going to talk


uh prepositions that you use commonly


verbs together and we’re going to talk


whether you can split them whether

they’re separable or inseparable

and talk about some example sentences

too so

i hope everyone can find something in

this lesson

and maybe ask some questions too because

in this lesson i have included

some phrasal verbs that have different

meanings so different meanings

meaning they’re used for things other

than movement as well so send me your

questions if you have them

live okay uh as we get everything

rolling a couple of super super super


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screenshot of the

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where you can send me your questions and

i will maybe

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good that’s all for announcements i will

say hello to everybody now too

so i think everything is rolling yeah hi

facebook i’ll say hi to facebook first i

never say hi to facebook hello elmana

and carlos and zico

vulva vidal cao hello everybody

welcome uh that looks good everybody’s

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abraham hi from the dominican republic

welcome okay

cho from myanmar cool sunil hi from


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we have so many people from all around

the world

okay let’s get started so uh let’s see

today’s lesson boards here are today’s

lesson boards you can take a picture

if you like this is what we’re going to

cover today we have a lot

we are going to talk about uh over and

off so

maybe you can see i separated today’s


by preposition so over and off

up and down in and out so i made some


of phrasal verbs we’re going to talk

about them

by group and again as i said of course

there are other phrasal verbs

that use these prepositions uh but i’ve

chosen some

focusing on movement and focusing on

maybe uh some phrasal verbs you might

not know so

as we begin don’t forget to hit the like

button and share this video yeah it

helps other people

find today’s lesson so oh i’m going to

share the video

there it goes bye okay i’ve shared it

it’s all right

i’m ready to start i have shared the

video let’s begin

with this lesson uh i want to start

actually i want to start with in and out

i think i had the border swapped but i

want to start

uh with these two today these two groups


let’s begin let’s be good

first group i want to talk about is

phrasal verbs that use in that use

in so for today’s lesson i separated

i separated them into groups like this

so we’ll look at

a few examples of phrasal verbs in this


and an example sentence too so you can

send your own example sentence

in the chat if you’re watching live i

will try to

check but there are many comments so

please uh please keep that in mind okay

let’s go oh okay facebook are you okay

over there good okay

let’s get started so first one in the

first phrasal verb is get

in get in we use get in

to enter to mean to enter a

vehicle so vehicle means something that

you use to move from place to

place a car a bus a truck

get in it’s like saying get inside or

please enter

the car enter the bus we don’t really


enter the bus in conversation it sounds

a little strange

so we would say for example hurry

get in the car get in the car

please note when we want to talk about a


we typically say get on the train

get on the train same thing for an


get on the plane i need to get on the


we typically use in for smaller

uh vehicles like cars buses

trucks get in means to enter something

okay next go in go in

go in also means to enter to enter

but we use go in for a building

a building so like a supermarket i’m

going to go in

to the supermarket okay or i

went in in past tense go becomes went

i went in to the bank i went into the


so to go in means

to enter we often use this as a command

like hurry up go in if you’re sitting

outside for a long time

go in okay okay uh

other other others i’m looking for your


as well okay uh

baga hey frank said get inside the

office note

get in is used for vehicles

cars things like that for a place use go

in so go in the office or go inside the

office is also

okay all right other points okay

everything looks good so far next is


in come in so

the difference between come in and go in

is your position or the speaker’s

position so come in

refers to someone outside the

building you are inside entering

so if i’m in the building here

and black marker is outside the building

and black marker comes in the building

i i just said it now come in to come in

from my perspective

that person comes toward me comes to me

i don’t say uh black marker went in the


like their movement their movement is

toward me in my direction i use

come in to describe that so it sounds

much more natural to say

black marker came in the building so it

doesn’t sound as natural to say black

marker went in the building

that sounds like the other direction

from me

another one you will hear this in

invitations a lot if you go

to someone’s house they might say

come in come in it’s cold outside or

maybe come in come in have some tea

or come in have a drink have something

to eat so we use this as a friendly

command to come in come in

okay good all right

uh charles pell asked on youtube go into

school yeah you can use go into school

like i need to go into school today

it’s saturday but i have something to do


um all right some people are still using

get or past tense got i see mr goofy on


get in again get in is used for vehicles

so don’t say i got into a store use i

went into a store

go in is for building get in for

vehicles so maybe this is a good point

for many people today

okay let’s go to the next one

back in back in this is a car or a


uh related phrasal verb to back in

like if you are driving a car or a truck

or van or something to back in

means to move into a parking space

with the rear of the car first

the rear of the car first so if we

imagine this pencil or this marker

as a car this part is the front

this part this is the back usually we

drive the car

this way right but when we want to talk


backing in or to back in the rear

of the car goes first we back in

for example to a parking spot

so we’re ready to go when we’re when we

want to leave so to back in means to


into usually usually into a parking spot

with the rear part first for example

hey can you back into this spot can you

back into this spot


all right uh why all the time for figure

only i’m not sure what that question

means mcd can you maybe give me an

example oh it’s gone okay all right okay

okay so this is the first group

using in uh with verbs to talk about

movement all right i don’t see other


so let’s go to out out i have just a few

examples without

i thought it would be good to talk about

so first get out get out

we talked about this one get in right to


a vehicle to enter a car get

out however we can use

to mean to leave a vehicle like get out

of the car

or get out of the van that’s good too

this has the feeling

of leaving a place quickly as well

so we can use this as the opposite of


in yes i need to like please get out of

the car

that kind of thing but this can also

have the feeling

of leaving a place quickly

for example this party is boring

let’s get out of here this party is

boring let’s get out of here

so oftentimes often in speech

get out of sounds like get outta

get outta you’ve probably heard this if

you’ve watched

uh american english tv shows let’s get

out of here or get out of here that’s

what it sounds like

so this means let’s leave quickly this

is boring

or this is dangerous maybe you might

hear this in action films too

okay good uh bye nick is it okay to say

get out of my life yeah that is 100

correct very aggressive if you have a

big fight with someone and you don’t

want to see them again

you could say get out of my life i don’t

know if i’ve ever said that

that sounds very aggressive okay all

right let’s go to

the next one the next one here is come

out to come out

to come out means to reveal something

so if you’ve been hiding for a long time

and you reveal yourself

you can use come out to talk about that

you use this a lot when you are playing


as a kid maybe you know the game hide

and seek

where you and your friends or your like

your brother or your sister

you hide and the other person has to

find you

so you can use this to describe that for


my brother kid hid that’s the past tense

of hide

my brother hid in a cabinet for an hour

he came out to eat dinner he came

out to eat dinner so he revealed himself

from his hiding position to eat dinner

so come out to come out means to

reveal something okay good

looking for your questions

uh julio cesar says get in versus get

into yeah good question

about this like can i say like get into

the car

you can but in cases where there’s not

a like not a difference between the


so like for example get in the car

versus get into the car

i feel we tend to use the shorter

version just to be a little bit more

efficient it’s just shorter so it’s

easier to say it’s one less

sound to make so

that’s a case where you can you can use


there may be some situations where it’s

more natural to use

one or the other yeah

um okay others what is the meaning of

hit i said really quickly it means

hide in past tense to hide becomes

to hid sorry to hide becomes

hid hide becomes hit okay good let’s go

to the next one to go out to go

out to go out means to leave your home

to leave your home for example i’m going


with some friends tonight so that means

i’m leaving the house

i’m i am going to go to

some place with my friends so this is a


uh open expression where am i going

i don’t know or maybe i don’t want to


i’m going out for example i was watching

a tv show this week

and one character it was a husband and

wife one

the wife she was planning to leave the


and the husband said where are you going

and she said

out so she wanted to be secretive

about it where are you going oh so

go out just means to leave your home to

leave your home

you can say you can use it to talk about

work or

school like before you go out to school

or before you go out to work

you can include the place but you don’t

have to

you don’t have to okay

other points i’m going out for dinner

they’re going out for dinner lots of

people are going out for dinner and the

comments good

okay very nice very nice i’m going out

for a few drinks very nice

uh a laratam run in and walk in

both mean to enter a building um

yes you could say for example run into

the supermarket and get some milk or

walk into the supermarket and get some

milk we use

run in when we want to emphasize

doing something quickly so in that case

if i said ah sorry i need to run into

the supermarket and get some milk

it’s like saying please wait just one

minute i’m going really fast

so it means like please be patient okay

all right good that’s part one for today

whoa that took

20 minutes oh my gosh i have to hurry

for the next parts

whoa that was so much okay let’s take a

really really really quick break and

then we’ll go

very efficiently through the rest of

today’s topics

okay if you missed it before there is

this banner at the bottom of the screen

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our lessons if you want to

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this is a little bit small because of

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this link you can find

all of the information about our study


uh and see what works for you so check

this out if you want to study with us

and get 31 off super cool okay

excellent let’s go to part two for

today’s lesson

really quick uh oh thank you very much


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super awesome thank you thank you

okay um what was it gonna say

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it helps other people to join okay let’s


to up and down up and down okay

let’s go quickly so uh the next group

i want to talk about up and down next

so let’s go quickly i will try to

speak uh smoothly but not fast

but let’s go efficiently through these

so first one is get

up get up to move your body from

bed for example it’s 2 pm

you need to get up it’s 2 pm you need to

get up

you might think what’s the difference

between get up and

wake up to wake up means to open your


so in bed you open your eyes you don’t

have to

get up immediately you don’t have to get

up and wake up

at the same time i think most people

most people

usually wake up and after that they get

up right like

usually i don’t know about you usually

we don’t wake up and get up at exactly

the same time that sounds interesting

so get up means to move your body from

bed to move your body from bed it’s 2pm

you need to get up

please get up please get out of bed is

another way to say that

next is sit up sit up to sit

up means to move from a relaxed

sitting position to a position

with the back straight what does that


so maybe you’ve heard your parents say


you’re sitting at your computer kind of

like this slouched

right this position is called a slouch

your parents might say hey alicia sit up

your posture is bad that means to sit


good posture your back is straight so

we use sit up to refer to that sit

up for example you slouch a lot

you should sit up you slouch a lot

you should sit up so to sit up means

uh to move to a sitting position

with a straight back do you have lists

of phrasal verbs here is one

um i think let’s see i’ve made some

videos in the past

on the youtube channel about other

groups of phrasal verbs so i recommend

to check for those i’m not sure how many


available yet you can do a youtube

search for

phrasal verb on the youtube channel to

find my videos about that i hope that

helps you

how do you spell slouch it’s right here


l o u c h slouch

slouch javier says i’ve also heard

sit back yes you can use sit back if

someone is

really excited like looking like right

at the camera

in my case you might you might say

please sit back

like we can’t see you or please sit back

and calm down

so that’s what sit back means to move

in a backwards motion okay

onward let’s go to the next one um pick


pick up this one has two meanings i want

to talk about

pick up means to clean like to pick up

your room

to pick up things in your room and put


away so to clean is one use

and we use it to mean to collect

someone or to collect something

so two example sentences please

pick up your room it’s a mess please

pick up your room

means please clean up your room as well


if it’s helpful you can imagine your

room is messy

you should pick up the things on the


and put them in the correct place so

this is maybe helpful

okay and this one to collect someone or

to collect

something means for example or for


he has to pick up his boss at the


he has to pick up his boss at the

airport that means he has to go to the


and collect or pick up his boss

okay so pick up babna pick up means

choose no

pic means choose to pick this is

actually a very common uh

error i hear some uh learners say

please pick the phone nope completely

wrong nope

cannot say pick the phone please pick up

the phone

pick up the phone pic means choose

yes so please pick me or pick one of


please pick up and pick are different

uh mr goofy says after i got up i picked

up around my desk

and sat down in my chair then sat

up my back this morning sat

up we don’t say sat up my back so when

you want to describe

like what i talked about sit up we don’t

have a direct

object with this verb we don’t say sit

up my back or

sit up my body part there’s no direct

object here

so i sat down in my chair and i

sat up straight right

so i used sit down and sit up

together there so that means i sat down

in my chair

and i sat up straight that’s how you

could describe

uh those two actions together

okay egg box incubators how do we begin

using these phrases i chose these

phrases because they are easy to use in

your everyday life so

think about them or talk to yourself in

everyday life you can use

all of these probably maybe today

so practice them to talk about your

movements and your actions

uh okay onward we have to go

next one i have a group here called up


there’s one mini group up two this is a

question i got from a viewer uh on the

ask alicia series

uh somewhat recently up to we can use

up to with any of these like um

movement motion verbs like walk run

drive or jog we use up to

with these to mean to do that

action until you reach a point for


he walked up to the front of the room

he walked up to the front of the room

you can say

he walked to the front of the room

that’s also fine

walked up to gives the feeling of some

like finish point

that walk doesn’t have another example

we drove up to the forest we drove up to

the forest

like we did this action until we reached

this point the forest that’s the very


difference in feeling but this is

extremely common we use this a lot it’s

very very common

okay onward let’s go to down now

down so down notice i have marked these

with stars

that means that you can split or

separate these

i’ll explain what this means in just a


first one with down is take down to take

down something

there are a couple meanings for today

this means to remove to remove

for example you should take down your

holiday decorations

it’s may you should take down your

holiday decoration

you should remove your holiday


or you should take down that sign it’s

really old

so to take down means to remove

something we often use it for

decorations or

announcements that kind of thing to take


so what does this split mean it means we

can put

our object between the verb

and the preposition that means you can


you should take your holiday decorations


that is also okay so some phrasal verbs

it’s okay to split

in this way some we cannot

all right phew let’s go to the next one

write down to write down to write down

means to write on paper

to write on paper usually like a quick

note or a quick idea

for example i have a great idea okay

write this down write this down so you


it’s more natural to say write this down


write please write this like you can say

it i guess but

we usually use write this down write

this down

okie uh leo what does it mean take him

down so to take someone down

means like to defeat someone so like in

sports or in like a

physical competition it means to defeat

someone take him down means

to to beat someone to to win uh

often in a visit like a physical fight

to take someone down

it can also mean like in like a like a

business setting to defeat

someone like defeat a competitor to take

someone down

it sounds very aggressive but i hope

that that helps

all right let’s go to the next one put

down put down again this one has some

other meanings but for today

it means to place something you are


on a surface so imagine you have a drink

you’re having your drink and your family

member says

put down your drink and help me move the


put down your drink and help me move the

sofa i might be like oh

okay i put it down on the table

so put down that’s the idea something

i’m holding

i hold i’m holding something here i put


down somewhere beneath where it was

before put down okay again we can split

this one

put your drink down and help me move the

sofa is also

okay all right phew

let’s be done with part two we are

already late

and i have two more points to talk about

ah let’s go quickly

okay we have some extra time today

facebook are you okay

okay i still see you okay good lost for

a second

let’s go to part three super super


and then we’ll be done for this week you

have lots of phrasal verbs to practice

at your house

uh this week i hope it’s helpful what’s


you use when you’re using headphones and

they’re comfortable to have them on

comfortable it’s fine i’m not sure you

mean you’re using headphones and they


comfortable you could say comfortable

maybe i’m missing something

okay let’s go to the last two points for

today the last two points

also if you haven’t please make sure to

hit the like button yeah it really helps

other people find the video

all right onward over over

so a few for over so

over meaning to the side this is a theme

with these phrasal verbs first move over

to move over means to move to the side

like move over i have no space so to


over just means to move to the side to

move over

okay next is roll over

roll over this means to roll to the side

so to roll i can’t show you a roll now

but to roll

is this motion yeah your body makes this

motion like

in bed at night for example his wife

rolled over in her sleep his wife

rolled over in her sleep and

one more for a car so movement uh

of a car or i guess a bicycle

and so on is also okay

pull over pull over means to move a car

to the side of the road to move a car to

the side of the road

so you’re driving driving driving and

you have to

pull over you have to move your car to

the side of the road and

stop for example oh no the police

you should pull over so you should move

your car

from the road and stop to pull over

to pull over okay pew

let’s go to the last part quickly so

uh we have over move over roll over

and pull over so you can use these to

talk about

moving to the side all right

onward let’s go to off off the last

group there are only i think

yeah there are only three here so we’ll

finish quickly

first is knock off knock off

this means to stop to stop doing


and it means to hit something and cause


to fall so for example kids say

this expression a lot knock it off

knock it off that means stop doing that


doing that adults say this too sometimes

but it’s a very casual phrase it sounds

a little bit childish

knock it off you’re being annoying okay

and this one this means to hit something


cause it to fall i knocked a glass of


off the table i knocked a glass of water

off the table

so it’s sitting on the table i bumped it

fell from the table okay

so you caused something to fall

okay onward last two last

two next one is work off this one is

interesting this is a really interesting


to work off means to lose something


physical activity we usually use this to


about uh like having a healthy diet

so we use this a lot after we eat a lot

of junk

food for example i ate

five donuts at lunch i’m going to go

for a long run later and work them

off work them off so them here

means my five donuts my lunch donuts


so i say i ate five donuts at lunch i’m

gonna go for a

long run and work as in like workout

exercise work them off so that means

i want to do physical exercise to remove

those like to remove the calories to


all of the junk from my body

so we use work off to mean to lose


through physical activity you might hear


used to talk about stress too i need to

work off some stress

at the gym okay

finally last point fall off

to fall off this means to be moved from

a high position

from a shelf maybe so like this my

marker is on the shelf

and then i don’t touch it that’s the key

here i don’t touch it but

it falls oh no that’s how we that’s the

difference between

fall off and knock off if something

falls off

the shelf i did not touch it knock off

is used to mean i on accident moved it i

touched it

okay for example my book fell

off the shelf my book fell off the shelf

maybe in an earthquake

for example okay phew okay

that was a lot i had too many phrasal

verbs for that lesson i think

but i hope that you found something new

that you can use

right away if you missed anything of

course this is being recorded

so you can watch the video and find what

you missed

i’ll show you today’s lesson boards

again so

you can take a picture and practice here

you go

we talked about over off up down

and in and out for today and there are


many more there are many more but i

wanted to practice

this group all right i have to go

because i am

very late but thank you for your great


next week i’ll be back of course i’ll be

back and next week i’m going to talk


checking your study progress and setting


goals for yourself so we’ve practiced


a study study goals and study plans

this uh next lesson will be about

checking in

like checking your progress and setting

new goals

that will be next week may 26th at 10 pm

eastern standard time that is new york

city time

if you don’t know your local time please

google it uh

use your google skills or set a

notification on youtube

or on facebook or if you follow me on

instagram i always post a link

and a topic reminder in my story so you

can find information

there too okay i have to say

goodbye for this week so thank you very

much for all of your awesome comments

your awesome questions

uh if you want to find me on social

media you can find the links

uh below the video on youtube have a

great week don’t forget to check out

your 31

off chance uh from the link below or

above the video

if you want to study english with us and

i’ll see you next time have a