Phrasal Verbs for Around the House in English

all right I think we are rolling hi

everybody and welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we are going to talk about phrasal verb

that you can use around the house we are

going to start in just a couple of

minutes here’s today’s lesson title 20

phrasal verbs for around the house I

have chosen 20 phrasal verbs that I

think you can use as you are in your

home so I hope that they are something

they are a list of vocabulary words you

can start to practice right away I’m

going to talk about whether or not you

can separate these phrasal verbs and I’m

going to talk about kind of the

different situations in which you can

use them hey everybody I see YouTube is

there now hi everybody on YouTube I see

your true dis LEM I love ya hello Jan

Cindy hi Eric

yeah you oh hey Leah and they’ll con

well Jade hi everybody thanks very much

for coming Facebook I’m coming to you

now I’m coming to see you on Facebook as

you join please don’t forget to like and

share the video so that other people can

find today’s lesson that would be super

awesome also if you have not seen it yet

I’m pointing to this banner on the

screen here if you have not seen it yet

our team has put together a 52 page it’s

free ebook and a free access like free

access to our beginner level course so

please check the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook to

check that out Facebook I see you

fantastic hi Facebook hi everybody on

Facebook thanks very much for joining us

we’re going to start in just a moment

sorry there’s a clicking sound outside

my house at the moment

hopefully it’ll stop soon but I have one

more announcement that I want to mention

yes if you have not seen one of our

livestream recently I am broadcasting

from my house today we will again use

these small whiteboards so you can

learn distance learning style today my

other announcement today as always is if

you have questions about today’s lesson

if you have questions about vocabulary

grammar points culture whatever it might

be send them to me at the for the ask

Alicia series this is a screenshot from

ask Alicia you can send them to me at

English class slash ask - Alicia

so this is on the English class 101

YouTube channel it is our weekly Q&A

series so if you have questions that are

different from today’s topic please send

them to me here so that I can look at

them and answer them ok that is

everything from me for announcements I

see many people - book I have not

greeted you yet Facebook Facebook I’m

coming to you I’m coming to you Facebook

Anna hello ready to croon up Napoleon

hello Fernando Nora Dean hello everybody

thanks for joining us if you missed it

today we are talking about phrasal verbs

that you can use in your house I chose

20 so I’m going to go through in three


I have also for today made a quick

picture so that you can see at the end

of today’s lesson all of the phrasal

verbs we’re going to talk about but I’m

this is everything this is today’s

everything today’s vocabulary list so if

you want a screenshot take your

screenshot now we’re gonna start right

here with this part so let’s get started

I’ll show this again later so please

don’t worry if you missed it now okay

let’s get started alright so first group

of phrasal verbs I’m starting at the

beginning of the day over here we’re

going to start with wake up here and get

up so what’s the difference between wake

up and get up wake up is well for some

people it’s like it’s like saying some

some people argue like wake up and get

up or the same thing but we can also

think of wake up and get up as two

slightly different moments wake up

refers to opening your eyes so meaning

to open your eyes like the act of

opening your eyes you gain consciousness

again so for example like wake up it’s

12:00 or past tense I woke up late the

wake up it’s 12:00 is present tense or I

woke up late I woke up late past tense

so I want to mention in this lesson the

phrasal verbs that you can separate and

the phrasal verbs that you cannot

separate so when I say separates I mean

when we can put like the object of the

verb between the verb and the

preposition so this is an example of a

verb a phrasal verb that you can

separate so for example when we want to

use wake up as a command like your

sister or your brother or your someone

you know is sleeping you can say wake

him up or wake her up or if it’s me you

could say wake Alicia up we have to go

so you can put the person here wake

person up to express the person that

needs to wake up we use that as a

command so wake someone up we can use it

get up on the other hand to get up let’s

go to the second one here to get up

means to get out of your bed or to get

out of your stone or whatever he’s

sleeping so to get up means to get out

of bed for example I get up early

everyday or past tense she got up late

today so past tense is got up got up

like this

okay so this verb sorry this phrasal

verb brother

we cannot like I would say we tend not

to use this one we usually don’t

separate this one but you might hear

someone say hey get that person up like

especially if it’s like like me as a kid

like you want to stay in bed like a

parent needs

you get the child out of bed you might

hear this one separated like yet Alisha

up but more generally I feel we use this

one wake up separated this one we don’t

separate as often okay I’m checking your

example sentences hello to everybody

who’s joining us let’s continue on to

the next one lie around I’ve put lay

here in parentheses under lie there’s a

reason so grammatically like correct the

correct verb to use here is lie to lie

around which means like to do nothing

like your body you lie on your sofa or

like you lie on your bed and you do

nothing so we use the expression to lie

around to mean to do nothing in your

house or like to do nothing in like a

comfortable place to lie around

however native speakers often use lay in

this expression we use lie and lay

interchangeably though yes they have

separate meanings to profess your mind

we use lay for an object like I lay my

pen down on my laptop so that’s like

that’s an object that’s doing it if I

want to talk about my body I use lie

here so we use lie around to mean to do

nothing like on the sofa so for example

I’m just gonna lie around today or we’re

just lying around the house so this is

very common to use around the house here

I’m sorry to use the house here so it

doesn’t mean like your body is around

your house or something

it means like inside your house like on

your sofa or your bed or whatever you’re

just doing nothing that’s what this one

means to lie around so you can say I’m

just gonna lie around today if you want

to have a chill there

all right school onward next one is pick

up pick up

I included this one first let’s talk

about what it means it means to take

something from the floor that’s 1 & 2

tidy to tidy like so to tidy means like

to make us

face clean so if there’s like lots of

stuff in the space to pick up the space

like pick up your room for example pick

up your clothes or pick up your room it

means to take those things off the floor

to make the space tidy organize I wanted

to include this one for this reason

right here not pick so to pick can mean

like to choose like I pick you or I pick

this color or it can mean like to

scratch it something misuse however is

pick up so to pick up an object from the

floor or to tidy something Victor says

can I say I need to pick up something at

the store yes there is that other

meaning of this phrasal verb as well

what does tidy mean so to tidy means to

make something organized so like if your

room has your clothes on the floor and I

don’t know lots of food or dishes I

don’t know it’s messy to tidy means to

clean those things so to organize

everything okay uh Jamari says pick up

that stick yes okay good all right yes

tidy is to straighten that’s a good word

for a countertenor

okay yes there are other definitions

some of you are pointing out that there

are other definitions for these phrasal

verbs yes that is correct

for today’s lesson I’m covering the

meanings that we use inside the house

but yes there are other meanings for

these phrasal verbs okay let’s go to the

last one for this group put away you to

put away means to put something in the

correct place to put something in the

correct place for example put away the

dishes or can you put the towels away so

I want to mention a couple things put

away can be split I forgot I forgot to

mention it with pickup put away can be

split so here I put put and away


yeah put away the dishes so the dishes

refers to the object I’m going to put in

it’s correct place we can also split

this so put object away can you put the

towels away is also okay we can split

this one I forgot to mention pickup you

can split this as well so for example

pick your clothes up is also okay to use

okey dokey

I’m looking at your questions and your

comments now exactly on YouTube says put

away your stuff yes put away is a very

useful one put away you might hear

teacher is using this at school as well

with little kids especially ever Seto on

facebook says what is the meaning of

pick up so again pick up the meaning is

right here I include the meaning here to

take something from the floor or to tidy

mmm okay it caress says put away these

glasses yeah oh and a spelling note make

sure away is one word put away not put a

way put away put away your glasses put

away the pen nice ones everybody okay

I’ll you know key put the dishes away

yes good what does out of milk mean it

means we don’t have any milk okay let’s

continue to break it’s break time so

this is Group one for today’s lesson I

will show you all of today’s vocabulary

words again in just a moment we have

bunch more to talk about but we’ll take

one quick break in case you missed it

I’m pointing at this banner here on the


get your guide to learn English at home

if you have not seen it already our team

put together a free workbook a

downloadable workbook to practice

English and you can access the beginner

level course on our website completely

for free totally for free you just need

an account so please you can check the

link below the video if you are watching

on YouTube or above the video if you are

watching on Facebook to find this you

need to enter your email address and

your name and you can get this or free

whoohoo so we hope it helps

people staying at home so you can

practice these with some lessons on the

website all righty

cool so uh with that I’ll continue on to

part two if you have not already please

make sure to like and share the video so

other people can find today’s lesson

that would be super cool some people are

asking for some more examples pick up

more examples so like to pick up a

marker to pick up the phone is another

way to say it so these are we use them

for we use pickup for objects in our

house to pick up an object I’m going to

pick up my phone I’m going to pick up my

phone and check your comments I will

pick up my laptop later I don’t want to

mess up anything now okay I hope that

helps can we use get up to improve in

something to get up mmm no we don’t

really use get up to mean improve we

would probably say I want to just

improve my skills we don’t really use

get up to mean that we might say level

up I suppose will this video be

available on YouTube yes it will after

the live stream this is being recorded

so if you missed anything don’t worry

okay let’s continue to part two part two

okay part two if you missed it here I’ll

show you again sorry your remote control

desk don’t freak out

this is everything we’re talking about

today part one it was here we just

talked about and now we’re gonna talk

about part two to do this group right

here where my hand is so let’s go ahead

do part 2 part 2 let’s go to this group

you might notice a theme I have made

part 2 phrasal verbs with turn so we’re

going to talk about turn on turn off

turn up and turn down and then a bonus

one that’s kind of related okay so let’s

take a look I think maybe this is review

for many of you but let’s talk about how

to use these phrasal verbs

at your house inside your house

specifically first one to turn on to

turn on means to activate so activate

that means like make the power come on

or for a light like too sweet maybe you

know switch on mmm

so we tend to use turn on in American

English like turn on the light or we

also use this for music as in why don’t

you turn some music on why don’t you

turn some music on so this means to

activate like to make something happen

to turn on so we use this one a lot with

like machines so my laptop like turn on

the laptop or turn my laptop on hmm okay

so as you maybe can guess turn off is

the opposite to deactivate to deactivate

so that means like to remove the power

from something so for example can you

turn off the stove or he turned the

movie off so you’ll notice again both of

these we can split and again by split I

mean we can put the object between the

verb and the preposition so turn some

music on is okay or turned the movie off

it’s okay okay good some of you are

sending your examples I’m checking now

turn on the fan yes turn on the fan is

okay or turn the fan on is okay okay

turn on the Alexa next one okay at night

I turn off my cell phone perfect great

job okay

someone says Estella says can you turn

on the TV yes if it’s like a machine

like a computer your TV your phone

whatever if it’s a machine you can use

turn on and turn off with that hmm can

you use this word with people yes I’m

not going to talk about that meeting

today generally though this is the same

I chose these words specific

generally they have the same meaning

when you’re talking about people so yes

you can’t use that someone says turn on

your brain yes I hope your brain I hope

you turned on your brain to watch this

lesson okay great I think you have it

nice job everybody

Eduardo yes turn on the car is perfect

perfect or start the car as well but

turn on is okay okay let’s go to turn up

now so the next pair is turn up and turn

down so to turn up and turn down turn up

means to increase volume or power so we

use this with music a lot please turn up

the volume or she turned up the heat so

this one she turned up the heat is one

you can use in your kitchen so when

you’re cooking and you want the fire

bigger you can say turn up the heat

turn up the heat or maybe you might here

turn up the flame as well turn up the

heat okay so the opposite as you can

guess turn down means to decrease

decrease means to go down to decrease

volume or power for example turn down

the music a little or he turned the room

temperature down so temperature means

how hot are cold

the room is yeah so he turned the room

temperature down means he decreased the

room temperature okay nice example is

everybody turn up the music says the

chat okay great great great yeah some

people are saying oh someone wrote pop

up the volume you might want to pump up

the volume pump up the volume yeah yeah

okay good job Oh someone slimming says

when do we use switch you can use switch

for switch ON or switch off again switch

is not as commonly used in American

English which I speak but it is not

incorrect you can totally use switch ON

or switch off to mean turn on or turn

off okay

can we

you turn something to something yes to

mean like to change something into

something else you can yes turn up the

AC yes good ones turn up the power yeah

turn down for what it’s Jake nice one


I like your examples today very nice

very nice to turn down your voice if I

loud I can whisper the rest of the

lesson okay let’s go to the last one

here cut off this one is not a turn a

turn phrasal verb

I want to include cut off because it’s

kind of related to today’s topic to cut

off means to stop or or to cut the end

from something so these are actually two

different meanings but you can use both

of them in your house first let’s look

at the examples they cut off our

electricity so this means they stopped

our electricity so we use cut off to

refer to like power so to cut off

electricity or to cut off water or to

cut off Internet service or something

like that or you can use this like in

the kitchen

for example cut off the end of the

carrot so this part cut off the end of

the carrot imagine like you’re cutting

in your kitchen and you with your knife

you go cut and you take off imagine this

is the carrot you take off just the end

we use cut off to describe that so cut

off the end of something you can use it

for hair to like I need to cut off my

hair cut off this part of my hair it

means to remove the end of something to

cut the end from something so I want to

mention this one you can split as well

actually I think all of these we can

split so again to split means you can

put the object between the verb and the

preposition hmm yes okay I’m checking

your examples now Adam on Facebook says

the government cut off funds to the


very nice yes cut off funds so funds

means money giving money to an

organization very nice example great one

okay the company cut off the waters has

Dan on YouTube very nice okay um cut off

power yes very nice everybody yes you

can cut off hair I say as I just


fond or in Mandarin says cut down on a

good one to cut down on something means

to reduce the like the frequency with

which you do something so for example

let’s say you smoke a lot and you’re

like oh man

I need to cut down on smoking that means

I need to reduce how much I smoke I need

to decrease the frequency with which I

smoke hmm so cut down on yes you

absolutely can use that okey dokey Oh a

name on facebook says cut off a

relationship is that correct yes you can

say it she like to cut off a friendship

or to cut off a relationship with

someone like I had to cut off my

relationship with my dad

hi dad I had to cut off a relationship

with my cousin you can which means you

stop the relationship yes you can use

this outside the house too to talk about

people okay very nice all right sounds

good everybody has some nice example

sentences good good good okay I will

take one more short break and then we’ll

go to part three the last group of

phrasal verbs okay if you missed it I

will point one more time just to remind

you about the free beginner level course

that is on English class 101 calm our

team has made a 52 page workbook so that

you can practice beginner level English

for free with us we know many people are

staying at home right now so there’s a

free access free access to the beginner

level course on our website and a

workbook so that you can practice

so we hope that that is helpful for you

to get it please check the link below

the video if you’re watching on YouTube

or above the video if you are watching

on Facebook above the chat so we hope

that that helps you okay we’ll go to the

last part aleksander what’s oke oke to

uh okey-dokey I say that a lot

okie dokie means okay it’s a very casual

way of saying okay okay mmm

alright then with that let’s go to part

three I will show you again today’s list

but um so we talked about this group

part one today we just finished part two

now we’re going to go to part three the

final group of phrasal verbs for today

how exciting right okay I will get rid

of this and we’ll go on but um

cool hair alright okay let’s continue to

part three for today I made part three

kind of loosely cleaning a themed isn’t

that exciting so you can use it in your

house so let’s continue Oh also if you

haven’t please make sure to like and

share the videos so other people can

find today’s lesson I forgot to remind

you alright onward okay so let’s

continue to group three part 3 for today

loosely and when I loose lean means like

a little bit kind of so loosely cleaning

themed first let’s talk about these two

I really wanted to talk about the

difference between these two today they

are clean up and clean off to clean up

and to clean off essentially basically

they have the same theme

cleaning yes but there’s a small

difference that will help you sound more

natural so to clean up means to make

something clean to make clean like clean

up the kitchen or past tense we cleaned

up the house but to clean off means to

clean a surface so a surface is like a

table for example imagine this is a

table and there’s

stuff on the table yeah and I want to

clean it I can say clean up the table or

I can say clean off the table which

means remove the things from the surface

so this is the nuance of to clean off to

clean off a surface it can also be for a

wall so like if I need to clean off this

whiteboard after my lesson I can say I

have sorry I have to clean off the

whiteboard then I can talk to you so you

can use clean off to talk about surfaces

to clean off this is the difference

between clean up and just clean and

clean off Oh key dokey I don’t see

questions yet okay good let’s go to the

examples for clean off so I mentioned

can you clean off the table can you

clean off the table or I cleaned off the

board regarding splitting about these

two for example clean the kitchen up or

we cleaned the house up that’s okay to

do that’s okay to do personally I think

I don’t really split it that much but I

usually say clean up and then the object

yeah someone some of you are sending

your examples now clean up my apartment

nice clean off the pavement okay good ah

Mohammed BRR

sorry I hope I said that right on

Facebook says we should clean up our

society nice one yes you can use this

outside the house do um oh so she says

to clean off means like to remove

something from the surface of something

yes that is correct

Abdoulaye hello I’m YouTube says can you

clean off your screen yes exactly


good I think everybody has it okay let’s

continue to put on put on there are two

uses of put on here to put on can mean

to place clothes on your body so place

clothes on your body so like I put on

this shirt today I put on my pants today

I put on a hat to place clothes on your

body we also use put on to

to play music for example put on a

sweater or she put on a dress or hey can

you put on some music or I want to put

on some music so this means play to play

some music or you could say turn on some

music as well in this situation they all

mean the same thing start music that’s

what it means okay let’s go on to our

last group Wow we’re down to three

already time flies okay the next one is

breakdown I wanted to include breakdown

here for your house household use

breakdown has several different meanings

to make something smaller for today to

make something smaller or to take apart

to take something apart

for example let’s break down these boxes

let’s break down these boxes mmm oh wow

Frank thanks very much for supporting us

on YouTube super cool

ok so let’s break down these boxes is

when we use this expression when we have

this is gonna get complicated when we

have a box and we need to throw it away

but it’s too big we can’t throw it away

like this so we cut it into pieces this

making the box into pieces is called

breaking down a box we use to break down

to describe that to break down a box or

to take apart to take something apart so

we broke down our bookshelf again that

means to remove like this structure so

it’s not a bookshelf anymore

it’s just pieces we use break down to do

that and past tense it’s hard to see I

know I’m sorry we broke down broke down

BR oh-kayyy broke down yes to break down

also means like to start crying like

crazy like you have a really bad day

a bad week and you just melt

mmm that’s also a breakdown we can also

use the phrasal verb to break down to

describe that also I just used the noun

form here break down

you might hear the expression she had a

breakdown when you want to use it as a

noun remove this space actually this is

a very common theme I’m going to talk

about later so break down when you want

to use it as a verb break down no space

if you want to use it as a noun

cool cool cool yeah why do some people

say I had a nervous breakdown it means

you just you became so nervous or so

anxious you started to cry and like you

couldn’t go to work or school it was a

really tough time okay final two take

out take out so to take out means to

remove from a place as in take out the

trash or he took out the recycling

this verb we can split so take the trash

out is okay or take the recycling out or

he took the recycling out is also okay

to use to take out to me to remove from

a place also I’ll say it now I guess

it’s easier take out as a phrasal verb

this way there’s a space between take

and out yeah

just like with break down if you want to

use take out as a noun like to talk

about getting food from a restaurant

like many of us are doing now we say I

want to get takeout in that case when

you use it as a noun no space no space

here take out is the spelling to make a

phrasal verb put a space between take

and out okay

finally finally okay I’m looking for

your examples

oh yeah Mohammed on Facebook has another

meaning for a break down we didn’t talk

about it means to stop working like my

car broke down

yeah it means just stopped working good


hmm okay let’s go to the last one dry

off dry off to dry off means to make

something dry to make something dry

for example dry off your hands or let

the dishes dry off so we use dry and dry

off often interchangeably like dry your

hands is okay

or let the dishes dry is also okay dry

off sounds a little bit more like it’s

not a big deal it’s a little more casual

like dry off your hands it just sounds a

little a little less I guess formal it’s

dry isn’t formal but dry off just sounds

a little more like relaxed so that’s the

difference in feeling between dry and

dry off and also oh yeah we can split

this one so dry your hands off is okay

to use you can do that okay Cory says

I’m coming from the swimming pool so I

have to dry off my hair yeah yeah dry

off my hair okay others others others

okay I don’t see others yet dry off the

clothes yeah okay someone Marco says how

can I use takeout please

so takeout as in like I just talked

about oh yeah

takeout so takeout we talked about

removal removing something from your

house like to take out the trash or to

take out the garbage or to take out the


take out means food from a restaurant

that you take out of the restaurant so

we say I want to get takeout or let’s

get takeout that’s how we usually use

takeout okay Ernesto yes some phrasal

verbs you can split the verb from the

preposition some you cannot okay Daniel

and Facebook says what does dry mean so

to dry something means to remove the

moisture from something like dry your

hair with someone’s example or dry your

hands or dry your clothes it mean so

after you wash something

usually you dry something cool okay I

don’t see any more questions and I have

to end the lesson oh my gosh can you

believe our time is already up oh my

gosh it goes so quick so I have to

finish there for today thank you very

much for joining me again this week from

my house that was super cool we got 20

phrasal verbs I will show you again are

you ready for a screen shot are you

ready are you ready

here are the phrasal verbs we talked

about today part 1 part 2 part 3 these

are the 20 phrasal verbs we talked about

in this lesson or around the house so I

hope that you can use these in your

studies as you are staying at home many

of you we will be back of course next

week next week I’m going to talk about

how to use get right yes how to use the

passive voice with get so I’m going to

cover passive voice yes and then I’m

going to talk about how we use the word

get in passive situation so some good

grammar practice in next week’s lesson I

think so I will say thank you and

goodbye for this week thank you very

much to everybody who joined and sent

your comments and questions I hope that

it was helpful for you if you have other

questions send them in the chat or

please send them to me in the ask Alicia

series I put this up once earlier today

this is a screenshot of the weekly Q&A

series if you have questions please send

them to me at English class

slash ask - Alicia so I can check them

out all right but we’ll finish there

please don’t forget to check out the

free course from the link below the

video if you’re watching on YouTube or

above the video if you’re watching on

Facebook to get a free beginner level

course and a workbook to download and

practice we will finish there thank you

so much for liking and sharing the video

thank you for being awesome that was

super cool be well enjoy your week enjoy

weekend and I will see you again next

time bye