Phrasal Verbs Quiz Test What You Know Practice

Well hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish! 

I’m super excited about today’s lesson

I’ve got some super useful phrasal verbs to share with you

that are going to help you in your everyday English conversations.

Knowing them will help you to understand English speakers,

using them will help you to sound more natural

and more relaxed when you speak

and practising with me today will really help you to level up

your conversation skills.

Now there are a lot of videos about phrasal verbs

here on my channel but this video is a quiz that’s going to test

how well you know these phrasal verbs.

I’ve got thirteen to test you on and they are going to get more

and more advanced as we go through the quiz.

Come give it a shot with me! What have you got to lose?

Now all of the phrasal verbs in today’s quiz have come from

lessons on the mmmEnglish channel.

So if you’ve watched all of the phrasal verbs lessons

on my channel then this is going to be really good revision

but if you haven’t watched them yet, then it’ll be a really good

opportunity to test what you know.

The quiz is divided into two sections. We’ll start with some of

the easier verbs and by easier, I mean high intermediate level verbs.

And then we’re going to move into some more advanced ones.

For each phrasal verb, you just need to choose the definition that

best describes the meaning of the verb and notice

I said best describes

like this example, to run out.

Does that mean to move at a pace faster than walking?

To finish or to use something so that there’s none of it left?

Or to do exercise outdoors?

Can you guess which of these meanings is the most correct?

It’s a little tricky, right?

You can always hit pause if you need to think about it

for a moment longer all the way throughout this quiz.

But the correct answer is B.

Now there are thirteen questions in the quiz.

If you don’t know any of them or you get some of them wrong,

please don’t worry.

This is just your chance to learn some new words

and some different ways of expressing yourself in English.

Please grab a notebook and write down any of the new

phrasal verbs that you learned with me today

and maybe some of the example sentences that you write yourself

that you want me to check,

you can write them down in the comments below this video

and I will get to them very soon. So let’s get started!

So the first phrasal verb is bring up, to bring something up.

So does it mean to start talking about something,

to produce a new product and start to sell it

or to take something from one place to another?

The answer is A, to start talking about something.

There is something I want to bring up at the next team meeting.

So this verb is transitive and separable

and that means it’s also possible and correct to say:

I want to bring something up at the next team meeting.

Okay the next one is back up. To back up someone or something.

Does this mean

to make a structure stronger or more stable,

to walk backwards,

or to provide support?

The correct answer is C, to provide support especially by telling

other people that you agree with something they did or

something they said.

I’m so glad my dad backed me up yesterday,

otherwise I could have been in a lot of trouble!


The next one is go without, to go without.

So what exactly does that phrasal verb mean?

Does it mean to leave something important behind,

to manage to live without some essential items

or to move or travel somewhere without using a car?

It’s B, to manage to live without essential items or manage to live

despite not having the things that you need or you’d like to have.

I’d rather go without food than work at this terrible company.

Now go without is transitive and inseparable

and it’s so important to look out for these things when you’re

learning to use phrasal verbs accurately in English.

Transitive and inseparable.

So that means that yes we need an object

but no we cannot put that object between the verb and the particles

right? Got it?


Moving right along we have the phrasal verb fall for,

to fall for someone.

So does this mean to trip over another person

and land on the ground?

Does it mean

to stop being friends or having contact with another person,

or to have strong romantic feelings about another person?

It’s C, to have strong romantic feelings about another person.

We say: I’m falling for you.

It’s the same as saying: I’m falling in love with you.

I’m starting to have really strong romantic feelings for you

and it’s a wonderful feeling.

Okay next up we have look down on someone,

to look down on someone.

So does it mean to have a low opinion of someone,

to watch someone from a higher position

like maybe up on a balcony

or to avoid eye contact because you don’t want to look at someone?

The correct answer is A, to have a low opinion of someone.

Now this phrasal verb implies that the person who is looking  

down on someone else

thinks that they are better than that person in some way.

She thinks they look down on her

because she doesn’t have a degree.

So this phrasal verb has two particles, look down on.

Please make sure that you’re using both of them.

Don’t say: Look down her

or look on her.

Neither of these have the same meaning okay?

It’s: Look down on her.

Okay so now we have the phrasal verb pass away,

to pass away.

So this one was in my most recent phrasal verbs lesson.

Did you see it?

Does it mean to give something to someone,

to die

or to drive too far?

The answer is B, to die.

So this is a more sensitive and

polite way of saying that someone has died.

He passed away from natural causes.

Now it’s really important to note here that pass away is intransitive

so there’s no object needed

and that also makes this phrasal verb inseparable

so there’s only one way that you can use it accurately.

Next we have pick up on, to pick up on something.

So what does it mean?

Does it mean to lift something off the ground or a flat surface,

to be really mean to another person

or to understand something that is not communicated directly?

The answer is C,

to understand something that is not communicated directly.

When you pick up on something, you learn about

maybe you learn about it through little pieces of information

that you connect together in your own mind.

He didn’t pick up on her bad mood.

Now things are going to get a little bit harder.

Are you ready for this?

So these next phrasal verbs are more advanced.

If you know these, it means that you’re already operating

at a really high level with your English.

If you understand them, awesome! If you use them, amazing.

But if you don’t, that’s perfect.

You’re building your skills and you’re levelling up your English now.

To brush up on, to brush up on something.

Maybe we need to brush up on this one.

Does it mean to sweep something from the ground

up onto a higher surface,

maybe it means to do your hair in an elaborate

style up on top of your head

or does it mean to improve or refresh your knowledge

of something maybe something that you’ve already learnt.

The answer is C, to improve your knowledge or refresh

something that you already have learned.

So this is a verb that we tend to use when we are coming back

to a skill that we haven’t used in a while.

Maybe you lived in the UK for a while but it’s been about ten years

since you were there and you were frequently speaking English,

maybe you’re feeling a little rusty a little out of practice

so you need to brush up on those skills right?

She wants to brush up on her English vocabulary.

Now notice the word order here in this sentence.

We’ve got our verb,

our particles and our object and that’s fixed.

We can’t change it okay because that phrasal verb is inseparable.

The next one is butt in, to butt in.

What do you think? Do you know what it means?

Does it mean to use your bottom to open a door,

to interrupt a conversation

or to disagree with a statement that someone else has made?

So the correct answer is B, to interrupt a conversation.

Butt in is definitely informal maybe even a little bit rude

especially when you’re using it to describe what someone else did  

because it’s almost as if the person who’s interrupting doesn’t really

care about what’s happening. They don’t really care about

the fact that the other person is talking, it’s quite rude.

Henry kept butting in with silly jokes every time I explained

I had lost my job.

It was really rude.

Now this phrasal verb is intransitive and therefore it’s also

inseparable right?

So nothing can come between butt and in,

it’s almost like the verb itself can’t be interrupted right?

You can’t interrupt that phrasal verb

because it knows exactly what that behaviour is like.

Well how about this one, to drift apart.

Do you know this phrasal verb?

Does it mean to move slowly with no control or direction?

Does it mean to fall asleep slowly

or to become less friendly or less close with someone?

The correct answer is C, when two people in a relationship  

slowly start to become less close, they drift apart,

you know maybe they want different things in life

or their values have changed

but either way, their relationship will gradually

come to an end over time.

Over the years Mary and Johnny drifted apart.

Moving right along, what about the verb fight off,

to fight something off. Any idea what it means?

To free yourself from illness or desire to do

something that you shouldn’t,

to escape a swarm of insects

or to try hard not to show strong emotions.

The correct answer is A, to free yourself from an illness

or a desire to do something that you shouldn’t.

So to fight something off is like overcoming something

and it’s used all the time to talk about recovering from an illness,

that is really common.

Meredith came down with a cold

but luckily she was able to fight off the infection.

Or she was able to fight the infection off.

But we can also use it when we overcome an urge or a desire

to do something.

He fought off the desire to eat another tub of ice cream.

I wish I had that guy’s self-control.

Now did you notice that the word order changed

with these examples?

Well that’s because this is a transitive phrasal verb

and it’s also separable so that gives us a little bit of flexibility

when it comes to forming our sentence.

We can do it in a few different ways.

All right let’s talk about let on, to let on.

It’s a bit of a funny one.

Does it mean to allow someone to sit on your lap,

or to lease or rent a property to another person

or to share a secret?

The correct answer is C, to share a secret.

So if you let on it means you’re telling other people something

that you know, something that they’re not supposed to know

or that you don’t want them to know.

Sarah’s already led on that she’s thinking about

leaving the company.

Last but definitely not least is rally around, to rally around someone.

Does it mean to offer help and support,

to attend a protest and march through the city

or to take part in long-distance motorbike or car races?

The answer is A, to offer help and support.

So when you rally around someone, you’re showing them that you

care by offering that moral support or that help,

whatever they need to make their situation easier.

When James was ill, his friends rallied around him.

So this one is transitive. See the object here?

But it’s inseparable which means that you can’t change the order of

the words all right?

Rally him around?

No, rally around him.

That’s the way to do it.

And that’s all folks, awesome work to you well done for sticking

with me all the way through. I’m curious.

How did you go?

I hope that there were a few new phrasal verbs in there or maybe

some that you’d forgotten about that we’ve

sparked in your memory again.

Don’t worry at all if you didn’t get a couple of them right.

It’s a really great thing that you’ve reviewed them now

and you can begin to lock all of those phrasal verbs

back in your mind again, right? You’re reviewing,

you’re checking, you’re remembering.

Just make sure that you practise using them now while they’re still

fresh in your mind so maybe practise writing some sentences

in a notebook or even add them into the comments below.

If you’ve got doubts or you’ve got questions,

just add them into the comments, I’ll be down there in

the next few days to check them out.

So if you’re ready to keep practising with me right now,

I’ve got lots of different English lessons here on the

mmmEnglish Youtube channel, grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation, lots of Imitation Lessons so you can

practise speaking with me.

Here are a couple of my favourite ones that will keep you busy

until my next lesson comes out next week.

Bye for now!