What Happened To You Phrasal Verbs for Everyday Life English Conversation Speaking Practice


phrasal verbs for everyday life

to speak english fluently and naturally

you should use phrasal verbs in your


let’s watch this video to learn some

common phrasal verbs in everyday life

an accident



why do you look so tired

yesterday was a terrible day for me

what happened to you

my car is broken down

oh my god

sorry to hear that

why is it broken down

when i was driving on the highway

suddenly my car crashed into a lamp post

then it didn’t work anymore


are you okay

do you get hurt

no i’m okay

there are some bruises and soft tissue


but my car

why didn’t you keep your eyes on the


do you know how dangerous it was

i was having a call with my manager

i lost my concentration

my bad

thank god you are fine

however i think you better have the

doctor look you over

it is better to have pain medication

than to wait for the pain to get worse

i’m okay really

i’m going to have an appointment this

afternoon with my doctor

would you like me to come along

how about your car

nah i’m okay

it’s headlights are broken it needs to

be repaired

i sent it to a garage to repair and

figure out if it has more problems

hold on

can you get it back this weekend

i think no

they told me it takes 10 days to finish

so what about your camping day this


i need to put it off or even call it off

unfortunately do you want to borrow mine

no thank you

i should take a rest after all

it wears me out


my aunt




tim do you have a plan for this weekend

do you want to hang out with me

i’m so sorry

i’m going to texas

what do you do there

i always visit my aunt at the weekend

your aunt

you must be really close to her

of course yes

she brought me up when i was a child


she is a kind woman

yeah when i was a kid my parents got


unfortunately my dad’s disease got worse

day by day

then he passed away when i was only five

years old

i’m so sorry about that

i’m okay

everything’s gone

i got over it

we need to move on right

yeah at that time my mom’s health was

still bad

my aunt moved to my house to take care

of my mom and me

she picked me up at school

she helped me with everything in my life

she seems to be my second mom in this


how about your mom and aunt now

when i grew up

we moved here because of my business

my mom is better now

but my aunt still lives in texas


i try to visit her weekly

i usually buy her some fresh fruit or

souvenirs after my business trip

i always try my best because

i don’t want to let them down

they must be really happy

i hope they feel happy when having me

beside their side

can i go with you this weekend

i rarely come to texas so


my aunt has a garden there

i think you will like it


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