LEARN ENGLISH IN 3 DAYS 3Day English Study Plan

hey sometimes you only have a limited

amount of time to study english

but you really want to learn a lot maybe

you only have three days

well that’s exactly why i created

today’s english

study plan i’m going to tell you how to

study english

in three days following a proven plan

that will help you speak english with

more fluency

are you ready well then i’m teacher


let’s jump right in so let’s get started


day number one now day number one

is listen to a podcast

about one topic now the focus of day one

is putting information into your brain

if you want to speak english fluently

you must first start by putting

english into your brain now let’s see

how this

actually happens on day one so

first you need to decide which

interest you want to focus on you see

when you focus on something that you are

interested in you won’t get bored this

means that you will retain

information a lot faster and for a

longer period of time

now you’ll see on the screen a few of my


i love to paint i love to cycle i love

to cook

i love basketball and i also love


i have a lot of interests and you

probably have

a lot of interest too but on day one

you must pick one of your interests

so i’ve showed you my interest i’m gonna


running so here we go let’s look at

running i’ve chosen running as my


now still on day one the next thing is

find a podcast related to your interest

you see podcasts are a great way to hear

natural english conversations between

native english speakers

about topics you are already interested


this means that you will enjoy listening

to the conversations

now i’m going to explain this a little

bit more but i want to really emphasize

the benefits of listening to english


they’re totally free you can hear real


about topics you actually care about and

it’s easy to do something else while you

have them playing in your ear so again

day one pick your interest then find a


now you may be asking teacher how do i

find a podcast

well you can go to google or whatever

search engine you’re familiar

with and all you have to do is type in

english podcasts about and then

i put running because that’s my interest

you can change that word

or expression to reflect your interest

all right so

english podcasts about dot dot dot

alright now again we’re still on day one

so we found

our podcast now you need to write down

nine vocabulary words that you don’t


you see as you hear the words you’re

going to write them down

then simply continue listening to the


episode don’t look up the words because

you need to give your brain an

opportunity to guess

the meanings of the words basically you

will start learning the words in context

this again is something that’s very

important for you to remember

as you’re listening i don’t want you to

sit there and stress about

having a dictionary right next to you to

look up every word

no all you need to do is as you’re


hey i don’t know that word write it in

your notebook

and continue listening to the podcast

now this is going to help you a lot the

fourth thing again

still on day one now at the end of the

podcast you’re going to search for the

meanings of each vocabulary word

you see after you have finished

listening to the episode

you can look up the words this is

because you will already have a good

grasp of the content that was discussed

during the episode this will help you

remember the words

faster and make connections in your


but don’t memorize the words just

yet so you’re seeing on the screen two

of the words from the nine

that i had in the previous step right

you want to make sure

after you finish listening to the

podcast episode

that is when you look up the words now i

do want to practice some pronunciation

with you really quickly

so two of the nine words you’ll see

right here that i chose are right here

bound and

leap now i want you to repeat after me

bound excellent one more time

bound good now the word bound

just means to walk or run with leaping

strides now the second word you see that

i have here is

leap good again leap

excellent now this just means to jump or


a long way to a great height or with


force so now again these are the words

that i

chose just to show you as an example

after i listened to the podcast i wrote

the meanings

underneath the words inside of my


this is day one finding a podcast

that’s based on your interest

now we need to move on to day number two

learn the words by memorizing them

once again this is putting information

in it’s very important when you’re

trying to speak english fluently

that you’re putting lots of information


and don’t worry i’ll get to the part

where i tell you how to

get that information out all right so

day two

learn the words by memorizing them so

here we go

memorize each of the vocabulary words

and their definitions

you see the goal is to make sure you

know each

vocabulary word like the back of your


so on day two you need to focus

and memorize each word well

you see bound leap pace

saunter shuffle bolt trot

linger and trudge these are the words

that i chose from the podcast

but again i want to emphasize on day two

you need to

master the vocabulary words you need to

memorize them

well but remember you have some

connections because you listen to the

full podcast

on day one now the next thing still on

day two

is to test yourself to see if you know

the words

you see after you memorize the words you

need to verify that you actually

know them so you can use flash cards

write out the definitions or have

someone quiz you

like here there’s a phone conversation

happening between a student and a


and the teacher says hey can you explain

what the word

saunter means now again you can have

flash cards you can write out the


but it’s very very beneficial when you

have someone to practice

with and that brings me to today’s

sponsor that’s right

today’s sponsor offers amazing tutors

today’s sponsor is

cambly and cambly i want to thank you

all so much

for being willing to sponsor today’s

episode i love working with you all

and the students who have worked with

your tutors really have learned a lot

so let me explain something to you

students you see

the problem is you don’t know where to

find a great tutor that will be able to

test you

on day two that is again why i love

cambly you see cambly records all of the

lessons you have with their tutors

so you can watch them over and over


they have tutors from the usa canada


and the uk their tutors are available

24 7. you heard me right

24 hours a day seven days a week so

you’ll always have someone to study with

but it doesn’t stop there you see

cambly’s tutors provide

one-on-one private english lessons

and they offer tutors specifically


to help you speak english fluently now

you see cambly wanted to give you as my

student a special gift

you can get a free 10 minute lesson and

the link is in the description

or you can get 40 off any 12 month

plan that’s right cambly is an awesome

company and they want to help you

you have a limited amount of time so on

day two you need to practice

to make sure you understand and know the

words well practice with the cambly


and you can try them out free 10 minute

lesson just by clicking the link in the


or if you are ready to really give a lot

of effort to your english studies

you can get 40 off of any of their 12

month plans

again both links are in the description

cambly thank you so much for partnering

with me and sponsoring this video

i know that my students are going to

continue to love your tutors

all right okay guys so let’s keep going


number three now you’ve already

practiced with your tutor and now you’ve

come to day number three

use the vocabulary words you learned

i promised you’ll get the information


on day three is when the information you

put in on days one and two

will come out so how do you do that here

we go

first divide the words you chose by


today’s goal is to use the words in


different ways so you need to divide


equally first so you have three

different sets

of three one two three four five six

and seven eight now after you’ve done


you’re going to record a short video

clip of you

explaining three of the words you see

when you teach

something that you learned you will

remember it for a longer period of time

so recording a video of yourself

teaching three of the words

will give you more confidence and help

you remember them

now i’m gonna quickly read to you what i

said in my video from three of the words

i learned from

day one in the podcast episode about


so here we go follow along here’s my

video clip

hey this week i learned a lot of new

vocabulary words

i learned bound which is similar to what

kangaroos do as they move through the


then i learned leap which reminds me of


grasshoppers do as they move through the


i also learned pace which reminds me of


marathon runners move at a consistent

pace so again i recorded my video clip

explaining bound leap and pace

and then this video clip can be shared

with other

students and other english learners


getting the information out that you put


now here’s the other way you’re gonna do

again on day three day three is going to

be a lot of

action a lot of activity putting into


what you learned then comment

under various videos or blog posts

using three of the words you see

throughout your day you need to find

ways to use three of the words you


you can use one word per comment in

order to practice what you learn

now on the screen right now you see

three different things

the left it’s youtube the middle is

facebook and the right is

instagram i use all three of these

social media platforms

every single day and you probably have

certain social media platforms that you


on a regular basis so the point of day

three is

to take the information you put in and

connect it with your real life

things you already use on a regular

basis so let’s say for example there was

a video

and the video had runners in it i could

comment and say

there were a few people sauntering


in the background what about facebook i

could comment underneath a post or an

image and say

wow you both are amazing you never

shuffle your feet and what about


i’ve watched teacher tiffany she’s


good i like her videos

and she had a video where she told a

story and i commented and said

wow teacher tiffany has so much energy

i think she can bolt past

any runner so again you see i

used three of the words and i commented

under a facebook post

a youtube video and an instagram post

now here’s the other thing you need to

do write

a personal post about your day using

three of the words

remember we have three sets of three so

now we’re on our last

set in order to remember words you must

use them in real life basically you need

to use the words to speak about your


so you will write one post using three

of the words

now i actually am a runner i love

exercising so

this is a real post that i put

on facebook but i’m going to show you

how i use the third set of three words

inside of my post and i want you to do

the same thing

connecting the words with your real life

here we go so i said

i decided to run today there were a few


lingering around the gym door when i

first arrived

but they all looked like they wanted to

run too

i trotted up the steps when the doors

opened and i

felt great throughout my entire run

before i started running on a daily


i used to just trudge around

but it feels good to be in shape

now you see what i did right i used

three of the words from day one

i used linger i used trot and i also


trudge so again you can do the same


over a three day period learn a lot of

english and start speaking more fluently

i really hope you enjoyed this lesson

don’t forget to

click the link in the description to get

your cambly tutor to help you on day two

i hope you enjoy and i will see you next

week remember to speak


you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

hey i said it’s story time


all right today’s story is about

my grandmother now my grandmother passed


several years ago but there are certain

things about my grandmother this is my

maternal grandmother my mom’s

mother that i will never forget she was

very loving she was a good cook

you always knew that you were going to

be fed when you were at my grandmother’s


so one time we went to visit my

grandmother and she

loved this buffet restaurant in virginia

so my family and i we took my

grandmother to this restaurant

i liked it too it was all you can eat

and i really liked salad bars they had a

great salad bar

so we’re eating and everyone you know at

a buffet you eat your food and then when

you’re done with your first plate you go

back up for the next plate

so at this time i was still eating from

my first plate and my grandmother was

sitting next to me

so my mom i don’t think my dad was there

this time my mom got up to get another


and my grandmother got really quiet so

i’m sitting there eating

i thought she was just focused on her

plate and she said hey tiff

so i looked at her and i said yeah she

said how are you doing

i said i’m good grandma i’m good she

said i got a little something

for you girl i said okay grandma thank

you she said

i’ll give it to you when we leave though

because my mom was walking back to the


but she was being very secretive so i

said okay grandma

so i continued eating my food but i had

kind of a little smirk a little smile on

my face

so we continued eating our lunch and we

got through our plates and my

grandmother acted like nothing happened

when my mom came back she just started

talking like normal

so we finished our food and we got up to

walk to the car to leave

and i noticed that my grandmother was

kind of lagging behind a little bit and

she was kind of rummaging

through her purse so my mom walked ahead

and was going to open the car and i was

kind of in between them

so i looked back just to check on my

grandmother she wasn’t too far back but

i could tell she was walking a little


so as soon as she kind of got up to

where i was

her hand she had her hand like this and

she said tiff

i said yeah grandma and she said give me

your hand girl

so she put her hand in my hand and when

she released it i felt some kind of

paper type substance

she said don’t tell your mama so i

opened my hand and it was a 20

bill now again my grandmother was older

at this time

i think i may have been 19 like i wasn’t

a kid anymore

so i looked and said grandma i’m okay

she said baby girl

just take it so i smiled

and i took the money and i said thank

you grandma she said you know i love you


now so i took the money and i i thought

it was funny my grandmother was older

was giving me money like an allowance

and i didn’t need it i mean i i was in

school but i didn’t need it so

fast forward now that’s how my

grandmother was when i got my

first job my first salary

i said i’m going to do the same thing

grandma did my mother never knew that my

grandmother gave me that money every pay

period i would send my grandmother

a certain amount of money in the mail

and i said grandma this is between you

and me and every month i would send her


and my mom didn’t know but after my

grandmother passed away or maybe i told

her before i can’t remember when i told


but i told my mom the story of my

grandmother slipping me money

and then i said it was my turn once i

got a job to start

slipping my my grandmother money through

the mail so it’s just the love of a

grandmother and how you know what you do

affects people because she was so giving

it made me want to give her even more

so maybe your grandmother or your

grandfather is the same you can put

your story in the comment section let us

know how your grandmother was

or is alright guys i will see you next

week thank you so much for joining i

love you all

and i’ll talk to you next time