How To Learn 100 English Vocabulary Words in 5 Days English Subtitles Legendas em Portugus

hey is it difficult for you to memorize

and actually use English vocabulary

words if you answered yes this lesson is

for you because today I’m gonna teach

you how to memorize and use 100 English

vocabulary words and only five days I’m

teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in


alright 100 words in only 5 days that

means every day we need to memorize and

learn 20 different English vocabulary

words I’m gonna show you how you can do

that now this is what you need you need

this daily formula here’s the formula I

plus V plus s plus W plus C now you know

how much I love formulas because using

formulas you can actually gain

confidence to finally start speaking

like a native English speaker so let’s

jump right in and see how this formula

works here we go

first we have the letter I images find

five interesting images you can find

images online in magazines or even your

own images on your phone or computer now

the key is you want to find interesting

images images that you like images that

catch your attention when you see them

because this is going to be key when

you’re trying to remember the vocabulary

words related to these images so let me

show you the images I selected all right

again I selected five interesting images

we have this one right here now this

little boy he is adorable he’s so cute

with his little dog alright that’s my

first image then I have this one right


I love the scenery remember I told you

all that I love to go hiking I love to

be out in nature then for my third image

I selected this one a really nice strong

looking animal alright next a couple

holding each other don’t you just love

love all right and then for my fifth

image I chose this one alright camping

or like a campfire okay so now what

we’re gonna do is move on

the next part of the formula because we

have our five interesting images alright

now the next part is letter V vocabulary

find a vocabulary word to describe each

image this step is basically important

because you need to describe the image

and create a trigger each word should

represent what is in the specific image

so here we go we have the little boy and

this is the vocabulary word

I chose elated now for pronunciation

sake after me

elated good again elated excellent now

this word elated just means to be

extremely happy proud and joyful and

again in this picture we can see that

this little boy oh he is so excited to

be playing with his little dog right

he’s elated all right now for my second

image I chose the word serene again

after me serene excellent one more time

serene great now this word just means

not disturbed or troubled calm peaceful

and tranquil now for image number three

I chose regal one more time regal great

last time regal excellent now this word

just means stately or splendid

alright image number four I chose

embrace after me embrace good again

embrace very good now this word means to

take or clasp in the arms to press to

the bosom your bosom refers to your

chest area the bosom right or to hug and

finally for my fifth image I chose

blazing now repeat after me blazing good

one more time

blazing excellent now this means to burn

fiercely or brightly alright so for each

image I have a word elated serene


embrace blazing now we need to move on

to the next part letter s synonyms find

three synonyms for the vocabulary words


these vocabulary words are going to lead

you to some important synonyms and you

can find them either online or you can

even look in the thesaurus okay to find

the synonyms for the vocabulary words

you chose in step number two the V or

vocabulary step alright so looking at

mine I have elated so my three synonyms

are jubilant overjoyed and exhilarated

now that last one is tricky after me

exhilarating good exhilarating excellent

all right now moving on next we have

serene and I have tranquil peaceful and

Placid now that last one you may say

teacher there’s a sea but the sea sounds

like an S for this word so after me

Placid alright while we look at it again

last word Placid very good now next we

had rego and we have majestic grand and

impressive next embrace we have hold

cuddle and squeeze again cuddle last

time cuddle very good all right

and finally image number five for

blazing I found flaming ignited and

glowing alright so again I have three

synonyms for each of the vocabulary

words that I found so now you see how we

are expanding the vocabulary that we’re

learning each day all right now we’re

gonna move on to the next part of our

formula the W now we’re going to write

three sentences for each vocabulary word

remember that you only need to write

sentences for the original words not the

synonyms now this is a good place to

pause really quickly because many of you

have messaged me and said teacher I

don’t have anyone to practice with I

don’t have anyone to correct my

sentences well today’s sponsor is cane

cambrie is an amazing company and they

have a service where they provide

one-on-one tutoring services that’s

right they have English tutors from

America from Canada from the UK and

Australia and they’re available 24/7 you

heard right 24/7 so you can study

whenever you want so when you get to

this part of the formula and you need

help with the grammar or you need to

know hey does this sentence make sense

you can use the tutors at Kane delete

now cambly is an amazing company and

they wanted to partner with me to help

you so they’re offering you a free 15

minute lesson that’s right free totally

free and all you have to do is click the

link in the description now if you want

to take your English to the next level

and go longer and not just study with

the 15 minute lesson you can also click

the 42 percent off link right below in

the description as well so again thank

you came Lee and guys remember get the

free 15 minute lesson so that you can

practice and see if the sentences you

write are correct all right so let’s go

back to our formula here we go so let’s

see what I wrote for my sentences again

thank you came bleah

all right so for elated I wrote she was

elated with her new car he was elated

when he heard the news we were elated to

hear that you were coming again I have

three sentences connected to the

original vocabulary word right all right

moving on to image number two serene the

picture of the mountains looked so

serene look at the serene skies and he

has a serene smile next regal she

possessed a regal countenance and

carried herself with an easy grace for

example a regal countenance all right


next we have this is truly a regal

palace and finally he had a very regal

demeanor now for my fourth image

I chose embrace remember

holding someone tightly or hugging or

cuddling with someone right okay so I

have his embrace was warm and loving the

mother is embracing her child

and finally the three stood in and

embrace as they cried together for my

fifth image I had blazing so I said the

bonfire blazed away for hours now in

America we use a lot of bonfires when we

go camping all right we call them

bonfires okay all right the dry wood

blazed up at the touch of a match and

finally the fire was blazing last night

all right so we have our three sentences

for each of the images and each of the

vocabulary words connected to the images

right so now we’re moving right into the

last part of our formula what do we do


this is what you need to do chunks you

need to memorize the English words in

chunks now this word chunks literally

just means groups okay so you want to

memorize in groups all right so in other

words you will memorize the vocabulary

words and their synonyms so here we go

all right

elated we had jubilant overjoyed and

exhilarated for serene we had tranquil

peaceful and Placid and again I’m going

to show you the other three images but

again at this part at this stage the

focus is memorization I like to give you

formulas I like to give you steps and

teach you how to think in English but

there comes a point in time where you

have to actually memorize this is the

step where you need to memorize but

because you have connected the words

with images you’ve connected them with

sentences now it’s easier for you to

actually memorize the words okay all

right so again for my third image I had

regal majestic grand impressive for

embrace hold cuddle squeeze and five

blazing flaming ignited and glowing so

again that was day one and on day one we

learned 20 words

in this short lesson you already learned

20 new English words and this is what

you’re gonna do for a 5-day period to

learn 100 English vocabulary words so

once again looking at our formula 5 days

100 words using I + V + s + w + C now

you see right at the bottom the audio

file and printable PDF lesson so we

learned a lot of words and we saw a lot

of sentences

so again if you’re in my Academy I

created an audio file so that you can

practice repeating after me

shadowing me with the words and the

sentences so if you’re an Academy member

you can go right to the link in the

description and you can listen and

shadow me as I say the words and the

definitions and you’ll also find the

lesson the PDF lesson for this lesson

the PDF file for this lesson

alright now I really hope you enjoy

today’s lesson remember you need to also

click the link in the description to get

your free 15 minute lesson with Kaylee

so that you can practice and check your

sentences from the W part of our formula

when you write your sentences okay

alright I will see you next week but as

always remember to speak English

you know what time it is it’s story time

all right guys so you already know how

much I love story time so for today’s

story time I want to tell you about a

time when I actually went camping with

my friends now when I was mmm let’s see

when I was about 24 I was about 24 um I

used to work with the Pathfinders at my

church now Oh Pathfinder’s the easiest

way to understand what a pathfinder is

pathfinders are like Boys & Girls Scouts

for church

so children come and they learn about

how to live outside how to set up a tent

how to survive so survival skills and

they camp and they make food over fire

so it’s really fun for children and I

did it when I was younger so as I got

older I decided to become a counselor

and to work with the children so that

they could have the same experience that

I had so you know what I was older than

that I was about 26 when this happened

so anyways myself and two other two

other people there was two other adults

so my friends so three of us we the

adults we were the adults and we had

three or four girls with us and we had

went camping in the winter now it wasn’t

just us it was a huge group but the

three of us were in charge of the four

girls so the place where we went to go

camping before we got there they had

some cabins as well like tree it was

tree house camping so yeah in the tree

and we went to the cabin now it was

freezing freezing but you know we were

trying to be strong we wanted the kids

to have an experience so we all got

inside of the little cabin right and it

was in the tree of the tree house and we

had our blankets we had our sweaters on

we had our we had one of those things

call guys I suddenly forgot the word our

um sleeping bags

we had our sleeping bags

we were all tucked in tucked in ready to

go to sleep and there was silence for

about 15 minutes I thought I was the

only one awake because it was pitch

black you couldn’t see anything but for

the entire 15 minutes I said lord please

to get me out of this situation lord I


it was cold y’all I couldn’t feel my

fingers I couldn’t feel my toes

my ears were freezing everything was

cold and I was bundled up meaning I had

everything on that I should have had on

but it was freezing so after about 15

minutes I was laying there and again

everyone else was laying down what we

couldn’t see each other someone moved

and said uh-uh we got to go it is

freezing and everybody in the cabin all

the girls plus all the adults so all

seven of us is it okay yep we’re out of

here so we got up now people were

sleeping in the other tree houses too

but we didn’t tell anybody we got up and

we all went to my friend’s truck and we

sat in her truck and turn the heat on so

even though it was supposed to be like a

winter camping trip we told those little

girls not today I’m not freezing my butt

off today so it still turned out to be a

great trip but we always laugh about

that when we think about it because it

was too cold for us we just couldn’t

stay outside so I don’t know if you guys

have ever camped outside or went out in

the winter into a cabin and had to sleep

I want to know if you have were you able

to stand the cold were you able to stay

the entire time I’m curious to know

about your experience alright guys I

hope you enjoyed this story time and I

will talk to you next week