Lets play Advanced Vocabulary Practice

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

Vanessa comm who are you gonna play

let’s talk about it today I want to

teach you how to use the word play in an

advanced way you probably already know

how to say I play soccer I play games

but this is gonna help you use this word

in another way and how I’m gonna do this

is I want to teach you with two clips

from real life I filmed a pool game with

my husband and I filmed a ping-pong game

that he was playing so you can see him

naturally use this just spontaneously so

how can you use this expression play in

an advanced way when you’re talking

about the other person who you’re gonna

play with or play against you might say

I’m gonna play him now this means you’re

gonna play against him he’s gonna be

your opponent

your temporary enemy I’m gonna play him

this is a way to just simply say I’m

gonna play the game with him he’s gonna

be my opponent so let’s take a look at

this in two natural situations you play

Vanessa do I have to play dad next

how did you do could you hear these

natural sentences in their conversations

I want you to be able to use play in

this advanced way so in the comments

below this video let me know when you

play games when you play sports who do

you like to play or you could tell me

about your favorite soccer team your

favorite baseball team next week they’re

gonna play the neighboring team who are

they gonna play I want you to be able to

use this because that’s the goal it’s

great to know it but you have to use it

so in the comments let me know can you

use this word play thanks so much for

watching and I’ll see you again the next

time goodbye if you enjoyed this video

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so much for learning with me bye