I Dont Want To Keep You Polite Natural English Expression

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you politely tell

someone that you need to go let’s talk

about it the other day when i was at the

grocery store an older lady who was in

line behind me started talking with me

about food and the things that i was

buying and we just had a friendly

conversation and after i finished

checking out and after she finished

checking out she still kept talking with

me about everything she told me about

every job that she’s ever had about her

family her experiences throughout her

whole life she talked to me for over one

hour i tried to be nice i tried to get

out of the conversation and go home i

was carrying my groceries so i wanted to

take them home but i just couldn’t get

out of the conversation and do you know

what she said multiple times

she said the expression that i want to

teach you today she said i don’t want to

keep you too long i don’t want to keep

you too long and this means oh i know

that you need to go but it’s so

enjoyable talking with you i’m sorry we

have to go this is a polite way to say

you probably need to go so i don’t want

to keep you too long but for this lady

as you can tell she loved to talk so she

said to me i don’t want to keep you too

long but let me tell you one more thing

she kept going and going

i tried to be polite but in the end

nothing I said worked she just kept

talking so she said I don’t wanna want

to I don’t want to keep you too long but

let me tell you about my other daughter

let me tell you

about when I moved to another state let

me tell you about my job I don’t want to

keep you too long but it means that she

didn’t really want to go she did want to

keep me she wasn’t really being honest

but she was acknowledging that I needed

to go but she didn’t want me to go so I

hope that you can use this expression in

your conversations in a more polite way

than the way that this lady used at the

grocery store so for you I recommend

using this just at the end of your


so as you’re talking with someone and

you’ve been talking for a while maybe

you’re at the grocery store like I was

and you need to go home or maybe you’re

talking on the phone and you’ve been

talking for a while you could say I

don’t want to keep you too long so I’m

gonna go or I don’t want to keep you too

long so have a good day

it’s a good transition to let the other

person know that it’s time to go you’re

trying to be polite and you’re not gonna

say I gotta go bye that’s a little

direct you’re gonna indirectly say I

don’t want to keep you so let’s go I

don’t want to keep you too long and now

I have a question for you I want to know

when was a time that someone kept you

for too long you had to go somewhere but

they kept talking they kept going and

going and they kept you for too long

like the lady at the grocery store who I

met last week I hope that this

expression is useful to you and I’m sure

that you’re going to hear this around in

TV shows and movies and in your

conversations in English thanks so much

for learning with me and I’ll see you

the next time

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