Asking for Help Practice English Speaking Conversation


asking for help

in daily life there are many cases that

you need help from others so this video

can help you know many ways to ask for


watch and learn them

situation one

ask for planning the company’s party


hey all there is one more new job for us

this week

i’ve just received the job description

from the manager

we are going to prepare a company

year-end closing party

very exciting about it

what is the theme of this party

i remembered last time the theme was

classic what an amazing party

yes the last party was very successful

so the manager has high expectations for

this party and for us

she hopes the party atmosphere is

youthful and the theme this time is


that’s a good idea

this party is big so we have to prepare

little by little

but we are also preparing for another

corporate event we’re on the go

i know i will take on the responsibility

of brainstorming ideas for this end year

closing party in detail

from the location main colors

decorations invitations

but there’s quite a bit of work

can you give me a hand with this jessica

of course i finished my work at another

event i’ll help you


so jessica and i will be in charge of

the ideas for the event

we will make a detailed planned and send

it to you at the next meeting


and then we will prepare the decorations

taking flowers as the main theme

i need someone to buy flowers with can

someone help me

okay i’ll go with you i know a famous

flower store the flowers are beautiful

and the price is reasonable

very good how about the music and the

idea for the music

i think energetic songs will be very


alex has always been the one who

prepares the music

i wonder if you could help me with this


sure i’m willing to

okay and the last thing food including

fruit snacks drinks

we have to know how many people will

take part in this party to calculate the

amount of food

i will report back to all of you at the

next meeting



situation 2 receptionist help


danny wait for me a minute i need to

find the restroom

okay no problem



excuse me

yes how can i help you

oh yeah i need your help in finding the

restroom here

yes you can go straight to the signboard

then turn left you will see the restroom


yes i went to try it but i saw that the

bathroom was not in use

well that’s the staff restroom that’s

not in use

you go a few more steps and you will see

the restroom for customers

it is still in normal use


thanks but if you don’t mind i could

really use your assistance with

explaining for me one more time

yes of course

after you see the restroom which is not

in use you go straight for five more

steps you can see the restroom for


in there it also divides into two rooms

as usual for man and woman

especially we have one room that has a

big mirror you can use it too

thank you so much

it’s my pleasure


situation three

ask my friend for help


hello john what are you doing

nothing much just relax

i finished the end term test for three

days i’m waiting for the results what


um can i ask you for a favor

sure just say it

morning tomorrow i’m going to move to a

new house

and my father perhaps cannot stay at

home to move the household goods because

he has an important meeting

too many things

so can you come and help me

they are really heavy

of course i’m willing i’m sure you can’t

carry them

yes so i need your help

okay no problem but why doesn’t your

family hire a porter

they will help you carry your luggage

yes we have but you know my family

really has a lot of things

and they only carry to the new house not

help us put it in the desired place

i need your help with a few heavy items

like the dressing table and bookshelf in

my room

okay tomorrow morning i will come early

about when

about seven am as soon as possible and

my mom invited you to join our

housewarming party after completing

moving the house

i’m glad to thanks

thank you so much john every time i need

help you always give me a hand

don’t mention it


situation 4 ask for homework


hello anna this is jessica

hi jessica why are you calling me

have you done the friday homework from

mr alex anna can you give me a hand with


is this the history lesson

yes he told us to prepare a project

about world war one right

yes at the end of the lessons he gave us

some suggestions about the contents i

have done it this morning

unfortunately i didn’t go to school this

day because of my sickness

oh poor you i forgot that

so now i really need your help

sure what is your problem

yeah a lot of things i don’t know how to

start from scratch i have tried to write

something but i felt it’s not good

well he said that we could work

individually and find more information

about one content that we liked about

world war one

that sounds really interesting

actually i copied lisa’s notebook but

because i don’t understand the lesson


i don’t know how to do it i also have

read carefully textbook already

that’s good

so would you mind explaining the lesson

to me

no problem i’m free tonight you can come

to my home and we can learn together

it’s a great way for me to revise this


thank you i will come at 7 30 pm after

my dinner

ok see you then

situation 5 asking for help from a




jessica what are you doing you look so


alex do you have free time could you

help me for a second

yes i’m free now

cool can you help me to carry the box

from the meeting room to the director’s


okay but what’s in the box it looks so


uh the documents

where are they are they in meeting room

303 or 305


okay you should take a rest be careful

thanks i have just carried about five

boxes i’m a little exhausted but i can


poor you let me help you

thank you alex

how many boxes are left which box should

i carry

maybe three or four

but it would be great if you help me to

carry the biggest one i can’t do it for


yes i know a girl like you cannot do

heavy work like that you should ask for

help earlier

no way

don’t judge a book by its cover i can do

it but doing so much makes me weak

just kidding but i like your opinion


hey alex i invite you to have lunch

today okay i want to say thanks to you

it’s nothing helping colleagues is

normal you should call me every time you

need help later


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