Daily English Conversation Between Parents and Child Practice Speaking in English


english conversation

between parents and child

mother and daughter talk about the test

mom i’m home

how was school how did you do on your


school was okay and i did great on the


mom i was so worried about that test

but now i feel great what a relief

i am glad to hear that you have been


so hard the past few weeks

now you can relax and enjoy life

what are you cooking it smells so good

i am baking cakes this is your favorite

carrot cake

it looks really yummy and i see muffins

over there too

you were busy weren’t you yes

jeff has to take something to school


so those muffins are for him

don’t touch them

can i have a piece of carrot cake i want

to enjoy a life right now

you don’t want to wait until after


it looks inviting and i bet it is


no i don’t want to wait can i mom

okay go ahead

mmm yummy did you see the new recipe

that was posted

on today’s cooking website i believe

it was called scrumptious pie

no i did not but i want to try that


your dad loves pie so do i

so does jeff our whole family is crazy

about pie

when do you want to try the new recipe

i want to learn too should we bake a

cherry pie

or an apple pie

since it is the cherry season let’s make

a cherry pie

tomorrow i will get some cherries at the


and we can start baking in the afternoon

when you get home from school

i need to finish a science project and i

will not get home until 3

  1. will it be too late to start baking


if it is you can start without me

3 30 pm is fine i will prepare dinner


and then i will have everything ready

for our baking session

before you get home make sure that we

still have enough sugar and eggs mom

it seems like you were using a lot of

sugar and

eggs baking the cakes and muffins today

don’t worry we still have plenty of


and a lot of eggs enough to make at


10 pies 10 pies huh

10 sounds like a good number but let’s

not overdo it

let’s make nine and a half pies instead

okay we will make nine and a half pies


no more no less

it’s a deal enough about baking pies

i need to start working on today’s

dinner it is three o’clock

already your dad and jeff will be home


i am sure they will be very hungry and

will want dinner right away

what do we have for dinner tonight

i will make roast beef and cream of

mushroom soup

it has been a long time since you made

cream of mushroom soup

do you need any help mom no

go do your homework and leave the

cooking to me

yummy the muffins are for jeff

do not touch them i know mom

just kidding okay go do your

homework and leave the cooking to me

okay mom


mother and little daughter

luna today i went to your school

your class teacher is complaining about


mom i did not do anything in school

sally always tells lies

how do you know that i am going to talk

about sally

i did not address her mommy

i know you are going to talk about her

only i did not beat her

tell me what is the matter i know you

must have done

something mischievous

mommy i offered her my tiffin

she refused to take it

so you slapped her for this reason

i did not slap her i forcefully made her

eat my tiffin

but why were you forcing her to eat your


i get your lunch for you not for your


today you gave me bitter gourd which i

don’t like

so i was forcing her to eat it

if you don’t like the tiffin that does

not mean you offer it to others

but today when she brought a bottle

gourd i

offered her my favorite pasta because

she does not like bottle gourd

now tell me about other vegetables which

are offered to

others by you actually i don’t like


but anne likes them so we exchange the


when she brings lady’s finger

ah because she does not like the lady’s


we trade

what is this why do you and people do


we do it so that we can eat our favorite


you know i don’t like carrots and


but i have them when my friend adds some


all you little girls are very naughty

tomorrow i will go to your school again

and ask your

teacher to keep an eye on you

mother and daughter talk about an

afternoon picnic

dad can we have a picnic this afternoon

sure sally where should we go

how about the lake that’s a great idea

what should we pack for lunch i can make


sandwiches and potato salad

yummy i love ham sandwiches

and potato salad tell your sisters about

the picnic

okay i think it’s going to get hot

later today that’s good

it will be a good day for a swim in the


i’ll tell ann and lisa to wear their


don’t forget to pack your life jackets


okay dad

picnic planning


hi sally what are you doing today

hi ann my family and i are going to the


we are going to have a picnic

that sounds like fun do you want to join


may i i would love to join

sure we are leaving at 10 30.

okay let me ask my parents

what should i bring you should pack a


suit and a life jacket

okay how about food

my parents are going to pack some food

there will be plenty for you too

thanks i’ll come as soon as possible

try to come before 10 30.

i will if i can’t go i will call you

i hope you can come with us

me too i have no plans today

see you soon


father and daughter talk about the

living places of



daddy i have a doubt

ask me about your doubt we are living in

our house

like that whether the animals

and birds also have houses to live in

different animals live in different kind

of places

some animals make their own homes people

make homes for domestic

animals and their homes have separate

names also

is that so yes my dear

it’s very interesting daddy

can you please tell me the name of the

living places of animals

sure my dear listen carefully

a dog lives in a kennel

sheep and goats living places

are pen a cow’s

living place is called a shed

a horse lives in a stable

a donkey lives in a barn

and the pig’s living place is a stye

hen rooster and chicks

live in coops and a rabbit lives in a

burrow daddy

where does a lion live

not only lions but hyenas

wolves tigers and foxes

also live in dens

where does a snake live

a snake lives in a hole

a spider lives in which place

a spider lives on their own web

the bee’s living place is called a hive

and the ant lives in an ant hill

the birds build their own houses

called nests to live in

thank you so much daddy now i know the

living places

of animals you are most welcome

my dear


father and daughter in the morning

getting ready for


emma come on get up

it’s 6 30 already

no not now mommy let me sleep for some


time emma you have to get ready before

the school bus comes

get up get up

okay carry me to the bathroom

no i won’t carry you you have to go

there yourself

brush your teeth and shower soon

use the towel kept in the bathroom come


quick okay mommy

keep my breakfast ready

by the time you finish your bath the

breakfast will be ready

mommy where is my uniform i don’t see it

i’ve kept it on your bed can’t you see


mommy help me put on my uniform

yes i’m coming


what do you have for breakfast

bread and eggs so

boring same food every day

can’t you have something else for a


i will do hamburger tomorrow

for now have bread and eggs

okay that sounds good your lunch is also


i’ve packed it and kept it in your bag

mommy where is my water bottle

here is your water bottle

put on your shoes fast the bus will come


the bus is coming bye mommy okay

bye bye take care


father and son in the morning getting

ready for school


jane get up it’s really very late now

you may be late for school good morning


i am just getting up in five minutes

no no no just get up and get fresh

fast it’s already very very late

okay daddy where is mommy

mommy has already gone to the temple and

she will be coming in no time


where is my breakfast and lunchbox

your mommy has already cooked your

breakfast it is on the table

and lunch is already in your bag

thank you dad

haven’t you polished your shoes today

no dad i forgot today

i will brush them in just two minutes

okay do it fast

i’ve done polishing my shoes

good now it’s time to take your

breakfast and get your bag

and run fast your bus will be coming


okay dad i have had done my breakfast

and ready to go

okay son take care don’t be

hurry for anything sure dad

don’t worry i shall take care of myself

thank you love you dad love you son


mother and son


mommy i am hungry please give me

something to eat

first wash your hands my son i am

serving the food

okay mommy i am very hungry

washing hands is a must you play in


touch so many things that’s why so many

types of germs

grow on your hands and these germs enter

your stomach

okay mommy oh again

the same boring food what’s wrong with


i told you in the morning that i want

pizza for lunch

you have eaten a burger the day before


it is not good to eat junk food daily

but junk food is also food

but it is not nutritious

why because it does not have

all the nutrients the pizza base is made

of refined flour

which is not good for the stomach

why refined flour

does not contain fiber fiber

is good for digestion pizza does not


proteins that are necessary for our


refined flour contains mainly


and only carbohydrates are harmful to

our health

what’s the harm in carbohydrates

carbohydrates taste good but excess

carbohydrates cause obesity and

obesity gives rise to several diseases

pizza does not contain enough green


green vegetables are good sources of


and minerals yes i have read in my

science book

then you must have read about the

balanced diet

yes mommy now look at your plate

and tell me about its content

rice eggs vegetables

salad and curd

now tell me what we get from these

proteins carbohydrates

fats vitamins and minerals

do you get all these components in junk


no it means you agree with me

yes mommy it’s okay to have

pizza burgers pasta sometimes for a


but these foods should not be taken as

daily meals


mother and son talk about a new


mom i’m going out with my new friend

what did you say i am going out with my


friend new friend

okay before that listen to the story

okay tell me mom the story about what

once two friends were walking through

the forest

they knew that anything dangerous could

happen to them

at any time in the forest

then why did they go there

just like you they went there they

promised each other

that they would remain united at any


suddenly they saw a bear approaching


then what happened one of the friends

at once climbed a nearby tree

what about the other one the other one


not know how to climb then what happened

being led by his common sense he lay


on the ground and pretended to be a dead


the bear came near the boy it smelled

near his ear and slowly left the place

super then what happened

now the boy came down and asked

what did the bear say the boy replied

that the bear advised him

not to believe a false friend

being in a new situation with a new


is indeed exciting but beware of the

people who are just

posing as your friend in the same way

you have to be supported of your friends

by standing by them

in any situation thank you mom for this

valuable moral


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