Falling in Love Practice English with Jessica



tom and linda’s love story

in dating communication plays an

extremely important role

let’s watch the following video to learn

how people strike a conversation with

the one they like

dialogue one

setting up a meeting


hey nick

hey man what’s up

uh nothing much how are you doing

i’m good glad i ran into you

listen i have something i want to ask

for your opinions

what is it

i know you’ve been single for quite a

long time oh come on not this topic


listen to me i’m not teasing you or

anything i’m serious this time

i know a girl who’s also single and she

told me that she wanted to meet someone

are you interested i can set up a date

for you guys

oh wow

who is she

what’s she like

her name is linda she’s my co-worker

she’s just your type really smart and


she’s also very nice

everyone at work loves her

tell me more what does she look like

she’s a brunette and has long hair

she’s not too tall but she’s really

pretty what do you think

yeah she sounds like my type

can you introduce me to her

sure man let me ask her first if

everything’s okay i’ll give you her


cool thank you bro

dialogue two

first date



excuse me i believe you are tom right

yes i’m tom hi linda

hi sorry for making you wait

no you’re not late at all

i actually got here a bit early

good evening welcome to la nuet here are

our menus i’ll be back to take your

order in a minute


hi are you ready to order

yes i’d like the shrimp risotto

and i’ll have

carbonara and some vegetable soup

would you like anything to drink

do you have wine by glasses

yes we do

we’ll have two glasses of red wine then

that’ll be all thanks

you have such a beautiful smile

ah thank you

nick said a lot of good things about you

oh really

what department do you work in

i’m in the production department i

perform quality checks for our finished


oh cool

what do you do

i work in it i’m a web developer

oh wow

what are your hobbies then

i like to code read books and play


what about you

i also like to read books

i also like to watch movies and take my

dog for a walk

you have a dog i have a dog too

oh really

i have a labrador

what breed is your dog

mine is a border collie

we should let them meet sometime

yeah that sounds like a great idea


dialogue three

after the first date



look who’s smiling

stop gluing your eyes to the phone who

are you texting

oh good morning nick sorry i was texting


it’s such a beautiful day

are you on the way to work

yeah i have an early meeting today

anyway how was the date last night

it was awesome linda’s so great

oh yeah

she’s so smart and funny and we have a

lot in common

she likes to read books

and she also has a dog and guess what

she has the best taste in music

wow really i didn’t know that

i can’t believe i didn’t think of

setting you guys up earlier

thanks again man

that was a good decision

of course who am i

did she say anything about me

she texted me earlier saying that she

likes you too

oh wow really

yup so

so what

you like her she likes you

what else is there to do

do you mean i should ask her out


what should i tell her i don’t know what

to say

just be straightforward thank her again

for the great date that night

and say something like

let’s meet again sometime soon

okay that makes sense

let me text her right away thank you



dialogue for making a call


hi linda this is tom

hi tom how are you

i’m great thanks

how are you

i’m fine i’ve been expecting your call

oh yeah

hey linda would you like to go out with

me again sometime this week

i’d love to

great what time would be good for you

what is your schedule like this week

i don’t have any plans for this weekend

so anytime from friday night to sunday

evening should be fine with me


can we meet uh saturday morning then


is there anything in particular that you

want to do

the weather’s been really nice this week

let’s do something outdoors

oh i know

we can take a walk around the park and

bring our dogs

that sounds great we can also have a

picnic in the park or something

that’s a wonderful idea i like that i

can make some sandwiches can you bring

something to drink

of course

i’ll also bring some fruit and some


okay great

shall we meet in front of the old hall

at 9am

that sounds all right with me

i’ll see you then i can’t wait

me neither

see you soon tom

bye linda

bye tom

dialogue five breaking the news

hey nick how are you doing

hey tom i’m doing okay i haven’t seen

you in a while

yeah sorry i’ve been a bit busy

nah it’s fine i know you’re busy

anyway what’s up how’s everything

between you and linda

ah things are still going great

actually today i want to meet you

because there’s something i want to tell


what’s that

why do you suddenly sound so serious

well the thing is

linda and i are officially a couple now

what is this for real

yeah we get on so well so after a few


i decided to ask her to be my girlfriend

she said yes

oh my god congratulations i’m so happy

for you guys

but how come you didn’t tell me sooner

well everything just happened two days


i wanted to meet you today because i

didn’t want to tell you the news over

the phone

i want you to be the first one to know

about this

ah okay gotcha i can’t believe you guys

are a couple now

thank you for introducing us nick we

really appreciate it

you’re welcome bro i’m glad everything

works out

dialog 6 reflection

six months later



happy six month anniversary babe

anniversary honey

i can’t believe we have already been

together for half a year

i know right

time has gone by so quickly

i can still remember our first date

we were so awkward huh

you’re right

i can’t believe how awkward we were

hey honey

what did you think of me when we first


tell me i want to know

nick told me a lot of things about you

and you seem to be my type of girl so i

was really excited

you were exactly how i imagined you to


smart funny and pretty

i actually fell in love with you at the

first sight



i didn’t know that

what did you think of me then

well to tell you the truth i thought you

were nice but

i wasn’t swept off my feet or anything


as we talked and learned more about each

other i was moved by how caring and

sincere you were

i felt like i would be very much happy

if i could be with you

i’m glad we finally got together in the


i’m grateful for every second i can

spend with you linda

i’m grateful to have you too tom

i hope we will stay together forever

i also hope we’ll never be a part

i love you

i love you too honey


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