In a New Neighborhood 10 Minutes to Practice English Listening and Speaking Everyday


in a new neighborhood

let’s watch the following video to learn

how to introduce yourself and make

friends with people in your new


dialogue 1 meeting the neighbors


hello there you just moved in here right

yes we just moved in two days ago i’m


this is my wife lisa nice to meet you

nice to meet you too i’m jared and this

is my wife riley

where did you guys move from

our old place was in brooklyn my wife

got a new job in queens so we decided to

move here and you guys are locals here

yes we are so how’s the new home

oh it’s super nice but my wife and i are

used to living in apartment so we will

probably need some time to fit in

take all the time you need we’ve been in

this house here since 2000

oh really wow what’s the neighborhood

here like

it’s lovely there are many things to do

but it never gets noisy

i have never had any complaints actually

oh but watch out for the dog across the


what about it

whenever the jonas family is not home

their dog is let loose so if you have

any kids please be careful

ah i see we have a six-year-old son we

will take note of this thanks for

letting us know

no problem let us know if we can help

you with anything

that’s so nice thank you


dialogue 2

learning about the neighborhood


hi lisa hi john are you guys going out

good morning riley yes we are planning

to go out for a walk and to find

something to eat

oh nice it’s such a beautiful day

it really is

hey riley do you know any good places

for brunch around here

there’s a cafe on walnut street it has

the best bagels and coffee

great we love bagels thanks for the

suggestion can we ask you something else

sure go ahead what is it

is there any mall or supermarket around

here we want to buy groceries and some

kind of stuff on the way

ah there is a big mall not far from here

jared and i often go there every weekend

just go down this road for about three

blocks and take a left when you see the

flower shop and the mall will be on the

right there’s a supermarket on the first

floor of the mall

that’s superb

the mall has everything you need there’s

also a cinema right next to the mall

wow awesome thanks for all the

information riley

no problem

by the way do you guys happen to go to


yes we go there every week

we do too would you mind if we join you

next week

not at all the more the merrier

great see you next week


dialogue 3 barbecue party


hey riley it’s lisa

oh lisa give me a second i’m coming


hey lisa what’s up


this sunday john and i are hosting a

barbecue party in the backyard we’d be

very happy if you and jared can join us

we’re inviting some other people in the

neighborhood like the martins the

johnsons the jonas heather lana josh and

joe as well

that sounds wonderful i think we can

make it

but just let me check our schedule real

quick to make sure we’re not busy on


of course take your time riley

yep we are free as a bird oh wait party

is at noon right

yes it’s at lunch time the party will

start around 11 30 a.m is that still


yes we will be there on time


we will bring some packs of cold beer we

just bought do you guys need anything

i’m going to the supermarket tonight

oh thank you the beer is more than

enough riley you guys joining us is our

pleasure please don’t go into any


it’s no trouble at all we will come over

on sunday then

okay see you then bye riley



dialogue 4 taking a walk


it’s such a beautiful sunny day i can’t

remember the last time i felt so relaxed

yeah it’s so great being able to enjoy

the sunshine and the cool breeze

our old place was always loud and noisy

i feel so great that our new

neighborhood is so beautiful and


i feel the same way our new house is

closer to the city center but it’s not

noisy at all

and it’s so convenient that we have

everything from supermarkets the mall

the cinema to restaurants and coffee

shops nearby

yeah it’s great that everything is

within walking distance

moving to this neighborhood is such a

good decision don’t you think honey

it’s the best place to raise our little


also our neighbors are all so nice and

respectful especially jared and riley

they’re always willing to help us

yeah that’s true it’s not easy having

such good neighbors nowadays i’m so glad

we moved


dialogue 5 playing at the park


are you happy that we took you to the

park ben

of course it’s awesome i love it

before when we still lived in brooklyn i

could only go to the park once in a


yeah i know i’m sorry about that honey

the park was too far from our old place

so we couldn’t go there often

but this park is only two blocks from

our house so now we can go here every

weekend or anytime you want to


wow this park is so much bigger than our

old park

yeah you’re right

be careful honey don’t run so fast

you’ll trip over

i’m fine i’m not gonna trip trust me

mom dad look there are so many games

here as well

there are swings


slides and balls here i love this park

you’re right this park has such a big

playground it’s even bigger than the

playground at your school

wow it also has tubes and climbers we’re

glad you like this park

so what games do you want to play first


i want to play on the slide

oh oh i want to sit on the swings as


okay honey let’s go


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