In the Gym Learn How to Practice Speaking English for Daily Life



in the gym


more and more people go to the gym to

improve health and gain a fit body

let’s watch this video and learn more

about the gym

situation one

how to register a gym membership card


welcome to red gym i’m michael staff

manager of red gym what can i do for you


hello i want to start doing the exercise

in red gym could you help me please

yes we always welcome you but firstly

you have to register a new membership

card to become a member of red gym

please go to the reception over here and

i will help you make a new card


so to begin with please fill in your

information in this form if you have any

questions you can ask me anytime

here you are

okay thank you please wait for me for

some minutes


could you please bring me a cup of water

i am quite thirsty

okay by the way please take your form to

my table i’ll check it later

thank you michael


your water here next let’s choose a gym

plan for you

currently our gym provides three

packages one month six months and one


the price for them is twenty dollars one

hundred dollars and one hundred and

eighty dollars respectively

in addition if you choose a one year

plan you will receive a ten percent

discount for another person

you can give it to a friend or someone

you want to accompany

i think i will use one year plan but


if i’m too busy and don’t go to the gym

in a month will i be lost to this month

in my plan

yes tom thus you should go to the gym

regularly to practice effectively as

well as not waste your money

your plan is one year right

yes please

okay by the way do you want to have a

trainer to help you practice more


you can select the 1v1 plan of us

how much does this plan cost

thirty dollars per month tom

it’s a reasonable price okay add this

plan to my account so how much money do

i have to pay

let me see

you have to pay five hundred and forty

dollars totally

do you want to pay by cash or card

cash please

okay wait for me a while i’ll print your


your card will be sent to you in three

days you can choose your trainer now and

start your today practice

have a good day with red jim

thank you so much michael

situation two advice for beginners


hello you must be coach june

yes i am coach june you are ben right

i heard staff talk about you nice to

meet you

oh nice to meet you too

as you may know i haven’t gone to the

gym before

so i make this appointment to ask you

for some advice for beginners like me

of course i’ll help you but first please

tell me your motivation to start the gym

recently i’m often tired and easily get


i want to exercise to improve my health

in addition my friend said i was fat i

hate to hear that i want to have a fit


to sum up you want to be stronger and

more beautiful right

it’s also the main purpose of the gym

now you should build a particular

schedule to follow

yes could you give me some


with beginners like you we should start

with simple exercises

don’t try to do hard exercises you will

feel tired and give up soon

you have to practice following your plan

a good result will come after a few


here is your plan i prepared it for you

yesterday i am also your trainer and

help you practice effectively

let me see

this schedule is okay

i’m not busy on any day there

besides you have to eat healthy

it means you should eat more vegetables

and drink more water

meat and fast food are bad food for your


you also shouldn’t drink wine as well as

smoke they are very bad for your health

okay coach i will try my best

if you have any questions about your

practice or diet don’t hesitate to call


my number is 339 489

i have to go now i have some work to do

goodbye and see you on the next training


thank you so much june have a good day


situation three

how to have a beautiful body


do you want to drink water

yes please thank you

my name is tom nice to meet you

i’m drawn

you must practice in the gym for a long


your body is great john

i don’t know how i got a body like you

you are right tom i’ve done exercise in

this gym for three years

i believe that you will have a good body

soon if you go to the gym regularly

could you tell me some tips for

gym people please

i’ve just started practicing for a week

of course tom to get a fit body soon you

should follow a schedule from the coach

i mean it may be fairly hard at first

but don’t give up try your best and

overcome it

please practice regularly as i mentioned

it’s the main reason for practicing


what about my diet what should i eat

eat more vegetables chicken breasts and

also drink more water

they will provide enough nutrition for


you should also reduce to pork and fast


don’t drink coke or beer

they are so bad for your health and your


okay john

don’t you mind showing me some exercise

you often do in the gym i am so curious

no problem let’s go to the walking

machine over there i’ll show you my own


okay let’s do it

situation four

benefits of doing exercise


anna you don’t look well recently are

you sick

oh kelly i often feel tired without

doing anything

besides i can’t sleep on time it makes

me feel more sad and boring

you should go to the doctor i think they

will help you get well soon

i met a doctor last week he gives me

some medicine but i don’t think they

affect me

i think it may not be an illness i used

to be like you but i have no longer got

sick for a long time

it may be because you do not act on your

body regularly

you spend almost all day at work and do

not do the exercise at home

you are right kelly i used to go to the

gym before but now i don’t have enough


you should go to the gym as before

i practice in there regularly and i feel

stronger every day

my body is fit

going to the gym is an effective way to

improve your health

really kelly

that sounds great

okay i’ll arrange my time to go to the

gym by the way where is the gym you are

practicing in

the red gym it’s near your house

good let’s go there this afternoon i

can’t wait anymore

okay anna i’ll go with you

thank you so much kelly

you’re welcome


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