Make an emergency call in English Practice English Speaking for Life


calling for an ambulance

when you are in an emergency situation

you should calm down and call for help

what should you talk about when you give

an emergency call let’s watch this video

and learn about some situations

situation one an accident


mark look at it

what is it

i don’t know it seems to be a person

perhaps he got in an accident he is

trying to stand up in pain

should we go to see what happened to him

okay let’s go

man what’s happened with you do you need

any help

can you help me to stand up please


what happened

i was crossing the road and then a car

came by and hit me he drove too fast so

i could not recognize the number plate

of the car

are you okay

not sure i have a lot of pain

mark i think we should call for an


i think it’s okay i will go to the

hospital tomorrow

no look at you you cannot move by

yourself i will call an ambulance for


hello it’s 911 what service do you need

ambulance police or fire brigade

could you send an ambulance please there

is one person who is hit by a car

okay is he unconscious no no he is awake

but he is in pain and i think he is

bleeding inside

okay where is your location

it’s number 398 olive we are at the

crossroad near the traffic light

okay please help him to calm down and be

conscious if there is any problem please

call back immediately

okay please send an ambulance as soon as


sure one ambulance is coming now no




situation 2 call for the fire brigade


wake up wake up max

what’s up baby

do you smell anything



it smells like burning plastic

let me see

oh my god come here look at it bae

oh my god the fire is an off factory

isn’t it is peter there

maybe no peter told me that he went to

bristol for his aunt’s wedding

what should we do now max it looks so


you should call peter to inform him

about this situation i’m calling for a

fire brigade now

the emergency number is 9-1-1 isn’t it

yes max what’s wrong with you

i’m too anxious babe

hello it’s emergency control center do

you need police fire or ambulance

fire brigade please there is a serious

fire near my house i i don’t know when

it started

okay please calm down what’s the address

i don’t know the exact number it is the

off factory close to my house

my address is number 1654

old mansfield road the factory is about

200 meters away

okay can you tell me what happened

i don’t know exactly i was sleeping when

i smelled the burning plastic

and i see the factory in the

neighborhood is in flames

i came closer to have a look it has

caught fire dangerously the fire seems

to engulf the whole factory by swift


everyone and you should stay away from

the fire okay is anyone injured

luckily no

is there anyone stuck in the factory

i think not but i’m not sure

normally there are no workers in there

on the weekend

okay the fire brigade are coming now

remember to stay away from the fire to

keep yourselves safe

okay please come as soon as possible



situation 3

calling for an ambulance

tony tony where are you now

what are you doing

do you hear me

i don’t want to play hide and seek with

you answer me

oh my god what happened to you

tony wake up wake up

i have to call for an ambulance

where is my phone

this is 911 hello who is calling

my son is unconscious i need to bring

him to the hospital now please hurry

okay please calm down you want to call

for an ambulance don’t you

yes please

okay where is your location

number 67 patrick street it’s the

building on the corner with two big oak


okay i see you should calm down and

listen to me okay

all right

the ambulance is on the way now to bring

your son to the hospital

can you tell me what happened with your



i don’t know i was cooking in the

kitchen then when i called him to have

lunch he didn’t answer me i looked for

him around my house and i see he was

unconscious in the garage

does he have a background disease

no his health is good

okay are there any hard or sharp objects


no not at all

is he bleeding or anything

no he is just unconscious

okay you should look after him until the

ambulance comes

if he takes agonal breathing you should

start cpr okay


when does the ambulance come

it is on the way no worries they’ll be

with you shortly

okay thank you

situation 4

boiling water burn


it’s emergency control center hello what

service do you need ambulance police or

fire brigade

hello i want to call the ambulance

okay are you with the patient right now

i i am the patient

oh okay is someone with you

no i’m home alone

okay what happened to you

i was boiling water for my noodles then

accidentally the pan fell down

my foot is burned now i cannot feel

anything except hurt

okay where are you exactly

i’m in flat 6 on the second floor number


north rhodes street

so the address is number 36 north rhodes

street that’s where we’re going right

yes that’s right

okay help is on the way they’ll be with

you shortly

thank you

now listen to me i will give you some

first aid tips

alright what should we do now

do you have a first aid kit or something


you should go to the bathroom then apply

cool running water to cool the area for

at least 20 minutes or until the

ambulance arrives

okay can i use ice

no you shouldn’t don’t use ice iced

water or greasy substances

okay anything else

after that you can cover the burn with a

moist bandage or clean cloth


and remember don’t break any blisters

i haven’t seen any blisters appear yet

okay that’s good the ambulance is coming

now keep yourself alert

okay thanks


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