Have Has Had English Grammar for Beginners

everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and in

this week’s live lesson we’re going to

talk about how to use the verb have in

English I’m going to talk about using

have has and had in this lesson we have

a lot to cover and a very short time to

do it

but I hope that we can talk about this

grammar I’m going to cover three points

in this lesson first I’m going to talk

about using have to show ownership in

present tense and in past tense second

I’m going to talk about using it to make

perfect tense present perfect tense and

past perfect tense and finally we’re

going to practice using have to express

responsibilities like I have to do


so throughout today’s lesson during the

lesson please make sure to send your

example sentences in the chat I will try

to check them and read them and please

make sure as well as you join to like

and share the video so that other

learners can find this week’s lesson as

you join to please send a message in the

chat we’re going to begin in just a

moment while we wait a couple of

announcements first this week there is a

31 percent off sale for our members on

our website so please check this up the

link below the video on youtube or above

the video on Facebook

the 31 percent off is for premium and

premium plus options on our website so

you can find all the details all the

plan details from the link below the

video or above the video check that out

if you are interested in learning more

on our website with the other resources

we have hi everybody I see lots of

people in the chat now great avi from

Indonesia cool hi Jafar hello Carmen’s

Ahmed arsh Vicky Jorge Mohammed Tong

cake great Freddy hello and on Facebook

I see many people on Facebook - hello

Guerra Assad Mubarak pride

prejudiced dianna you brought him omar

dannegan great hi everybody thanks very

much for joining us this week one more

announcement a quick reminder I try to

remind you every once in a while I

shared this photo a while back but this

is from our monthly review series so

this is in our studio here where we get

like audio and video messages from our

viewers from you every month and we

reapepper but rather we listen to them

on this iPad I listen to them and we

kind of react to them and we share them

with our audience so every month there’s

a different challenge where you can

record yourself either audio or video

this month we’ve asked you to please

tell us about your home city or your

home country so if you want to

participate in our monthly review please

check the monthly review video on the

English class 101 youtube channel i’m

looking forward to receiving many more

audio and video messages from everyone

out there this is a really cool series

so I hope lots of people participate ok

great so with that as I said today we’re

gonna talk about using have has and had

in English please don’t forget to like

and share the video I’m going to share

the video and then I’m going to start

the lesson the first part of today’s

lesson is going to be focused on using

have to show ownership so to show that

we possess something so I’m going to

talk about each point in terms of

present tense and in terms of past tense

so let’s begin let’s start over here

part 1 showing ownership showing

ownership with have if you want to

express ownership in present tense

present tense you need to consider the

subject of your sentence so there are

two patterns to think about I you we and

they if these are your subjects if one

these is your subject you need to use

this pattern for a positive statement I

plus half plus your direct object this

is the most basic way to show ownership

with half for example I have a watch

so I subject have verb a watch is my

direct object here we follow the same

pattern for these subjects too you have

we have they have something if we want

to make a negative we need to change the

sentence we position don’t before have

so I don’t have direct object you don’t

have direct object

we don’t have they don’t have and so on

so this is for a present tense statement

something that’s true now I have or I

don’t have then let’s compare this to a

different subject so if my subject is he

or she or it we need to change the verb

have to has he has she has it has plus

art direct object so the thing we want

to express ownership of so we do the

same thing for a negative we need to

position a word before have but please

note in the negative form we don’t

change the verb here even though we

change the verb when we’re making a

positive so not doesn’t has have remains

the same in the negative form but this

part changes so he doesn’t have she

doesn’t have it doesn’t have something

so these are the two patterns for

positive and negative statements to show

ownership now to show ownership in the

present for example

has the files subject she has is my verb

and the files the object of ownership a

negative example

he doesn’t have my keys he doesn’t have

my keys so this is present tense

ownership a couple of people are sending

examples in the chat awesome thank you

someone on facebook says I have a good

teacher who like you thinks I’m hell hey

I don’t have a car yet but my sister

does my sister does is how we would say

that someone says I have a rocking horse

okay cool good someone says my sister

has a toothache right now okay good nice

examples nice example Hani le hey there

one of our members in the chat welcome

other examples ownership she has a

wonderful voice

oh thanks that’s cool I don’t have

problems very nice good examples

everybody very nice examples I don’t

have a car or a girlfriend nice one nice

examples okay so this is present tense

use of have to show ownership let’s

compare this then to past tense

use past tense use so talking about the

past so not true now but before this is

a bit simpler when we want to make a

past ownership statement we use the

subject plus had plus your direct object

so here notice have becomes had so had

is the past tense form of half so

subject plus had plus direct object to

make a negative statement about the past

we use subject plus didn’t have didn’t

have plus direct object so we often use

a pattern like this to talk about our

childhood or to talk about a specific

point in time in the past for example I

had cats I

cats maybe when I was a kid I had cats

when I was a kid so we often give the

specific point in time when when I was a

kid or he had a bag earlier he had a bag

earlier now he doesn’t have a bag but he

had a bag earlier so these are the

patterns we use to express ownership in

the past with the verb have great I see

some present tense examples and some

past tense examples like I have time to

study a lot okay good

she has homework great do you have a red

marker yes I do

okay great Ibraheim on YouTube says I

had a car two years ago don’t forget

your article yeah I had a car two years

ago okay someone said she had my

sandcastle what was what does that mean

I don’t know okay it’s grammatically

correct cool I don’t know what it means

very nice okay someone says we had a

puppy good good good good

someone says I had a bad day yeah good

examples so there are some expressions

like to have a nice day or to have fun

or to have a meeting these expressions

use have they don’t mean like owning

that thing it’s not like an object we

can keep or have but we do follow the

same rules for past and present tense

with those expressions one says how

about have got in American English I’m

going to talk about that in part three

have got is used to talk about

responsibilities okay so that is the

first part of our lesson reviewing how

to use have to show ownership let’s take

one quick break and then we’re going to

talk about part two here someone says

can you please explain has again I’m

going to explain has three more times

today many different uses and this video

is being recorded so you can check it


okay a quick break to remind you if you

missed it earlier this week there is a

31 percent off sale on premium and

Premium Plus memberships on our website

so the premium plus one has a certain

level a certain rate and certain like

options you can find all of the details

and compare it to the premium level from

the link below the video on youtube or

above the video on Facebook so check it

out there’s a lot of differences I’m not

going to read them all but check that

out if you are interested in learning

more English with our resources and

English class 101 dot-com okay so if

you’re just joining today’s lesson we

are talking about half hasn’t had I just

talked about using it to show ownership

of something I’m going to talk about it

for making the present tense present

perfect tense I’m sorry talking about

perfect ins so present perfect tense and

past perfect tense next if you have not

already please make sure to like and

share the video so other learners can

find it okay let’s move on then so part

two for today is about perfect tense so

a reminder perfect tense I know is

challenging for many students for many

learners a reminder about present

perfect tense we use present perfect

tense to talk about one general life

experience general life experience at a

non specific point in time so we use it

commonly to talk about travel to talk

about our work experience those are

really good ways to use present perfect

tense and we also use it to talk about

things that started in the past and

continue to the present

often with the progressive tense so I’m

not going to talk a lot about the like

the functions in that sense today I’m

going to focus on how we make these

powders today if you have questions

about that we have live streams about

using a perfect tense on the English

class 101 Channel and I

done some lessons about this too so

please check that out for more so let’s

review how to make present perfect tense

first as we talked about in this part in

the first part of today’s lesson we need

to think about the subject of our

sentence let’s start by making a

positive statement

so again if my subject is I you we or

they we use half plus the present

participle form of a verb I’ll show you

some examples of this later if we want

to make a negative we change have to

have not here I’m using the reduced form

haven’t haven’t so I have present


I haven’t present participle please note

this is a key difference one key

difference is here present participle

verb this is a present participle verb

right here when we were talking about

this point notice we have have plus a

direct object a direct object we’re

showing ownership so the grammatical

structures of these sentences are very

different also the negative structures

are different I don’t have shows


I haven’t shows a lack of experience so

these are a couple of different ways to

understand the type of sentence a

speaker is using let’s compare this then

to when our subject is he or she or it

when the subject is he she or it we use

has instead of have this is the same as

part one today we use has plus again the

present participle form of the verb okay

well I’m sorry I’ve written present here

sorry this should be past I just

realized this should be faster part it’s

a past participle sorry I realized I was

reading something wrong that should be

past participle okay so we use he she or

it plus has plus our past

participial verb form here okay when we

want to make a negative we use he she or

it hasn’t plus past participle past

participle so again we need to consider

our subject here has when the subject is

he she or it have when the subject is I

you we or they

okay so let’s take a look at a few

examples of this first I talked about

using this to express your travel

experience this is a very common way to

express travel experience I have been to

Thailand this is a very common way to

express travel experience so here I is

my subject half is used here and then my

past participle verb form I have been to

Thailand I have been to Thailand so when

you make sentences like these

don’t forget your preposition to I have

been to Thailand I have been to Europe

that’s one point that many people forget

I have been to please

another example a negative example then

he hasn’t called yet he hasn’t called

yet so here we’re showing lack of

experience something we expect to happen

has not happened yet he hasn’t called

yet he hasn’t called yet so notice my

subject he my negative is hasn’t so

hasn’t is the reduced form of has not he

has not called yet he has not called yet


one more example she has finished her

homework she has finished her homework

again my subjects she here have changes

to has because of Miss the subject

change and finished is my past

participle verb

she has finished her homework so this is

again present perfect tense present

perfect tense again let’s compare this

to making past so let’s look at past

perfect it is past perfect tense again I

wrote present this should be past sorry

fast participle so when we make past

perfect tense we don’t need to worry

about these differences with the subject

we don’t need to worry here we just used

subject but here again we need to change

this part to past so have becomes had in

past perfect expressions subject had

plus past participle or subject plus

hadn’t plus past participle so this is a

pattern that is commonly used with the

progressive form as in this example we

had been hiking for an hour when it

started to rain so a common way that a

pattern like this is used is to talk

about an interrupted action so something

that was continuing and then another

action stopped it or interrupted it in

this case our continuing action is here

we had been hiking so in this case I’m

using this progressive form we had been

hiking for an hour so this is a

continuing action for one hour and then

right here when so when shows us the

point at which an action was interrupted

we had been hiking for an hour when it

started to rain so the interrupting

action the thing that caused the change

is in simple past tense here when it

started to rain so again this is past

perfect tense past perfect tense the

change here is using had subject had or

subject hadn’t plus the past participle

verb form this is different from present

perfect tense which uses have or has to

make positive statements and

haven’t or hasn’t four negative

statements so I will try to check your

example some good present perfect

examples good you have taught English

for seven years great I have been to

Toco great nice examples on YouTube I

had seen something funny okay

could be could be others AB is sex ed uh

sorry I missed your comment it was

something yeah thank you I have been to

Thailand means the subject is still

there no it sounds like I have been to

Thailand sounds like I have the

experience of visiting Thailand I’m not

there now so I have been to a place just

refers to the experience of going to

that place

other examples I haven’t been to France

yet very nice nice negative example that

was from C jamon YouTube on Facebook I

see lots of people saying good morning I

don’t see example sentences there uh one

on YouTube I have took make sure you use

the past participle form I have taken

your keys I have taken your keys who day

said I had seen you last year okay it

could be so past is a little bit tricky

to make example sentences with because

like I said we often have a past past

perfect or past perfect progressive

point paired together with something

like that interrupts that action so this

one’s a little bit tricky okay so this

is how we use have had and has to make

perfect tenses present and past perfect

tenses okay

so we’ll take one more break here and

then we’ll move on to the last part

talking about responsibilities

responsibilities Oh a nice example I

have been learning with you for four

months nice one nice one

okay let’s take a quick break then as I

said earlier to this week we have a

special 31 percent off sale on premium

and premium plus memberships at English

class 101.com

so there are a few differences between

those two options on our website so

please take a look at the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

Facebook for all the details about those

memberships so you can get more

resources for your English Studies so if

you want to for example get like lesson

transcripts or lesson notes or have a

teacher to connect with online you can

find all of that all of that information

from the link so please check that out

this week it is 31% off of those

memberships okay good so we’ll continue

on to the third part of today’s lesson

third part will be responsibilities have

to and has two and then past tense as

well okay some other examples are coming

in with perfect tense though I have been

working at this company for two years

great good so lots of progressive or

continuous examples they’re very nice Oh

someone on Facebook shouldn´t I had a

really nice example of past perfect I

had been watching a movie when my mom

arrived last night so like I’d been

watching a movie alone when my mom

arrived last night or something that’s

cool so there’s that interrupting action

and a continuing action nice okay very

nice example thanks everybody let’s

continue to our last part for today

responsibilities responsibilities let’s

begin with present tense again so when

we want to talk about a present

responsibility we can use have to or as

someone asked earlier today like have

got to in American English we don’t

really use have got to so much but we do

use this reduced form we say I

gotta I gotta which technically is

grammatically incorrect I got to but

that comes from I have got to which is

more common in British English we tend

to use have to or I like hafta as it

sounds in everyday speech a little more

often so to make a responsibility

statement with have and have to we need

to again think about our subject as in I

have to you have to we have to they have

to and when we want to make a negative

statement to express no responsibility

we use don’t have to so this follows the

same pattern the ownership one I talked

about at the beginning of the lesson

this don’t is the same don’t that we saw

it there but keep in mind we’re using to

I don’t have to so these expressions are

followed by a present verb a present

verb simple present tense so you don’t

need to use past tense or participle

nothing like that so I have to go to the

bank or I have to teach a live stream I

have to plus a simple present tense verb

again with the negative form this is the

port the part the part the changes I

don’t have to plus simple present tense

verb it’s a simple present sorry it’s

hard to see simple present tense verb so

try to send some examples oh good some

people are sending examples I have to

check it good good good I’ve got to go

home good I have to eat food everyday

good I have to go to work on time

perfect on Facebook I have to go home

good I have to finish my plan good I

don’t have to eat today

really why not okay good good example is

grammatically correct I have some

questions but grammatically correct

example someone says I have to cut down

on watching YouTube oh my okay I have to

go to school

I have to learn English every day for

work good I have to put my daughter to

bed good I have to go to the mosque to

pray good I have to wake up early in the

morning wow you guys are pros

professionals with half too nicely done

nicely done

okay so now let’s move on to practicing

this with a different subject instead of

I have two let’s practice using it with

he she or it subjects so again we need

to conjugate this verb have two becomes

has two in the in the positive

statements and it becomes doesn’t have

two for negative statements again we

finish this with a verb in present tense

in present tense or if it’s easier for

you to remember has plus the infinitive

form of a verb so let’s practice making

sentences with he she and it so you can

use your classmates examples like some

ones that he has to go to the mosque to

pray or she has to practice English

every day or he has to go to the gym she

has to go to her room for example so

please keep in mind as well when your

subject is he she or it and so on think

about the other words in the sentence so

like he has to go to his room so in your

original sentence maybe you said I have

to go to my room you need to consider

changing my to his or her okay some good

examples they have to do their homework

very nice she has to eat breakfast good

he has to go to school good she has to

study harder very nice he has to work

good good good good nice nice she has to

go to the gym to lose weight okay okay

alright she has to feed her kitty very

nice very cute very adorable sentence

okay she she has to struggle learning

English grammatically correct

grammatically correct we have some


okay she whoa so many examples on

YouTube and Facebook he has to watch all

your lessons who she has to clean her

room very nice very nice she has to

finish her work very nice great example

very nice examples okay so I think you

guys are professionals with using have

to and has to know trebles their great

work everybody okay

let’s continue then to the last part the

last part is using this point in the

past in the past this is very useful

when you are at the end of the day and

you’re explaining to your family member

or your friend the things you did that

day what did you do

what were your responsibilities that day

they’re finished so to do this we use

subject just any subject subject plus

had to had to plus present tense verb so

again we’re not changing the verb

present tense verb here and when we make

negatives didn’t have to didn’t tattoo

so the negative is right I’m sorry the

negative and the past tense are right

here did not have to did not have to so

subject had to present tense verb

subject didn’t have to present tense

verb so for example mmm yesterday I

didn’t have to teach a live stream

yesterday yesterday I didn’t have to

teach a live stream yesterday I didn’t

have to go to the bank yesterday I had

to come to the office so these were my

responsibilities yesterday my past

responsibilities okay some examples are

coming now I had to get up early to join

this class very nice very nice past

tense example by the past tense example

she had to eat lunch good on Facebook he

had to take care of her kids good I had

to buy a car good okay and

other perfect tense examples still too

good you didn’t have to do that site I

maybe need to so here I’m focusing on

half two for this lesson need to is used

for the same thing but we cannot use

them together so I have to or I need to

but not together not together I had to

change a filter in my automobile or my

car good good good

I had to clean my room great good we

didn’t have to take a test on English

linguistics okay he didn’t have to do

homework yesterday good I did not have

to get up late okay I didn’t have I

didn’t have to play football yesterday

so when you make a negative have does

not change

keep it have not had for past okay

also yeah a couple points about this

negative one negative past is didn’t

half to didn’t have to so don’t change

have here no change had in the positive

changes in the negative didn’t have to

she didn’t have to do something didn’t

have to do something last night I didn’t

have to clean my room good on Facebook I

didn’t have to I didn’t have to miss any

of your lessons

okay also keep in mind I won’t talk

about this so much in today’s lesson

because I’m out of time but when you are

making a negative with half to in

present or in past make sure that the

responsibility is a reasonable

expectation so we use half to four like

reasonable responsibilities things other

people often expect us to do like to go

to the bank or to clean something

to to take care of someone so we don’t

use don’t have to for like a crazy thing

or an optional thing always it’s for

like a normal expectation so please keep

that in mind I don’t have time to talk

about it so much today we have to finish

I’m late as usual so we’ll finish there

for today’s lesson about have has and

had so lots of grammar today who who’s a

big grammar review I think but I hope

that that is helpful for you these are

three very very common ways of using

have has and had and they have very

different functions so I hope that this

is helpful of course if you have

questions please send them in the chat

or leave a comment YouTube is a little

easier for me to check than Facebook but

send a comment and I will try to answer

somewhere somehow in some video if you

have a question so please do that but I

have to finish today’s lesson we will be

back we’ll be back next week next week’s

topic is talking about using should I’m

going to focus on using should and

should not so there are a few different

ways we can use should and should not I

will focus on that next week next week

the date will be May 29th Wednesday May

29th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

that’s New York City time please join us

live or watch later live is really cool

so join us to talk about practicing

should and should not one more time

before I forget again the 31 percent off

sale is this week so please if you are

interested check the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

Facebook or all the details I have to

finish there but thank you as always for

liking and sharing the video we all

really appreciate it and thank you for

your example sentences too so enjoy the

rest of your week enjoy your weekend and

I will see

you again next time mi