Have You Ever ... Present Perfect Tense Practice Learn English Conversation



about your experiences have you ever

dialogue one have you ever watched the


on the sea yet do you have any plans for

summer break

i’m going to california with my family

wow sounds fun it’s going to be a great


indeed there are so many interesting

things you can do there

my mom said she’s looking forward to

seeing the sunset

that’s right sunsets are beautiful

have you ever watched the sunset on the

sea yet

yes but it was in miami what was it like

the only thing i can say is that it was


the way everything slowly turned darker

the shadows of the palm trees and

mountains on the various colors on the


wow it must be magical scenery

we even drank beer and enjoyed some

light snacks while we watched the scene

it was an unforgettable memory

how did you feel about it it was my


time watching the sunset i felt really

peaceful and happy

like that moment was everything i need

in life

oh i understand that feeling

yeah watching the sunset is definitely

something you have to do at least

once in your life i see well i’m about

to be able to enjoy it

make sure to take some pictures

dialogue two have you ever gone to a


oh another artist canceled their concert


really yes the announcement has just

been posted

because of the pandemic right of course

well that’s so sad have you ever gone to

a concert

i’ve never even gone there yes i have

i’ve gone to one last fall when i was in

new york

oh the bts concert right yes

did you have fun obviously i did

that’s my favorite boy group they’re

very popular so it must be very crowded

indeed the stadium was packed i

remembered how hard

i and my best friend had to try to get

some tickets

but it was worth it right yes

the concert was beyond amazing

do they sing well live oh my god yes

some songs were even better than the

studio version

cool seems like a perfect night

i’ve loved them since 2015. so yes i was

so happy to see them

you sound like you missed that day a lot

i do the show was so good it was

probably one of the happiest days of my


a unique experience wasn’t it true

anyway i hope that the pandemic will end

soon yes i’m planning on going to

another concert when everything goes

back to normal

dialogue three have you ever received a

present that you really hate

have you ever received a present that

you really hate

actually yes when was it

it was last christmas oh

when i opened the box i was speechless

was it that bad yeah

inside it was a super ugly sweater

sweater it wasn’t even knitted properly

the color was hideous red with brown

stars all over it

sounds really terrible the sadder thing

was that it’s from my mother

unbelievable i didn’t understand how she

could give that sweater to me

honestly but then i took it out and

underneath it was a brand new pair of


so it was just a joke

yeah but i have to say that it’s truly


dialogue for have you ever loved

someone hey i’ve been talking to a very

nice girl online

really for how long nearly two months

but we’re going to meet for the first

time this weekend

have you seen her face yes we call on

facetime a lot

well that’s good for you i think it’s

time i should start a relationship

have you ever loved someone i have

oh you look sad when i mentioned this

do you want to talk about it actually


you sure it’s okay i don’t want to make

you feel bad

it’s fine i need to talk to someone

about this anyway

alright how did you two meet in high


we were in history class together and we

were partnered for a project

oh a high school relationship is usually

hard to forget

you’re right what happened after the


well we just kind of clicked

we had so much fun around each other

who confessed their feelings first i did

i asked her to go to prom and she said


later i drove her home and we said

goodbye on the porch

i kissed her that’s really sweet

and then we were officially a couple

until the end of

last year i’m really sorry

yeah it was an amazing relationship but

the long distance had been very

difficult for both of us

i see does it seem like you still love

her though

a little bit but the breakup was the

best option


dialogue five i have forgotten my

boyfriend’s birthday

i almost forgot my mom’s birthday


really yes luckily my brother reminded


well i have forgotten my boyfriend’s

birthday once

oh that’s bad too how did everything go

okay so do you remember when we were so

busy for finals last year

yes it was so stressful there was

so much work so the day went by so


by the time i remembered that it was his

birthday it was already past

  1. how unfortunate

he seemed to be really mad at me he

ignored me at school

the following day so how did you fix


of course i threw him a late surprise


to make up for my mistake nice

i apologized to him too i said that i

was wrong and

he’s still an important person to me he

was really moved

after that he kissed me you two

are really cute thank you

after that i had to remind myself to

always check the date before rushing to



dialog 6 have you ever been on tv

have you ever been on tv guys no i


i have oh really when

when i was in 11th grade what show was


i don’t remember the name but it was

about a conference for the youth that i


cool so they interviewed you

yes but it was a brief one what did they


just a simple question like my thoughts

about the conference and stuff like that

you’re a good speaker i bet the answers

were amazing

i guess you can say that my parents were

so surprised when they saw me

if i were them i would be surprised too

well it was actually a nice experience

dialogue 7 have you ever had a makeover

kitty have you ever had a makeover

well yes why did you ask me that

i’ve been thinking of getting a nose job

a nose job at age 16

yes and then i also need to change my


i agree about changing your style but

don’t you think having a nose job now is


bit too soon so how did you make over


i learned makeup dyed my hair and went

on a diet

then i also changed my style that sounds

like a

lot of work it did take two or three

years since i can’t get an

entirely new wardrobe after i lose


how are you feeling now after you’ve

changed yourself

of course i feel a lot more confident

did that confidence change your life a


definitely i socialized more take more


and even went on a few dates

dates yes but i’m too busy to be in a


seems like a makeover can really change

someone’s life for the better

still i guess you should think again

about getting a nose job

a makeover can only be good if you do it

the right way

thank you i’ll think about it


dialogue eight you’ve never gone


mary do you want to go snowboarding with

us on the school’s winter trip

sounds fun yes we’ve been planning it

for weeks

but i’m sorry i have to refuse

why well i’ve never done it before

you mean you’ve never gone snowboarding

not really i tried it once but i was so

scared that i couldn’t do it properly

what a shame it’s an interesting


why don’t you try it again yes

we’re going to be your instructors is

that okay

of course you don’t have to worry

so i guess i’ll give it a try then


dialogue 9 have you ever gone camping


peter i need your help what’s the matter

have you ever gone camping before yes i


so what did you prepare for that trip

not much

i had no experience back then so the

trip was kind of a disaster

ah but it’s fine i learned some valuable

lessons about being carefully prepared

so you can count on me well okay then

what kind of problems did you have to


first was insects they aren’t harmless

like those in the city

so make sure to bring insect sprays and

some medicine for the bites

spray and medicine got it

make sure to double check your tent

before you go and make sure that it’s

not ripped

right tent was it hard to set up

yes if it’s your first time going you

can practice at home though

there are tutorial videos online what

about the weather

you have to check the forecast but also

prepare for unexpected bad weather

okay now i have a list of things here

check it out

let’s see okay seems like you’ve got


great thank you peter

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