How to Talk About Your Current WorkProjects in English

and today we are going to talk about

how to talk about your current work your

current projects

and your current studies so uh today’s

focus grammar point

will be present progressive and we’re

also going to talk about

present perfect with progressive i know

that these are very very common


uh that many learners have sorry many

learners have these questions

so we’re going to cover them today okay

great so as you join live please make

sure to send a message

in the chat so i can say hi to you and

of course please make sure to like and

share this lesson so that other people

can find today’s topics while we wait

of course a couple of announcements as

always first

thing first uh this banner at the bottom

of the screen

there’s free stuff for you uh free


pdfs that you can download from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you are


on facebook today’s topic is focused on

work and studies

so a couple of maybe recommended

vocabulary sheets to download this one

is the business english one

uh there’s like office vocabulary here

yes but

on the back there’s like a list of job


and some meeting use phrases so this one

might be a nice one to download

for today there are also some study uh

related school related

uh pdfs that i will show you later got a

bunch of course if you don’t want to

practice with those there are many

different topics here’s one about

pets and here’s one about sports so

there’s all kinds of different things to


out so have a look at that if you have


before announcement number two is of

course if you have questions for me

if you have questions for me you can

send them to me for this weekly series

the ask alicia series uh on the english

class 101

youtube channel so you can send me your

questions i will definitely

read your question i will maybe choose

it to include in the series

i get a lot of questions and a lot of

questions are the same

too so that’s why i might not choose

yours but

i try to pick questions that are helpful

for everybody

uh so if you have questions for this


please send them to me at

ask hyphen alicia i’ll put a link for

this in the youtube

description sorry i can’t change the

facebook description if you’re watching

on facebook

but if you want to send me a question

check on youtube okay i’m coming to say

hello to everybody i think everything is

loaded i see lots of people in the

youtube chat welcome everybody

hi youtube el pepe hello um

there’s our bot okay cool uh bhavna hi

vaishnavi hello thanks uh silva hi

hari great okay and on facebook oh

where’d you go facebook hi facebook i

see lots of you

italia somayah lara juan uh

juan semicolon and colin today nope i’m

not talking about punctuation today

today is a different topic

uh kylos welcome everybody good it’s

uh connected everywhere fantastic so

let’s go to today’s lesson flow today’s

lesson flow

is as follows today’s lesson boards look

like this

oh it’s very sunny today it’s hard for

me to see my screen okay

here we go this is today’s uh


first we are going to talk about how to

talk about your

current work your current project your

current studies

with present progressive second we’re

going to practice

present perfect progressive and what the

difference is

between these two last we’re going to

talk about some common question patterns

you can use

and that you will also hear you should

know how to respond to these questions


with that let’s begin uh let’s begin


present progressive today present

progressive today

so a review a very quick review

i’m not going to talk in detail about

uh these grammar points i’m going to

talk about

how we use these grammar points in these


situations so if you have a question

about this situation

or if you have a question about your

example sentence send it in the chat

i will try to check live but there are

many questions on two different streams


thanks for your understanding hello

everybody who’s joining okay

let’s start present progressive a quick


we use present progressive that verb in

the ing

form in this pattern to talk about

temporary actions

so that means something we are doing now

let’s review how we make present


we need to consider our subject in these

cases yeah so i

could be the subject or he she or it

or you we or they so we need to think

about our subject

for today’s practice we’re going to

focus a lot on i i

because we want to talk about our

current work or our current studies

so when the subject is i

our verb following is am i am

and to make it negative we place not


don’t have to of course i am verb

in the ing form so for example i

am teaching english i am teaching

english so this is a temporary situation


now i am teaching english if the subject

changes the subject is you or we or they

we change the verb here to r you

are verb in for example

you are studying a language you are

studying a language this is something

true now you are studying a language


everybody good so far i hope in this

case i think maybe many of you are


english okay i’m trying to check your

questions it’s very sunny today

okay let’s continue in this lesson today

i want to

of course talk about these grammar

points i also want to share

some key tips some key issues i’ve


with learners with these topics

this is one big point for today a

preposition point

when you want to talk about your work

we use this expression right here i have

it in the progressive form

to work on something in this case to


on a new project when you want to

express your current

project the current um like the current


you are doing you can use work on

in the progressive form like this i am


on a new project i circled

on here because many learners forget

to include on i am working a new project

is incorrect you have to include this

on here i am working on

a new project i am working on a new


so for everybody watching live you can

send me a comment what are you working

on or what are you studying i will check

your answers later

you have some time to think okay let’s

change the subject then if you want to


about a collaboration so something you

and another person are doing together

that’s a collaboration

yeah so my friend and i

are setting up a company

my friend and i are so my friend and i

this means we we right two people

in this case my friend and i are setting

up here’s my progressive form yeah so


preposition point set is different from


up so to set up means like to

create something new for the first time

like to set up furniture for example

or to set up for an event so my friend

and i are setting up a company so we’re

creating a company

you could use that word too if you want

so please please please

don’t forget these prepositions they are

very very important

to your sentence okay uh on youtube

aj gabriel says can we say i am working


a new job it depends on the type of work

when we say i’m working on a new job

it sounds at least to an american

english speaker

that sounds like a construction related

work or construction

construction related project when we say

i’m working on

on a new job using on that preposition


before job it sounds like a construction

project why that’s just the way it is


if you want to express that you started

in a new company

or a new position use the preposition at

i am working at a new job

or i am working in a new company

i hope that that helps you okay

i’m looking for your examples um my


sarah tula says my teacher teaching now

it’s right

no my teacher is is teaching now my


is teaching now do not forget these

helping verbs

moira on facebook says i’m working on

my report so no uh no article there i’m

working on

my report okay continue

next one he is building a website

he is building a website this is another


i thought would be very helpful for

today’s topic

building it means making yes but

building has this feeling of like

putting pieces together it sounds a

little bit more

complex than just making

he is building a website

my subject is he so my helping verb

is i have to use is here not he am or he

are he is building a website

okay um sai says i am working on a new

company perfect great

great silva daniel says i’m working on a

new project about

applications good good good um

let’s see i am watching an excellent

video lesson

if you want to use your this article do

i have an example you are studying

a language don’t forget an an

if your following word starts with a

vowel sound

and something don’t forget that article

rule uh

he is designing a website says armando


uh abdallah hashem says how can i talk

about my previous work in an interview i

have some lessons about that on the


if you have a question about that search

how to talk about your past

work or just search past work on the

youtube channel i have some lessons

about that

okay let’s go on uh one more she is

learning how to play a musical


she is learning how to play a musical


i wanted to include this pattern right

here she is learning

and then i have this this embedded part

how to play a musical instrument so not

she is learning a musical instrument you

might hear that

we often use patterns like this she is

learning how to

do something so you can use this pattern

how to

change this verb to match the needs of

your sentence

also a small point well not a small

point big point study versus learn

study versus learn in this case we

cannot say

she is studying how to play a new


when we talk about something um

something we do with our hands like an


like playing a musical instrument or

using a computer or something like that

we typically use the verb learn when we

talk about gaining information

from books and reading and papers we

tend to use

study you can say you’re learning about

something from a book that’s great but

if we use study

in this case it sounds very very



all right shahana says she is learning

how to cook pasta good

okay good uh great so the last point

here yes is just to send the comment


are you working or what are you studying

on nahora says i’m learning how to drive

great okay uh a b c d says is it present

continuous to or not yes so

present progressive same thing as

present continuous

there are two different names for it

same grammar point yes

oh my gosh there are so many comments

now okay

um chris says i am studying an english

is this

correct no i am studying english i

am studying english english does not


an article you could say i am studying

an english

book you need a countable noun in that


ali says she is learning how to

programming close

she is learning how to program so see

this part right here

this part you need to use the verb in

the infinitive form yeah

right here this verb she is studying

how to program she is studying how to

cook whatever she is studying how to

infinitive so you cannot use the

progressive there

please use the infinitive the basic

dictionary form

cool okay sounds good great

all right let’s finish part one there

that was awesome fantastic

let’s go to part two i have loads to

talk about in part

two uh so we’ll take a quick break and

then we’ll come back

uh if you missed it earlier there is

free stuff

for you from the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on

facebook uh stuff that you can download

pdfs vocabulary pdfs you can check out

uh you can download all of them did you

know that you can just go you don’t have

to choose just

one you can choose all of them here’s

the school one i mentioned

before there is a back to school one but

on the back are some expressions you can

use in class

you can use these in this live stream


some of these points so you can check

this list

of expressions to use and there are some

excuses at the bottom here as well so i

wanted to share the business and the

school ones for sure today

but as i said there are many different

topics you can just go get them all

so check it out you need your name and

your email address

to make a free account and then you can

download everything

for free if you have trouble finding the

link to this stuff

after you make your account like it you

click the link in your email and go to

the bottom of the page scroll to the

bottom of the page and there’s a link to

get your free stuff some people told me

they had trouble with that okay let’s go

um let’s go to part two um

if you’re just joining also please make

sure to like and share this video so

other people can find today’s lesson

quick reminder if you’re just joining

today we are talking about

how to talk about your current work your

current projects your current

studies current means the stuff

you’re doing now what is true for you


okay so let’s look at our lesson boards

you can take a screenshot

if you like here we go first we talked

about present progressive

now we are going to talk about present

perfect with progressive and we’re going

to compare

these two grammar points because many of

you have questions about this

so let’s continue all right

a quick reminder about present

perfect progressive we’re going to cover

this later

we use present perfect progressive

to talk about an action that started

in the past and that continues

to the present so started before

could be a few minutes before it could

be hours years whatever

and that action continued until the


yeah for example i have been teaching

this lesson

for about 15 minutes 15 minutes

now 19 minutes okay i have been

teaching so this part right here is my

present perfect progressive part

to make present perfect progressive


we need to consider our subject i

you we or they plus have

plus bin and verb in the ing

form so this part this verb part this is

the same

yeah as part one of today’s lesson

but we need to use have been have been

to make it negative

not have not been if our subject is he

she or it we use has been has been

verbing okay very quick grammar review

if you have questions about this

i have many other videos about this


that you can check out i’ll try to

include some links after the lesson so

you can review this grammar point

so let’s look at another example

you if my subject is you you

have been studying english

for a few months for a few months

so maybe you can already see we tend to


this pattern have been verbing yeah

with a time period for a few months

for about 15 minutes you’ll also see

since used this is because

we need to express the point when that

action started

so we understand how long the action has


yeah okay some examples are coming in

salmazaki says i have been working in

the office for three years

good let’s see

uh other ones i have been watching

alicia’s lesson for 20 minutes perfect

perfect okay good i saw one on facebook

iman says

i have been teaching music for 30 years

careful not

i’m have been not i’m because that’s i

am i have been teaching music

music music is an uncountable noun

in this case okay uh all right

let’s go to the next one with a

we subject we have not

so here’s how you express a negative

this negative pattern is helpful

if you um have a change in your project

schedule or you have a change in your

study schedule

you can say we have not been working

on that project recently so recently

means like lately or these days

we have not been working on that project


at native speed this gets reduced have

not been becomes very short we

haven’t been is like the next step down

we haven’t been working on that project

recently it’s how a native speaker would


an american english native speaker would

say we haven’t been working on that

project recently

okay uh there’s one example from jesus i

has been drinking for two hours careful

very close when your subject is i make

sure your helping verb is half

i have been drinking for two hours

he she and it these three take the

has helping verb okay uh i’m

on on facebook very close i have been

teaching music

no uh i have been teaching topic so for

teachers oh that’s a great actually

thanks for your example i’m on

for teachers i have been teaching topic

for 20 years i have been teaching


for 11 years i have been doing this job

for 11 years so you don’t need to use an


before like your profession like the the

topic that you teach

okay onward uh one more example

my friend has been working on a business

for a few months my friend has been

working so i have this has been pattern


because my subject is my friend yeah

so i don’t have he she or it

like directly in the subject place but

when i want to talk about one person

outside me it takes this same pattern

my friend has been my friend has been

working on

a business again we see this little

preposition here too again yeah

has been working on has been working on

a business for a few months okay

and some examples

let’s see yolanda i haven’t going

shopping since

march very very close i haven’t been

shopping or i haven’t been going

shopping since march i guess i would

probably say i haven’t been shopping

since march that’s probably what i would


many of you are writing i have been

studying english for two years

very cool i have been learning

uh computers for a month maybe umu

jamal on facebook i have been studying

english since

uh when i was a kid good okay fantastic

everybody has some good ones

especially about your english studies

that’s super cool

um let’s see i’m looking for progressive

tense examples so

but time’s going quick i want to make

sure we talk about

this point this is a huge point a huge

question point for many learners present


or present perfect progressive which one

should i use

first let’s refresh i use this a lot in

my lessons you’ve probably seen this

before if you’ve watched my lessons


this is a timeline this black line yeah

so here is the past this star is now

you watching this video and into the

future yeah

this blue line here squiggly blue line

this is present perfect progressive so

here’s some action that started in the


and that continues to the present so for

example i have been teaching this lesson

for 20 minutes this red line

squiggly red line is present progressive

something happening now so

to help you choose you can think do i

want to express an action that started


and continues to now or do i just want

to talk about an action

happening now sometimes it’s true you

can use

both and that’s totally correct so

sometimes people ask me

should i use this or should i use that

you can use both of them they’re both


also you can sorry you can you can use


together here’s an example of this

i’ve been working on a big research

project i’ve been working on a big

research project

right now i’m doing interviews

right now i’m doing interviews so in

these two sentences

we communicate one the big thing that

started in the past

and continues to now i’ve been working


a big research project so my research

project is the big topic

yeah then inside that topic

is my current action right now

i’m doing interviews so i’m using

just this basic progressive form here to

do that

so if you have a big project or like a


i don’t know something big you’re

studying something like that

you want to talk about the big project

you can use this the present perfect


to talk about that and then you can talk

about the progress or sorry you can use

simple progressive to talk about the


the one action you’re doing now the

present action

now okay all right that’s a lot

i’m looking for your examples

on facebook says my brother has been

traveling for two days

to makkah i hope i said that right good


uh abdallah says i have been staying

home for five months yeah many people

have been staying home uh this year for


um okay other examples

ananda says i have been volunteering for

three months so instead of

doing a volunteer sounds a little

unnatural but i

understand your point volunteer is a


i have been volunteering for three


okay um juan says how long have you been

teaching english

i’ve been following your courses for

three years

so four comes before a length of time


since comes before a point in time i

have lessons about this

on the channel okay i have to finish


so we’ll finish there and go to the last

point for today some of you are making

questions which is fantastic

um so we’ll take one super super super

short break and then we’ll get some

questions that you can use

in your conversations and online as well

too that use this grammar

if you missed it quickly there are free

pdfs for you to download

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you are watching on facebook as i

said before you can download all of

these you don’t have to choose just one

i’ll show you some more i haven’t shown

you a lot of these i think

maybe we don’t need that one right now

family and relatives if you need to

brush up refresh your family and

relatives expressions

here’s a travel one maybe difficult for

many people

at this time uh but you never know

this one’s good for now maybe leisure

time activities

so you can refresh your vocabulary on

these points so check this all out you

can download

everything even if you don’t need it

right now

check it out okay uh also if you have

not already please please please make

sure to like this video and share it so

that other people

can find today’s lesson okay fantastic

i’ll show you today’s lesson boards

again so you can take a screenshot if

you like

but um okay we talked about part one and

part two

now we’re going to talk about part three

the last part

we’re going to practice some common

question patterns

i’ve chosen some questions that use


focus grammar so of course there are

other questions you can use in these


with different grammar but today i’m


on present progressive and uh present


progressive so f y i

let’s continue to the last part common

question patterns common question


first one what are you working on

what are you working on you can use this

with your friends you can use this with

your co-workers your colleagues to ask

about their current status what are you

working on

again key point for today it says little


not what are you working what are you

working is incorrect

do not use what are you working what are

you working on

what are you working at native speed

this sounds like what are you working on

what are you working on so you can use

this to check in with your friends or

your co-workers

this one is very helpful in many

situations this next one

what have you been doing what have you

been doing

you can use this at work and at school

of course you can also use this at home

so what have you been doing means at


some point in the past up until now like

you were doing something

but what was it so we use this question

sometimes when we’re when we don’t know

or when we’re a little suspicious of the

other person

what are people doing like for example

we expect

like someone will have finished

something and they didn’t finish it

so you can ask like what have you been


so this is a good one to use when you’re


unsure or kind of suspicious of someone

okay oh uh someone sorry i can’t read

your name on facebook says what’s your

youtube channel if you have an account

with youtube yes

uh if you’re watching on facebook we

have a youtube channel english class

101 101 you can check uh

all of our videos there it’s very easy

to search

so if you’re watching on facebook please

check that out also i put links

in the descriptions of those videos

after the lesson too

okay um nohorah has another good example

on youtube what are you talking about

what are you talking about is another

great one

a little aggressive so please be careful

that one’s a kind of direct

question uh let’s go to this one

so someone uh in section two asked me

how long question

how long have you been working on this

or how long have you been working on

that so depending on the situation you

can choose

this or that and of course you can

change this verb

how long have you been studying english

how long have you been

teaching english and so on how long have

you been working on that

you can use this again don’t forget this

preposition please

don’t forget this guy okay uh

time’s going quick on so i just

mentioned this

how long have you been studying topic so

in this

blank space right here put your topic

how long have you been studying english

how long have you been studying japanese

how long have you been studying


so put the topic of study right here


how long have you been studying blah

blah blah okay

all right next one where

are you going where are you going no

this one

is a simple progressive question yeah

not where have you been going

that’s a different that’s correct but it

makes a different

uh question where are you going means


someone is about to leave or they’re

traveling now

you want to know their destination now

their destination now okay where are you


where are you going okay

good and good examples are coming in

my mom has been cooking my dinner for

almost five years oh

okay it’s very specific okay

uh how long have you been studying math

says utahi great

good job felipe says how long have you

been studying this good how long have

you been studying this

fantastic everybody okay another good


is why a why question why

are you studying english why are you

studying programming

why are you studying economics this is a

good one for conversation

yeah a why question oh why are you

studying economics

so make it light if you’ve just met this


like if you’re like why are you studying


it’s gonna sound kind of aggressive and

like you you don’t seem interested

so make sure your tone of voice is

really like

interested and kind when you ask this

like oh why are you studying spanish

so keep in mind your tone is important

with questions like this

in a first meeting lastly today is this

one i wanted to include this one because

this is a very common question

at least among uh american english


it might not be clear the meaning how is

everything going how is everything going

you might be like what does this mean it

means how is your life

now everything in your life it’s like

how’s it going how’s it going but how is

everything going sounds a little bit

more like polite it’s still

kind of um familiar like we know the

person we have a relationship but i use

this for example

with some people at work that

maybe we don’t work together every day

but we just want to have like a check-in

say hello

ask about the other person’s life you

can say how

is everything going at native speed this

sounds like

how’s everything going how’s everything


okay um good yes

um other examples why are you studying

musical instruments okay that’s a good


you can ask somebody why why are they

doing that okay

uh oh good question uh fanny herrera

says why are you studying an

mba or why are you studying mba great


let’s talk quickly about it because i’m

out of time uh

studying comes before a topic of study

mba is the result yeah so you

should say in that case why are you work

or like

maybe why do you want to get an mba

so you study before the topic mba is

your result

yeah okay i have to finish because i’m


as always uh so uh we’ll finish there

for today if you missed it oh i’ll show

you the lesson boards one more time you

can take a screenshot here they are

we talked about present progressive

present perfect with progressive and

some common question

patterns you can use with today’s

grammar i hope that it was helpful for


you have excellent excellent questions

and excellent example sentences today

i’ll be back next week of course next

week uh

here it is next week the date october


oh my gosh this year is going by so fast

can you believe it

uh i’m going to talk next week about

making a steady schedule

so uh if you are having trouble like

making progress

or if you’re not really sure like how to

fit your studies into your life you can

join next week

and we’ll talk about some ideas for

making schedule

making a schedule for your studies so

please join me next week of course

all right i’ll say goodbye for this week

of course again make sure if you want

to check the links below the video on

youtube and above the video

on facebook for free stuff hooray uh

also i will

after this lesson uh i’ll put some links

in the youtube uh part

of in the youtube description of this

video so if you have

questions about today’s grammar points

uh please check that

a little bit after the live session ends

i’ll put some information there for you

to check out so

thanks very much for joining me live

this week it was super fun as always i

hope that you have a great week a great


uh oh thanks for liking and sharing too

i always forget to say that

okay uh i’ll say goodbye there for now

enjoy your

week bye