Present Perfect Tense Learn English Grammar

okie-dokie started hello internet

welcome back we are here we are live

again today on this day I hope you are

there too

hi everybody on YouTube I think YouTube

has started Facebook is coming somebody

has been waiting since 1058 Wow that two

minutes ago I don’t know

but welcome alright as we wait for

everybody to join I have a couple of

things that I want to go over from last

week of course to as always

um let’s see Oh YouTube is still

connecting oh no I think it will wait a

little bit we’ll wait a little

oh now YouTube is up okay great so now

YouTube is up is Facebook up should I

start talking should I wait for Facebook

to start Facebook hi YouTube oh good I

see you okay I see YouTube um kollel yes

you should be able to find me on


actually I’ll share my uh my username

here in just a second um let’s see

Facebook I think is not up yet um hello

from Japan let’s see you while we wait

for Facebook I will say hello Oh

Facebook is up good okay so I think

we’re ready to start then great okay

everybody’s joining hello welcome back

good morning good afternoon good evening

good night’s depending on where you are

in the world my name is Alisha and today

we’re going to talk about the present

perfect tense so I hope you are ready

this is a really good grammar point but

while we wait for everybody to join us

as usual I want to just review a couple

things some example sentences from last

week and just to answer a few questions

that came up from last week as well so

to begin first I guess I’ll introduce my

example sentence yeah my picture from

last week last week our topic was

prepositions of place prepositions of

location so we talked about how to use

like at and in and by and we talked

about into and out of so I used it as

always I try to use it somewhere

somebody asked about my Instagram

username but this is the same one my

Twitter and Instagram are the same

I said some good English questions in

video comments so I used the preposition

in here some good English questions in

video comments but many are small

questions wah wah so here we use in for

the comment section of videos and blog

posts and things like that yeah why

because it’s our comments in this case

the questions are kind of like enclosed

in the comment area we talked about how

we use in for like enclosed things or

enclosed spaces so this is another case

where we use the preposition in so this

is my example sentence from last week

yeah so that’s one I want to start with

great lots more people are joining hello

Moyne from India from Colombia Kevin hi

let’s see from Honduras Nordea hello

great on YouTube Shawn hello good

morning from Thailand good morning so

khun from Thailand as well oh no sorry

so Khun I couldn’t catch your country

they’re high on Facebook I see you great

son from Japan hello Sunday from Turkey

hi you Leonie from Indonesia hello thank

you for coming um great ok while we wait

a few more minutes there are some really

good questions from last week that I

want to talk about so from last week

Seba 89 said I’m watching this video at

my room is that correct no watching this

video at my room is not correct you are

enclosed you’re surrounded in your room

you’re in your room so we use in my room

not at my room so please be careful

there ok another really good question

from let’s see uh Solomon Martinez in

the sea or on the beach was the question

this is a really good question so like

the beach and the ocean are really

really hard for people to pick the right

preposition with so if you are swimming

we say you are in the sea or in the

ocean in the water because you are

surrounded by the water yet if you’re

just visiting the beach we say at the


I’m at the beach today if you’re laying

and enjoying the sunshine we say laying

in the Sun in the Sun and closed by


laying in the Sun on the beach your body

is laying on the beach so there are lots

of different prepositions that we can

use with the beach and with the ocean so

thank you for that question okay more

people are coming rose Zara from Bolivia

I think wow that went by fast

okay now Facebook hello from Iraq Ali

great Simon from Taiwan good morning

Bernard oh yes my hand has improved from

last week I don’t have to wear gauze if

you joined last week I had a big bandage

on my hand thanks for noticing let’s see

Fernando on YouTube from Mexico hello

Ahmed from Yemen great thank you for

coming um good okay um let’s see I have

one more I have one more question I want

to mention and then we’ll begin this

week’s present perfect tense topic Devi

pulley Nene I’m not sure if I pronounced

that right from last week said I’m

watching this video at bus or in bus

what is correct yeah we didn’t talk

about on last week the preposition on

because of time we didn’t have enough

time really

but the preposition on is usually used

for for transportation so on the bus on

the plane on the train so typically

please use on for transportation I say

typically because for cars we use in so

please use in for cars thank you for

your question no Devi okay great we have

lots of people watching let’s see it

Petroff from Bolivia Eduardo from

Guatemala hi every from Ecuador great

Nia you’re new want to learn more great

thank you for coming we’re going to talk

about a grammar point today

let’s see also from Peru on Facebook

Luis and Richy from Peru Guadalupe mark

Michele great and Vande from Cambodia

excellent lots of people oh right

if you have just joined as always please

please please hit the like button on

YouTube and on Facebook it’s so helpful

for us if we get good feedback then we

can continue making live streams so

please please please make sure to hit

the like button and share it to sharing

is also very very helpful so much

appreciated please hit the like button

okay so with that with our review from

last week and with your great questions

I want to begin today’s topic today’s

topic if you saw I hope is the present

perfect tense so we’ve had a lot of

questions about the present perfect

tense like when to use present perfect

tense how to use it what’s the

difference between that and the past

tense Jacob right next one Alicia it was

good so today I want to talk about that

some some grammar points and I want to

make some example sentences with you

guys so as we’ve been doing lately and

as a super helpful I will use a

whiteboard to draw some beautiful

diagrams again today and we’ll talk

about the present perfect tense

so today I want to talk about two uses

of the present perfect tense to maybe

general kind of broad uses of the

present perfect tense but first I want

to talk about how to make the present

perfect tense so a very simple sentence

we can use to make present perfect tense

I think you’re gonna see it in a second

is this subject right I think you’ll see

yeah here it is so we use a subject plus

has or have plus the past participle

form of a verb okay so this part maybe

is a little unfamiliar but for an

example sentence I have been to Europe

for example I have eaten pizza for

example so this part of the verb is

maybe the difficult part it’s hard to

study this this part of the verb is kind

of verb because there’s no real clear

rule for this section but this is the

basic form of the present perfect tense

a positive sentence so we’ll practice

this and we’ll practice a negative form

of this sentence too so to make the

negative form we do the same sentence

but we add never here so the subject

plus has an half plus never before the

verb I have never been to Europe I have

never eaten pizza so this is the basic

form of the sentences we are

to practice today okay so let’s begin

with the first use of the present

perfect tense okay so if you’ve been

watching lately you know that I like to

draw things lately so I’m going to use a

timeline today I’ve used a timeline a

few times in other live streams but I’ve

used the same timeline I think a couple

times before so I’m I’m just going to

introduce when to use this first type of

present perfect tense so here’s a simple

timeline with past and this star is now

future we’re not going to worry so much

about it today we’re going to focus a

lot on the past and now these two points

today so the first kind of present

perfect tense that I want to talk about

is for general life experiences so we

use present perfect tense to talk about

just a general experience we’ve had in

our life so I just said for example I

have been to Europe is a good example of

that or I’ve never been to I don’t know

Africa for example so these are general

life experiences however we don’t know

the point in time when the experience

happened we don’t know or rather the

listener does not know the point in time

when the action happened when the

experience happened or it’s just not

important so if you think about it it’s

an experience it happened in the past

sometime before now but when is not

important or when is is not the focus of

the sentence we just want to express

experience of something so if you need a

visual this is kind of how you can

visualize imagine a grammar point number

one so let’s try to make a simple

general life sentence with the present

perfect tense then so this is good for

talking about like things you’ve eaten

it’s good for talking about travel it’s

good for talking about work as well so

let’s uh if you’re ready I hope you’re

ready you’re going to need to type

something at me now okay so our example

sentence here your question will be what

is the strangest thing you have eaten

and our follow-up question here is in

past tense please be careful where did

you eat it

where did you eat it so what is the

strangest thing you have eaten and where

did you eat it so we’ll use the present

perfect tense in the first sentence to

answer the strangest thing I’ve eaten is

and past tense here we practiced past

tense a few weeks ago yeah

do you remember I ate it up and in a

preposition from last week yeah look at

this we are reviewing so much from our

live streams in these two sentences

great so what is the strangest thing you

have eaten and where did you eat it

so like the strangest thing oh the

strangest thing I have eaten is pickled

pig’s feet I ate it in my hometown when

I was in high school I remember that it

was disgusting I did not like it at all

that was the strangest thing I’ve ever

eaten pickled pig’s feet that is a true

story that is a true story

alright so how about you what is the

strangest thing you have eaten someone

said I’ve finished my breakfast I hope

that’s not so strange what is the

strangest thing that you have eaten and

where did you eat it what happened all


oh good okay there we go there is a

pause for a second there Jacob right

says the strangest thing I have eaten is

candide scorpions

I ate it in a Chinese restaurant candide

scorpions I can’t imagine that but great

the strangest thing I have eaten is

candide scorpions I ate it in a Chinese


nice Daniel son the strangest thing I’ve

eaten is monkeys meat I ate it in mud on

how Brazil monkey meat interesting I

can’t imagine that okay on Facebook

Fernanda says the strangest thing I have

eaten is crab

I ate it in the north of Brazil oh was

it like a strange kind of crab I wonder

okay um let’s see games and song says

I’ve eaten a frog in a restaurant near

my house it was delicious I’ve heard

frog is delicious I’ve heard frog is

similar to chicken see I used present

perfect tense there I’ve heard I have

heard that frog is delicious good Nancy

says I have eaten snails I I ate it in

Ensenada California oh really Ensenada

nice Yolanda on YouTube says the

strangest thing I have eaten is eagle

I ate it in a restaurant whoa in which

country I have never heard of someone

eating eagle before that sounds really

interesting very cool

Eduardo on YouTube says I’ve eaten lots

I’ve eaten frog legs in a Chinese

restaurant whoa

okay um what else Marco is that true on

YouTube is that true where did you eat

that oh my gosh oh my gosh Julio says

the strangest thing I’ve eaten is tacos

with salt is that strange is it strange

I don’t know Jennifer says the strangest

thing I have eaten is cat I ate it in

Iike Peru Peru’s I wonder how was that

one on YouTube says the strangest thing

I’ve eaten is crickets I ate it in

Wausau got Mexico whoa post guy this

changes thing I’ve eaten is braack


broccoli how do you say that Broglie I

ate it in Africa what is that

someone on YouTube says the strangest

thing I’ve eaten is dolphin meat I ate

it at my grandpa’s house whoa dolphin


whoa garrison on Facebook the strangest

thing I have eaten is burritos I ate it

in a restaurant a burrito strange I love

burritos what a breed is strange I don’t

know all right Everton on YouTube says I

have eaten cockroach of the sea what is

a cockroach of the sea I don’t know I

don’t know okay so lots of strange

things out there I have never heard of

some of these strange things but good so

we use present perfect tense the

strangest thing I have eaten is

something something something here’s our

present perfect tense today so I have

never eaten most of those foods you guys

just explained but okay very nice


good work so let’s continue on maybe to

our our second grammar point for today

so I said I want to talk about two

grammar points with present perfect

tense so the first one we just practiced

we use for just a life experience a

general life experience the general life

experience we don’t know or it’s not

important when the experience happen

necessarily however the second

experience or I’m sorry the second

grammar point I want to talk about today

is a slightly different use of the

present perfect tense okay so I have

made a new line in a different color so

the second point the second way to use

present perfect tense that I want to

talk about today is this it looks like

this so it’s an action which started in

the past and continues to the present or

the effect of that action starts in the

past and continues to the present so for

example I have studied English for six

months or we’ve worked together since

2012 or he has lived there for many

years so these are actions they started

in the past but they continue to the

present or the effect of that action

continues to the present so there are

two grammar points we’re talking about

today the second one is akin an action

which has an effect in the present or

which is continuing to the present so we

can use the second grammar point it’s

good for talking about your studies for

talking about where you live we’re

talking about where you work we can use

it to talk about the weather

  • like for example it has started

raining we can use that for weather

changes but I want to use it for you to

talk about where you work or maybe where

you study and how long you do that so

our second example sentence for today is

coming in just a minute

the question is what do you do so first

this is a simple what do you do what is

your job in other words so I’m a teacher

I’m an engineer I’m

doctor I’m a student here so what’s your

job what do you do here is our present

perfect tense sentence though

how long have you done that job or how

long have you been a student so I’ve

been a teacher for or since here’s an

extra challenge for you today for three

years so if you would like to use for

please follow it with a period of time

for three years for two months for six

days if you would like to use since

please use a specific point in time

since 2012 since yesterday and so on so

what do you do and how long have you

done that job I’m a student I’ve been a

student for 22 years maybe I don’t know

or I’m an engineer I’ve been an engineer

since 2010 so okay great Jacob write his

first one in on YouTube I’m a camp

counselor I’ve been a camp counselor

since the summer of 2016

perfect nicely done edit let’s see Edwin

on Facebook I’m a student I’ve been a

student since 2014 perfect very nice

what else

I’ve studied English since I was a

teenager games and songs nice work

denílson on YouTube I am a Portuguese

teacher I have been a Portuguese teacher

for four years perfect lots of teachers

here one on YouTube I’m a teacher I’ve

been a teacher for 15 years nice

Alexander I’ve been uh-oh don’t forget

this I’ve been up software developer for

six years don’t forget your article here

yeah or an hmm don’t forget this guy

Nancy I’m a sociology teacher maybe I’ve

been associate sociology maybe you study

sociology I’m a sociologist be careful

Saima on YouTube I’m a civil engineer

I’ve been a civil engineer since 2014

great Alena I’m a kindergarten teacher

been a teacher for almost 20 years great

lots of teachers appender off I am a

student I’ve been a student for 40 years

great on Facebook I’m a student been a

student since 2000 Oh mm good garrison

ughter technician I’ve been a computer

technician since 2015

great Mongolian English says I’m a nurse

I’ve been a nurse since 2014 on Facebook

very nice Wow there are lots of teachers

and students watching fantastic on let’s

see YouTube jus maybe I’m a student I’ve

been a student for twenty years good and

what else

ZP says I’m an IT I’m n yeah I’m n when

make sure to use an hear I’m n IT boss

I’ve been a boss since 2009 great Gil

says I’ve been an engineer for seven

years I think that went fast CS says I’m

an account not accounting I’m an

accountant I’m an accountant I’ve been

maybe accounting student I’m not sure

I’m make sure this this part and this

part should match

yeah same thing here same title should

match I’m an accounting student I’ve

been an accounting student for a million

years okay great see Leo said I’m a

historian I the chat went by quick um

some that’s okay that’s okay

let’s see on Facebook I’m Melana says

I’m maybe I’m in finance you can use in

here before an industry I’m in industry

I’m in finance I’ve been in finance for

two years so it’s okay to use an

industry here instead of your job title

very nice

Daniel on YouTube I’m a lifeguard I’ve

been a lifeguard for two years great

very nice okay sounds good let’s move on

no perfect lots of people who are

studying fantastic this one seems easy

for you guys great work really good okay

let’s take a look though because the

team the crew has prepared free gifts

for you guys as always so I want to take

a minute to introduce those let’s have a


you guys have free PDFs this week so I

think you’re going to see at the bottom

of this page there are some PDFs that

are specific to sits like some various

situations so going to the bank visiting

your family going to work traveling when

you are at a restaurant and

if you realize that you have trouble or

there’s a gap in your language skills in

one of these places you can sign up on

the website and download these for free

so these are really really easy to use

because they are PDFs so that means you

can download them and save them to your

phone save them to your computer and use

them offline some of you have told us

that you sometimes don’t have access to

Internet when you want to study so these

could be really really good ways for you

to review your vocabulary and to

practice that so please go to the

website and check it out the link for

this is in the description so if you’re

watching on YouTube please check the

link in the description below the video

if you are watching on Facebook please

check the link above the video but

please check it out it’s on the website

and they are free there’s a whole bunch

of free stuff on the website but this is

a good one that the team really wants

you to check out so take a look go check

it out go check it out link down here on

YouTube link up here on Facebook okay so

that’s a yeah if you if you haven’t been

that’s all in English class 101 dot-com

so that’s where the link will take you

okay great then let’s continue in our

studies of present perfect tense oh yes

if you are just joining us today’s topic

is the present perfect tense friend the

perfect tense so if you’re just joining

please make sure to hit the like button

or if you’re watching this video not

live please also hit the like button

it’s still very very helpful if you if

you like this and share it on Facebook

YouTube Twitter or whatever it’s super

helpful for us the more people watch the

more we can continue to make these

videos so please be please like and

share our video okay let’s recap so

present perfect tense we talked about

the first one in blue here how to use

present perfect tense for a general life

experience and second to talk about an

action which started in the past and

then continues to the present or the

effects of that action continue to the

present yeah I want to make a point we


in our second example sentence today

though for a kind of natural flow with

this grammar point you might introduce a

question in the present perfect tense

like what’s the strangest thing you’ve

eaten for example and then follow up

questions more specific questions are in

the past tense in the past tense on the

other hand we can use a present perfect

tense to introduce a question about

something you’ve never done and then ask

a follow-up question relating to your

future plans too so I want to try that

so for example let’s look at our next

question here kind of a little bit

different a different challenge here

kind of a future tense exercise what’s

something you have never done you have

never done but want to do and a

follow-up question yeah when might you

do it when might you do it what is

something you have never done so that

means here no life experience that means

no life experience here something you’ve

never done but you want to do so what is

something you’ve never done but you want

to do so for example I’ve never been to

France but I want to go and then I might

go in 2018 I might go in 2018 so I’ve

never been to France but I want to go I

might go in 2018 or maybe I’ve never

eaten candied scorpions but I might try

them in the future I don’t know so what

is something you have never done but you

want to do and when might you do it okay

so let’s try this one

let’s try this one future plans future

plans great great our producer is making

good jokes all right Junior hello Iago

hello thank you for joining let’s try

this question what’s something you have

never done but want to do so what do you

want to do I’ve never been skydiving but

I want to I might

go skydiving in my home country I don’t

know that wasn’t a very good sentence

okay Sileo on YouTube says I’ve never

been to Mars but I why I want to I might

go in 21 very nice good luck good luck

getting to Mars let me know let me know

if you can get there great Jorge says

I’ve never been I’ve never gone or I’ve

never been remember we need to use the

past participle form of the verb I’ve

never been to the USA but I careful but

I might go in for years so be careful

there these two sentences should connect

viago says I’ve never been abroad but I

want to great win when I might go in win

one okay sick guy nice hey welcome back

this week on Facebook I’ve never been to

the USA but I want to I might go in 2020

perfect Sandra on Facebook I have never

been be careful not past tense not past

tense I have never been been for travel

I’ve never been or have never gone I’ve

never gone or I’ve never been to

Australia but I want to I might go oh I

might go in next Monday next Monday

sounds like you have a plan yeah next

Monday is very very soon so I might go

next year for example it should be kind

of far in the future great more on

YouTube I’ve never been to India but I

want to go I might travel next year next

year so we talked last no two weeks ago

if you use this ayah or next year for

example no preposition is needed here

yeah so I might go in 2018 or I might go

in a few months but if you use this year

next year we do not need a preposition

here okay I’ve never seen a more

borealis but I want to I might see it in

2018 in Canada a nice one Jennifer

that’s a great idea I - I want to see

the overall Borya

I’ve never seen that before great okay

Eduardo on YouTube I’ve never been to

the States but I want to I might go in

two years good okay

dark phantom I’ve never been abroad but

I want to I might go in I might go to

Poland next summer I might go in Poland

next summer

great okay what else on Facebook Rivera

I have never been to Florida but I want

to I might go in 2018 sorry it was quick

mark Michele I’ve never been to New

Orleans but I want to I might go in in

close times I might go soon

I might go soon not close times I might

go soon on YouTube I’ve never been to

Africa but I might go I want to go one

day good ahh bra Oh Byron nice one I’ve

never played an instrument but I might

do it this year nice okay

Antonio I’ve never watched English class

101 but I want to I might watch you in

your channel banks please watch please

watch in like us great great okay

Gabriel says I’ve never eaten your food

oh that’s true that’s true you have not

great very very nice work okay but I

have run out of time as usual so I need

to wrap it up I need to close things up

pretty soon here you guys have done a

really nice job using present perfect

tense I know that this is a challenging

grammar point to talk about but you can

watch this video again on youtube or on

Facebook so that you can maybe practice

some of the sentences we talked about

and you can review the how to make how

to make present perfect tense sentences

also we made a video about this a couple

weeks ago if you haven’t seen it yet

we’re doing some new whiteboard based

videos very teachery video so a present

perfect tense video will be out soon so

please check that on our youtube channel

okay but it’s time for me to finish up

so today’s let’s see today’s livestream

will finish here but next week we are

going to do another livestream of course

same time same place

next week’s topic I’m going to talk

about responsibilities and things like

that so many of you have asked about

half two got to need to and

when should we use these what is the

difference what so I’m going to talk

about these points next week have to got

to need to must will be next week’s

topic so please join in please make sure

to watch and comment lots of comments

and sharings and like everybody always

like always like that will be next

Wednesday October 4th at 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time Wednesday October 4th 10

p.m. Eastern Standard Time please join

in again and send your excellent example

sentences and make sure to participate

your example sentences today we’re

awesome really really good really nice

job so every time same time same place

and next week we’ll talk about

responsibilities so thank you so much

for joining today it was great to

practice with you and I hope that you

have a nice week please make sure to

check out the channel check us out on

Facebook check us out on YouTube and I

think you’re going to see our free PDFs

soon which are up at English class so have a nice week I will see

you again at this time next week enjoy

your day or your night bye bye
