Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Progressive Basic English Grammar

everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and this

week we are going to talk about using

the present perfect continuous present

perfect continuous many of you have

asked questions about this grammar point

especially the difference between

present perfect continuous and just

present perfect so today we are going to

focus on this grammar point and I’m

going to explain when we use it why we

use it and a couple of ways that you can

use it to make questions too so as you

join live please make sure to like and

share the video also send us a comment

in the chat so that we can see you I see

some of you on YouTube hello Rendell

salad you be lose Manfred Roberto hi

everybody thanks very much for coming I

think Facebook is on the way right now I

see one person Muhammad hello hi there

great so today’s topic will be kind of

grammar heavy I’m going to focus on

grammar also as always please don’t

forget to check out the free stuff we

have for you you can find free

vocabulary and phrase PDFs from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on Facebook I will introduce those

a little bit later okay I see more

people on Facebook now hi there Sophia

and Sam and Jung hi fighta and Mirza and

all kinds of people great okay I see

lots on YouTube as well too uh Julio and

Sergio and Mary great lots of people

there as well fantastic

so we’re going to wait another minute or

so for other people to join the lesson

while we wait I want to as always share

one more quick a kind of announcement or

reminder and that is this week I wanted

to remind you about the weekly series we

have on our youtube channel called ask

Alicia this is a chance for you to send

questions like those little questions

that you have but maybe you find as

you’re reading things there as you’re

watching TV and so on it’s a chance for

you to send those quest

gins to me I read them all and then I

choose a few questions that I think are

helpful for everyone and we talked a

little bit about those so this is one

this is a screenshot from an episode a

recent episode about symbols I talked

about symbols that we use like for like

social media and just in general when

we’re writing online so if you’re

interested you can find the ask Alicia

series on the YouTube channel and you

can send your questions from the link

below the video on the YouTube channel -

so definitely send some questions there

we get a lotta so please notice that I

can’t answer everything and also you

might want to check the other videos on

the channel as well to see if there’s an

answer already available to your

question so please check that out that

would be awesome okay I think let’s see

we’re about three minutes in so I’m

going to share the video and then I’m

going to get started on today’s lesson

as I said today’s topic is the present

perfect continuous tense and we’re going

to be very grammar heavy today

so I’m going to break this into three

parts and I’m going to speak a bit

slowly because this is for some people a

challenging grammar point I’m going to

talk first about how to make a present

perfect continuous statement and then

why we make it why we use it and the

difference between this and present

perfect tense and then second I’m going

to talk about using it with for and

since and we’ll talk a little bit about

the negative finally I’ll talk a bit

about questions with this grammar so

let’s get started let’s begin over here

with how to make the present perfect

continuous and why we need it first how

to make it we begin a present perfect

statement with the subject the subject

of our sentence so for example I you we

he she

we follow our subject with half or has

so if your subject is I or you or we we

use have I have you have we have if your

subject is he or she or it we use paths

so I had our sorry she has he has it has

so depending on your subject you’ll need

to change this part here after this

we’ll use bin bin we follow this with a

verb in the ing form so you might hear

this form called progressive form you

might hear it called continuous ing verb

that’s how I’ve marked it for this

lesson when we want to make a negative

sentence we change this part right here

so subject plus haven’t if your subject

is I or you or we

I haven’t we haven’t they haven’t as

well if your subject is he she or it we

use hasn’t hasn’t to make a negative

statement so some examples of this first

I haven’t been sleeping well lately I

haven’t been sleeping well lately so

here my subject is I I’m using haven’t

here a negative and I’m using bin

followed by the ing form of a verb in

this case I’m using lately to mean in

the recent time period I haven’t been

sleeping well lately keep in mind this

haven’t and this hasn’t as well these

are the reduced forms of have not and

has not it sounds much more natural to

use have not I’m sorry hasn’t and


and have not and has not at native speed

this sentence sounds like I haven’t been

sleeping well lately haven’t been

sleeping well lately

this sentence then uses a different

subject the sentence focuses on she as

the subject here

she’s you’ll notice this she’s I’ll come

back to this she’s been coming to work

late recently so again my subject she

here is this apostrophe s in cases where

your subject is he or she or it it’s

very common to use this apostrophe s in

spelling I’m sorry in writing to mean

has has so this does not mean is we know

that because the apostrophe s is

followed by VIN and this is a very like

this is a set pattern for this grammar

point so we know it is not she is

because in a she is pattern we follow is

with an adjective or maybe with a noun

phrase so here we’re following it with

bin so we know this apostrophe s is has

not its so she’s been coming to work

late recently so again here I’ve used

recently recently and lately these both

mean like in the last few days or maybe

in the last week or the last month or so

in the recent time period so what do

these sentences mean how are they

different why should we use this

continuous for him here to explain I

want to look at this kind of diagram

here I use this sort of timeline a lot I

think but to to look at the key points

on this timeline let’s imagine this star

here is now this is the conversation

right now so when I say this sentence I

haven’t been sleeping well lately or

she’s been coming to work late recently

this progressive form this present

progressive form is used to mean

something started in the past so if we

imagine this dot is the point where the

action started so at this part of the

time line it’s hard to see a little at

this part of the time line this is the

past this happened before this part of

the time line is into the future so next

week tomorrow when we use this grammar

point we’re talking about an action that

started sometime in the past and the

action continues until the present I’ve

got an arrow here too because it

suggests that perhaps the action is

going to continue after the conversation

as well so I haven’t been sleeping well

lately that means in this recent time

before the conversation this has been my

condition I haven’t been sleeping well

lately let’s compare this then - it’s

really hard to see sorry maybe you can

see it a little better than I can on my

monitor I don’t know um

this dotted line here I’ve made a dotted

line here and put a question mark inside

the dotted line thank you

this part I want to use this to show

just regular present perfect tense so we

use regular present perfect tense one

use is to talk about a general life

experience before the present like

sometime in the past but we don’t know

the specific point in time or it’s not

important it’s just not important so we

use this for like travel I have been to

France for example so we use this to

talk about things that really we don’t

need to know exactly when the action

happened or it’s not important to know

we use this to talk very often as we’ll

see in a moment about something that

started very recently or started at a

specific point in time and continued

until the present so if you want to

emphasize a continuing action it’s

probably a good idea to use the present

perfect continuous to do that if you

just want to talk about a life

experience in the past you can use

present perfect in simple present

perfect tense so I know there’s one

really common question that I see a lot

and I think I’m sure I haven’t checked

the chat but I’m sure someone has asked

this question like what about a

situation where you can say something

like this this is a really common

question like I’ve lived I’m sorry I

lived in this city for six years I’ve

lived in this city for six years this is

a simple present perfect tense sentence

I’ve lived in this city I have lived

what’s the difference between this

sentence and I’ve been living in this

city for six years what’s the difference

here the answer is there’s no difference

in this case in this case there’s no

difference so you’ll notice live this

particular verb this is one like this

the condition doesn’t really change a

lot for most people so I’ve lived in

this city for six years and I’ve been

living in this city for six years they

mean the same thing this is a case where

you can choose either it’s fine another

one that you can use usually you can use

either is with the verb work like I’ve

worked in this company for six years or

I’ve been working in this company for

six years both are fine so you’ll notice

those verbs those are things that don’t

really change so much if you compare

this to a verb like for example walk

like I’ve walked

around my neighborhood before that’s a

general life experience statement so

walking is something we do a lot if you

say like I’ve been walking around the

neighborhood for an hour that refers to

a continuing action so think about this

are you what is your goal to express a

continuing action something that started

in the past and continues to the present

if so present perfect continuous might

be a good choice if you just want to

talk about general life experience use

just the basic present perfect here ok

so that’s our introduction a long

introduction to today’s grammar I want

to check a couple comments sorry I

wasn’t paying attention to the comments

for that first part some examples um

it’s the present does the present

perfect continuous always use Ben yes

yes beim on YouTube so we need to use

this bin I have been she has been

something something in a so not I have

coming or I have going or something I

have been plus the ing form the examples

of examples I haven’t been to New York

ok so that’s a present perfect example

let’s think of some examples we can use

for present perfect continuous so think

about this think about I’ll put a

question on the board and then we’ll go

to this next part where you can practice

using for instance so think about this

question a little bit so send in the

comments even if you’re not watching

this live that’s ok so send a comment

with this question if you if you can if

you can what have you been doing


what have you been doing recently sorry

it’s hard to read one more time what

have you been doing recently what have

you been doing recently so if you can

send a send your answer in the comments

I will check it if you don’t understand

this question that’s okay I’m going to

talk about it later

so I’ll take one quick break think about

this question and then send your

examples and we’ll talk about it okay

I’m going to take a break I mentioned

earlier as always we have free stuff for

you from the link below the video on

youtube or above the video if you are

watching on Facebook so present perfect

continuous because it is a grammar point

it’s not specific to like a specific you

know group of vocabulary words we need

to use this grammar point with verbs so

you can pick and choose whichever kinds

of verbs you need to use a lot so maybe

if you travel a lot I’ll just show

quickly oh I’ll show quickly a couple of

these if you’re a person who travels a

lot you might check out the ah thank you

for the airport PDF on the back there

are some vocabulary words and here it’s

hard to see I know but here on the back

there’s a Q&A at the airport and this

one you might use the present perfect

continuous to answer questions at the

airport like I’ve been traveling for a

week or something like that so this is

one example of a situation where you

might use the present perfect continuous

tense please keep in mind different from

just regular present perfect this is one

another time when you may use present

perfect continuous this is the business

PDF the business one Oh Mac when you

need to give a project report

here at the top there are some phrases

that you can use it’s not so hard

disease alright there’s some phrases you

can use for business meetings but you’ll

use present perfect continuous to talk

about things you have been working

until the meeting so this is another

case where you will probably use this

grammar point so please check that out

I’ll show a few more a little bit later

okay good so if you’re just joining live

today’s topic is present perfect

continuous I talked about how to make it

and why we use this at the beginning of

the lesson if you missed it please watch

the recording of this lesson okay let’s

go to part two part two is a little

shorter so let’s take a look at this

part part two focuses on using for and

since for and since so my example

sentence is in the first part of the

lesson focused on using lately and

recently so lately and recently mean

like the time just before now so like

the last few days or the last week so

something that happened like very close

to the present when we use for and since

we’re using them to express the specific

point in time something started or the

time period the action has continued so

for example when we make a sentence with

for we attach it to the end of this

pattern so we use the same pattern

subject have or has been in verb for

time period so time period keep in mind

a time period it’s like three days two

weeks four months

so not just one day but a length of time

so for a time period when we use since

again the same pattern can be used and

we attach since to the end here but when

we use since we need to use a point in

time a point in time so specifically


right here so since 2019 or since last

Tuesday or since 8 o’clock this morning

so a specific point in time that’s what

we use since with so I want to make one

more point about this I want to talk

about something that’s a little bit

challenging maybe and that is using this

with the negative so at the beginning of

this lesson I talked about using haven’t

and hasn’t to make negatives and we

talked about one example here but when

we use like for and since it can be a

little bit confusing so let’s look at an

example first let’s take a look at this

example let’s imagine a conversation

question and answer so let’s imagine

your friend asks you have you been

waiting for a long time have you been

waiting for a long time so you go to

meet your friend at the movie theater

and your friend says have you been

waiting for a long time and you say no I

haven’t been waiting for a long time so

this sentence actually even though it

begins with no this sentence means the

speaker has been waiting so if this is

me if I am answering the question I’m

waiting or I was waiting for that person

but this no means I wasn’t waiting or I

haven’t been waiting for a long time so

have you been waiting now I haven’t been

waiting for a long time this kind of

negative answer this is used for


mm-hmm so you’re confirming something

sorry confirmations that’s a bit messy

confirmation so confirmation means

checking to check something so another

example would be like if you see your

coworker has been working really really

hard and you say have you been working

for 24 hours

again you’re checking with your coworker

and your coworker says no I haven’t been

working for 24 hours I took a break so

again they have been working yes but

they want to fix your original statement

or they want to make a change to the

thing you said before so this is a

tricky a difficult part maybe of using

this in the negative so please keep this

in mind but let’s go back to this

question what have you been doing

recently and maybe some of you have used

for or since to talk about this so let’s

practice then making a couple of

expressions with recently is okay or

with for or since so did anybody write

anything in the comments about for use

the question that I asked I’ve been

waiting for your lecture every day nice

good one that was from Sam on Facebook

nice one nice one let’s see ah Sophia on

YouTube says I’ve been watching the NBA

game since this morning very nice very

nice example with since so Sophia used

since this morning

perfect so this morning is a point in

time perfect perfect Ruben said I have

been working since 2014 good Calvin said

I have been talking to my bestie all day

long a bestie means best friend

very nice mmm Oh someone a moody on

YouTube says you mean how can you scroll

back down sorry thank you

you mean we can use present perfect

continuous with a time and present

perfect without yes that is true

so in present perfect you don’t have to

in many cases we do not

include the time we leave it out it’s

not important with present perfect

continuous we include the time period or

the specific point in time that is


the questions I’ve been following your

classes very nice-nice answer to this

question good job so I’m not gonna read

that comment someone says I have been

following you since 2017 good good

following you or following your lessons

would be a nice one good if there are

form of passive present perfect

continuous uh can you give me an example

passive I’m not sure uh other ones I’ve

been watching superhero movies recently

very nice scarce lon

hello haven’t seen you for a while

someone says I’m writing like a doctor

yes I’m writing very quickly I apologize

but I try to read everything clearly so

I hope that helps someone says I’ve been

singing since 2001 very nice on Facebook

I’ve been waiting for you for a long

time I’ve been waiting for you for a

long time okay

great nice examples everybody let’s

finish up then I’ll take one more break

and then I’m going to talk a little bit

about making questions with this grammar

so if you missed it earlier I showed

some examples where we might use present

perfect continuous my examples are in

business situations where you explain

your recent work at your recent progress

and another example is when you are

traveling at the airport so these are a

couple situations where you may need to

use present perfect continuous so you

can get these from the link below the

video on YouTube or above the video on

Facebook some other situations are when

you’re talking about eating - for

example I haven’t been eating meat

recently if you’re a vegetarian or a

vegan I haven’t been eating meat

recently there are some food vocabulary

words on the back of this dining so it

says dining this is for like restaurants

going to restaurants and so on so this

is another case where you may use

present perfect continuous as well and

we’re talking this says romance and love

yes but you can talk about relationships

in general just your your friendships

even using this like I’ve been seeing my

friends once a week lately and so on so

there are lots of different situations

where you may want to use a present

perfect continuous

so check out any of those PDFs you can

find them for free from the link below

the video on youtube or above the video

on Facebook if you’re watching on

Instagram please check youtube or

facebook sorry I cannot see your

comments live okay let’s go on to the

last part of today’s lesson of course if

you’re just joining please don’t forget

to like

share the video so that other people can

find it okay

let’s take a look at making questions

making questions so I have two types of

question here this first type of

question is an information question you

want to get more information from

someone this begins with question word

and when I say question word

I mean who what where when why how how

long and so on this is the first type of

question I’ll talk about the second type

of question pattern I’ll talk about is

this yes or no question path so we’ll

talk about two let’s begin with this

information question type so to make a

an information question we use question

word to begin Plus have or has or in the

negative haven’t or hasn’t and then we

use our subject plus bin plus our ING

verb so I asked you earlier in the

lesson what have you been doing lately

what have you been doing lately this is

a very common question when you meet a

friend or maybe you meet a former

colleague that you have not seen for a

long time at native speed this question

sounds like what have you been doing

lately what have you been doing lately

so this question means from tark Cena

from like the recent past

so lately so from the recent past until

this conversation

what were your activities what have you

been doing lately what have you been

doing recently so this is a very good

question to know of course to ask so

please try to use this question and also

think about how to answer this question

using today’s grammar points so some of

you wrote your answers in the chat

earlier that was awesome what have you

been doing lately I think someone said

I’ve been watching superhero movie

lately or I’ve been watching your

lessons so I’ve been ing form I have

been I’ve been so this is a great

question to know of course we can use

other question where it’s here so this

one what have you been doing lately or

like how long have you been studying

English that’s another very good one for

you to know so you can change your

question word and change the type of

information you hope to get okay I’m

running out of time so let’s go to the

last point here have and has beacons and

yes or no question have or has plus your

subject plus bin plus an ING verb again

so this type of question this is good to

use as I said a little bit earlier this

is good to use for confirming things

confirming things so again confirming

means checking something so here this

example like I’m shocked about something

in this example have you been following


have you been following me or have the

police been watching your house it’s

like you want to ask a shocking question

about a recent activity that started in

the past and continues to the

conversation have you been following me

so notice half and then my subject you

so these two match yeah not has you but

have you been same as here following in

this case is my verb following me have

you been following me if I change the


has he been following me has she been

following me so please remember that

this part your have and has needs to

match your subject just as we talked

about at the beginning of the list

Reuben says have you been scolding me

okay maybe maybe there’s a situation

where we can use that someone on

facebook says I have been learning from

a teacher on Facebook very nice example

very nice example okay so this is how we

can make information questions and

yes/no questions with this grammar point

so this is a challenging grammar point

but I hope that this lesson is helpful

for you of course if you have questions

about this please send them in the

comments or as I talked about at the

beginning of the lesson send it to the

ask Alicia question portal hello Mary

Vick hello there one of our members has

joined our chat hi so as I said I have

to finish today’s lesson there thank you

to everyone who joined if you missed it

this video has been recorded so please

watch it on Facebook or on YouTube at

any time we will be back next week of

course next week

mmm will be June 12 my gosh it’s going

so fast every week I think that but next

week Wednesday June 12th 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time our topic will be how to

speak to a doctor how to speak to a

doctor so I’ve gotten a few requests for

like expressing like your sickness

expert talking about sickness or when

you don’t feel very good

so I’m going to focus on speaking to a

doctor good for people who travel I

think and for people maybe who are doing

like study abroad students I think so

this is a good one to know for emergency

situations as well

so please join us next week June 12th

how to speak to a doctor every every

Wednesday of course

at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is

New York City time if you don’t know

your local time please google it that’s

everything from me I think please don’t

forget to check out your free stuff from

the link below the video on YouTube

above the video on Facebook I show you a

bunch of these earlier but please do

practice present perfect

  • continuous and think about the

differences between this point and

present perfect tense as I talked about

earlier so thank you very much to

everybody for joining this week’s live

lesson thank you for all of your example

sentences and thank you for liking and

sharing the video - enjoy the rest of

your week have a nice weekend and I will

see you again next time bye bye