How to Give a Basic Presentation in English

hi everybody and welcome back to our

weekly live stream my name is alicia and

in this week’s

lesson we are going to talk about how to


a basic presentation in this week’s

lesson i

am going to talk about the three parts

from unison

presentation i’m going to talk about the


the body and the conclusion and the key


to keep in mind in each part so i hope


can find something they can use today’s

topic presentations isn’t only about

work you can also use these uh kinds of

ideas when you’re giving

just your opinions or your ideas to your


or to your family members and so on so

let’s get into it as you join please

please please don’t forget to hit the

like button and of course

share this video so that other people

can find

today’s lesson that would be super super


while we wait for people to join us live

as always a few quick announcements

first is about this free stuff this free

pdf cheat sheet banner at the bottom of

the screen

i always show you these if you want

to get these free pdfs

you can find these from the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video

if you’re watching on facebook here’s

one i haven’t shown in a while

talking online so take a look at these

you can use these

to work on your vocabulary and your


knowledge so check these out if you want

to know

how to get these a lot of you ask about

how to get these

if you click the link you will find this

page right here it will take you to this


you can put your name and your email

address right here

that’s the first thing you need to do

and then to download

these scroll down you can find them here

these are all of the ones i show you and

some new ones

too and then if you have a trouble you

can follow this one

two three four step process to get these

so check

this out if you want to get those pdfs

that is announcement number one

announcement number two as

always if you have questions for me do

you have questions for me

i see many questions in the comments if

you have questions for me

please send them to me for our weekly q

and a

our weekly question and answer series

this is a very old screenshot from it


you can send me your grammar vocabulary

culture questions whatever send them to

me here

and i will definitely i will 100 percent

read your question and maybe answer it

so send it to me here

for ask alicia the link is english class

slash ask hyphen alicia there’s a link

in the youtube description

and if you want to find me on instagram

or twitter you can also find that

in the youtube description or just

search for this username

okay all right let’s go to today’s topic

i think everybody is here now

hi i see youtube hi everybody on youtube

anna kourang biren

mta hello khanwalji tai chi ting ping hi

hey everybody and on facebook you are

here reach hello edna hi

malia hello oscar hello se camachate

siena hello i hope i said your name

right welcome

everybody’s here let’s get to today’s


if you’re just joining don’t forget to

hit the like button please please please

please in hopes other people find it i’m

going to

share the video i’m liking and sharing


okay i’ve done that so let’s go to


topic here are today’s lesson boards

let’s take a look

so today’s topic is how to give a basic

presentation today’s topic is in

three parts we’re going to talk about

the introduction

of a presentation the body of a


and finally the conclusion the


so today’s lesson uh is

kind of i made it to give you a guide to


so you can use this to put your own

ideas and your own topics into and

follow some

kind of basic patterns to complete your


so let’s get started first we are going

to talk

about the introduction of your


so the introduction of your presentation

is the beginning

so for example in these live streams

every week

my introduction to my presentation is i

introduce myself i say hi everybody my

name is alicia

welcome back to our weekly live stream

so i

introduce myself and then i talk about

the topic

so that’s step one of course introduce


give your name maybe your title your


or your organization it depends on the

style like

is it a very formal serious presentation

or very

casual if everybody knows you maybe

you don’t need to tell your name but

introduce yourself basically is the

first step

then your next step what is the topic

of the presentation tell people what are

you going to talk about today

so for example when i started this live

stream i said

hi everybody my name is alicia in this

week’s lesson we are going to talk about

how to give a basic presentation so i

start off with introduction and the


for the day okay so i said something

like this today i’m going to talk

about how to give a presentation so you

can use

this similar a similar pattern to this


express your presentation topic today

i’m going to talk about

sales in our company for the last month


or maybe you have a proposal today i’m

going to talk about

a proposal for 2022 something like that

okay cool all right

let’s continue on if you have questions

you can send them live

in the chat i will try to catch it let’s

go to the next one

so what is the topic of the presentation

maybe it’s long it could be long then

why is this topic important why is this


important so another way to understand


is why should you listen why is it


to listen to this information for


for today my topic today is how to give

a basic

presentation so why should you listen

why is this important

knowing how to give a presentation is


for your career for example so if you

know how

to give a presentation it can help you

in your career it can help you

with job opportunities you can also give

small presentations or be more

persuasive with your friends or your

family members too

okay so ask yourself

why is this topic important and then

explain that

to the people who are listening to you

why is this important

okay all right then explain

how are you going to share the


how are you going to share the

information how is it organized

so for example when i show you the live

stream boards

i show you the organization of the

presentation every week

this week i said we’re going to talk

about introduction

then body then conclusion so you the

listener the audience

you know what to expect you understand

the different topics in each part of the


so explain that to your listeners right

for example we’re going to look at the


parts of a presentation introduction

body and conclusion okay

so please keep this in mind you need to

tell your audience

what you’re going to talk about why it’s


and how you’re going to share the


with them so everybody understands the


and the topics okay cool

all right some examples are coming in uh

mta enthusiast says hello everyone my

name is mta enthusiast i’m in

platterville and we are gonna watch

trains okay is that your for

your presentation okay good um let’s see

some people are sending some questions

about different topics like uh someone

wrote about like

prepositions somebody else wrote about

uh technical problems

um i would suggest if you have those

questions to search the english class

101 youtube channel that might help you

uh with those other questions okay so

this is the introduction to a

presentation so these are the key

topics or the key points to think about

for your introduction

for your presentation so this is only


a minute one minute maybe two minutes so

for me

when i do an introduction for the live

stream every week it’s very short right

so we we cover the topic i introduced


and we give a little bit of information

about the topic for the day

okay cool so this is part one

all right let’s take a short break and

then we’ll go to part two the big part

the body of your presentation so if you

missed it

earlier or another week there is free

stuff for you

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook there are many different topics

such as how to plan

your time and talk about your plans

or maybe some countries maybe are

opening their airports more these days

so you can choose some different topics

to cover

some different topics to practice and

take a look

you can find all of this from the link

below the video on youtube

above the video on facebook check it out


good so let’s go now to part

two uh part two is about the

body of the presentation so the body of

the presentation means

all your main points so let’s go and if

you haven’t please please please make

sure to hit the like button

or and or share the video it helps other

people find the lesson okay

oh we have another one on facebook hi my

name is sanjong i hope st

st john i hope i’m from oh my gosh i’m

from haiti and i’m here tonight to talk

about my project for the next five years

nice nice introduction thank you for

sending that

okay uh please don’t flood the chat

youtube or facebook let’s get every make

sure everyone has a chance to

participate please

let’s go to the body so body so body

in this case the body of course we use

this to talk about

our human body but the body of a


is like the main part of the


all your details all your data right


okay so what should we do with the body

of the presentation this is the longest


of your presentation okay so what should

we do

in the body of your presentation

share your detailed opinions and give

detailed information about

the topic so share your opinions in


why do you think that what do you think


give detailed information about

the topic so one tip one presentation


is this in red a tip so avoid

i think or i believe and so on

so for example i think this project is


because it can attract new customers

i think this project is important

because it can attract new customers

so okay i said avoid so avoid

means try not to use or try to stay away


i think or i believe why this sentence

is 100

correct there’s no problem there’s no

grammar problem

but this part here we don’t really need


it’s your presentation we know it’s your


so you will sound more confident and


sure of yourself if you start here

so don’t say i think but just this

project is important

because it can attract new customers you

right away

immediately sound more confident yeah

so hey youtube chat mod we’ve got

someone flooding the chat can you take a


okay so let’s go to the next point so


as you share your detailed opinions and

give detailed information

about the topic make sure you

support your ideas and opinions

with other information support your

ideas and opinions

with other information for example

data news articles quotes and so on

so you can share your opinion or you can

share your proposal

but give some information to support

your idea for example if you want to

share a new product idea you have some

new idea

for your company to create you can

try something like this share company


like our company data shows

our customers are interested in this


of product our company data shows our


are interested in this type of product

in a poll of 500 customers

200 people said they were interested

200 so in this case uh

make sure that you are sharing data that

is true

so please don’t create data

please don’t create data so in a poll of

500 customers 200 people said they were

interested please make sure this is

accurate of course

and this one in this case company data

this shows you did some

research for this point okay

so share some information in this case i

used a data point but you can use a news


that’s about your topic you can find a

key quote

about your topic whatever okay

cool all right i’m looking for your

questions i don’t see any yet

okay so let’s continue so make sure you

support your ideas

i have one point here about proposals

if your presentation is a proposal

so a proposal means you are sharing your


with someone else you’re saying let’s

make this together

or let’s make this plan if your idea

is a proposal include

how do you plan to make your idea

happen how do you plan to make your idea

happen so that means what’s the schedule

how much money do you need what team do

you need

what kind of equipment for example so if

your presentation is a proposal

think about these things these questions

what’s your plan

include that in the body of your


okay all right good

okay all right so i have another tip

here in red

then so uh give lots of information to

support your idea so if you just say

i think or i feel or i believe to

support your idea

it sounds a little weak if you have data

or news articles

it makes your opinion sound stronger

it makes your argument stronger but


people include too much so maybe you

have a lot of data

or a lot of news articles that’s great

that’s fine

but if you have too many things to talk


your audience will get tired your

audience will get

bored so in that case maybe

choose three or five three to five maybe

main points it depends on how

formal or how serious the topic is so if

your presentation

is about something very serious or it

costs a lot of money

maybe then you can share more

information give a lot of details give a

lot of support

if it’s a very simple thing maybe you

don’t need to

use so much supporting information okay

cool all right then the last point here

about the body part

is in blue use transitions

use transitions i know we think so much

about the content

we think so much about our main points

but transitions so those words like

first second third next

then use those words to move

between topics it sounds so much more

natural here are some i like to use like

this one here

next i’d like to talk about

so next i’d like to talk about the body

of the presentation

or next let’s talk about the body of the


speaking point right here this d i’d i’d

so not next i like to talk incorrect


this d please clearly pronounce this d


i’d like to talk about another one

i really like is this one this leads to

my next point this leads to my next


so that means here’s my last topic

in this paragraph or in this part and

this part

leads into so leads to means this

idea continues to my next point so this

is a really

natural way to go from one main point

to a related or a connected next point


so these are some of my favorite


to use in presentation so to recap

your body of your presentation should be

where you share

detailed opinions detailed opinions and

you give detailed information

about your topic you should support your

ideas and opinion

with other information share your plan

if you’re making a proposal and try to

consider how much information you share

with your audience

yeah yeah oh uh willian

mello on youtube has the expression

elevator pitch

on youtube yeah elevator pitch if you

don’t know this expression the idea of


elevator pitch is a pitch so a pitch

is a little proposal it’s so short it’s

so quick

you can share it in an elevator ride so

that’s a

super super challenge level to think

about good point that’s called an

elevator pitch an elevator pitch

okay cool awesome so this this is the


of the presentation so let’s take one

more quick break

and then we’ll go to the conclusion how

do you end a presentation what should

you do

okay so uh one more time super quickly

if you missed it there’s oh as always

there’s free stuff for you from the link

below the video or above the video

check out these pdfs to work on your


and your phrase knowledge there are also

some new ones about uh like

phone dialogues and everyday life

dialogue so check those too

if you have not checked recently take a

look okay

below or above the video is the link

okay let’s go to our last point the


the conclusion of your presentation is

the end of your presentation

conclusion so conclude

is inside the word is the root here okay

so the conclusion of your presentation

what should you do

review the main point of your


so remember at the introduction in the


here i said what is the topic of the


right we had this key question to answer

in your conclusion review it what is the

main point of your presentation

what is the key point you want the


to remember so in my case today i said

it’s important to know how to give a


because it’s an essential career

skill it’s important to know how to give

a presentation because it’s an essential

career skill

so this is the main point of my


review your main point again

all right then summarize the supporting


from the body of the presentation

summarize is the key word here

summarize so that does not mean repeat

all the points again

it means make them shorter and give

a basic overview so that means

those points you talked about in the


here detailed information supporting

your ideas

giving your proposal summarize those

things again make them very short

we just want to refresh the main points


okay so for example customers are

interested in this product

there’s one point we have the budget and

resources to develop something new

so give just the a short summary

of the main points supporting points in

the body

okay and then finally if you are

requesting an action or maybe you want

someone to say

yes to your idea make your request

very clear so for example every week in

these live streams i say to you

please hit the like button right i have

to make the request

very clear what do you want the person


to do right you need to tell them what

you want them to do

so they can think about it or so they

can do it right

so if you have a request so some request

for an

action some request for money maybe or

you want them to be part of your team

maybe make it very clear what you want

that person

to do and tell them so in my case my

request is always hit the like button

share the video check the links below

the video and so on so these are my


in my presentation think about what you


your listener to do okay then finally at

the very end

you can say something like uh thank you

that’s the end of my presentation

if you want that’s the end of my

presentation thank the listeners for


time and attention thank the listeners

for their time and attention so this

sounds like

thank you very much for listening or

thank you for your time and attention

or in my case every week i say thank you

very much for joining me

and for sending your comments for


then in a real life presentation not in

a live chat

you can ask are there any questions

are there any questions so this gives

your audience the chance to ask you

things after the presentation yeah so


is how to finish your presentation this

is the conclusion

the end part of your presentation okay

so i follow all of these points every


in the live stream actually so this is a

good kind of

sample presentation okay so that’s the

end of my presentation

this week i hope you enjoyed it i will

show you the lesson boards again so you

can take a screenshot

of our topics for today so today we

talked about

how to give an introduction and a body

oh sorry we talked about how to give a


we talked about the introduction the

body and the conclusion of the


and we talked about the main points

inside each part of the presentation and

how they fit

together okay so i hope that you found

something you can use at work or maybe

at school

as well and of course you can give small

presentations very

casual presentations when you want to

persuade a friend or a family member

of something okay all right so i’ll

finish up there for today

uh next week i’ll be back of course next

week’s lesson

is here here is next week’s lesson


next lesson will be wednesday august

11th at 10 pm

eastern standard time that is new york

city time if you do not know

your local time please google it or you

can set a notification on youtube

or on facebook or if you follow me on

instagram i always share a link

and a topic reminder in my stories so

that you can catch

the live stream for the week next week

i’m going to talk about

how to explain and support your opinions


i wanted to connect these two the body


we’re going to talk about how to do this

part in detail

in next week’s lesson how to explain and


your opinion so please join me again

next week

and we’ll we’ll do some more opinion


so that should be fun okay great i’m

going to say

goodbye there for this week so thank you


always for joining me and for sending

your great example sentences

and your questions please don’t forget

if you want to check out the new

pdfs uh to find them from the link below

or above the video

and if you want to send me questions for

ask alicia please do that there is a

link in the youtube description

you can also find me on social media on

instagram on twitter

yeah from the links too so i will say

goodbye there for now so thanks so much

for joining me

have a great day have a great week and a

great weekend and i will see you again