How to Give a Presentation in English Basic English Phrases

buenos dias welcome viewers hi everybody

welcome back to our weekly live stream

my name is Alisha and this week we are

going to talk about making presentations

today we’re going to talk about making

presentations so please don’t forget as

you joined to hit the like button for

the video and share the video as well we

really appreciate it we’re getting

everything started now Facebook is

already up fantastic hi everybody on

Facebook welcome back to our live stream

for this week we have lots to talk about

YouTube is coming as well you can also

watch the live stream oh I have to start

it you can also watch the live stream on

Facebook YouTube Instagram twitch

Twitter and it’s up on Instagram as well

now - hi Instagram if you’re watching on

Instagram it’s kind of the

behind-the-scenes view but okay

YouTube’s up - hi YouTube hi everybody

on YouTube fantastic okay I think

everything is ready so we’ll give

everyone just a couple minutes to join

the livestream and then we will begin so

I hope you’re having a good day while we

wait just to give a couple announcements

the latest video that’s on the YouTube

channel you can check out is a video

that many of you have asked about I

think it’s about how to use a be and

being and bin it’s a focus video I

tweeted about it yesterday actually a

focus video about how to use the verb be

so if you have questions about that verb

if you have questions about like

patterns you can use with that verb

please check out this video it’s on the

YouTube channel that is a good one to

check out lots of you have asked about

that so take a look there and check out

that video for some good maybe grammar

points and ways to use the verb be yes

good okay I see we’re up on Twitter as

well fantastic

all right um then I think that’s

everything to begin with so as I said

today’s live stream is about making


we’re going to talk about three things

for today’s lesson we’re going to talk

about introduction so making an

introduction to your presentation who

are you what is your topic we’ll talk

about the body of your presentation like

the main points of your presentation

supporting your argument and third we’re

going to talk about concluding your

presentation so three points as always

today and actually today’s lesson is

prepared in accordance with these rules

using these rules so just a couple

little tidbits for you today all right

oh my something strange is happening I’m

trying to share the video good excellent

all right let’s begin then

hi everybody on YouTube and Facebook

Jamie is samos cyber city Brian hi Joan

Paulo hi on YouTube on Facebook Wafaa

food Jay bull Hara hi okay I can’t catch

everybody but I’ll try to look at the

chat when possible let’s begin then so

as I said today’s topic making

presentations we will begin with

introductions introduction so when you

begin your presentation you will begin

by making an introduction so there are

two parts that I want to start with

first will be a review I think for most

of you first is a self introduction who

are you so this will be the first one

the first point when you begin your

presentation is introducing yourself so

quick review hello everybody my name is

your name and I’m from organization so

this organization is your company or

your school for example this is a part

you will use only if you’re giving your

presentation outside your regular

organization if you’re giving a

presentation to your classmates or like

to people that you know in your company

you probably don’t need this part maybe

you could use your department name if

you like so hi everybody my name is

Alicia and I’m from English for example thank you very much

for coming to my presentation against

this line right here thank you very much

for coming to my presentation this line

is again like if people are guests in

your presentation so this is an an

expression you use if you’re giving a

presentation outside of your school or

outside of your company so for example

like a conference or maybe I’d like some

kind of academic activity so this is

probably not an expression you use at

your company okay so this is how to

introduce yourself who are you where are

you from in other words so which

organization are you from so let’s begin

here then you need to introduce your

topic of course too but if you want to

if it’s appropriate you can also talk

about your experience with that topic so

before you start talking about the topic

you can introduce like your specialty

the work that you do so here’s a quick

sample a quick sample sentence I’m or

I’m an plus your job title and I’ve been

so here you see present perfect tense

I’ve been plus that activity verbing for

time periods so for example in my case

like I’m an editor and I’ve been doing

editing work for six years for example

so you can type some examples into the

chat and I’ll try to check that out so

this is how you can introduce yourself

and your experience so I’m a teacher and

I’ve been teaching for seven years for

example so this is a quick way to

introduce your title and your experience

at the beginning of your presentation

alrighty good yeah and definitely send

your question send your examples into

the chat I will try to catch them

definitely all right but once you have

finished that after you have introduced

yourself with your name and your job

title and your organization you need to


Douce your topic so let’s go to the

board so I prepared on the board I know

it’s difficult to see so I prepared and

our control desk is prepared to up here

as well all right

use a big screen hahaha that’s true okay

so maybe you can see here let’s now talk

about some expressions you can use to

introduce your topic all right here’s

one which we will see on on the screen

also this is the same on the board and

the screen so the next two points first

one to introduce your topic you can say

today I’m going to talk about topic

today I’m going to talk about topic same

thing here so today we use I’m going to

grammar points you’ve planned this topic

today I’m going to talk about making a

presentation so like for example today

I’m going to talk about making a

presentation this part I’m going to like

you might hear people say today I’m

going to today I’m gonna talk about

making a presentation so you can say it

clearly if you like you can reduce it as

well today I’m going to talk about blah

blah blah I’m going to talk about making

a presentation I’m going to talk about

cooking I’m going to talk about sales so

this is your topic your presentation

topic comes at the end of this sentence

okay so here’s your presentation topic

this part I’ll talk about later is

called your argument your argument I’ll

talk about it just a little bit later

though okay so after this after you

introduce your topic

explain to your listener why is that

topic important so here you can see two

topic is important because reason so

here I have reason right here at the end

of this expression explain why so this

question your goal for this question is

answer why should I care why is this

important why is it

I listen to your presentation so in my

case making presentations is important

because there are key ways to share

information for example so explain why

your topic is important so why are the

sales figures in your company important

why should we pay attention to you why

should we give our time to you explain

that here why is the topic important

okay so I mentioned it quickly before

but this is a key word for today’s for

today’s lesson the word argument

argument let’s see someone on Facebook

par was you said the Lord is too small

these everything on the board is here

also so please check here if it’s

difficult to see the board I try put the

key points up here as well please check

these two okay so um a key vocabulary

word for today is argument so argument

in this case argument does not mean

fight argument means main point or your

theory this is the idea your main idea

is called your argument this is a word

used in like formal presentations also

your argument your argument so I’m going

to use this word argument today just

remember it doesn’t mean fight it means

your main idea argument argument okay

so let’s continue on I’m gonna steal the

mouse for a second sorry control desk do

what oh okay sorry

okay all right so argument is your main

idea your main theory then um to kind of

finish if if you’re a more advanced

level you can give some background about

your argument if you like but for

today’s lesson there’s not a lot of time

so to finish to finish your introduction

section you can introduce the

organization of your presentation so the

organization that means what are you

going to talk about what are the

small points you’re going to talk about

in your presentation so how to do that I

have two lines I want to introduce here

about your presentation organization all

right it’s difficult to see if these are

difficult to see so please check up here

you’ll see it in just a moment but these

two expressions first one yes this

presentation will cover so cover means

like talk about so here I’ve used the

word covered this this discussion will

cover meaning like if you imagine a

cover for like I don’t know like a bed

or a dish or something underneath this

presentation is topic one topic to topic

three so this presentation will cover

plus number you can see it here this

presentation will cover number of topics

like five topics that’s a lot but this

presentation will cover three topics for

example topic 1 topic to topic 3 or

another one this presentation will cover

again cover I’ve used here a B and C so

when you give your presentation you need

to explain what’s topic a what’s topic B

what’s topic C so for example when I

started this lesson I said this lesson

and my presentation is a lesson I said

this lesson will cover introductions

body and conclusion of presentation

those are my three topics I start every

lesson every livestream lesson by

explaining the topics I’m going to talk

about in that lesson you can use the

same pattern for your presentations as

well in this presentation I’m going to

talk about or this presentation will

cover a B and C if you like you can use

this pattern to talk about the number of

topics you’ll cover ok so this is your

introduction the introductory part so

here you’ve introduced yourself maybe

introduced your background and you’ve

introduced your

but those are kind of the three key

points for this part here good okay if

your presentation covers just one topic

that’s okay so this is one topic making

a presentation is one topic but inside

my presentation there are smaller points

that’s what I mean so yes this

presentation this is one topic but

inside my topic there are three smaller

points that’s what it’s for

okay um alright if you have questions

please send I will try to check them

great so this is the introduction all

right let’s take a quick break and then

we’ll come back to the second part of

today’s lesson so quick break relax for

a minute I’m going to relax a minute um

quick break so today as always we have

free stuff for you guys today’s theme

for our lesson for our live lesson is

presentations so I thought maybe one

really good free thing you can pick up

you can download is this business

English free pdf so here I thought this

would be useful because I’m sorry I

thought this would be useful because

there are some keywords for business

situations like business presentations

for example here I’d like to introduce

or so let’s start with there are some

key expressions you can use in this PDF

for making presentations and another

good one maybe if you don’t have a job

yet if you are a student still studying

you can check the school 1 so not just

of objects in this school

but actually there are again some

questions and some phrases you can use

in class it’s hard to see sorry but I

thought for example this one would be

really good if you have any questions

please ask

sorry it’s difficult for the camera to

focus there it is if you have any

questions please ask for example this is

one you can use in presentations like I

just used that expression

to you guys I said if you have any

questions please send in the chat okay

so we’re gonna see I think a big list of

all of the free things yeah great okay

so these are all the free PDFs you can

find on the website at English class

so please check the link below the video

on youtube and above the video on

Facebook and Twitter and maybe twitch as

well so please go download these

everything is totally free you need an

account to download some of you say it’s

difficult or you don’t know how to

download just make an account the

account is free and then you can

download everything right away so please

check the link and go get your free

study tools there okay fantastic

excellent um then we’re going to go to

the second part of today’s presentation

please don’t forget to like the video

share the video we appreciate it

if you are just joining then today’s

topic is making a presentation

today’s topic is making a presentation

so at the beginning of today’s lesson we

talked about introductions how to start

now we’re going to continue to the body

of your presentation so body this is the

word I’m using body doesn’t mean like

your your physical body the body of your

presentation is where all the details of

your presentation are contained this is

where you will talk about points a B and

C or points one two and three that’s all

in the body of your presentation so very

important oh also you can use this this

actually that I’m presenting you can use

this for your paper writing as well this

same structure the same flow you can use

for paper writing as well so let’s take

a look at the body parts the body

section let’s go on I’m gonna scroll


oh no nevermind you’ve done it for me

thank you okay so let’s begin though I

want to start the body section here by

talking about sequence words sequence

words so if you don’t know a sequence

words actually there’s a top words video

about sequence words and transition

words you can check that for lots of

examples on the YouTube channel but I

want to review a few key sequence words

here that you can use to talk in your

presentation all right let’s look at the

first three here they are first second

and third first second and third are

used to introduce your key topics so for

example will will look at something else

this this is an example here I just have

it on the board first I’d like to talk

about number one first I’d like to talk

about number one so we’re number one

here in your body is topic a or is topic

number one that you introduced in the

introduction so first I’d like don’t

forgive this D sound here first not

first I like first I’d I’d like if it’s

difficult for you to make the I’d sound

you can say first I would like to be

very clear that’s great - no problem

so first I’d like to talk about topic

one so for example I said first I’d like

to talk about introductions to

presentations so we can use this first

to introduce topic number one or topic a

after that when you introduce your next

topics you can use second and third and

so on so we’ll cover that a little bit

later then I want to look at a couple

points so when you introduce your topic

next you need to give some details so I

prepared three key questions for you to

answer in each of your detail

your detail paragraphs so let’s look at

the first one so question number one to


so you said I want to talk about topic

one so answer this question and so what

is the first topic you answer that here

so first I’d like to talk about making

an introduction so this is topic 1

that’s the first topic so answer this

question what is the first topic your

your second question then first I’d like

to talk about yeah first I’d like to

talk about something this is the pattern

you can use to answer this so the second

question for your body information then

the second thing is why is it important

and what do you think so this is the

part where you share your opinion so I

said for example in the introduction

first I’d like to talk about

introductions introductions are

important because you introduce yourself

and you share your topic with your

audience so question two to answer in

your body is why is this topic why is

topic number one important in this case

what’s the reason what is your opinion

about that topic so that’s good then the

third part which is difficult I think

for many people but this is a key part

to I think improving your presentation

skills and your research skills question

three is key which we’ll see yes how can

you support the argument in number oh

I’m sorry this should say number two

sorry sorry sorry this is my fault this

is my phone how can you support the

argument in number two sorry sorry

control does it should be number two I

made that mistake I updated it okay

perfect thank you how do you support the

argument so remember argument does not

mean fight argument means your main idea

your main point so how can you support

your argument so how do you convince the

other person that your argument that

your opinion is correct so how do you do

that you can talk about other people’s


you can refer to things other people

have said and you can use your own

information your own data your own

research so you need to try to answer

this question how do you support your

argument in part two here I’ve included

a key vocabulary word this is a key

vocabulary word for students especially

if you are a student a graduate student

whatever and perhaps in business

situations as well this is a key

vocabulary word and depending on the

country there are different rules for

this however in English and lots of

english-speaking universities this is

becoming more and more of an issue to

site-to-site is this key word here to

cite a source to cite a source this

means you share the origin of the

information so to cite something this is

for example when you find a picture

unlike Google or something and you want

to use that picture in your presentation

in your research paper the picture is

not yours but you need to cite which

means you need to write where you found


so that means you include the

information about the origin so where it

originally came from that means you need

to you need to show your reader or you

need to show your listener this

information is my information this

information is not mine but I’m want to

use it in my presentation so when you

use someone else’s information in your

presentation or in your paper you must

cite it cite it so that means share the

origin of the information to cite the

source so if you don’t do this this can

cause problems I have seen it happen

okay so that’s a key point there all


excellent then let’s go on to maybe the

last part here when you want to finish

so you’ve finished talking about topic

number one and

you’re ready to go to topic two and to

topic three some transition words you

can use I mentioned up here the word

next you can use next like in the same

pattern when you introduce topic number

one if you say first I’d like to talk

about blah blah blah you can move on to

topic two and topic 3 with next I’d like

to talk about topic 2 or lastly or last

I’d like to talk about topic 3 so these

are a couple words you can use to

transition between your topics next I’d

like to talk about so transition means

change to change topics to change topics

then a couple of other vocabulary points

for adding information here these are

good for presentations like business

presentations they are moreover this

means and moreover additionally also

means and and furthermore these all mean

and these are just different ways more

formal ways of saying and and they are

great to use in presentations so one

more time that’s moreover additionally

and furthermore moreover additionally

furthermore orphan I already talked

about the introduction you can watch

this video later to see all the

introduction points again okay good so

that’s the body part for today’s lesson

time’s going quick so let’s take a quick

break and then we’ll finish way oh sorry

did I forget oh yes okay sure sure

should we do that no yes no no okay

we’ll just take a break then we’ll take

a break sorry I thought we were gonna do

something else

alright so we’ll take a quick break and

then we’ll go to the last part of

today’s lesson if you missed it if you

missed it today yeah today’s lesson is

about making presentations so I thought

these two PDFs would be really really

good to review these are both free from

English class they are the

school and the business English PDFs so

on the back of both of these there are

some key expressions you can use in

or at the office and some of these are

about making presentations or they’re

about vocabulary that you can use at the

office or at school so please take a

look you can find these from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

YouTube or above the video on facebook

twitter and twitch so please go download

these for some extra vocabulary points

and there are some other ones too which

will see you later okay then let’s take

a look um let’s take a look at the oh

yeah there they are great so that’s all

of the that’s all of the free PDFs you

can find on the website so you can check

those out everything is free you just

need an account just go to the website

click the link below the video or above

the video and you can download all of

these so just make an account on the

website if you do not have an account

you can make an account okay so let’s

move on to the last point if you have

not already please make sure to like the

video and share as well we appreciate it

as always

today’s topic is making presentations

making presentations so we talked about

how to make an introduction we talked

about the body of your presentation I

want to finish today by talking about

how to conclude so conclude to conclude

a presentation conclude means finish to

finish a presentation we also use

conclude for essays so for like a thesis

paper for example so to conclude so

let’s take a look at some key words

first one um we’ll see yes perfect so

we’ll see the first one up here in just

a second to summarize to summarize so to

summarize today’s presentation your main

argument here is a key word another key

word to summarize so summarize it’s

right here

it’s difficult to see on the board sorry

to summarize today’s presentation so the

word summarize mean

like to make a short main statement so

you explained your introduction you

explained the body and you’re coming

back at the end of the presentation to

remind your audience this is what I told

you that’s a quick summarization so you

summarize your argument that way

so to summarize today’s presentation

your main argument remember your main

argument is your main idea the idea you

talked about in the introduction the

idea you supported in your body and

remind your audience again okay so to

summarize something you need to

summarize your argument here not samurai

not Samurai summarize summarize that’s

pretty good though not Samurai summarize

summarize okay

yes to summarize is shortened thanks

games and songs okay so then how do you

finish politely finish your presentation

you can end with a simple thank you very

much that’s fine thank you very much is

correct always it’s great to end that

way but if you want something that’s a

little more leveled up for your

situation there are three examples I

prepared to look at so first one is

thank you very much for having me today

so this is a good expression to use if

you’re giving a presentation at like a

conference for example conference or you

are a guest speaker somewhere thank you

very much for having me today or if

you’re like a guest on a podcast maybe

or a guest on like a video or something

like that or TV thank you very much for

having me today next one is good for a

very formal presentation thank you very

much for your time and attention your

time and attention so your audience’s

time and you’re thanking them for focus

it for their focus on you so your

attention your time and attention

finally thank you very much for the

opportunity to speak today so this is if

you are invited to give a speech maybe

or if you’re giving a very

formal presentation thank you very much

for the opportunity to speak today

yeah TED Talks is a nice example so

thank you for the opportunity to speak

this sounds very humble like I really

appreciate it thank you so much okay

then the last point for today

yes Chen you are YouTube’s chance as no

question time and presentation that is

my last point the last point for today

is about question and answer sessions so

sometimes you go to a presentation and

situation or a conference and there’s a

Q&A and actually I’ve had like a couple

students they say the

question-and-answer section is the most

difficult part so I can only give you

some excellent overall points to like

maybe help you cuz I don’t know the

specifics of your research topics but

just a couple of things you can do a

couple strategies you can do to help you

one is perhaps obvious but you can use

this as a strategy to so buy yourself

some time when someone asks you a

question and you need like a little time

to think about the question and prepare

your answer oh yeah sorry a good call

what by ice I just used the expression

whoo sorry buy yourself some time or buy

some time to buy some time means to get

some extra time to do something so in a

high-stress situation like question and

answer after a presentation you might

need to buy some time means you might

need to give yourself some extra time to

do something so to do that when someone

asks you a question in a presentation

situation you can start and generally

it’s just polite to start by just

responding first of all with a thank you

for the question just say that thank you

for the question

why do this so it’s polite one but two

this helps buy some time meaning you get

a little extra time to think about the

question so

if someone asks you a difficult question

and you want to take a moment to think

about how to answer it just say thank

you that’s a few questions yeah

another yep producer suggest maybe

repeat the question if you repeat the

question back to the person who asked it

you can like confirm it and you can get

some more time buy some more time I’m

sorry buy some more time that’s another

great strategy to use so that’s one way

to get a little extra time to think

about it if however you have a situation

where someone asks you a question that’s

really difficult to answer like it would

take a really long time to answer or

maybe the answer is confidential meaning

there’s secret information in the answer

you can use this expression you can say

I’m afraid I can’t answer that question

right now so here we have I’m afraid it

doesn’t mean I’m scared it means I’m

sorry actually I’m sorry but I can’t

answer that question right now just be

careful if you answer every single

audience question with this it’s really


  • really suspicious so only use this if

it’s a question you absolutely cannot


if the answer is long you can say it’s

quite a long story but a quick summary

or a quick summarization is something

yeah so these are just a couple points

to help you with Q&A sessions I know

it’s super stressful I’ve had students

tell me that the Q&A is stressful

another thing you can do is just try to

practice so imagine the kinds of

questions the audience might ask and try

to prepare in advance those questions

it’s tough I know for sure okay but I

think that’s everything for today yeah

so we’ll stop there I’m a few minutes

late sorry sorry sorry but thanks very

much oh if you’re just joining sorry

we’re just finishing up this topic was

making presentations if you missed

today’s live stream

on YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and

twitch and also on Instagram for 24

hours please check that out so we’re

going to finish there for today thank

you so much as always for joining us for

this week’s lesson thank you for liking

and sharing the video we really really

appreciate it

um so today we’ll finish but next week

we’re going to be back next week’s

livestream same time same place

10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that’s

New York City time if you don’t know

please google it this New York City time

10:00 p.m. next week’s topic is how to

imagine your future so this means I want

to talk about how to use expressions

like would a lot of you asked about like

how to use wood so I’m going to focus in

on that kind of thing for the future

like future like goals future ideas for

next week’s lesson to make fire could be

okay I get you to make violin that will

be the topic for next week’s lesson how

to imagine your future we’ll use the

word wood a lot for next week would and

wouldn’t because so many of you have

asked about that thank you for your

questions too if you have other

questions or other feedback or if

there’s something you would like to see

on the channel please let us know just

send a comment like I check everything

like I can’t answer everything but

please let us know it’s very helpful for

us too so please join us next week our

next live lesson will be Wednesday May

30th Wednesday May 30th on all of our

social media channels so please join us

again next week that will be it for

today I think that’s everything so thank

you again so much for watching thank you

for liking thank you for sharing I hope

this was helpful for you if you have

other questions please feel free to send

them along in the chat great thank you

all very much - thank you for your thank

you messages have a great day have a

great night have a great weekend and

we’ll see you again next week bye bye

