ENGLISH SPEECH IVANKA TRUMP What Do We Stand For English Subtitles

Before I begin, I want to send a message to
everyone who has been affected by Hurricane

Laura: Our hearts are with you.

The president will continue to support you
every step of the way.

And just as Americans always do, the nation
will come together to help you rebuild your

homes, businesses and communities – stronger,
and more resilient than ever before.

Four years ago, I introduced you to a builder,
an entrepreneur, an outsider and the people’s

nominee for president of the United States.

Tonight, I stand before you as the proud daughter
of the people’s president.

He is our commander-in-chief, champion of
the American worker, defender of common sense

and our voice for the forgotten men and women
of this country.

He is our president and my father, Donald
J. Trump.

This evening, I want to tell you about the
leader I know, and the moments that I wish

every American could see.

I want to tell you the story of the president
who is fighting for you from dawn to midnight,

when the cameras have left, the microphones
are off, and the decisions really count.

When Jared and I moved with our three children
to Washington, we didn’t exactly know what

we were in for.

But our kids loved it from the start.

My son Joseph promptly built grandpa a Lego
replica of the White House.

The president still displays it on the mantel
in the Oval Office and shows it to world leaders,

just so they know he has the greatest grandchildren
on earth.

I agree.

Over the last 4 years we’ve learned a lot.

I’ve seen that in Washington, it’s easy for
politicians to survive if they silence their

convictions and skip the hard fights.

I couldn’t believe that so many politicians
actually prefer to complain about a problem,

rather than fix it.

I was shocked to see people leave major challenges
unsolved, so they can blame the other side

and campaign on the same issue in the next

But Donald Trump did not come to Washington
to win praise from the beltway elites.

Donald Trump came to Washington for one reason,
and one reason alone: To Make America Great


My father has strong convictions.

He knows what he believes, and says what he

Whether you agree with him or not, you always
know where he stands.

I recognize that my dad’s communication style
is not to everyone’s taste.

And I know his tweets can feel a bit – unfiltered.

But the results speak for themselves.

He is so unapologetic about his beliefs that
he has caused me and countless Americans to

take a hard look at our own convictions, and
ask ourselves, what do we stand for?

What kind of America do we want to leave for
our children?

I am more certain than ever before that we
want a future where our kids can believe in

American greatness.

We want a society where every child can live
in a safe community and go to a great school

of their choice.

We want a culture where differences of opinions
and debate are encouraged, not canceled; where

law enforcement is respected; where our country’s
rich diversity is celebrated; and where people

of all backgrounds, races, genders and creeds
have the chance to achieve their God-given


This is the future that my father is working
to build each day.

Building, after all, is what he is done his
whole life.

He has admired and befriended construction
workers on countless job sites.

But it has been a new and profound experience
for him, and for me, to see these stoic machinists

and steelworkers come to him with tears in
their eyes and thank him for being the only

person willing to go to the mat for them – for
their jobs, for their families and for their


To the hardworking men and women across America,
and here tonight,

You are the reason my father fights with all
his heart and all his might.

You are the reason he ran for president in
the first place.

And you are the reason he’s going to keep
fighting for four more years.

I remember one evening in early February of

We were in the Oval Office, with my father’s
top economic advisors, and the president was

pushing to keep the promise he made to renegotiate
the bad trade deals that had gutted millions

of middle-class jobs.

Most of his advisors argued that the economy
was so strong following our historic tax and

regulatory cuts, that it didn’t make sense
to risk “rocking the boat.”

After the meeting, as I walked with my father
back to the Residence, he said, “You know,

the reason this has never been done before
is because our leaders haven’t had the guts.

When the economy is good, they settle for
good, and when things are bad, they don’t

have the will or ability, so they kick the
can until it’s someone else’s problem.”

He was right.

If my father didn’t take on these fights,
no one would.

In the months that followed, President Trump
refused to settle for a good deal, he wanted

a great deal – and ultimately, that’s exactly
what we got.

I remember each time he was updated on the
progress of the new trade deal with Mexico

and Canada, he would say “Don’t let down those
dairy farmers I met in Wisconsin.

… I don’t want them to like this deal, I
want them to love it!”

Today, in the midst of an unprecedented global
pandemic, it’s more clear than ever that our

president was absolutely correct to take on
trade when he did – and bring our jobs, factories,

and life-saving medicines back to the USA.

As our nation endures this grave trial, I
pray for the families who are mourning the

loss of a loved one, for all those who are
battling COVID-19, and for the first responders

and healthcare heroes who remain on the frontlines
of this fight.

The grief, sorrow, and anxiety during this
time is felt by all.

I’ve been with my father and seen the pain
in his eyes when he receives updates on the

lives that have been stolen by this plague.

I have witnessed him make some of the most
difficult decisions of his life.

I sat with him in the Oval Office as he stopped
travel to Europe.

I watched him take the strongest, most inclusive
economy in our lifetime; the lowest unemployment

in half a century, and the highest wage increase
for working families in decades – and close

it down to save American lives.

This is why our President rapidly mobilized
the full force of government and the private

sector to produce ventilators within weeks
– to build the most robust testing system

in the world – and to develop safe and effective
treatments, and very soon a vaccine.

My father isn’t deterred by defeatist thinkers.

The word “impossible” – it only motivates

Donald Trump rejects the cynical notion that
our greatest achievements are behind us – he

believes that nothing is beyond our reach,
and the best is yet to come.

I’ve seen all my life, how my dad believes
in the potential of each individual.

Earlier this evening, we were all inspired
by the incredible testimony of Alice Johnson

– a great-grandmother who was sentenced to
life in prison for a first-time, non-violent

drug offense.

I was with my father when he decided to commute
Alice’s life sentence.

Together, we watched Alice leave prison after
nearly 22 years.

As she ran into the arms of her family, and
they celebrated a joyful reunion, my father

was very quiet – I could see the emotion
on his face.

After a long silence, he looked at me and
said: “Imagine how many people there are just

like Alice.”

From that point on, he became a voice for
those unfairly silenced in our prison system.

President Trump rectified the disparities
in the 1994 Biden crime bill that disproportionately

hurt African Americans.

Against all odds, he brought together Republicans
and Democrats, and passed the most significant

Criminal Justice Reform of our generation
– and we’re just getting started.

My father did not campaign on this issue.

He tackled this injustice because he has a
deep compassion for those who have been treated


More than rhetoric and political prose, the
ability to build consensus and achieve bipartisan

success will help heal our country’s racial
inequities and bring us forward – together.

President Trump is advancing the American
values of work and family.

Four years ago in Cleveland, I said that President
Trump would deliver for working women.

Last year, over 70% of all new jobs were secured
by women.

Four years ago, I told you my father would
focus on making childcare affordable and accessible.

In President Trump’s first term, we secured
the largest-ever increase for childcare funding,

giving more than 800,000 low- income families
great childcare at a cost they can afford.

As part of Republican tax cuts, in 2019 alone,
our child tax credit put over $2,000 dollars

into the pockets of 40 million American families.

Democrat politicians recently introduced a
plan to increase the child tax credit, yet

when I was fighting less than three years
ago, at the president’s direction, to get

Congress to double the child tax credit, not
a single Democrat voted to pass the law – we

got it done anyway!

Four years ago, I promised that President
Trump would support mothers in the workforce.

In his first year in office, he signed into
law the first-ever National Paid Leave Tax


Today, 8 million more Americans have access
to this benefit.

Four years ago, I said that Americans need
an economy that permits people to rise again.

During President Trump’s first three years
in office, 72% of new jobs went to Americans

who had been OUT of the work force.

Four years ago, I told you I would fight alongside
my father, and, four years later, here I am.

Many of the issues my father has championed
are not historically Republican priorities

– yet where Washington chooses sides, our
president chooses common sense.

Where politicians choose party, our president
chooses people.

Since the day he took the oath of office,
I’ve watched my father take on the failed

policies of the past and do what no other
leader has done before.

Recently, he took dramatically action to cut
the cost of prescription drugs despite fielding

angry calls from the CEOs of every major pharmaceutical

Now, when we see an attack ad paid for by
Big Pharma, my dad smiles and says to me,

“You know we’re doing something right when
they’re hitting us so hard.”

This spring, our President saw that American
crops were going to waste because food supply

chains were disrupted by the virus.

He directed Secretary Perdue and me to find
a way to get this nutritious food – fresh

fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy – to families
most in need.

Within a matter of days, we launched the Farmers
to Families Food Box Program, which has now

delivered over 100 million meals into the
hands of American families.

To protect the most vulnerable among us, I’ve
worked alongside the president as he signed

into law nine pieces of legislation to combat
the evil of human trafficking.

’ve stood by my father’s side at Dover Air
Force Base as he has received our fallen heroes,

and each time it steeled his resolve to finally
stop the endless foreign wars.

To change the paradigm in the Middle East,
he took a fresh approach.

I heard foreign leaders beg him not to move
the American Embassy to Jerusalem, yet he

delivered on the promise also made – and
unfulfilled – by past presidents, because

my father knew that it was the right thing
to do.

Defying all expectations, just weeks ago,
he re-wrote history by making a peace agreement

in the Middle East – the biggest breakthrough
in a quarter century.

For the first time in a long time, we have
a president who has called out Washington’s

hypocrisy and they hate him for it.

Dad, people attack you for being unconventional,
but I love you for being real, and I respect

you for being effective.

Our President refuses to surrender his beliefs
to score points with the political elite.

To my father, you are the elite.

You are the only people he cares about scoring
points with.

If these problems were easy to solve, previous
presidents would have done so.

But you don’t achieve different results by
doing things the same way.

Washington has not changed Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has changed Washington.

America doesn’t need another empty vessel
who will do whatever the media and the fringe

of his party demands.

Now more than ever, America needs four more
years of a Warrior in the White House.