10 car brand names YOU pronounce WRONG How to Pronounce Car Brands

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy I’ve got another

pronunciation video for you today and

it’s one that’s been highly requested I

made a video I made a video a couple of

months ago about commonly mispronounced

brand names and people seem to really

really want commonly mispronounced car

names now I’m not a car expert and I

only passed my driving test a year ago

but I take great interest in

pronunciation and I’ve done my research

and I’m here to help you guys out it

will help you with your speaking and

listening if you want to improve your

speaking and listening even further I

really recommend that you start using

audiobooks whilst reading so you can

find out the pronunciation of the words

that you read the platform I recommend

is audible.com you can get a 30-day free

trial which is a free audio book amazing

if you click on the link in the

description box and there are loads of

recommendations for different levels of

English down there as well right let’s

get started with the lesson okay so I’ve

got 10 car brands in total let’s start

with the Italian ones the first one this

one a lot of people call it Alfa Romeo

because it sounds like Romeo and Juliet

but it’s an Italian brand so it should

be Alfa Romeo so it’s not Alfa Romeo its

Alfa Romeo or Alfa Romeo the next one

not such a common brand but I have heard

it referred to as a Lancia and it should

be Lanta luncher now the next one number

three is a very expensive car brand and

we tend to pronounce it incorrectly

quite frequently a lot of people might

say Lamborghini or Lamborghini it should

be Lamborghini Lamborghini so it’s that

bore sound I don’t think we have to

worry too much about the road ours

because not everybody can do that but we

should at least

Bohr Lamborghini the next one is it

Maserati it shouldn’t be muscle addy I

think you’ll be forgiven if you say

that’s arathi ok the next one a German

car named a lot of people might say


but if we’re going to be like the

Germans we need to say LD LD the next

one another German car brand this one I

did mention in my brand video in the UK

we always call this Porsche but it

should have a schwa at the end it needs

to be Porsche Porsche the next one

another German one this one Volkswagen

in Germany they would say Volkswagen the

V makes a sound and the W makes a sound

Volkswagen Volkswagen ok the next one is

possibly the most complicated one we

have on this list today it’s a Swedish

car brand I don’t even know what I would

call this I would just give it a go

Koenigsegg Koenigsegg Koenigsegg sounds

beautiful it should be Koenigsegg

Koenigsegg now the next one we’ve got

this one a lot of people would call it

chevre let people get confused by that T

on the end but it’s not pronounced it is

Chevrolet Chevrolet and the final one

and this is the one I’m going to

struggle with most because it’s got that

French sound it is this one it often

gets mispronounced a Citroen citroën or

sit alone but it should be pronounced C

twin but you could just say Citroen C

throw in man I don’t know if I’ll ever

be able to master the French car brands

but um maybe I’ll just buy Italian ones

that being said I’ve got a Mini Cooper

anyway guys that’s it for today’s lesson

don’t forget to check out audible the

link is in the description box and you

can find me on all of my social media

I’ve got Facebook I’ve got my

Instagram and I’ve got my Twitter check

out the gram because we do lots of

Giveaways and they are worldwide

giveaways they’re really really cool

ones with cool companies alright I will

see you soon for another lesson


