Common Mistakes by English Learners Ask Alisha

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Episode 13.

Hi, everybody.

Welcome back to Ask Alisha, the weekly series
where you ask me questions and I answer them,


First question!

This week’s first question comes from Kim
in Kai.

Hi, again.

Kim in Kai says, “Hi, Alisha.

My question is about the word ‘pet peeve.’

When and how would you use this word in a

We use the word pet peeve to express behaviors
and other people that annoy us.

“One of my pet peeves is littering.”

“Chewing with an open mouth is a pet peeve
of mine.”

Or, more commonly than saying, “pet peeve,”
we usually use an expression like, “I really

hate it when,” or, “It drives me crazy
when,” someone does something.

For example, “It drives me crazy when people
bite their nails,” or, “I really hate

it when people bite their nails.”

So, “pet peeve” is used in place of “it
drives me crazy when.”

So, we say, “My pet peeve is,” and then,
the action.

That’s how it’s used in conversation if you
want to.

But, more generally, in casual conversation,
we just say, “I hate it when,” or, “I

can’t stand it when,” the behavior.

“I can’t stand it when someone bites their
nails,” or, “someone chews with their

mouth open.”

So, that’s how we might use it.

But, it’s not that common, I think.

If you want to, that’s how.

Thanks for the question.

Next question!

Next question comes from Meghna.

Hi, Meghna.

Meghna says, “Could you please tell me the
difference between ‘on the phone’ and

‘over the phone.”

Oh, nice one.


So, “on the phone” is an expression that
we use to explain a state.

For example, if I’m using the phone I can
say, “I’m on the phone now.

Just a moment,” meaning, right now, I’m
using the phone.

“I’m on the phone.

Just a moment.”

“He’s on the phone right now.

Can he call you back?”

“My parents are on the phone.

Do you want to say hello?”

However, “over the phone” is used to talk
about a way of transmitting information, of

sending information.

So, in “over the phone,” it’s like we
are using the phone in order to pass information

or to pass something along.

“I’ll give you the details over the phone

“Can we make a reservation over the phone?”

“He told me the news over the phone.”

I think that sometimes native speakers will
use “on the phone” when they mean information

sending, but, generally, this is the difference
between the two.

If you want to express this just that you’re
using the phone, just say, “I’m on the phone.”

That’s probably the most common use.

If you want to talk about sending information
through a phone conversation, you can say,

“I want to do this over the phone.”

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the question.

Next question is from Myfta.

Hi, Myfta.

“I want to ask how you pronounce the words
‘dessert’ and ‘desert.’



The difference between dessert and desert
is one “s” in spelling.

However, these two words are different.

If you want to see some more information and
some other details, you can check out this

video too.

I think you’ll find a link in the description.

Next question!

Next question comes from Andres Lucero.

Hi, Andres.

Andres says, “Alisha, I have two questions.”


“What is the difference between ‘economic’
and ‘economical.’

And, two, what is the difference between ‘either’
and ‘neither.’”

Okay, let’s start with number one, the difference
between “economic” and “economical.”

So, economic relates to the economy.

So, making items, making goods, producing
goods, consuming goods from the consumer’s

point of view.

So, anything about the economy.

It can be the global economy, it can be your
country’s economy, your community’s economy.

Anything relating to that topic, we can use
the word

“economic” as an adjective to describe

“Our country is in an economic crisis.”

“How do we fix our economic problems?”

So, “economical” then, refers to like
good use of resources, good use of maybe the

money or the products that you have.

That means, maybe, saving or not wasting a

Some examples of “economical,” “He’s
a very economical shopper.”

“Using the air conditioner all day isn’t
very economical.”

So, I hope that that helps about the “economic,”
“economical” question.

For your second question about the difference
between “either” and “neither,” I’ll

make a whiteboard lesson about that actually.

That has a long explanation because there
are many differences so please keep an eye

out for a whiteboard lesson about that in
the future.

Thanks for the question, though.

Next question!

Next question comes from Oscar.

Hi, Oscar.

Oscar says, “What does it mean when someone
says ‘fair enough?’”

Ah, yeah.


So, “fair enough” is an expression that
we use when we’re having a disagreement with

someone or we’re having a discussion and we
disagree with that person.

However, maybe one point they make or there’s
one part of their argument that we agree with

or it sounds reasonable or it sounds acceptable
to us.

So, we say, “fair enough” about that point
and that expression shows, “Okay, that point

is fair but I still disagree with the overall
discussion,” or, “the overall topic.”

So, some examples of this, “If you want
to break up with your boyfriend, fair enough,

but don’t trash his house.”

“If he gets fired for his bad behavior,
fair enough, but the company shouldn’t sue


“They called the police to make a noise
complaint, yeah, fair enough.

But, they didn’t have to come over and shout
at us too.”

So, those are all the questions that I want
to answer this week.

Thank you again so much for sending all your

Sounds great.

Keep them coming.

Remember, you can submit your questions to
me at

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give it a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel

if you haven’t already and make sure to check
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good stuff too.

Thanks very much for watching this episode
of Ask Alisha and I will see you again next week.
