Conversation Practice Whats your favourite pizza

hi this is the very first video in the

question tube series where we study a

new question every week to help build

your confidence with English

conversation our question this week is

what’s your favorite pizza I’ll show you

how to ask it how to answer it we’ll

listen to some real-world examples from

native English speakers and we’ll learn

a follow-up question to ask so we can

keep our conversation going and we’ll

learn when to ask this question so keep


firstly let’s practice asking this

question what’s this is the contracted

form of what is so to sound more natural

ask what’s remember that the H is silent

so the most difficult part to pronounce

in this word is the consonant cluster

what’s what’s what’s your your this is

the unstressed word in our question so

we can reduce it to yeah yeah what’s

here what’s your favorite sometimes

you’ll hear this word pronounced with 3

syllables but most of the time you’ll

hear it with just 2 Fei fruit Fei fruit

Fei writ favorite favorite what’s your

favorite pizza lots of English learners

mispronounce this word saying Pisa or

pizza instead it actually has the same

consonant cluster as what’s P sir P sir

pizza because the answer to our question

is not yes or no then the intonation

needs to go down

at the end of our question what’s your

favorite pizza what’s your favorite


now your turn good one more time

me my favorite pizza is margarita now

what that’s right we need to think of a

follow-up question to us to keep our

conversation going maybe you’re thinking

Margot what maybe you don’t know what

type of pizza that is we can ask a

simple question what’s on it to find out

what ingredients are on a margherita

pizza what’s on it

here how all those words come together

to sound more natural you can say what’s

on it what’s on it what’s on it

it has mozzarella cheese fresh tomato

and basil

now practice asking your question and

here’s some native English speakers

answer you what’s your favourite pizza

remember to ask your follow-up question

what’s on it to keep your conversation


probably a a wine it’s a bit of a

controversial one because I know a lot

of people don’t like pineapple and their

pizzas but I actually really love

pineapple on my pizzas

or chase of three core ingredients

piggy in the middle

pig in the Middle’s a special pizza

because like it’s a pita with two bases

so they have the one base and it’s

really thin and then they put ham and

cheese basically on there but it’s like

really good quality like Italian ham and

really nice cheese and then they put

another top pizza base on top but

they’re both quite thin and then you

bake the whole thing so it’s like the

Piggy’s in the middle it’s really good

kind of like a pizza sandwich

my favorite pizza is thin base with

Sciuto cheese and big oh oh

amy has already answered your follow-up

question what else could we say Oh YUM

that sounds delicious

do you make it yourself great so we know

how to ask it and how to answer it let’s

look at when to ask this question when

asking any question in English it’s

important to make sure that your

question makes sense in the context so

if a group of people are talking about


it’s strange to come and say hey guys ah

what’s your favorite pizza a good time

to ask this question is if people are

eating pizza if you can see or smell

pizza if you’re walking past a pizza

shop or if people are already talking

about pizza then go ahead and ask this

question now what’s your favorite pizza

write your answers in the comments box


there’ll be lots more videos just like

this so you can practice asking

questions pronouncing them listening to

answers and answering questions yourself

in English subscribe to my youtube

channel so that you get all of my latest

videos and you can keep practicing

bye for now