Daylight saving time explained in English cultural insight

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hi everybody welcome back to ask alicia

the weekly series where you ask me

questions and i answer them maybe okay

let’s get to your first question this

week first question this week comes from

bhavna singh hi babna babna says hi

alicia can you explain the difference

between as soon as and no sooner than

okay sure let’s talk about as soon as

first so let’s take a look at an example


i’ll leave the house as soon as i finish

my homework in this example sentence we

have two actions leaving the house and

finishing homework so as soon as shows

us that one action will happen once

another action is completed so in my

example sentence i’ll leave the house as

soon as i finish my homework means when

this action is done finishing homework

the first action will happen leaving the

house so when we use as soon as the

first action actually happens last i’ll

leave the house as soon as i finish my

homework means that this action is the

one that needs to be finished before the

first action can happen

let’s compare this to no sooner than so

let’s take a look at an example sentence

for example

he’s going to arrive at the airport no

sooner than 12 o’clock

this means that some action is going to

happen and we want to express that the

action will not happen before a certain

time in this case he’s not going to

arrive at the airport before 12 o’clock

but sometime after 12 o’clock is

possible so in this case he’s going to

arrive at the airport no sooner than 12

o’clock expresses this idea so as soon

as is used to talk about one action

happening before another action and no

sooner than refers to one action not

happening until a certain point in time

or maybe until something else has

finished so i hope that this helps you

thanks very much for the question okay

let’s move on to your next question next

question comes from

so kyna i hope i said your name right hi

sokaina so kaina says hey alicia i was

watching an english movie and i heard

the sentence we have chemistry what does

it mean hope you answer my question yeah

great question we have chemistry this

doesn’t usually mean chemistry class

like in school when we’re talking about

chemistry between two people it means

romantic chemistry or maybe just

friendship kind of chemistry chemistry

means that two people get along really

well they understand each other the

conversation flows easily

it’s not hard to work with that person

it’s not hard to talk to that person

they get along really well

we tend to use this expression a lot

more in romantic relationships when you

go on a date with someone for the first

time you might say we had chemistry or

we had no chemistry meaning it was

really great and we could talk easily or

it wasn’t so great and we didn’t really

have a good flow so this chemistry

refers to how well we can interact with

another person how easy it is to talk

and be friends with or to be romantic

with another person so i hope that this

helps you thanks for the question okay

on to our next question next question

comes from lulyn i hope i said that

right liberlynn hi livelyn livelyn says

hi alicia what is daylight saving time

i’m very confused my country does not

have this great question yeah in the usa

we have this thing called daylight

saving time you might also hear daylight

savings time used but this refers to

changing the times on the clock twice a

year so when we want to gain an hour of

time like when the sun goes down very

early in winter there will be a day each

year when everyone in the country has to

set their clocks forward or back to gain

or lose an hour of time i know this

probably seems really strange to you if

your country doesn’t have this practice

or doesn’t have this custom but in the

u.s and maybe in some other countries

that use daylight savings time to try to

get lots and lots of sunshine in the day

this is what happens everybody changes

their clocks one hour forward or one

hour back depending on the season so i

hope that this helps you thanks very

much for the interesting cultural


okay on to our next question next

question comes from wile hi weil i hope

i said your name right weill says hello

alicia i read something like you cannot

use forget if you want to mention the

place you left something for example

don’t say i forgot my book at home

instead say i left my book at home

my question is what if i really want to

refer to the fact that i actually forgot

my book at home what should i say

yeah interesting question i have never

read this before but no it’s completely

okay to say i forgot my book at home or

i have forgotten my book at home it’s

completely correct you can also just say

i forgot my book that’s 100 correct too

there is no problem

putting a place after forget here i left

my wallet at home is also completely

okay so in this case when you’re talking

about leaving or forgetting something in

a location you can use either verb and

you can also include a place with either

verb as well both are totally fine don’t

worry about a place with forget or not

you can use either so that’s a very

interesting question but thanks for

asking okay let’s move on to our next

question next question comes from

anderson hi anderson anderson says what

does the expression i dropped the ball

mean great question i dropped the ball

okay this is a sports kind of expression

right so of course we can use it to mean

dropping an actual ball if you’re

playing sports or something but you will

hear this used in business situations

and work situations maybe when you’re

making plans with someone to drop the

ball means to not take care of your

responsibilities so for example your

friend expected you to make a restaurant

reservation for a party you didn’t do it

they might say you dropped the ball you

were supposed to do that so you

imagine yourself as a player in a game

where you have some responsibility with

the ball like to make a shot or

something like that but if you don’t do

it you don’t fulfill your responsibility

we expressed that sometimes with this

expression to drop the ball so you

didn’t do something you were supposed to

do you were supposed to maybe continue

making plans you were supposed to

continue communicating with someone you

did not do it you failed to do your

responsibility someone might say wow you

really dropped the ball there so i hope

that this helps answer your question

thanks for an interesting one all right

that is everything for this week thank

you very much for your interesting

questions as always remember you can

send them to me at

ask hyphen alicia there’s also a link in

the description of course if you enjoyed

this lesson please don’t forget to give

it a thumbs up and subscribe to this

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check us out at for some other

things that can help you with your

english studies thanks very much for

watching this week’s episode of ask

alicia and i will see you again next

time bye
