Negative and Interrogative Forms of HAVE TO

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hi everybody my name is Alisha in this

lesson I’m going to talk about how to

use have to I’m going to focus on using

have to to make negative statements and

to make two kinds of questions so let’s

get started first I want to begin with a

review point when we use have to we talk

about our responsibilities these are the

things we must do tasks we are

responsible for this can be at work at

home in our social lives whatever have

to is used to explain responsibilities

we often use have to for things we do

not want to do so things we have a

responsibility to do but maybe we’re not

interested in doing that thing let’s

look at some examples first I have to go

to school or she has to go to work these

are examples of things that are our

responsibility to do but maybe we don’t

want to do that thing or we’re not

interested in doing that thing at a

specific time or on a certain day then

when we use have to in the negative form

it means we don’t have a responsibility

to do that thing or in other words don’t

have to or doesn’t have to is used to

express a lack of responsibility lack of

something means know of something zero

of something no responsibility for

something so we use don’t have to or

doesn’t have to one important point

about using this for the negative to

make a negative statement we use this

for activities that we can reasonably be

expected to do so a mistake that I hear


a lot is when they’re practicing making

sentences with the negative form don’t

have to and doesn’t have to they’ll try

to make an example sentence using

something that yes they don’t have a

responsibility to do however it’s

something really strange a great example

is a student or many students actually

who’ve said I don’t have to drink

alcohol at work so this is a strange

example because yes

even though although it’s grammatically

correct it’s really strange to have a

job where you drink alcohol maybe if

you’re a bartender for example it’s

reasonable but in most jobs it’s not

reasonable to drink alcohol at work so

if you say I don’t have to drink alcohol

at work it sounds strange we use don’t

have to or doesn’t have to to talk about

things that we can reasonably expect to

do so let’s look at some natural

examples of this first I don’t have to

go to work today for example I took the

day off this is a reasonable expectation

I don’t have to go to work today it’s a

holiday for example he doesn’t have to

take out the garbage tonight he doesn’t

have to take out the garbage tonight

this is a task a household task that a

person can reasonably be expected not to

have to do maybe this one night in

particular maybe his sister is going to

do it or someone else is going to take

care of this so he doesn’t have to do

this activity tonight another one you

don’t have to pay me back this is a very

common expression we use among friends

so you pay for someone’s coffee or you

pay for someone’s lunch or a small item

and the friend says you don’t have to

pay me back

so I’ll pay you don’t have to pay me

back so it’s reasonable to expect

repayment but if you say this

so you don’t have to pay me back it

sounds quite natural there’s no

responsibility to pay me back in other

words so please make sure when you make

the negative with this grammar point

that you use it for reasonable

expectations only it sounds kind of

strange if you use it for something like

a little bit crazy or a little bit

strange okay with that then let’s move

on to the first of the two types of

questions I want to talk about the first

question pattern I want to mention is an

information pattern so you’re looking to

get some kind of information by this I

mean we use a wh question like who where

when why or how to begin our question we

follow that with do or does your subject

have or has depending on your subject

and two plus some verb or verb phrase so

we use this kind of question to ask

about someone’s responsibilities let’s

look at some examples first one what do

you have to do today this is a question

about the other person’s

responsibilities on this day only what

do you have to do today I have to go to

work I have to go to the post office I

have to pick up my son from school for

example those are the person’s

responsibilities for that day

what do you have to do today you’re

looking for information let’s look at

the next example where does he have to

go where does he have to go is a

question about a location so in this

case where does he have to go you’re

asking the question for another person

maybe there’s a student in a school

looking for a place or looking for

something some kind of information or

looking for a person I might say to

someone else what where does he have to

go maybe where does he have to go to

find this information

where does he have to go to get this

document for example so we’re looking

for information for this

the person in this case where does he

have to go I’m talking to a third person

in this situation one more example

sentence who do we need to meet who do

we need to meet so again in this case

there are probably three people in the


there’s the speaker and then we know

there’s another person here at least one

more person because we’ve used we in the

sentence who do we need to meet so we’re

asking this question to someone else we

need to meet with someone about

something but we don’t know who is the

person who do we need to meet okay so

when you ask with this kind of pattern

you’re looking for some extra something

that you’re looking for there’s some

kind of information you need to get so

you can use a pattern like this to get

that let’s move on though to the second

question pattern that I want to talk

about today that is questions for

confirmation confirmation means like

check how to check using a question to

check the information that you have to

make sure you are correct or maybe


confirmation questions when we make a

confirmation question the pattern is

quite different from the information

question pattern we looked at a moment

ago here we will begin the question with

don’t or doesn’t depending on the

subject so don’t or doesn’t plus your

subject plus have to plus your verb or

verb phrase let’s look at some examples

here first what don’t you have to leave

will typically use this kind of

intonation pattern don’t you have to

leave so it’s a question this question

means the speaker thinks the listener

has to leave the speaker thinks it’s the

listeners responsibility to leave but

perhaps the listener is not leaving is

not making motioned like they are

planning to leave so the speaker wants

to confirm don’t you have to leave like

the speaker thinks there’s some

responsibility here we’ll talk about

responses to this in just

a moment let’s look at another example

of this confirmation question though

second doesn’t he have to finish his

homework doesn’t he have to finish his

homework so perhaps this is a parent

talking to another parent like about the

student or about someone’s son doesn’t

he have to finish his homework they’re

trying to confirm something so again the

speaker thinks that this person this he

in the situation has a responsibility to

finish his homework but maybe there’s

been some kind of change so the speaker

asks this question to another person

maybe another parent or a teacher

doesn’t he have to finish his homework

so again we’re confirming I think this

but is it correct is another way to

understand this let’s look at one more

example don’t we have to get up early

don’t we have to get up early get up

early means get out of bed early wake up

early so don’t we have to get up early

so this might be between like a married

couple for example don’t we have to get

up early tomorrow for example so again

the speaker thinks I have a

responsibility or we have a

responsibility to wake up early tomorrow

is that correct

so that’s a confirmation question so

let’s take a look at some ways that we

can answer confirmation questions let’s

look at some sample responses first

let’s go back to this question don’t you

have to leave to respond to this

question we might use something like

this yes I do yes I do

so this yes I do is like a short way to

say yes I do have to leave so in other

words yes it’s a yes response to make a

full answer yes I do have to leave but

most of the time we just say yes or yes

I do

if however the answer is no we can say

no I don’t have to in this case leave

yet so you might use something like yet

or already as we see here but no I don’t

have to leave yet this yet shows the

speaker is going to leave has to leave


not quite so not quite it’s not quite

the time to leave in other words so yes

I do or no I don’t these two are kind of

like the basic yes or no responses and

we can add some extra information at the

end let’s move on to the second sentence

doesn’t he have to finish his homework

so to respond to this question we could

say yes he does

similar here yes I do but because the

subject is he yes he does in no response

we could say for example he finished it

already he finished it already so I

mentioned we could use already or yet to

talk about the status of an activity he

finished it already so that means no he

doesn’t have to like in the future

because he finished it already so the

action is done it’s completed it’s

finished so this is a sample answer ok

let’s move on to one more don’t we have

to get up early we could answer this

with yes we do

or simply no we don’t so if you were

ever not sure of the best way to answer

one of these confirmation questions you

can just say yes or no and you can

follow it with like a repetition of the

thing that was in the question so I

showed you this here like yes I do have

to leave you can use the same thing that

you heard in the question to answer that

we see that down here don’t we have to

get up early yes we do have to get up

early of course if the answer is no just

use the negative and the same pattern

like no I don’t have to leave no we

don’t have to get up early so to tell

the difference between these

confirmation questions and these

information questions you can focus on

the beginning of the sentence is there

this WH style question at the beginning

of the sentence or do you hear a don’t

or it doesn’t at the beginning of the

sentence this is a pretty good hint that

I hope can help you tell the difference

between these two so I hope that this

helps you in

negative statements and questions with

have to of course if you have any

questions or comments or want to

practice making sentences please feel

free to do so in the comment section of

this video of course if you like this

video don’t forget to give it a thumbs

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thanks very much for watching this

lesson and I will see you again soon bye
