Thank you.


Thank you!

In this video, I’m just saying ‘thank you’
and I am also offering you a gift, as a thank you.

I’m saying ‘Thank you’ to you and you’re
thinking me or everybody?

Both. Everybody and you.

Something incredible happened this week.

I don’t know if you heard about it, if you noticed,
I kind of made an announcement on Facebook

when it happened but I just reached
1 million subscribers on YouTube!

Ah, that’s crazy!

I’ve had my eye on this for a while.

My numbers kept slowly going up.

I knew I would get there eventually but fall
of 2017 seemed so far away.

Now, it’s here and it happened and it’s awesome!

It feels so cool!

I’m going to be getting my gold play button
from YouTube and I’ll be sure to share a

picture of that with you when I get it because
one millionth of it belongs to you

so if you’re a subscriber, I just want to say thank you so much.

It’s such an awesome milestone to meet and
I also want to say more than just saying

thank you, I want to show you my gratitude—
show you my thanks by giving everyone who’s

watching, everyone out there, perhaps all 1 million of you a thank you gift.

So you… if you’ve been a fan of mine for a
while, then you may know that last fall,

I opened an online school and it’s called the
Rachel’s English Academy.

I put all sorts of extra videos and audio
files in there to help students train.

And we have a Facebook group together where
we check in on each other’s work and pronunciations.

It’s really fun! There are about 2,000 students in there right now and we’re having a blast working together.

Live classes.

It’s great!

So this online school has been going on for
a year and it’s by subscription only.

You have to subscribe and it’s a monthly fee
and because I have reached this huge milestone,

I want to say thank you by offering for my
1 million subscribers the first month at one dollar.

So this is a 13$ discount.

Right now the price is 14$ a month and if you subscribe,
your costs will go up in the second month.

But for the first month, you can try it out
for one month at 1$.

It’s pretty amazing because as soon as you
log on for the first time, you get to see

every lesson I’ve ever made.

So it’s a lot of videos for one dollar!

I hope you’ll think about taking advantage of that.

It is going to go on for five days so you
have until the end of the day on Friday to sign up.

Try it out! Why not?

One dollar.

What do you have to lose?

And again guys, just a big thank you!

I am planning on celebrating.

I’m planning on having a 1 million subscriber
party this December probably in New York City.

I’m going to have it at the YouTube space
there and we have not nailed down a date.

That means we haven’t put it on the calendar.

We don’t know exactly when we’re going to
do it but just know that it’s coming and anybody

who can get to New York is invited.

It’s gonna be pretty cool.

So if you want to make sure you hear about that party, sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already.

It’s totally free!

Rachel’s English.com/newsletter

because I will be sending the invite out there once we nail down the date.

But I just want to for the millionth time
say thank you!

I was watching a TV show with David, my husband,
the other day it’s called The Hunt.

I think it was put out by BBC, it’s on Netflix,
it’s really cool.

And there was a scene where there was an island somewhere with so many birds,

birds as far as the eye could see

and the narrator said that there was something like 500,00 birds on that island.

And that put this into perspective for me.

It just looked like millions and millions
and millions and I was like if that’s 500,000,

and I’m about to reach million subscribers on YouTube.

That’s just unbelievable.

The number is unbelievable.

So thank you for being there.

Thank you for watching my videos, deciding
you liked them enough to subscribe.

Maybe you told a friend or a classmate about
it and then they subscribed.

That’s awesome.

That’s how this whole thing has grown and
has motivated me to keep going over these nine years.

And if everything goes well I’ll be doing
this again in… still…

I’ll be doing this still in nine years so I don’t know.

I don’t know what to say. Thank you! It’s just— it’s amazing! It’s fantastic!

I am so excited by it.

I didn’t—

I didn’t know how exciting it would
be to actually reach 1 million subscribers.

It’s awesome. I feel great.

I’m gonna have a great week so thank you for that!

Thank you! Thank you!

Don’t forget, if you want to get your one dollar first month deal,

go to rachelsenglishacademy.com

click the ‘Enroll Now’ button and use
this code.


The number one and the word ‘million’.

Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much!

That’s it and thanks so much for subscribing
to Rachel’s English!