American English Idiom Challenge Results

it’s a cold rainy day here in Chile that

means it’s the perfect time for me to

curl up and binge watch your videos

a couple of weeks ago I made a video

asking you to teach an idiom send me the

video and I would share it with

everybody so we can all learn more

American English idioms and you guys did

a wonderful wonderful job I had so much

fun watching your videos here’s a chance

for everyone to see everyone’s videos

and learn English idioms if you didn’t

know about this challenge but wish that

you could have participated please go to

Rachel’s English dot-com slash

newsletter and sign up for my weekly

newsletter that way you’ll never miss

anything again and thanks to everyone

who made a video for this challenge I

especially love the ones where you acted

them out great job everybody

here are your English idiom videos if

there is an idiom that you thought of

but you didn’t make a video put it in

the comments below so everyone can learn

it don’t worry because that is where

they’re safe than sorry

okay thanks hi guys I’m lying I’m from

Vietnam I’ll talk about an idea about


cuz I was very lazy in the past so I

don’t speak English well sometimes I

wish I could turn back the hands of time

to learn English early but you know it’s

possible and now I’m learning English

happily for anything thank for your

watching hi everyone I’m Little Pill

from Italian idiom that I’m going to

tell is all ears the meaning is very

excited to hear something or paying

special attention to listen something

example the students were all ears when

teachers started telling a horror story

thank you

and bye hi Rachel

this is on I’ll do from some Paulo

Brazil this is my first challenge the

idiom of chosen is piece of cake which

means something very easy to do

so someone would ask me is English hard

to learn I’d say no not at all

now the YouTube content we have today

such as Rachel’s English

it’s piece of cake that’s it bye hey

what’s up my name is deborah schiraldi

and i am from india my first idiom is

stick the Lord it means to put God in

the first place

I love is it from the Bible and the

second a second idea is heat the books

it means to study books Thank You Rachel

good bye hands down hands down which

means it is a sure thing it will

definitely happen I’ll give you an


hey Jennifer you study so hard you’re

gonna pass the final exam

hands down how you Jennifer - said it

was so hard you’re gonna improve your

English hands down hands down sure thing

going to happen got it bye hi there

today you will learn to idiom we can use

it in our life give me a break

I’ll give you a break give me a break or

I’ll give you a break let me give you a

new chance for example please give me a


its meaning give me a new chance okay

easy it’s a piece of cake okay everyone

this is Ric and from Rachel’s Academy

and the first expression is to drop the

ball to fail to make a mistake Frank

example will rely on you this time don’t

drop the ball I don’t know what’s

happened but every time that I depend on

you you drop the ball the second one

preaching to the choir

is when you try to convince someone

about something that I already believe

or support for example hey do you know

that teacher Rachel she’s a really good

teacher yeah bro you’re just preaching

to the choir hi Rachel I’m really

appreciating you for teaching me a lot

and I want to say thank you for

everything you the at my idiom is don’t

cry over spilt milk

when you can be learned about a loss

from the past for example while exercise

does the result have not been as good as

you accepted you should now focus on

moving ahead and achieving better

results this is the time there is no use

crying over spilt milk

thank you for every single action I am

really really appreciate that goodbye

hi Rachel I am Viviana and the first CD

my thought when you asked for one was

hold your horses

I remember this idiom because an English

teacher asked me for it during a test

and in fact I didn’t know the meaning

but anyway I couldn’t really know what

it meant

unfortunately I wasn’t wrong when

someone says to you

hold your horses it means that you’re

coming with a lot of energy force or

they’re being very impatient or

impatience so in this context hold your


means calm down stop take it easy

bye hi guys hi Rachel I’m Andrea from

Brazil and my favorite idiom is piece of


this of cake means that something is

really easy okay

so let’s give an example example of

piece of cake and cookie in Varadero is

a piece of cake dough no brigadeiro

answer the Brazilian search made of

condensed milk

chocolate and butter so cookie

brigadiere is really easy it’s a piece

of cake I’m gonna let the recipe below

for the ones that are materials and

interested in cooking it and I hope it

you’ll enjoy it if they are delicious

bye hello everyone hello Rachel I am

here with my niece my younger sisters

daughter she’s called son I have heard

of the talent you are lunch and the item

I’ve chosen to talk about is had the

blessing in disguise

so a blessing in disgust is something

bad happening to you and then it turns

our tongue shows up later on that it is

a good thing like so one who lost his

job and then afterwards he realized that

it is a good thing maybe afterwards he

gets a new job and then st. his friends

you could say me losing my job is a

blessing blessing in disguise

and that’s it bye-bye what do you I say

one of Russian idioms when fried

backs what do you guys think it means in

America has the same medium but just

sounds different when pigs fly this

means as you know mmm

impossible highly unlikely to happen

for example teenager girl mom can I go

to the dance with my new boyfriend mom

how old is he

teenager girl 25 mom sure we can go when

pigs fly

funny Liam hi my name is Tawfik I am

from Yemen as usual when rich allah put

a video and the video challenge and i

wait until the weekend to make my video

so today i decide to choose an idiom

that related to work setting for example

if you are with your team or coworker

you have you have the project or

something and you are late you can find

the next

for example you can see I don’t think

everybody in our team is pulling their

weight pulling their weight this is the

idiom that I choose I decide chose for

today why

hi I’m Chacon a copywriter from Mumbai


the idiom which I picked today has to

put the cat among the pigeons

I found this idiom on a newspaper

headline once and I thought it was

interesting we use this idiom when

someone says something that causes

trouble for other people and make them

angry my example sentence is sometimes

President clown really put the cat among

the pigeons by making weird statements

in public I hope you find this medium

useful and I would like to thank Rachel

for this opportunity thanks hi Rachel

insurance from India and my idiom would

be the bang for the buck

now before I reveal the context there we

use this idiom

I meant I’m a youtuber from India I run

a small technical channel called a share

of the geek on YouTube now we use the

idiom all the time does idiom indicates

value for money for example a context

would be like this I bought a smartphone

that is bang for the buck which means

that it’s giving more features at a

reasonable front price so the simple

meaning is edits it’s cost-effective and

it offers the particular features of

value for money and bang for the buck

adapt show us similarities and big

things durational for conducting this

challenge of teaching somebody thank you

I know one of my favorite idioms that

have learned since I came to the United

States is my two cents and this this is

used basically whenever you are

expressing an opinion or statement and

you want to show politeness and humility

so you express your statement and you

ended up with my two cents I’ve learned

this from Michael

at work and since then I’ve become using

it whenever I’m with a group of people

and I expressed a statement or an

opinion so I invite you as well to start

using it my two cents

thank you rich it is a hidden sugars in

accion okay this means that rich with

the other thank you for watching thank

you so much hi

we are million a medium we are going

display a medium that is an apple a day

keeps a doctor away

that in Spanish means a nominal dia in

Bihar dr. Allen this idiom refers to eat

healthy and in you infancy given her

sense of problems and this idiom is an

also deadly ten minded people used to

believe we think that is a false me

because you have to combine it with

doing exercise and exercises you’re

going to a because you have to study to

arm it’s not just your way of eating a

were a food makes your type of life and

that’s hello everyone my name is Paul

and I’m from Vietnam today we gonna

learn the idiom to be out honestly you

can use this idiom when

and talked about someone you want to

date but that person is generally

considered superior to you in some way

maybe more successful more popular

modern touching wealthier so you can say

she’s out of my league or he is our


let’s see this idiom in a context you

remember the girl I met last night at

the bar yeah so you have to have to know

no I know you’re good at this

you know what she’s trans Dora dude

forget it

just wait out of the league yeah I know

hi guys and hello Rachel how’s it going

I’m Jana Concetta from Indonesia and

today I want to teach you about an

American English idiom phrase phase

through the news to be honest I love

this item so much because I think this

idiom is so unique and so funny

it doesn’t mean you pay for something

you buy through your nose but it means

to pay too much money for something for

example I can get pretty good meals on

airplanes but I’m going to pay through

the nose for it makes sense okay I think

it’s enough for today thank you for

watching and bye for now

bye Rachel hey guys I’m Molly from China

today I’m gonna share with you a car

related area here’s the conversation did

you hear some screaming at the new guy

yesterday yes how can I not hear it yes

I always thought Sam was so nice and so

kind I had a tube but then yesterday he

blew it up when I asked

therapist very simple question yes I

think our friend Zack is starting to

show his true colors and I think someone

shows their true colors means they wanna

show real self to others and what is

revealed is you’re really not so good

thank you hello everyone

hey Rachel my name is zoldak and I am

from Germany the idiom I chose is let

the cat out of the bag so the reason why

I chose this idiom is that it reminds me

of a very nice experience I had when I

was little

well I’m a huge fan of animals and

particularly cats since childhood I

always wanted to get one so on my 11th

birthday and expectedly my dear brother

opened the gift he got me and literally

cat walked out of it it was a very fat


Siamese kitten that lived with us for

many many years so yeah that was it he

let the cat out of the bag really well

thank you bye-bye

so the phrase that I would like to teach

you now is get over somebody so that

phrase means like when you broke up with

the person that you had relationship

before and when you feel like really

devastated and you are upset in general

you have not gotten over that person or

over that relationship yet but after you

have gotten over this person or over

that relationship you kind of you’re not

affected by it anymore and you feel like

you are finally free so there are some

songs actually there’s a one song that

is very popular and that has used this

phrase and I’m gonna

put it like right here so yeah my face

was to get over somebody and I hope you

will never forget this phrase again

goodbye hello everyone this is Lynn in

this video I would like to share an

idiom with you guys is from a song that

I’ve been listening to recently the song

is called have Williams say the past by

one of my favorite folk singer car

Clarke seeing the very last part of that

song guys something like unless you’ve

never made any mistakes in your life

be careful the the stones that you throw

I think that one is pretty

straightforward and easy to understand

means unless you’re as perfect as a

sense you’ll only meet others and jochem

harshly based on things that you don’t

like all right that’s just wrong yeah

that’s one medium I would like to share

see you in my next video

hi guys hi Rachel hi I’m Anna

hi max Rachel thank you so much for this

opportunity because I’m your biggest fan

and I lose a minute talk it out we are

okay yeah you’re twins

anyway spring is in full swing but look

what’s going on it’s a real disaster

it’s snowing and everyone is under the

weather because yeah but let us cut to

the chase so the idiom I want to present

today is to be snowed under

what is it well it’s fine you got so

much to do again too much work and

you’re super busy and this is how you

can use it if you like tonight well I’m

totally snowed under got too much work

I’m sorry alright so thank you very much

and I hope you’ve enjoyed our video

thank you today I’m going to use you two

very common is that only one of my

favourite unions and I’m using the load

in my daily life a piece of cake yes I

have a sweet tooth so I’m really into it

next if something is a piece of cake

it is super easy and simple to do this

is some examples one the exam was a

piece of cake she loved ten out of ten

  • you don’t everything staying abroad is

a piece of thing you have to read away

from home and we’re really hard to get

one box

three the interview with the American

manager will be a piece of cake because

your English is great sir we just got

through three examples using the piece

okay learning this idiom is a piece of

cake isn’t it

thank you for watching goodbye I’ll see

you hi guys my solution a speaking and I

want to talk about an interesting and

different challenge in which Rachel from

Rachel’s English comm encourages us to

make a short video teaching an American

English medium and the idiom for today

is keep an eye on and it means

watch carefully if you keep an eye on

something or someone you watch them

carefully so that everything’s okay for

example to make just to make sure they

are safe and are not causing any trouble

you know and bringing it to my reality

I’m a security guard in a store actually

in a mall aware of work at the small as

you can see and my job is to keep an eye

on customers and employees and that’s

what a different name thank you so much

idiot for watching this video I really

appreciate it thank you hi my name is

Rodney I’m gonna follow up on Rachel’s

email where she encourage our students

to upload a video about American idioms

and teach how to use them how to process

or not teach you today how to what does

it mean drop the ball and in which

context they can say it’s a flat people

basically means that when you wanna make

some kind of mistake so it’s like you

know you talk to somebody and let’s say

we had an agency to create a website or

something but they didn’t do the I don’t

know the menu correctly so Jay they

dropped the ball on this one

so that’s how I say it and you know it’s

kind of when I first heard that they was

like drop the ball what kind of job look

on both should be trouble you know yes I

it sounds really funny but you know it’s

a it’s a thing so you might hear it

quite frequently so I hope that was


hey my name is luckily this follow-up on

Rachel’s email and hope you find this

useful and I wish you a wonderful day

thank you invite

hi Rachel hi everyone this is were from

Vietnam and happy to be here to share

with the et ammonite most well the first

time Harbhajan was pinellas in the song

one more night my mother five something

like across my heart had to die but I

didn’t know what it’s men I wonder what

I went to White House today why he was

today and I didn’t look it up and the

day after on the conversation with my

friend for Australia Carmichael it

something in his cell across my hand

hearted guy I’m like can you really be

like server a half of yesterday but I

didn’t understand the place is friends

to me he told that he was telling the

truth he didn’t lie so Udi’s 21 the

child that you’re telling the truth you

tell lie he produced the idiom eiffel

resemble when it’s just something with

your girlfriend but I see she doesn’t

believe you can say across my heart how

to die first guys I hope I even do

something useful

so take care bye bye for now hi everyone

this is lemon today I will tell you what

is an idiom and meridiem and in the

meaning of it

and a sentence for okay what is an idiom

a whole idiom it is a group of words in

a fixed order that give you a particular

meaning and strangely if you try to

correct if you try to translate it a

weird word it will give you another


an idiom about almost honor Kelly met

330 million will now test it down -

Thomas - mo now in the house it’ll give

okey-dokey llama but boots Mac and a

Dementor Nalanda I would hand out of

hand carry it out of hand

it means you lose control of something

yeah but if it’s not an achievement

my gum wrapped right now and my sentence

fails let’s say in the end of the term

in the end of the term students get out

of hand

in the end of the term students get out

of hand fin height alarm the Taliban

takabbara sorta that’s all thanks

good afternoon Rachel good afternoon

ridiculous English economy my name is

Lisa Gonzalez I’m from Miami Florida and

the idiom that I would like to teach

today is to be on the same boat

normally we use this idiom playing a

group of people are facing the same

problem when they are dealing with the

same type of situations for example

right now I go into the school in order

to to go to the knowledge to get a

working certification as I go to the

school I have another friends that I go

into the school with me so we are all

strolling in what they they get the same

skills so we are trying when we’re

dealing with the same with the same test

we are we’re taking classes with the

same teacher so in this case we are all

on the same boat we are facing the same

kind of problems okay I say hi everybody

and curly and I go into the Rachel’s

challenge so I’m going to talk to you

about idioms what is an idiom idiom

exist in every language an idiom is a

commonly used phrase whose meaning of

its Wars is meticulous really it’s a

group of words establish it by users

that’s it examples first example he

behaved or hit the sack you use this

expression when you go to bed when you

think it’s time to go to sleep for

example you can say Slade I am going to

hit the sack or I am drowsy I am going

to hit the head the second expression is

keep on iron by the way I’d keep an eye

on those kids afire you

keep on iron this expression means to

watch something or someone or they

inform it about the person’s behavior

especially to keep someone out of

trouble for example you can say keep an

eye on your sister will I take a shower

work samples were taken from movies I

think the movies are one of the best way

to learn English I hope this video hi

folks my name is marcin I’m from Poland

and I was looking for some burritos and

I found two first is straight from the

horse’s mouth it’s mean to know some

fact so true or a secret from a person

who is a specialist in specialists in

his spirit and who really know what’s

going on an example what was the due

date to send videos for the latest

Rachel’s Challenge and the answer is of

course at the 6th of April I heard it

straight from the horse’s mouth and

second idiom or golden handshake

golden handshake is a payment offered to

an employee to induce an employee to

retire early or it’s a formal reward

reward for special special achievements

at work or it’s a form of its other

special religious and short example I

would like to get a golden handshake

that’s all thanks hello everybody

he read my idiom every cloud has a

silver lining

why when we look more closely at the age

of a big cloud we can see the sun

shining there like a silver lining young

Milt Okun did phrasing comes a must

presented at a la douleur castle

16:34 did fresh have been used in this

forum another forum since the mid

eighteen hundreds for most coming the

meaning of this freezer first there is

something good in every scene that bad

second every negative appearance has a

positive aspect for every difficult or

unpleasant situation has an advantage

and for some benefit can always be

derive from a bad thing that happened

this proverb is usually said as an

encouragement to a person who is

overcome by some difficulty and internal

to see positive way forward one example

of its uses I found a new job after

loosing my last one and I like this more

you see every cloud does have a silver

lining that’s it thank you so much for

watching my video

see you later hello Richard hello

everyone so now I’m going to talk about

like to teach an American idiom as per


I request so talking about my favorite

American idiom so I have a long list but

now I chose only one which I I think it

is very interesting since I averted in

American series several times which is

water under the bridge

so I think it is informal and it is used

to talk about past event that should be

forgotten like especially in the case

when like something has done or problems

that happened in the past and should be

forgotten because you cannot change them

and it is too late to change or even

talk about them so hopefully I like I

teach it very well and thank you so much

for watching my video thanks so much for

ritual and see you in the next video

challenge bye for now

heroin my name is Leigh and come from

China I’m a software developer and today

I’m going to attended rituals with video

challenge that teach our American idiom

actually I know nothing about American

idiom before but this morning I heard

one let me show you the simple sentence

because you need to have two checks and

balances you need to tell yourself like

I’m doing a good job and you also need

to tell yourself like you’re not doing

good job enough in this sentence there’s

a idiom checks and balances usually this

you see use about a garment to say that

one person can have all the power there

need to be a Congress to have the

garment to be balanced but in this

sentence is usage to talk about learning

something new I have to say I’m really

shocked that when I check it means by

Google I can’t beat him either at all

but at first time I heard it I think

it’s about a bank since the word check

means an oath for bank right and the

balance is for you bank account balance

so I thought a sentence means you should

work hard and then you will get money

more money okay that’s all for my video

and I hope you liked it

correct me if I’m wrong in any part of

my video thanks bye Rachel Rachel fans

this is Lisa game and I’m here today

because I want to participate in the

challenge you gave to us Rachel but

before talking about that idiom you

asked us about I want to show you a

couple of frames I have they are first

of all laying leg is my cat but my male

cat and the other one I want to show you

is mashita mashita is my female cat here

it is mashita okay I’m showing laying a

mashita to you Rachel and Rachel fans

because I want to talk about this idiom

raining cats and dogs okay and by the

way it is just about to rain right here

in my little pod in my city it is

breathing a lot as you can see okay they

the leaves of the plants are moving a

lot because it is going to rain in a cup

in a few minutes so hey I’m gonna give

you the example yesterday I was invited

by my friends to play soccer but

unfortunately I couldn’t do it because

it was raining cats and dogs so sorry so

much next time will be the chance okay

Rachel so this is this is all I wanted

to participate in the challenge today

and this was my idiom it’s raining cats

and dogs

okay Rachel Rachel fans it was nice to

talk to you again see you around my

friends hello everybody better another

skier I love idioms items are my cup of

tea because they are spoken in daily

English out there and I have a lot of

them under my belt few months ago I

learned 300 of them just on 30 days I

already knew a lot of them but there

were a lot of them that I didn’t know so

I thought I was biting off more than I

could chew but actually it was very nice

that I learned a lot of them and I wanna

say the last idiom I have learned which

is to egg on and I learned this idiom

from CNN well under some Cooper wasn’t a

beaver and the First Lady Melania Trump

she told him that someone was egging on

Donald Trump her husband to do something

silly so to add on basically means to

urge or bear someone to continue doing

something as something unwise or to

provoke someone to do something so

that’s it and I’m looking forward to see

your idioms to learn from them

thank you so much for watching bye oh my

what’s up I’m good

how about you good

so my favorite video is train were

trying out the same ringing - I’m tired

so for example it’s been a wrong guy

I’ve joined out you do I know you should

call it down go home and do I know I’m

having her child focusing I’m physically

and mentally drained out I’ve been

walking tower shred I am dry God hey the

reason why are like this yo is my walk

has been very hectic so I’m always going

out that’s it

thank you hi man

my name’s Sachin and I’d like I think

you’ve brought the things you have done

for us now let’s talk about an idiom

today I’m going to talk about once in a

blue moon so it may sounds unfamiliar

but hopefully it won’t after I give you

examples so consider that your friends

asked you when was the last time you

made out you say once in a blue moon

now what simple means that

rarely perhaps you do like eating out

but because of circumstances or having

no time you cannot eat out

moving on second example there are some

people you can meet them every day such

as your family or friends or your

colleague on the other hand there are

some people you don’t know who meet them

it’s rare to meet them so for example

you meet your uncle Theodore every day

at nine o’clock on the other hand you

meet sure spend Janus once in a blue


so once the balloon means that rarely

you can meet your friend almost never

you can meet your friend so that’s it

for now and I’m honored to be part of

your challenge video until next time

please take care of yourself and thanks

hello everyone my name is Walter today I

want of Sarah and in the mo video the

idiom is butterflies installment that’s

a this idiom expresses a feeling of

nervousness when you feel nervous or

extras about something maybe you can

this EPM let me give you an example

mmm so when when you make your speech in

front of many people

you always get nervous so you can say

when I make a speech in public I always

get butterflies in my stomach it means

when you make us pizza you publicly you

always feel nervous

actors maybe your heart beats quickly

than gyro

oh if you have a test you always you’ll

wonder if you can pass the test so you


always get nervous about the test so you

also you can say before a test I always

get those throw butterflies in my


hmm that’s a thank you so much Richards

English hello guys my name is bismillah

I’m living in Sweden today I’m going to

teach you an English idiom sometimes

people say to hit the books now

literally to hit the books means to

physically punch or slap you’re reading


what an idiom it means it’s the way of

telling your friend that you have a lot

of study to do it’s a very common idiom

in America especially among student

students and as I said it’s the way of

telling your friend that you have a lot

of study to do now for example if your

friend asked you to go to a movie or

watch again together tonight so if you

can’t go because you have to study

before a huge exam or test so you can

say that I’m sorry I have to hit the

books it means you have to study before

a huge exam or test that you have if the

next day or the next week in any subject

so yeah to hit the books means that you

have a lot of study to do

so that’s all thank you for using

Rachel’s English

today I’m going to talk about my

favorite idiom in English rome wasn’t

built in a day

rome wasn’t built in a day means that

important things always take time to be

completed or achieved you can use this

idiom to encourage or motivate someone

who has lost their faith or who is

disappointed because of some failures in

life I say this to myself every day rome

wasn’t built in a day and they failed

this time I made fair several times

so what rome wasn’t built in a day if

you want to achieve something if you

want to be successful you need to keep

faith you need to be patient everything

takes time

ok now let’s listen to some examples of

this idiom

and some growth is always better than no

growth over the course of my life you

know I probably can’t count the amount

of times I’ve said the phrase rome

wasn’t built in a day but we tell our

kids all the time rome wasn’t built in a

day everybody’s heard that rome wasn’t

built in a day

Rome was built daily they didn’t stop

they worked every day to get 1% better

in some way every day and that’s what we

challenged our kids to do I feel like

rome wasn’t built in a day and I know

that everybody’s really impatient but I

know that with time things can be turned

around that’s all for today guys I hope

you know how I’m going to use this idiom

to motivate yourself and others it’s

Jaidyn from happy life English saying hi

Rachel my name is Mary Sarah and I am

from Honduras today’s lesson is about

EDNOS idioms are figurative expressions

they mean something different and a

literal meaning learning to use common

expressions and helium’s will make your

English sound more nail

we have an example hit the books

word by word it means that you are going

to eat physically the books but the real

meaning is that you are going to study

get prepared like for example a final

test English test and you need to be

prepared in order to get good grades you

have here we have some sentences it’s

time to turn off the computer to hit the


please mean that you need to stop

working on that computer and start

studying I’m going to hit the books once

she comes here I’m telling everyone that

I’m going to start studying once my

friend arrives until that time I’m gonna

do something else here another phrases

piece of cake this means something was

easy or simple pulling my leg this means

that someone is trying to fool me this

is all for today

thank you for your attention bye hi

Rachel first of all I have to say thank

you because your channel helped me a lot

and I just started learning English

that’s a year so it’s my first time to

send this video to you I mean it’s my

first time to send a video to you so I

really want to show my appreciation to

you so you can call this part of the

gate because I think I’m too talkative

and right helium right I learned this

idiom from your video I remember you

were with a guy who I forgot his name

I’m sorry but you were you two were

talking about

how to build Compton’s in English or how

to learn English faster no things like

that and he’s also an English teacher

over his running his own channel I’m not

sure but and when he said he said we

should set a realistic goal and we

should put our eyes on the goal and our

feet on the ground

and I was like oh my god this sentence

is so great because it’s so true

it totally related to my life so my

example sentence is we should put our

feet on the ground and in order to make

our dreams come true

and I wish all the best to you guys and

Rachel I’m looking forward to your

future awesome videos please make more

and you did there more and more

subscribers thank you

hi Rachel its Sergio I’m 21 years old

I’m from Colombia and I have to say I’m

pretty excited about this video and I’m

very grateful to you for everything I’ve

learned on Rachel’s English okay the

idiom I’m gonna talk about I heard it

for the first time on Ellen and it’s

very fun I had no idea what it meant

until now I found out it has two


number one not taking things seriously

for example I’m working with some

friends on a project and one of my

friends is doing

nathan is joking is laughing so I tell

him hey quit fooling around and help us

with the project number two it has a

kind of sexual connotation for example

I’m telling my friends last night

Shannon and I

fold around which means we were kissing

and also doesn’t necessarily mean that

we have an official relationship so I’m

done with my idiom I hope you’ve enjoyed

it as much as I have and thank you so

much and reach out these message goals

for you if there is any suggestion from

you to me about my pronunciation I’d be

really grateful because I’m trying to

work every day of my pronunciation and

I’ve watched all of your videos and I

love the way it’s playing things I think

it’s awesome thank you for everything

and I hope your answer hey guys it’s

Kate the expression that I wanted to

share with you today is to be packed

like sardines and that’s because I often

think of this expression when I go back

home after work so if you open a can of

sardines you can see that those little

fish there are pretty much squashed

inside there are so many that there’s

hardly any space between them and that’s

exactly how it feels to be on a bus at

rush hour people are in a hurry to get

on someone is just squeezing themselves

in so you find yourself in a real

uncomfortable situation where you can

barely move there’s some pushing and

shoving just people are leaning against

you an absolute nightmare it makes me

hate public transport at times but as

far as I know this can also be used to

scribe any crowded place like if you are

at a concert of some famous music band

or singer you may be surrounded by a

crowd of screaming fans

no matter where you look they’re

everywhere so in this case the idiom to

be packed like sardines may also be

appropriate I’m not sure how often

Americans use it on an everyday basis in

their conversation but personally I like

this expression because it’s really

descriptive and visual and it makes me

think how many people there are on the

face of the earth well that’s it thanks

for watching and I’ll see you next time

Wow hi Rachel my greetings you and every

one of your fans

this is Muhammad acid from media in

response your video challenge of

teaching an English idiom white elephant

yes white elephant easy idiom and

teaching 908 elephant is something that

causes you too much too much safer than

money yet you can get anything out of it

it gives you nothing this project is a

white elephant or company you can get

any profits out where once there was a

king Ganesha when this King got angry at

someone of his friends he goes Freeman

says this white elephant is a most dear

to my heart you can take it as a present

but remember it’s very dear to me

so you must take good care of him and

never let him work for you and it won’t

be long before the person realizes how

heavy disparity nice this where this

idiom came from I read this in O Ald one

of Oxford’s advanc’d dictionaries

rabbika I’m leaving you you always take

and you have nothing to give all my left

you and all our relationship

has been a white elephant and will

always be this is another example to

explain the same thing finally I hope

you wouldn’t find this video as a white

elephant and I hope it wasn’t feed on

your time

speaking of time oh I must be going now

do you know who’s waiting for me to feed

my telephone hey hello Rachel I’m here

I’m from Egypt and I want to share with

you that the idioms that I love or I

like most in Americans first one is what

that catch like I always say to people

when they for example and there is

iPhone X but it costs $100 so but what

they catch so the meaning of it it’s

like sorry I have a cough

like for example yes - x - X it costs

every one one seven $1,000 so if someone

told me white one hundred dollars oh

what a catch maybe it has some dissident

it is advantageous maybe it’s not real

maybe they are playing on me or cheating

me so what the catch

and that’s a catch like for example

there is two phones they are I 4x2 and

they are everywhere in post $1000 for

the one now - so it’s $2,000 now they

made an offer or a challenge who well

with this change he will take two

iPhones and buy by 100 by $1000 so it’s

a catch so that’s a catch I guess a good

thing to have that’s you you mate you

need a good thing that’s a kill that’s

it I all want to be with you reach oh

and don’t you teach me a lot of things

and I don’t know what to say but we are

Egyptian Sverre all of you and thank you

for everything that’s all I wanted to

say and bye

hello everyone my name is Sam and I’m

gonna tell you about five Gideon so

let’s get started

EDM number one to shoot the priests to

shoot the priests means having an

informal conversation when you aren’t

talked seriously you can say that we

just shortened the priests so to show

the priests means to have or having an

informal conversation item number two to

take a rain check

to take a rain check to politely refuse

and offer when your friend is telling

you to go out to have some coffee or

doing something and you want to pull

lightly refuse his offer you can say I’m

sorry I’ll take a rain check this time

so to take a rain check means to

politely refuse and offer an idiom

number three it’s just one word it’s

called Johnson so Johnson means to have

a strong

need or a strong craving to port for

something like an example you can say I

woke up this morning and you really was

jonesing for some coffee

so John seemed to have a strong need or

craving for something and idiom number

four to go the extra mile to go the

extra mile means not only are doing the

job or tasks are required from you but

also you are doing an extra effort maybe

we can say an example like we all love

our teacher Rachel because she always

goes the extra mile helping us learning

English very well and also we can see

another example like if you want to be

noticed at work you’d better go the

extra mile so good to go the extra mile

to do an extra effort and idiom number

five and the last one it’s called John

Hancock John Hancock like your signature

if you want to ask your manager about

his signature you can say please I need

your John Hancock on these creditors so

John Hancock equals signature and at

last I want to thank you very much

rich hello guys in today’s video I’m

gonna teach three idioms which are

spoken in American English this is a

video challenge for the Rachel’s English

community but before I kick this I would

like to give a brief explanation of what

an idiom is an idiom or also called

idiomatic expression is an expression a

word or phrase that has a figurative

meaning and conventionally understood by

native speakers this meaning is

different from the literal meaning of

the idioms individual elements in other

words didn’t mean exactly what the words

say they have however a hidden meaning

now let’s dive into the first idiom to

be like a fish out of water what does it

mean when the way here this idiom we

think about is right but actually that

is not what it means

the real meaning of this idiom is to

feel awkward or uncomfortable usually in

a new situation sample sentence when

Carla transferred to a new school she

felt like a fish out of water because

she didn’t know anyone there now you

know what idiom to use if you are ever

in this kind of situation the second

idiom would be to be under the weather

can you be under the weather literally

really yes if you think about it

standing under the clouds rain and Sun

but it makes no sense if you’re feeling

under the weather you’re not your usual

self you could be feeling a little sick

the sick feeling is nothing serious

perhaps just extreme tiredness from

studying too much or having a bad

headache because you are starting to get

a whole sample dialog what’s wrong with

cari mom she’s feeling a little under

the weather so be quiet a little rest

alright the last idea I’m gonna share

with you guys is not my cup of tea

tea is a very common drink but not

everybody likes it if you say that

something is not my cup of tea

it’s a polite and diplomatic way to say

you don’t like it for example if your

colleague invites you to go see a horror

movie and you don’t enjoy horror movies

it’s more polite to say nothing

horror movies aren’t my cup of tea

instead of no I don’t like horror movies

if you didn’t know these idioms now you

do Rachel I hope you enjoyed this video

that’s it and thanks so much for


hi everyone let me tell you how I went


went cold turkey on drinking coffee no

Turkey one of the most confusing English

idioms I’ve ever heard is the one to go

cold turkey or simply cold turkey first

time I heard it I had no idea what was

the meaning of this whole phrase and

what has Turkey to do was going

somewhere and why the turkey is cold

even though after I read information and

explanation and examples on the meaning

of this race I still couldn’t use it and

it was still difficult for me to

remember and even to recognize this rain

in someone’s speech in conversation

anyway I’ll try to explain this very

commonly used English idiom presently I

want an ago it was used to describe

quitting addiction such as drug

addiction nowadays it is used to

describe breaking a habit and it’s

usually a bad habit well it can be

related to a lot of people and to me as

well so I didn’t go cold turkey let’s

look at some to go cold turkey on

something that’s the actual phrase in

the best-case cold turkey is an adverb

and it means in a sudden and abrupt

manner in other words the idiom

emphasizes that we are quitting

acquitting a bad habit abruptly I went

cold turkey on drinking coffee it simply

means that I woke up yesterday and I

decided to stop drinking any kind of

coffee I could have switched to less

caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee but

I decided to stop it - to quit drinking

coffee just like immediately and


I went cold turkey I’m drinking alcohol

on smokin cigarettes I’m playing video

games this place can also be used as a


cold turkey as we know example I tried a

lot some ways to stop drinking alcohol

even call turkey call turkey without

medication is not a good idea of those

with serious medical condition I did not

go cold turkey I’m drinking coffee and

it’s not even coffee decaf coffee

everyone my friends see I was nuts nuts

me is crazy or polish another one I

thought that she was falling in love

with me to falling in love means to have

citroen feelings of liking a friend or

person in your family another one now I

have to pay him $2,000 to repair his car

but my friend Nina was a peach a peach

means you are wonderful and all have

full another one they used car I bought

for $300 was an imam and imam something

you buy that is defective or doesn’t

work well or breaks a lot usually

repairs to a car or truck another one a

week later she moved out moved out

community to her live their house or

flood when you live all the place where

you have your business another one

it was love at first it was love at

first sight love at first sight is the

experience of starting to be in love

with someone as soon as you see them for

the first time another one the owner of

the Cadillac

I hate went bananas when he saw the

damage to the front of his car went

bananas behaved in a slightly crazy or

City fashion another one starting the

engine of the car was a piece of cake a

piece of cake something that is easy to

do another one she said she was really

selling it for peanuts peanuts a very

small amount of money now another one we

we’re both very happy on meal plans to

settle down and get married the

following year means settle down when

someone settles down they start living a

quiet life in one place especially when

they get married or buy a house thank

you IBM’s getting into the rod boring

time getting into the rod really I’m

getting into the rod because of this

TOEFL preparation for a whole day


hello everybody how are you hope you’re

doing well today we’re gonna learn an

important idiom figure out this is going

to be presented to you by say

talk about the pronunciation of this

phrase T at the end of F is between two

vowels so you should pronounce it as a

flap T which is kind of like a quick D

sound so instead of saying it you should


t at the end of out is a stop T this

means that you should not pronounce t

fully there’s no puff of air at the end

of T so instead of saying out you should

say out


to pronounce for this phrase linked with

three words and pronounce them as one

word figure it out figure it out

figure it out

what does figure out mean figure out

means to find and understand something

or someone or find the solution to a

problem discover examples I can’t figure

out why he said that I can’t understand

why he said that I can’t figure him out

at all I can’t understand him at all

other examples can you figure out the

answer to question three find the

solution don’t worry we’ll figure it out

don’t worry we’ll find a way to solve

the problem I couldn’t figure out what

he was talking about I couldn’t

understand what he was talking about

well let’s say I just can’t figure out

how to girls can be so different be such

good friends well let’s say I just can’t

figure out how to girls can be so

different be such good friends well

let’s say I just can’t figure out how to

girls can be so different be such good

friends well let’s say I just can’t

figure out how to girls can be so

different be such good friends well

let’s say

how’d you figure it out how’d you figure

it out

how’d you figure it out how’d you figure

it out

how’d you

I can’t figure it out I can’t figure it

out I can’t figure it out I can’t figure

it out

thank you for viewing this video lesson

and I hope you liked it with the special

thanks to Rachel’s English

oh my this is coffee or how I can say

here in yourself install a fan he is so

antiphon here it is cause you know

thanks so much

hi guys what do you think that so we

feel a base means this time this is a

medium so it doesn’t mean the it’s

literally meaning to live you Lavigne’s

express that a person is full of energy

for example hey man what for it see

hello so we are going to it once you

accept it because I have to get off me

and I’m Philippines


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