Black Friday Discount Join Rachels English Academy

Happy thanksgiving everyone! I wanted to let you 
know that today, I’m thankful for you. 2020 has  

been a difficult year and making videos here 
on YouTube has truly been one of my favorite  

things about it. And to say thank you, I wanted 
to extend an offer to any of you here on YouTube  

who might be interested in joining me in 
my online school, Rachel’s English Academy.  

Yes, it’s a Black Friday deal, available to 
people who’ve never joined the Academy before.  

Use the code THANKSGIVING5 or follow the link 
in the video description. This discount will  

expire on Monday at midnight, and it gets you your 
first month in the Academy for just five dollars,  

that’s 81 off your first month. You can click 
this video here to learn more about the Academy,  

in my words, but I also asked my students to 
share about their experience in the Academy  

in their own words. And several of them made a 
video for you. I’m excited that you get to see how  

cool these students are and hear what the 
students' experience is actually like.  

These are people I’ve gotten to know 
through teaching them in the live classes,  

or watching their videos and giving them feedback 
in the Facebook and community groups that we have  

in the Academy. I’m so touched that they took 
the time to make these videos, to talk about  

the confidence they’ve gained, what they’ve 
learned, and the support they’ve gotten from  

our teachers and each other in our private groups. 
The first one is Al. She’s really active in our  

Facebook group and she talks about how knowing 
the technique is helping her change her habit.

Hi guys I’m Al. I’m from Indonesia. So I always 
wanted to sound like a native American speaker,  

but I didn’t even know how. Whenever I watch US 
TV shows or US movies, I always admire Americans.  

They speak super fast and very clear. I was 
so desperate to sound like them. I found an  

accent coach and of course it was very pricey and 
I simply couldn’t even afford him. I was very sad  

and I didn’t even know how and so I imitated 
so many Hollywood scenes as many as possible,  

and of course imitating so many scenes on movies 
or TV shows without knowing the technique was  

hard. Like I constantly made mistakes, and nobody 
even corrected me until I found this Academy,  

Rachel’s English Academy, and I can 
say this Academy has been my life saver  

and I’m very happy to be here, and the teachers 
are so encouraging and very expert. Um,  

they can correct my mistakes in the most specific 
way, so I could, I can just change my habit,  

and of course, it’s not easy to 
change the habit, I’m so sure that  

um it takes time but from time to time, I can see 
my improvements and now I can feel so confident  

in my English, and I really, really want you to 
also feel what I feel when you speak in English.

And in this Academy, I get 
access to Facebook group.  

This group is super powerful. Why? Because 
the teachers and friends are super supportive,  

and I feel very safe to be myself. I upload my 
homework, and I can be vulnerable sometimes, and  

I can grow as a person and as an English learner. 
So come on, join us, and I’ll see you soon!

I’m so happy that she’s feeling confident. That’s 
really what makes the difference. Next is Kostas,  

who actually made this video at work, I love it,  

he’s an actor who’s working on perfecting his 
American accent so that he can get more jobs  

acting. I got to know him when I 
worked with him in a live class.

Hi guys! How are you! Um, my name is Kostas and 
I’m here at work so I hope my boss won’t see me.  

I just really wanted to share with you my 
experience with Rachel’s English Academy.  

Yes, that’s, that’s the reason, and um, yeah, I’m 
super excited. Usually I’m not doing things like  

that, I’m quite shy, but I really want to share 
with you because I, um, I really think it’s worth  

it, and I really think, I really, it really helped 
me. And I hope it will help you too if you do the  

right choice, um, like I did. So you know, how can 
I start? So you know originally, I’m from Greece.  

And now I live in Melbourne, 
Australia. I came here at 2014,  

and the only reason I came here was to become 
an actor. And I did. I did became an actor and  

very quickly, I realized that one of the 
biggest challenges will be to train my accent.  

You know, see, back then, I had 
a really, really thick accent,  

and I remember the head of the drama school was 
like ‘alright Kostas, we’ll have to, you know,  

work on that so you can have more opportunities 
to gain auditions. So I had two choices.  

Maybe had more, but in my head it was two choices. 
I could just either learn the Australian accent  

or I could just learn the American accent, but you 
see, the Australian accent is really difficult for  

me, and I always, always, because of the movies, 
because I have so much, so many, so much family in  

America, and because I really love American, 
I love the language, I love the accent. It’s  

something in it, I just love it. So I was like, 
all right I’m going to learn the American accent.  

So that’s how this journey begun. So I tried to 
find private classes. I was like it’s going to be  

face to face. What I realized was that the private 
class is a very, very, very, very expensive.  

And that they were so expensive that I could 
only afford maybe three a month and that was  

not for everyone. And you know, if you’re an 
actor, you understand like actors, they’re not,  

we don’t, we don’t have that you know, 
so much money, we don’t have that, um,  

you know, luxury to spend money, whatever we want 
and all stuff. So I was like I had to be very  

careful. I didn’t, my pocket wouldn’t allow me to 
have more than two classes every four months. So  

I was like that’s not gonna work, 
that’s not gonna work, a few hours  

every three months. So I was like, all right, 
I’m gonna have to find something online. So i,  

I try to find classes, or you know, videos 
or anything on YouTube and then on Google,  

I googled some, you know, American accent 
classes. And I just I found one, one and a  

half. It just didn’t work for me and then one day, 
I just I stepped upon Rachel’s video on YouTube.  

And man, it was great. It was great. And I started 
training with Rachel’s videos for, I think it was  

like a month, and then I just saw that you know 
she has an online course. You can subscribe for  

how much a month, super affordable and then you 
know it was Rachel’s English Academy. That’s  

the name. Rachel’s English Academy. And I went 
online and I subscribed to that. I signed up and  

I haven’t stopped since then. I haven’t stopped 
since then and I’m not going to stop. I’m not  

going to stop. Because Rachel and her team, they 
gave me hope. They gave me hope, and you know,  

you see back then, I would never dare to try to 
do an American accent. It was, I would never dare.  

I would, I would, even if I was in a private 
room, and I would try to do an American accent,  

I would just, sometimes I would cry. I would 
just, you know, I would turn into a red apple.  

And I would just shut down. I would hear my voice 
trying to do an American accent, and I would just  

start crying immediately because it would trigger 
me that I will never become what I want to become.  

I will never be able to compete with all these 
Australian actors that so easily can do American  

accent. And I would never be equal and it really, 
it really hurts, it really hurts, and you know,  

when you try so hard, and you just, you don’t have 
someone to back you up. But when I met Rachel,  

through Rachel’s English Academy, I got her 
and her team to back me up. And I’m going  

to start giving you, because, I’m sorry, 
I talk too much but just, I’m so excited.  

I’m going to give you some. I’m going to try to 
give you the most important things why Rachel’s  

English Academy helped me so much and the last 
one, which is my favorite, and it’s like a break  

deal, a deal breaker for me, I’m gonna leave it at 
the end. So what can I say, the way the website is  

built, it’s easy to navigate, and it you will 
never lose, you know, you will never get lost.  

The variety of courses, great. You can choose 
whatever you want. You don’t like this,  

you can train with this. You don’t like this, 
you can train with that. You don’t like that,  

well you’re gonna find something else. You don’t 
like that something else? You’re going to find  

something else. Something else. There’s 
no way you can’t find something you like.  

My favorite is the soundboards. You literally 
have thousands and thousands of phrases and  

words. You can play it, say it, play it, say it, 
play it, say it. You can download it, and then you  

can just work out and then play it, say it, play 
it, say it. It never leaves you. That’s the great  

thing. And my favorite thing is the Hollywood 
one. The Hollywood, we have the Hollywood scenes  

where you can see the scene, and then there’s 
subtitles, and then you can learn to play it, say  

it those phrases from the Hollywood scene. And 
then you hear how a natural and real American,  

I mean a real American. You know, if it’s an 
action, like the way they talk you know faster  

or slower or whatever, it’s great. It’s 
just great. And for me as an actor I can  

find some great scenes there as well. The other 
thing, it’s the Facebook group. It’s an amazing  

community of people like me where we helping 
each other. And then here’s the great thing,  

you put a video on, whatever you want, and then 
a teacher will give you live feedback. How great  

is that? All in the same price, no extra cost. 
I love that. I love that. And then because it’s  

already pretty much seven minutes video, I’m going 
to give you the best one. Those people, Rachel  

and her team, they are real people. I spoke to Rachel 
through a live, one of her live classes she does,  

and it was like I spoke to someone I already knew 
for years and years and years. And I don’t know  

Rachel, I know her through the video. She made me 
feel like family. She’s real, and her people, and  

her team are real. And that is important. I didn’t 
feel like teacher and student. I feel like a  

friend towards another friend. She’s professional 
and family at the same time. And I never felt this  

before. And that’s the main reason I’m not gonna 
leave them. Because not just I can walk in the  

room and be ‘I’m here!’ and I’m gonna pick up 
a script, and I’m gonna do American accent. I  

know the tools, I know what to work at. I can 
hear my mistake, and I can correct it. That’s  

great. And the more I work hard, keep working 
hard, what Rachel keeps saying I’ll become,  

I’ll nail it one day. One day I’ll just nail it, 
and I’m so close to it. I know I’m now close. And  

you know, that confidence, it comes from Rachel 
and her team. So if you’re serious with your work  

man, if you’re serious that you want to really 
learn and you’re serious, join. And you know,  

I’ll see you in at the Facebook group. And I 
can’t wait to learn from you, and you maybe learn  

from me, and we’re all going to learn from the 
teachers and Rachel. You know, all right, thank  

you so much. I already spoke too much. I could, 
if I could keep talking, I would keep talking.  

Rachel and your team, I know you guys hear me. 
Thank you so much. Thank you for your hard work.  

Thanks for everything you’re doing. All right 
I think I got an order, you know, actor’s life.  

I need to go and make a hamburger. All right, 
thank you so much, guys. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, guys.

Wonderful! Thank you, Kostas, 
so much for making that.

This is Ella. She’s from China and she’s been 
living in Canada. She’s been in the Academy for  

just a few months, and joined so she could have 
more organization and a system for improving.  

I love that she learned she had 
to go beyond learning concepts  

about pronunciation with her mind into her body 
learning through imitation to change her habit.

Hello, everyone! I’m here to talk about my own 
experience with Rachel’s English Academy so that  

more people can benefit from that as well. My name 
is Ella and my native language is Mandarin. I grew  

up in China, and I’ve been living in Canada 
for more than three years. I know many people  

think that if they have been living in a country 
for a few years, they are going to be naturally  

good in pronunciation, but that’s not the case. 
Right, so I’m trying to make some efforts.

So I came across um Rachel’s YouTube channel a 
few months ago, and since then, I found it’s a big  

treasure. So I enrolled myself into the Academy 
in order to learn this in a more systematic way.

So I used to spend like 20-30 minutes a day in a 
course, but recently I try to invest more time,  

like two hours because I feel it’s 
really worth it. It’s worth it.  

So things that I love most about 
this Academy is, first, the thing,  

it doesn’t only teach you the 
techniques, the traditional techniques,  

and about pronunciation improvement, 
like vowel, consonant, diphthong,  

rhythm, etc. It also changed my mindset 
because as someone who likes to approach  

new knowledge with logic and analysis, I didn’t 
realize that imitation is actually the key  

to learn pronunciation. Imitation is just 
so much more important than I thought.  

And also like Rachel said when you try to 
imitate someone, don’t just use the technique to  

talk like him. Try to be him, be him. So yeah 
that’s really, that’s really inspiring for me. And  

I also like the big support team from the Academy. 
Like all the teachers in this team are awesome.  

Every time when I submit my own recording to 
the Facebook group, the teacher can always  

identify my mistakes, small mistakes 
that I could have never realized myself.  

And they always give me very clear and 
easy to follow instructions to improve.  

Rachel also has a regular video 
course with random students where she  

corrects their pronunciations over the video. 
That’s also very helpful because um the students  

are from all over the world, including China, so 
I can easily relate myself to the Chinese students  

and see the same mistakes that I have in my in my 
own speech as well, in my own speaking as well.  

I can talk more about the Academy, but it’s 
going to be a long video. So if you are someone  

who is trying to make a difference in your 
English accent, I highly, highly recommend  

Rachel’s English Academy. You are going to 
love it. And also, it’s very, very affordable.  

Thank you so much for watching, and 
I hope this video is going to be  

helpful for you. I hope to 
see you here soon. Bye-bye.

I love her dedication. Our next student 
is Shikhar, who is really active in the  

Facebook group, and I’ve been lucky to work 
with him in a live class. He’s so dedicated  

to his studies and he talks through the 
kinds of lessons he uses in the Academy. 

Hello this is Shikhar from India and I’d like to 
share my experience with Rachel’s English Academy.  

Rachel’s English has taught me 
to look at languages differently.  

I’ve learned that every language has its own 
character and melody. And when we start to grasp  

this unique character and melody, we’re able 
to acquire the language with that much ease.  

What I’ve learned in Rachel’s English Academy 
is different from what I did from our YouTube  

channel. It’s not just the content, but the tools, 
instructions and feedback that you have access to  

in the Academy, which takes your training to 
the next level. You’ll get a lot of ear training  

through the unique tool of soundboards where you 
listen to and repeat audio clips several times.  

This will enhance your ability to catch 
sounds which you otherwise couldn’t.  

We use these soundboards to practice vocabulary 
phrases idioms and scripts. And this goes a long  

way to boost your conversational skills. We 
also have a very supportive online community,  

where we exchange tips, strategies, and feedback 
with each other. And the personalized feedback  

you get from Rachel and her team of instructors 
will make sure that you are on the right track  

with your training. There are more reasons to 
invest in your spoken English. Especially today,  

almost 60 percent of all content on the internet 
is in English. We have already entered the age of  

personal branding and whether we like it or not, 
all of us have become content creators. If there’s  

one skill that’s going to have the maximum impact 
on all other aspects of your life, it’s your  

ability to speak effectively. Your listeners can’t 
take your communication seriously if you don’t.  

When you choose to speak another language, you 
choose to sound different. If you’ve had enough  

of speaking English in non-standard patterns and 
with a makeshift accent, I would highly recommend  

joining the Rachel’s English Academy. It 
could be game changing for your communication.

Shikhar, thank you so much for making that 
video. Next is Jane. She’s never been to  

the US. But she feels like she’s getting an 
American experience in the Academy, I love that.

Hi everyone! How’s it going? I’m Jane from Brazil.  

I joined Rachel’s English Academy a couple 
of years ago, and it was a life-changing  

decision for me. It helped me improve not only 
my pronunciation, but also my listening skills.  

I teach Brazilian Portuguese online to foreigners, 
and guess what? Most of my students are American.  

During the lessons, many of them are very relaxed 
at home or some of them speak really fast,  

so when talk, I can see all the concepts that we 
learn in the Academy about placement, intonation,  

stress, reductions, linking sounds, and learning 
all of these helps me speak in a better way and  

also understand what they say without asking 
them to repeat all the time. So the whole  

conversation gets more natural when you have 
speaking English because they’re beginners.  

I think that everything we learn in the Academy is 
taught in the most professional way. We can tell  

Rachel has an extensive knowledge of the voice 
and it makes a huge difference. I’ve never been  

to the USA, so it’s a great thing that I can 
have this sort of American experience from home,  

and I’m very thankful for this opportunity.

Thank you, Jane. Next, is Lucas. He lives in 
Brazil and he teaches English. That’s his job.

Hey guys! What’s up? I’m Eric. An ESL teacher 
from Brazil. So I’ve been in the Academy since  

the get-go. And since I teach the language, 
I’m supposed to have a very good pronunciation.  

Uh my students deserve the best, and I try to be 
the English teacher I didn’t have in the past.  

I’ve never had a teacher who 
taught me how to speak naturally.  

And this is so important when you’re 
dealing with a language that’s not phonetic.  

However, I’d say that what Rachel’s really taught 
me was confidence. And again, this is so important  

when you are teaching the language. My favorite 
thing about the Academy, well, that’s a tough one.  

Ben Franklin exercises. Yes. They’re so good. I 
mean, the videos are so good. The repetition in  

the video makes you internalize the content while 
you’re watching it, which is a pretty good thing.  

Second, words that reduce. I remember I would 
over pronounce every word in a sentence.  

And you don’t want to do that in American English, 
right? Keep your function words as short as you  

can, just like I did in the previous sentence. Did 
you notice? I didn’t say ‘as you can’. I said: as,  

as, as you can. Third, feedback from the teachers. 
This is important to know if you’re on the right  

track. And last but not least, the community. 
Yeah, everyone’s so kind to one another, and you  

can easily find a conversation partner to practice 
your English with. So what are you waiting for?  

If you want to improve your English, this is the 
right place for you. So whenever somebody asks me:  

How come your English is so good? 
I say Rachel’s English Academy! 

Lucas has been one of my students since 
the very beginning. Thank you, Lucas! 

Lynn is also a teacher who 
signed up for the Academy.

Hello Rachel and to all members in Academy and 
also the teachers. I hope guys you are doing well.  

By the way my name is Adeline, but 
you can call me Lynn. I am originally  

from the Philippines but now, I currently 
live in Korea. I also teach English here,  

and the reason why I’m here 
in Rachel’s English because  

before, I always get corrected by my co-teacher in 
front with other teachers so I felt embarrassed.  

So I decided to make a difference, to improve my 
accent. And I did a research and I found Rachel’s  

YouTube channel, and I really loved her because 
she speaks really clear, with a positive energy,  

and I did a research and I found her 
website, and then I decided to enroll  

her Academy. So but after one month, I feel 
like I’m lagging behind. Those materials  

every week, she sent it to me because I didn’t 
have much time to study due to my busy work. And I  

was supposed to quit, and then she emailed me, and 
I emailed her first, and then she replied and that  

she said if I quit, then I won’t improve at all. 
So I just listened to her and then whenever I have  

free time, I just go back whenever I left and 
study continuously. And then later on she changed  

the system in the Academy. So every members 
in the Academy can study all those resources  

and don’t feel any lagging behind 
anymore, so whenever you have time you can  

do your tasks at the end of the module, and then 
you can post into the Facebook group where the  

other teachers also can give us the feedback 
about our test. So I’m really thankful for that,  

guys, for you, to all teachers in Rachel’s English 
Academy. And the one thing I really loved in  

Rachel’s English Academy is the Ben Franklin 
analysis. So she demonstrates this one clip,  

a short clip, and how the native speaker speaks 
because most native speakers speaks really fast.  

Sometimes mumbling, so if you’re not used to it, 
then it’s hard for you to understand. And also the  

play it, and say it method and repeat, listen 
and repeat, and match exactly what you hear,  

so it helped me a lot to improve my listening 
skills and my accent as well. Before, I didn’t  

sound like this. My accent was really tough. But 
now I can notice myself that I’m close to a native  

speaker. Although, I’m not perfect guys, because 
I’m still learning, I’m still improving my accent,  

but I’m still, but I can say that I improved a 
lot compared before. So guys if you really want  

to have an American accent, I highly recommend 
Rachel’s English is the best online pronunciation  

course to study. Okay, so thanks for watching and 
congratulations Rachel you deserve it to have a  

million, three million subscribers. So I’ll see 
you around, guys. Stay safe and have a good one.

Thank you ling, I’m so glad to 
hear how much you’ve improved!  

This is Dave. No one had ever talked to him 
about his placement before. And this is the  

kind of thing that can affect everything you 
say. So I’m so glad he’s starting to get it.

Hi my name is Dave, and I’m one 
of the Rachel’s English students.  

And today, I would like to share my 
experience for Rachel’s English Academy.  

So far, I’ve been on Rachel’s English Academy for 
about four months, and experience is pretty good.  

So my problem was that I used to make a choppiness 
speech, like I wasn’t able to articulate  

words properly, and it’s hard to get the 
idea across to my friends or colleague.  

But I think after I took on Rachel’s English 
Academy for about a month, then I noticed that my  

pronunciation skills improved, 
I would say tremendously,  

especially after I learned 
about the lowest placements.  

Yeah, that is very useful to me because right 
now I’m actually incorporating that skill  

as I am filming this video. And then 
so before I talk on Rachel’s English,  

I took many other English classes. Quite a few, 
actually. And nobody talk about lower placements.  

So but after learning about this, this skills is, 
I can say it’s very, very, very useful so that’s  

awesome, I think. And then the second part about 
this Academy, which is I like about, is that they  

have beautiful and caring staff. So each time 
I upload uh my video challenge on the community  

group, I usually get like a feedback within one 
or two days or so, which is very efficient in my  

personal experience, in my personal opinion. 
Even though this mistake are tiny or small,  

I think this is very important to me because I was 
able to incorporate this moment mistakes into my  

daily speaking habits, and I think in long-term 
runs has a prolonged effect in my pronunciation  

skills. So these feedbacks are very valuable and 
no other classes would able to do that I say.  

So yeah, it’s very rewarding, actually in 
long-term months I would say. And then lastly,  

um Rachel English Academy has about 80 
modules, I think. So imagine if you make about  

any pronunciation mistake throughout the course, 
what excited me about this Academy is that  

what happened, what person would you 
become after you make these mistakes,  

so this is the interesting part about this Academy 
for myself at least. So yeah, I think the ending  

result will be great and amazing, even though it 
seems hard. So yeah English Academy I would say  

is a very good course. And I would definitely 
encourage people who has problem in speaking  

English and study, register this course and then 
move forward. So yeah that’s my experience with  

Rachel English, and thanks for watching, and 
I hope you all have a wonderful day. Bye!

Dave, thank you for sharing your thoughts, I’m so 
glad that you’re excited about the path you’re on,  

and the results you’re seeing. Next is Bertha, her 
native language is Spanish, she lives in the US  

and she’s been in the Academy for quite a 
while. She’s a really supportive member of  

the Academy Facebook group. I love how she 
has a story at the end about her confidence.  

She was worried when she had to start 
wearing a mask because of the pandemic  

that people weren’t going to be able 
to understand her, but they could.

Hi Rachel’s English Academy has been really a 
great ESL method for me in trying to master my  

tricky American English sounds. It really has 
a great variety of ESL material from vowels to  

Hollywood files, and every single lesson 
there has some words which I’m crazy about.  

And the reason I am is because you can practice 
there your speaking muscles, you can do it and  

regular play in slow motion. Let me just give 
you a little taste of that. I like to do it in  

slow motion because I can assimilate every single 
sound they’re saying there. So just a moment. Can  

you remember the name of the restaurant? So can 
you remember the name of the restaurant? And I can  

loop it, you know, I can just play it like from 
1 to 100 times. Actually, I do it from 1 to 20.  

Can you remember the name of the restaurant? 
Can you remember the name of the restaurant?  

Can you remember the name of the restaurant? Well, 
I’m not going to play it 20 times but this is just  

an example. If you want to play it in regular 
pace, here we go. Can you remember the name of  

the restaurant? Can you remember the name of the 
restaurant? So this is what I’m crazy about. This  

has helped me as you have no idea. I feel more 
confident. I think I speak clearly, but this is a  

slow process for me. I mean because there is 
too many files that sometimes I’m doing this,  

or I go to another, but I’m just 
trying to have fun because I think  

when you learn in another language, having 
fun matters a lot. So yeah, and you see  

I really feel more confident in speaking to people 
out there. You know we’re on this pandemic, and  

when they make mandatory the mask 
here in the state I’m living in,  

I was wondering if people was going 
to be able to understand my English,  

and so my first time, I wear, I wore my 
mask was when I went to a grocery store,  

so I put on my mask and I was walking through 
the store, and I was looking for olive oil. And  

I asked to this young man: “do 
you know where the olive oil is?  

And he goes “oh sure, it’s right there on 
your left. And you want me to take you there?”  

he said, and I said, “oh no! Thank you!” but 
I was surprised that he did understand me,  

everything I said. Same thing happened when 
I checked out, you know, the cashier there  

didn’t have any issues in understanding 
me. So thank you so much Rachel for  

such a great method. I really love it. 
I’ll stay here as long as long as possible  

because this material that you have here, it’s 
not possible to find it anywhere else, really.

Thank you for sharing your stories, 
Bertha, and last, but not least, Gabriella.

Everyone, I’m Gabriella. I am a Brazilian 
living in Amsterdam. And today I’m here to  

talk in a little bit about Rachel’s Academy, how 
it’s helped me to improve my English, to achieve  

my goals. So I know Rachel from this channel on 
YouTube, and after a while, I noticed that Rachel  

has a course. So I immediately thought that must 
be incredible. And actually, it is. So yeah,  

I started in Rachel’s Academy a few months 
ago. Actually almost one year, I think.  

And uh I started it because I would like to 
improve my pronunciation, and also work on  

my confidence. And um I can say with all honesty 
that’s helped me a lot. But how it’s helped me?  

Actually, I would like to comment about 
three things the most important for me,  

and they are the platform, and the 
relationship between me my colleagues,  

and the teachers, and the method to use. 
So okay, the first thing, the platform.  

The platform is a place where 
Rachel provide us good materials and  

there we can found a good environment 
to work on our English. So  

I can, I have my my daily plan there, 
so all the things are organized to me. I  

know what I’m gonna study, and what 
I will be studying the next days.  

So it’s easy to use the platform and to know 
about my journey. So yeah, it’s ready for us,  

we need to just go through there and start to 
study what it’s planned to me in that day. So the  

other thing that I would like to mention is about 
the Facebook group. Through the Facebook group, I  

met my colleagues and the teachers. So there I 
can post my videos and I have fast feedback from  

my colleagues and teachers. And actually, 
in my first posted video, I got surprised  

when I saw a comment with a video from a teacher. 
So it was amazing because it was a video about  

my improvements, about what, about what 
I was doing about that post that I did.  

So it was specific for me, it was specific for 
that assignment, it was specific for that post.  

So yeah it was an amazing feedback 
for me. And also the feedback that I  

got from my colleagues, it’s really 
important, it’s so great. So yeah,  

with this relationship we can improve each day 
and we can help each other, so the other thing  

the last thing that I would like to talk 
about is about the method Rachel uses. So  

the methods about listen, imitate, and repeat, 
until you feel comfortable to say something.  

So it’s helped me to feel more confident and work 
on contractions and even improving my listen.  

So with her knowledge on music, Rachel created 
some methods that help us to improve our  

imitation skills. And try to say exactly what 
you hear, I mean, try to say a simple phrase  

in English as if you are singing something. So 
yeah, it’s been fun. So and actually these days,  

the YouTube recommend recommended me a video 
from a music teacher, a Brazilian music teacher,  

and it was interesting because this teacher 
says something that Rachel repeat in your  

videos and it’s so important when you are not 
feel comfortable or relaxed with something,  

probably we will not achieve the pitch of 
your voice, the pitch that you, you need. So  

Rachel in Rachel’s Academy, you can find some uh 
exercise to relax your body, the parts you need  

and to feel more comfortable. It’s like, I 
mean, it’s like a meditation, you know? And  

this exercise are incredible to make us feel more 
relaxed and yeah, and work more confident and more  

I mean, say the things more relaxed and 
more with a good pronunciation. So yeah,  

I think these exercises are incredible. 
And yeah, so I would like to share a little  

a little bit about why I started this 
course that I mentioned at the beginning,  

it’s about pronunciation and confidence, and 
actually it’s because I needed to apply for a job.  

And but before, I needed to 
work on these things on myself  

in my English and now that I am 
feeling a little bit more confident,  

I started to apply for some opportunities here in 
Amsterdam, and I participated in some interviews.  

Even I did, I feel presentations, I mean two, 
but completely in English. So I am really happy  

that I am doing that. But I know that I need 
to learning more, doesn’t stop my learning, and  

improve these skills more and more. So yeah, 
that’s it, I would like to say thanks Rachel,  

thanks Rachel’s team, and congrats for the 
3 million of subscribers on your channel,  

and yeah, you deserve it. Bye, thank you so much!
I love how Gabriella and so many others  

have highlighted the Facebook or community group. 
It’s such a special and supportive community,  

not just because our teachers are in there, giving 
feedback, but because the students support each  

other. They meet up on different platforms to 
practice conversation and study together and I  

love the positivity they bring to the group. So 
to all my members in the Academy, I am thankful  

for you. Your dedication to your studies supports 
me and my family. If you want to join them, we do  

offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so come try 
it out with our discount for 81% off thanksgiving5  

by the link in the video description. That’s it, 
and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.