Coming This Fall Online Courses with Rachels English

Hi guys! I’m spending some time today
shooting a bunch of videos in my office.

And I thought I would share a
little bit about that with you.

It’s still a secret, the project I’m working on.

I just mentioned it to my mailing list last
week but I didn’t say much.

And I’m still not going to say much here except
to tell you that I’m working on a project

that’s really fun and I’m very excited about it.

Uhm, it’s sort of a follow up to the book which
I published a little over a year ago.

It’s going to be a set of online courses.

So it takes the book and then it just builds
it out, builds, builds, builds, builds.

It’s going to end up being a huge project.

Uhm, there’s going be a ton of audio to work with,

a bunch of new videos that you’ll only get
to see in these courses,

there will be some live classes,

And the courses are going to cover everything
from conversation to listening comprehension,

uhm of course, pronunciation, the vowels,
a bunch of training audio so that

you can get more comfortable with
all of these things you’ve been learning.

You’ve learned them all.

Now, in these courses, you can train over
and over to take that knowledge that you got

from the video and put it into your body,
with practice.

So that’s what I’ve been working on.

And it is going to happen this fall.

I’m not exactly sure when.

But when I do, of course, I’m going to offer
it for a very low price for about one week.

The intro week.

So to make sure that you know about it when it’s
happening, uhm be sure to sign up for my mailing list.


If you’re already on the mailing list, great! You’re all set.

Uh be sure to open the emails this fall.

If you’re not on the mailing list, go sign
up now, it’s FREE.

When you do sign up, you’re automatically
enrolled in a 10-day mini-course, those emails will…

those lessons will come to you via email. Uhm…

And it’s very different than what you’re going
to get in this other project - the big courses.

I’m having so much fun making the videos.

It’s just sometimes, you know, you’re writing
a book or something, you get in a groove,

you get very serious, you’re teaching people things.

And so with this course, I’ve just kind of hmm
just let myself relax a little bit and have more fun with it.

And so I think you will have fun with it and
I would love to see you there.

So sign up for my mailing list if you haven’t already

and get psyched, get ready for the secret project
that is coming to you this fall from Rachel’s English.