Does Ordering a Coffee in English make you Nervous

does ordering a coffee in English make

you nervous I’ll have a small coffee to


what about starting a conversation are

these both cream communicating in a

language that is not your native

language is intimidating

I know I’ve lived in the Dominican

Republic and Germany and it’s tough

understanding native speakers and having

the confidence to join in the

conversation Rachel’s English Academy is

the English class you’ve been looking

for the online courses have one goal

conversational confidence you’ll learn

exactly how Americans speak and how they

change and reduce words in conversation

so that you’ll be able to understand

them and know exactly what to imitate to

sound natural when speaking English get

the job you want get into this school

you want have the conversations you want

we’re going to break you free from the

structures of your own native language

and introduce you to the music and

placement of American English sounding

natural in a foreign language is so much

more than just the sounds Rachel’s

English Academy goes beyond everything

else you’ve studied before so that you

get the way sounds flow together and the

melody of the voice in addition to the

skills you’ll get you can also post

completion certificates for the courses

to your LinkedIn profile Rachel’s

English Academy opens October 25 sign up

now to get on the VIP list you’ll be

notified when the school opens and

you’ll be given the chance to sign up

for just ten dollars a month after the

initial offer the price goes up to

fourteen dollars a month so if you buy

in the first week you’ll be saving about

fifty dollars a year also if you buy

during the first week you get three

bonuses one an extra live class with me

we’ll talk about using the Academy and I

can answer your questions too

you’ll be able to download my special

video series on interviewing for a job

in America

English and three you’ll be able to

download video you can’t get anywhere

else on American Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner

in November and in these videos which I

made on periscope last year you’ll come

to the Thanksgiving meal with me and my

family and I’ll show you all the foods

that get passed around the table in a

traditional meal so sign up for the VIP

today it’s free then on October 25 sign

up for the Academy I can’t wait to see

you in class