How to Learn English The 1 BEST Method

I’m learning Spanish again and it’s so hard 
for me to understand native speakers. And if  

you’re studying English, I know I, and my fellow, 
native speakers can be difficult to understand.  

I struggled with this myself in college when 
I studied in the Dominican Republic, and then  

after college when I studied German in Germany 
for six months. I get it. So when I started  

teaching English, it was so important to me to 
develop a technique to help students hear English  

differently, to be able to join conversation and 
not just be stuck in written communication.

The technique involves learning a specific aspect 
of spoken English with your mind, we do that through a video,  

then training that into your body with audio 
exercises, and then getting feedback from teachers  

along the way. And I’ve been helping students with 
this technique for five years now, and it works.

And to the rest of you guys like myself, keep  

working hard because it’s 
working, and I’m so happy.

You’ll hear more from him soon.

Wouldn’t you love right now to practice, say, a 
tricky sound in American English or a reduction  

and then have a teacher say, 
“Yes, that sounds perfect!”,  

or “Wait, that reduction still 
needs to be shorter, try this?”  

The best way to feel confident speaking English 
is to get help and guidance from trained teachers.  

And can you believe you get that as a part of 
my online school, Rachel’s English Academy?

I’m going to introduce you to these six 
fantastic teachers today and show you  

how they can guide you to the materials in 
my Academy for transformation and success  

in your spoken English, confidence 
that you can almost not imagine.

On November 5, I turn 43. And to celebrate 
my birthday, I’m offering a huge sale,  

the last one of the year, 81% off your intro 
month in the Academy with the code Rachel43.  

The sale is for 5 days only, it ends Sunday, 
and you can end your subscription at any time  

if you don’t feel like this method 
and these teachers work for you.

What’s my academy? Well, this is the 30-second 
elevator pitch. It’s an online training ground for  

spoken English. We teach the concept, we give you 
the audio to train that concept into your habits,  

and then we give you the teacher resources to 
check in to make sure you’re on the right track  

with your training. Hundreds of exclusive videos 
and audio lessons, a method for self-training and  

self-improvement, a re-shaping of your habits and 
ideas about speaking English, teacher feedback  

and support. All online, all available 24-7 
for you to work on as it fits your schedule.

One of the most important things we can do 
for you in the Academy is change how you hear  

English. This is Tom, one of our teachers 
that you may work with in the Academy.

The idea of learning how to listen. Because I 
think, if you kind of train your ear to begin  

hearing the musical quality of American 
English it makes it a lot easier to imitate.

Do you recognize Tom? He’s been teaching with me  

for over 10 years and he’s been in my 
YouTube and Facebook videos before.

If you’re in my Academy, you can work 
with Katie. She talks about how, with the  

method and materials in the Academy, students 
start to hear things they didn’t hear before.

One thing that’s happened to me as I’ve been 
working with the students from Rachel’s English  

Academy is after a couple of weeks or so with the 
daily practice, they come back and say “Wow! I  

can understand things in conversation 
that I had no idea were happening before,  

just even little things 
like reductions and flap Ts,  

some of the other things that are so 
characteristic of American English.”

Isn’t that fantastic? It’s what makes us 
unique. These are your teachers. Most of  

the work is done on your own with the best 
method and materials available, but then,  

how do you know you’re doing it right? 
You’re not doing this alone. Through our  

private groups you’re with a team 
of teachers but all the other students too.

This is one of our students, Al.

I’ve imitated so many Hollywood scenes as many as 
possible and of course, imitating so many scenes  

on movies or TV shows without 
knowing the technique was hard.  

Like I constantly make mistakes and nobody 
even corrected me until I found this academy,  

Rachel’s English Academy. And I can say 
that this academy has been my lifesaver.

Al had the right idea, but since she wasn’t 
learning the language with the supercharged  

brain of a young child, she needed a little 
bit more concrete information and guidance  

which is what she got in the academy. 
And with that information and guidance,  

the change in students can be truly 
amazing. This is our teacher Laura,  

talking about singing and noticing the 
changes through student’s hard work.

Sometimes I’ll be working with somebody and while 
we’re working on something and we’ll put it aside  

for now, they’ll keep visiting it in their 
practice time and then when I see them again  

maybe some times gone by, and they’re 
using it as if it’s just another natural  

part of their speech now. And I love 
hearing that, I love noticing that.

That’s the best part. Hearing a student 
speak naturally and comfortably. Now,  

because we’re talking about changing a habit here, 
that doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen  

with watching a video and learning something. You 
have to add training. I wish I could do that part  

for you but I can’t. It’s best to sign up 
for the Academy only if you have a minimum  

of 15 minutes a day to learn the tips and 
tricks about what makes American English  

sound American, and the training to bring 
those qualities into your own voice and body.

I asked Josh, another one of our 
fantastic teachers, to talk about  

what he notices in successful students, and 
guess what, it goes back to listening.

My favorite success story is 
that with students in the academy  

and those for the students who really get 
their ears tuned into the sound of English.  

And it really opens up the way they listen and 
what they say and how they use the language.  

Sometimes students spend a lot of 
time working on an individual sound.  

But once you can actually train them and get them 
to actually notice that difference, it changes  

everything about the way they approach it and they 
really get really, really motivated from that.

In the Academy we cover every topic 
in spoken English: placement & pitch,  

melody & intonation, rhythm, all 
the sounds, reductions and more.

I asked our teachers what their favorite 
course is and why. This is Ms Stokes’ answer.

Without question, the Stress 3 course 
is my favorite. It’s the place where  

you get the most bang for your buck. Your 
time investment pays off so much in that  

course. I don’t know a better place to 
improve rhythm and just to immediately  

sound so different in terms of the prose and 
thought groups, just the style of your speech.

Stress three is my personal favorite too.  

It focuses on reductions. You put in 
time training, you get a huge reward.

Now let’s meet Alicia, another one of 
the students in my Academy. She’s going  

to talk about what she thinks 
transforms students the most.

The other thing that I think help students really
transform in the academy is getting  

specific direct feedback from teachers. 
In the Facebook and community groups,  in

one to one lessons and in Whatsapp classes. 
So this combination of practicing with the  

sound boards, and then getting really 
specific personal feedback from teachers  

is the winning combination to help improve 
your English and help achieve your goals.

I just love the investment that 
our teachers make in our students,  

and the investment that our students make 
in themselves. Katie said it really well.

The Facebook and community group 
students are “total badasses”.  

They post videos of themselves practicing 
with the content in Rachel’s Academy and  

we as teachers get a glimpse into what they are 
working on, we get to help them make adjustments,  

give them feedback on how they’re doing, 
it’s so beneficial for them. Also they are just so

encouraging and supportive of each other. 
Everybody is working on the same journey,  

they maybe working on specifically different 
things in the Academy but they learn from  

each other, and they get to support each other 
throughout this process and it’s so fun to see.

Our students uplift each other. 
You sign up for the Academy,  

you get access to all the materials. The videos, 
with the tips and tricks, and the audios to  

train with. Every day you can log on and step 
through the method. And in the community groups,  

the students and the teachers motivate and 
support each other. So now is the time,  

now is your chance to get started in the Academy 
and save some money with this discount code,  

our last sale of the year, to celebrate my 
birthday, another lap around the sun! Get  

access to the materials, the methods, and yes, 
these teachers in our private community group  

just for students. You post a video of one of the 
challenges we give you, and you get personalized  

feedback, often a video, from our teachers. The 
code is Rachel43 for 81% off your first month.

What do our students think about our teachers?  

This is Kostas, he’s a long-time 
student, active in the community.

I haven’t stopped since then and I’m not 
going to stop. I’m not going to stop because

Rachel and her team, they gave me 
hope. They gave me hope, and you know,  

you see back then, I would never dare to try to 
do an American accent. It was, I would never dare.  

I would, I would, even if I was in a private 
room, and I would try to do an American accent,  

I would just, sometimes I would cry. I would 
just, you know, turn into a red  

apple. And I would just shut down. I would 
hear my voice trying to do an American accent,  

and I would just start crying immediately because 
it would trigger me that I will never become what  

I want to become. I will never be able to compete 
with all these Australian actors that so easily  

can do American accent. And I would never be equal 
and it really, it really hurts, it really hurts,  

and you know, when you try so hard, and you 
just, you don’t have someone to back you up.  

But when I met Rachel, through Rachel’s English 
Academy, I got her and her team to back me up.

Kostas, we do have your back and I am so glad 
for your successes. Since posting that video,  

he’s been cast in a play where he 
has to have an American accent.

Now I’m practicing this. This is a script. It’s 
a, it’s a script for a play here in Melbourne.

I wouldn’t be able to do this play 
if it wasn’t for Rachel and her team.

If I didn’t have Rachel and her team, this 
simply wouldn’t be possible right now. So.  

Thank you Rachel and your team. And to the rest 
of you guys like myself, whatever level you are  

at, keep working hard because it’s working. I’m 
so happy, that I, you know, that it’s working

because now I can do this and I’m following 
my dream and who knows where I’m going to be  

in a year from now. Because now I can pick up the 
script and I apply everything I’m learning, I’ve  

learned and I keep learning. And polish my accent, 
you my pronoun-, you know my punctuation, and,  

you know, I, I just know. I read and 
I know how to say the word. It’s,  

it’s just perfect. It’s wonderful. And I owe 
everything to Rachel and her team. So, thank you.

Kostas, we are so proud of you. You have put 
in the time, you continue to put in the time,  

you’re an inspiration. A lot of my students 
don’t need to sound American, after all,  

accents are beautiful. They just want to be more 
confident and fluent in speaking English. And  

our teachers, through our private communities, 
help them. This is Ella, a student from China.

I also like the big support team from the Academy. 
Like all the teachers in this team are awesome.  

Every time when I submit my own recording to the 
Facebook group, the teacher can always identify my  

mistakes, small mistakes that 
I could have never realized  

myself. And they always give me very clear 
and easy to follow instructions to improve.

The teachers can be so precise in 
their feedback because we’re using  

video. I really find that 
so effective. This is Dave.

And then the second part about this Academy, which 
is I like about, is that they have beautiful and  

caring staff. So each time I upload uh, 
my video challenge on the community group,  

I usually get like a feedback within one or 
two days or so, which is very efficient in my  

personal experience, in my personal opinion. Even 
though this mistake are tiny or small, I think  

this is very important to me because I was able 
to incorporate this moment mistakes into my daily  

speaking habits, and I think in long-term runs 
has a prolonged effect in my pronunciation skills.  

So these feedbacks are very valuable and no 
other classes would able to do that I say.

And you already know Al.

The teachers are so encouraging 
and very expert. Um,  

they can correct my mistakes in the most specific 
way, so I could, I can just change my habit,  

I can see my improvements and now I 
can feel so confident in my English,  

and I really, really want you to also feel 
what I feel when you speak in English.

This is Gabriella from Brazil.

Through the Facebook group, I met 
my colleagues and the teachers.  

So there I can post my videos and I have fast 
feedback from my colleagues and teachers.  

And actually, in my first posted video, I got 
surprised when I saw a comment with a video  

from a teacher. So it was amazing because it 
was a video about my improvements, about what,  

about what I was doing about that post that I 
did. So it was specific for me, it was specific  

for that assignment, it was specific for that 
post. So yeah, it was amazing feedback for me.

All of you students inspire us teachers to hone 
our craft and keep working hard to become better  

teachers. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to be 
a part of this community of teachers and students,  

all supporting one another, knowing one another, 
caring about one another. It’s such an uplifting  

and motivating group of people. So come 
join our Academy. I want to see you there.

Tom wants to see you there.

I love the Facebook group, I love the community 
group in the Academy because I think that the  

students are unbelievably brave to share their 
practice with the community. And what is great,  

and the reason that I love that community so much 
is that it is a safe place to share your practice. People are  

unbelievably supportive. There are so many 
moments where someone will share a video  

and they’ll get lots of comments saying, 
“Wow! Way to go, you sound awesome! I’m so  

inspired to go work on that material now.” And 
that kind of connection, student to student,  

that wouldn’t happen without those faces, 
that Facebook group and the community group.  

And so to me, being able to be there as a teacher, 
to provide you know really positive, constructive  

feedback to kind of help a student understand 
where they may still have challenges but also to  

highlight for them where they having successes and 
to create a space where you can kind of feel that  

forward moving energy of progress of getting 
better. That to me is what that Facebook group is,  

that community group and it’s an awesome thing 
to be a part of so you know as a teacher,  

I get to be a part of it because I’m offering 
concrete feedback for what you can do to improve,  

what you can do to kind of continue on your 
path, but other students are also kind of  

chiming in with their thoughts and most of 
the time just lots of motivation and it is,  

it’s really inspirational to be in there and see 
all of that activity. It’s a lot of great energy.

Laura wants to see you there.

For me as a teacher, I get to check in 
on people’s progress as they work through  

the daily plan. And it’s great to see people who 
stick with it for a long time and you can hear  

them work through each module 
and improve and keep getting  

smoother and smoother and clearer 
and clearer in their language.

Josh wants to see you there.

I love the attitude that the students bring 
to the academy. They’re all so motivated to  

learn they’re all so grateful for all 
the help they get through the academy.

Alicia wants to see you there.

I love that I’m meeting students from 
around the world and then I’m helping  

them improve their English and reach their 
goals. I love students encourage each other,  

support each other and cheer 
each other on these groups  

and I also love seeing their progress over time. 
I love seeing the students come in in module 1  

and then work through one challenge at a time 
and just get better and better and better.

Katie wants to see you there.

It’s been so great just to know all of them, uhm, 
they also have a strong desire and motivation  

to speak English and to better 
themselves, I’m so impressed by them,  

they are willing to put in the hard work and just 
super dedicate it so I love getting to know them.

Ms.Stokes wants to see you there.

These are people who are highly motivated, 
self-driven, goal-driven and I’m continually  

inspired of how much progress they’re 
able to make at their own pace.

To hear more from Kostas, Ella, and my other 
students, see this video or the link in the  

video description. And be sure to subscribe 
to my channel here on YouTube and turn on  

notifications on so that we can keep in touch. 
I make new videos on the English language every  

week and I would love to see you back here. 
For now, keep your learning going with this  

video and let me know in the comments below 
if you have any questions about the Academy.  

I can’t wait to see you there. That’s it and 
thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.