Introducing Yourself Challenge Results

In this American English pronunciation video,
you’re going to see the video result of the

Rachel’s English Introduce Yourself challenge.

A couple weeks ago I made a video asking you
to make a video. And over fifty of you did!

The point was to practice your English and
make a video introducing yourself. So in this

video, you’re going to see all 50+ videos
that people in the Rachel’s English community

made. You’re going to meet people from all
over the world. I decided to arrange them

from shortest to longest. It is going to be
a long video. But I do invite you to watch

all the way to the end. I know I had so much
fun watching every single one of these videos.

I’m sure I will watch them all again.

Thank you guys so much for the kind words
you said about Rachel’s English and about

how the videos have helped you. But also,
thank you for just picking up a camera and

taking on the challenge. I really appreciated
getting to know even just this tiny slice

of you. I loved to see the outdoor shots,
or the shots in your home, at work, in school.

I loved hear about what you were doing that
day. And just, getting to know you a little

bit. It’s so cool. Thank you so much for doing

I’m pretty sure I got everybody’s video. I
had you either tweet it to me or post it to

my Facebook page. Sometimes on Facebook, if
it’s in a comment to another post, I don’t

always see those comments. But I really tried
to look at everything and I think I got them

all. So I hope everybody’s is here.

You guys really impressed me with your English.
Let’s check them out.

How cool is that? That was fun. Thank you
guys again so much for making the videos. If

you didn’t make one, that’s ok. Maybe you’ll
make one the next time. What do you think

the next Rachel’s English video challenge
should be? Let me know in the comments below.

And, if you didn’t even know there was a video
challenge going on, I’m sorry about that.

Why don’t you sign up for my mailing list?
The link will be here or in the description below.

I send an email about once a month, and it just
keeps you up-to-date on what’s happening at

Rachel’s English. So if you missed this,
you won’t miss the next one.

Alright guys. That’s it, and thanks so much
for using, and participating in, Rachel’s English.