4 Hacks for Learning English on Autopilot

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have you ever started learning a

language but just couldn’t continue

why does this happen and what do

successful language learners do


in this video we’re going to talk about

why you should put your language

learning on

autopilot we asked you and the number

one reason people don’t continue is time

either you don’t make the time for

learning or you’re just too busy

but a lot of the time this is caused by

the resources you’re using

if you’ve downloaded five language apps

and bought two books

you’ll get overwhelmed about where to

start and what to do next

so what do successful language learners

do successful learners don’t overwhelm

themselves thinking what should i do

today they put their learning on

autopilot imagine this let’s say you

have a favorite tv show

a new episode comes out every tuesday so

you know what you’re doing on tuesday


you don’t have to think about it you

don’t need a reminder it’s automatic

every tuesday you watch an episode you

make it into a habit

now how do we apply that to language


first habits if you have a habit of

learning then you’re already on

autopilot so set a small

measurable monthly goal with a deadline

like learn 100 words or do 30 lessons by

the end of the month

once you know your goal you can

backtrack so for example

divide 100 words by 30 days in a month

and you get 3.33

so you should learn about three words a


now you know what to do three words a

day there’s no confusion

do those three words and you’re done you

don’t need to think about what you

should be doing because you already know

what you’re doing

it becomes a habit the second way to

stay on autopilot is with language


this is basically just because books are

sequential you just follow the pages

from one

until the end you don’t have to think

about where to go next

so it’s easy to stay on track with what

you need to do

third the word of the day every day you

get a new word in your email inbox

automatically you don’t have to think

about it simply check your email

learn a word and you’re done the fourth

way is with our progress tracking tools

they spoon feed you lessons one by one

so let’s say you’ve finished lesson one

where you learned greetings

then you automatically load up lesson

two where you learn a basic conversation

that uses the greetings you learned in

lesson one

then you have lesson three and four and

so on you don’t have to worry about what

to do next because our dashboard will

keep you on track

it’ll even build upon what you learned

in your previous lesson so you won’t

forget it

the point is to put your learning on

autopilot you need something that guides

you from a

to b to c whether it’s your own habits

or a book that takes you from 1 to 100

or a learning program that feeds you

lessons so take one of these tips and

apply it today

so to put your learning on autopilot

just check out our complete language

learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share this video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a language and

subscribe to our channel

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