4 Ways to Improve English Grammar

want to master grammar so you can speak

properly express yourself better and

understand more in this video I’ll show

you how to master grammar with our

lessons and learning program let’s begin

number one listen to the lesson

conversations and explanations in every

lesson you learn a conversation then our

teachers break down every word and

grammar rule so you’re actually learning

grammar rules in the context of

conversations and you can easily see how

they’re used

once you’re done review the conversation

again and again to remember what you’ve

learned number two read the bonus

explanations and tutorials with the

lesson notes you get extra grammar

explanations and examples that are not

presented in the lesson after you’re

done with a lesson read the lesson notes

for extra review you can even save them

as PDFs so that you can access them

anytime number three leave a comment on

the lesson once you’ve learned a grammar

point be sure to use it leave a comment

in the comment section write some

example sentences for practice our

teachers will review your comment and

give you feedback number four

unlock even more grammar lessons if you

want to find all of the grammar lessons

available visit our lesson library under

category choose grammar you’ll get all

of the pathways and lesson dedicated to

helping you learn and master sentence

patterns and grammar points so if you’re

ready to finally learn a new language

the fast fun and easy way sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description signing

up takes less than 30 seconds and you’ll

start speaking from your very first

lesson if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share it with anyone who’s

trying to learn a new language and

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videos every week I’ll see you next time
