8 Ways to Practice English Writing

Want to improve writing in your target
language? in this guide you’ll discover

the top eight ways to practice and
master writing with our lessons and

learning program let’s begin number one
write out the words and phrases by hand

one of the best ways to improve your
writing is to simply write more so write

every word phrase and sentence that you
learn in the lessons by hand in a

notebook you can write out the
conversations from the dialogue study

tool example sentences from the lesson
notes and words and phrases from our

vocabulary lists number two take the
writing quizzes with every lesson you

get review quizzes to help you master
what you’ve learned just scroll down to

the vocabulary section or click on
vocabulary click on take quiz and then

click on writing questions number three
leave a comment on the lesson after

you’re done with a lesson be sure to use
what you’ve learned whether a new word

or a grammar point leave a comment in
the comment section and our teachers

will review it and give you feedback
number four dictation dictation is a

study method where you write down what
you hear as a way to test both your

writing and listening skills you can do
this with any one of our audio and video

lessons this method is recommended for
intermediate level learners and above

number five create sentences using newly
learned words you can learn new words

with our lessons the word of the day the
vocab lists and the core 2000 word list

which gives you the 2000 most frequently
used words and as mentioned before you

can also leave a comment with a practice
sentence and our teachers will review it

number six write short messages to your
Premium Plus teacher just write out a

message and send it to your Premium Plus
teacher for review in fact as a first

step all new Premium Plus users are
asked to write a self introduction and

send it to their teacher your teacher
will review your work give you feedback

corrections and help you improve your
writing skills fast number seven get

writing assignments from your Premium
Plus teacher you can also get

cover listening writing speaking and

even reading from your teacher these
assignments can be tailored to your

goals and needs you get a new one every
week or any time you’re ready for a new

number eight get even more lessons in

the lesson library if you want even more
writing lessons then visit our lesson

library and under category choose
reading and writing you get instant

access to all of the pathways and
lessons that will help you master all

areas of the language including writing
you’ll get all of our pathways and

lessons that are dedicated to helping
you master writing so if you’re ready to

finally learn language the fast fun and
easy way and start speaking from your

very first lesson get our complete
learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account right now click the
link in the description and if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button
share it with anyone who’s trying to

learn a language and subscribe to our
Channel we release new videos every week

I’ll see you next time bye