Become a Confident English Speaker with These 6 Tips

are you feeling confident as a beginner

level language learner are you ready to

move up to the intermediate level here

are some tips to help you make that leap

and advance your language learning

progress tip number one determine your

skill level it’s important to look

across your skills in the major language

competencies listening speaking writing

and reading by taking our level

assessment test you can review your

skills in each competency and see your

strengths and weaknesses keep in mind

it’s normal to be better in some skills

than others Premium Plus users can take

our level assessment test and get

personalized recommendations and

learning pathways based on your results

once you’ve figured out which skills

need work it’s time to take action no

matter which of your language skills

need to be improved make sure you choose

a method that’s both effective and fun

to help maintain your regular learning

routine tip number 2 listening the most

effective way to build your listening

comprehension is by building a strong

vocabulary the more vocabulary to

understand the context and details of

the conversation songs in the target

language are a key listening tool that

will teach you common everyday

vocabulary by learning and memorizing

the lyrics you’re building up your

vocabulary if you really want your

listening skills to take off listen to

our podcasts we have hundreds of hours

of audio lessons for you to listen to

before you know it you’ll be able to

understand shows and movies tip number


speaking add speaking elements to your

language routine try shadowing podcasts

repeating along while you listen match

the native speakers pronunciation and

intonation this is a fantastic way to

improve your fluency and accuracy you

can also find a partner for conversation

exchange a partner can help correct your

mistakes and teach you more natural ways

to phrase your ideas tip number four

writing an easy way to start writing

more often is by keeping a one-sentence

journal write one sentence in a journal

every day it doesn’t take a lot of time

and is a great habit for beginners to

build a rich

you have to be consistent to make

improvements ask native speakers to

correct your writing to improve even

faster you can submit sentences and

phrases to your teacher using Premium

Plus tip number five reading reading is

a skill you can improve by yourself

there’s no need to rush it doesn’t

matter if you read one or 100 pages at a

time what matters is that you understand

what you read write down new words as

you read them to practice later if

there’s an audio version read along with

the narrator it’ll help you read at a

slightly faster speed than normal you

can use the audio that comes with each

of our lessons bonus tip never give up

where do your language skills currently

stand where do you want them to be how

do you get there whatever your goal is

make it clear and part of your life

you’ll reach it if you stay focused and

positive and if you really want your

skills to take off make use of our tools

and resources they’re designed to help

you get to the next level in the fastest

easiest and most fun way just click the

link in the description to sign up for a

free lifetime account sign up takes less

than 30 seconds click the link in the

description and start learning right

away I’ll see you there
