How To Train Your English Skills English August Review

do you have trouble speaking English
you’re not alone in this video I’ll show

you a powerful way to improve your
speaking ability hi everyone and welcome

to English monthly review in this
monthly video series you’ll discover new

learning strategies motivational tips
steady tools and resources and then

we’ll give you a chance to show off your
language progress for all the world to

see our favorite submissions will be
shown in future videos that is if you’re

brave enough to participate and become
language-learning famous all of the

materials mentioned in this video are
available for you right now over at

English class
click the link in the description to

sign up for your free lifetime account
and start speaking in minutes how to

train your reading writing speaking and
listening skills now for the really fun

part I’m going to break down some
learning tactics and show you how to

apply them to our learning program
follow this guide to improve your

language skills so do you have a
language learning weakness what do you

want to improve this brings us back to
what I mentioned at the very beginning

of this video speaking is the most
common answer to these questions so

let’s start there a powerful way to
improve your speaking ability is by

shadowing shadowing means mimicking what
you hear repeating out loud so if you’re

listening to or watching one of our
lessons just repeat what you hear out

loud but it’s not always easy to repeat
what you hear which is why it’s best to

have a lesson transcript with you
something that you can read along with

lesson transcripts are free and are
available with every one of our lessons

on our site just click the link in the
description and sign up for a free

account if you don’t already have one
next listening skills have you ever

listened to a conversation in your
target language but had trouble

processing all the words this is another
area where a transcript is super useful

as I said earlier we have transcripts
available for every single lesson on our

site but even beyond that there’s
something called line

line audio this allows you to break down
our lessons into small chunks that you

can listen to again and again until the
information sticks so transcripts and

line by line audio are two amazing
resources that are ready and waiting for

you on our site next let’s do writing
here’s a super simple tactic you can

apply it with our lessons or any other
program or resource that you use write

out the words the sentences and the
dialogues literally copy them out by

hand by doing this you don’t have to
wonder what should I write so with the

lessons or even with the dialogue from
your textbook try copying out the

dialogue by hand and finally reading we
talked about the importance of having a

transcript to improve your listening
skills for reading the opposite can be

very beneficial have the audio version
listen to the audio this will make

reading a lot easier for you because you
can hear how each word is pronounced and

can easily follow along you won’t get
stuck wondering how a word should be

read you can do this with our audio
lessons read the dialogue or the

transcript while listening you can also
use our extensive reading book which

includes audio take these ideas and
apply them to all of your lessons

now speaking of lessons and resources
here are the newest lessons and free

resources of the month first is the
ultimate listening comprehension

practice video if you want to immerse
yourself in the language and sharpen

your listening skills download this next
we’re giving you the language learning

strategies PDF guide to help you study
the language and finally you’ll get the

top 15 job interview questions you’ll
learn how to ask questions like where do

you see yourself in five years and why
do you want this job in your target

language click the links in the
description to access these free lessons

and resources all right because this is
the very first episode of the monthly

review we’re asking you to submit a
video of yourself speaking the language

here’s the challenge record a video or
audio file if you’re shy and introduce

yourself in your target language with
what you’ve learned from us so far

your reward will be a one month premium
plus subscription and we’ll feature you

in next month’s episode so a lot of
learners will see your progress and will

hopefully get inspired to improve their
skills and master the language to submit

a recording just click the link in the
description and follow the instructions

on the page thank you for watching this
very first episode of our monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to
achieve your English goals when your

motivation is low in the meantime submit
your recording if you’re brave and don’t

forget to click the link in the
description to get your free resources

for August