READ Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

back to know your verbs in this episode

we’re going to talk about the verb read

let’s get started

the basic definition of the verb read is

to take in information using letters or

symbols through your eyes or through

touch people can read through touch

also in example sentences I’ve been

reading interesting books recently I

read a great article yesterday let’s

look at the conjugations of this verb

present read reads past read past

participle read progressive reading

so let’s look at some additional

meanings for this verb the first meaning

is to interpret something as if you are

reading it so that means you’re

interpreting something that is not a

symbol it’s not letters but you

interpret it as though you can read it

in some way let’s look at some examples

he’s really hard to read my best

friend’s can read me like a book okay so

the first example he’s really hard to

read means he’s really hard to interpret

he’s really hard to understand so maybe

someone that you know their emotions are

not very clear always or it’s not easy

to know what they’re thinking we can say

that person is hard to read like it’s

hard to interpret their thinking it’s

hard to interpret them in the second

example sentence I said my friends can

read me like a book

so that means my friends think I’m easy

to understand I’m easy to interpret

through my body language or my face or

the sound of my voice it’s really easy

to read me it’s really easy to interpret

me so easy it’s like reading a book so

I’m very easy to understand is the

meaning there so this kind of read we

can use for people or maybe even we can

use for like situations too so to read

something like it’s symbols even though

it’s not safe the second meaning for

this verb is to assign meaning to

something else to assign a meaning to

something else so to give a meaning to

something so examples of this this

passage can be read totally differently

how did you read that message so here

read doesn’t mean like physically taking

in the information in a message or in a

book it means understanding or giving a

certain meaning to something so in the

first example it was this passage can be

read totally differently means this

passage or the meaning of this passage

could be understood in a different way

so that doesn’t mean there’s a different

way to read like physically take the

information in it means there’s a

different way to understand the me

of that of that passage in the second

example sentence how did you read that

message it means how did you understand

that message or what was the true

meaning you understood in that message

what did you get from that how did you

read that message so read doesn’t only

mean looking at the symbols and letters

even if it seems like it here in these

sorts of situations it means how do you

assign meaning to that text let’s go to

a third meaning of the verb read then so

we can also use read to mean to indicate

to indicate something as with like signs

or time let’s look at some examples the

clock reads - the sign reads visitors

not permitted so here I’m using the

present tense for both of these example

sentences the clock reads means the

clock indicates two o’clock or the clock

says two o’clock so when there’s some

indication there’s some sort of message

from a sign from a clock from I don’t

know bulletin board maybe whatever it’s

indication it’s we can use the verb read

to talk about them so the sign reads two

o’clock the sign reads visitors not

permitted to indicate

let’s look at some variations now for

this verb the first one is to read into

to read into something this means to

believe in a deeper meaning of something

however in some cases there’s there’s no

deeper meaning

it’s like weed we think there’s deeper

meaning for something but there really

isn’t let’s look at some examples of

this she’s being extra nice to him

I’m trying not to read into it but I

wonder if they’re dating don’t read into

his comments okay so both of these mean

like actually in both of these i’ve

given kind of a negative situation in

the first one I’m trying not to read

into it means I’m trying not to see a

deeper meaning in this situation but I

wonder if they’re dating because she’s

being extra nice to him hmm

so there’s a little bit of curiosity

there in the second example sentence

don’t read into his comments means don’t

imagine there’s a deeper meaning there

don’t read into his comments there’s not

anything else for you to be concerned

about here it’s just this comment that’s

all so don’t think there’s something

behind to the comment okay let’s go to

the second variation for read today the

second variation is to read between the

lines to read between the lines this

means to understand something that’s not

directly stated this is a very important

skill and so many think countries have

different ways of expressing this

concept but in English we say to read

between the lines to see or to see or to

understand something that people don’t

explicitly say examples the manager said

he was happy with last month’s

performance but reading between the

lines I think he wishes we had done

better and I think if you read between

the lines you’ll see that the company is

not doing so well so in the first

example sentence we see this

presentation the manager was happy with

the performance but reading between the

lines I think he wishes we had done

better that suggests that maybe there is

a comment or there’s some information

there that makes the speaker think the

manager is actually hiding some

appointment so there’s something about

the managers behavior that maybe

indicates his true feelings are

different from his happy kind of

presentation in the second example

sentence I think if you read between the

lines you’ll see that the company is not

doing so well again that means that

there’s something the speaker has

noticed or has sense or has heard that

suggests that actually the company is

not doing so well even though it seems

that they are this is a useful

expression for social situations like if

someone doesn’t quite understand like

the feeling of a conversation or like

the sort of sense in a room we can say

like oh that person can’t really read

between the lines canny here so that’s

how we use it so those are a few new

ways of using the verb read I hope if

you have any other uses that you know of

or if you have any questions or comments

or want to try to make a sentence with

this verb please feel free to do so of

course if you liked the video please

make sure to give us a thumbs up

subscribe to the channel and check us

out at English class

for other good stuff too thanks very

much for watching this episode of know

your verbs and we’ll see you again next


bye Mike in the second it happens

happens happens
