English Skills for the RealWorld Reading English Practice

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you are at a train station where you’re

attempting to buy an express ticket from

a ticket machine

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

the option on the bottom left is for an

express ticket

you are at a train station where you’ve

just bought an express ticket

which train car row and seat number are

you in

which train car row and seat number are

you in

the ticket says that you’re in train car

number one in the eighth row

in seat c

you are at a train station where you’re

reading the train schedule for an

express ticket that you’ve just bought

on which days are there no express

trains running

on which days are there no express

trains running

there are no express trains running on

public holidays and the third sunday of

every month

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you are on a platform at a train station

where you’re waiting for your train

suddenly a message appears on the


what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next train will

not stop

you are on a platform at a train station

where you’re waiting for your train

suddenly a message appears on the


what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next train will

not stop

you are at a train station where you’re

looking for the best exit to catch a


which exit should you take to get to the

taxi stop

which exit should you take to get to the

taxi stop

you should take the east exit in order

to get to the taxi stop

you just got a text message from your

hotel’s pickup service

what does the first number refer to

what does the first number refer to

the number in the text message refers to

the customer code

you’re checking out the hotel’s

facilities when you see a notice on a


what does the notice mean

what does the notice mean

the notice reads no entry

you search online for the nearest bus


what bus service does the page show

what bus service does the page show

the web page shows a free bus service

you’re about to enter a small shop but

there’s a handwritten note on the door

what does the message on the note mean

what does the message on the note mean

the note reads i’ll be right back

there’s a national holiday coming up and

you notice that shops have special


about having different opening hours

from when will the opening hours return

to normal

from when will the opening hours return

to normal

the notice says that the opening hours

will be back to normal on january

7th want to speak real english from your

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you are sitting on a train that is about

to arrive at the next train station

suddenly a notice appears on the display

what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next stop is the

last stop

you’ve lost your wallet at a train

station hoping to get your wallet back

you go to look at a map of the entire

train station

where is the lost and found office


where is the lost and found office


the lost and found office is located in

number five

on the first floor

you are on a platform at a train station

where you stumble

across a notice what does this notice


what does this notice mean

the notice reads this platform will be

closed for maintenance between 11 pm

and 5 am

you are at a train station where you

stumble across a large notice on a

bulletin board

what does the notice say

what does the notice say

the notice reads express trains will not

run on new year’s day

you are exiting a train station when a

person suddenly hands you a leaflet

what kind of deal is offered on this


what kind of deal is offered on this


the offer is buy two get one free

you’re about to have lunch in a local


what’s included with the main course

what’s included with the main course

the sign says one drink and a dessert

are included

you’re about to order your lunch and

you’re interested in the lunch menu

what does the lunch menu say

what does the lunch menu say

the lunch menu says that today’s special

is spicy chicken with grilled vegetables

there’s a notice at the bottom of the

lunch menu

what does the notice say

what does the notice say

the notice says there is an extra charge

for alcoholic beverages

you’re finished with your meal and

you’re looking at the dessert menu

what kinds of drinks can you choose with

the cake set

oh what kinds of drinks can you choose

with the cake set

the menu shows that you can choose from

coffee or tea

you just had lunch paid and received

your receipt

what is marked with a circle


what is marked with a circle

the circled parts of the receipt tell

you the subtotal and the total

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you are at a lost and found office at a

train station

where you’re hoping to retrieve a wallet

that you’ve lost

the staff member presents you with a

form to fill out

what information do you need to fill out

to complete the form

what information do you need to fill out

to complete the form

the form states that you need to fill

out your name address

phone number and a description of your

lost property

you are on a platform at a train station

where you’ve been waiting for your train

it appears to be running late suddenly a

message appears on the display

what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads train services on this

line have been cancelled due to an


on the train tracks we apologize for the


you are at a train station where you’re

trying to reserve a seat on an express


using a ticket machine a special notice

is posted on the machine

which option should you use to reserve a

seat on the express train

which option should you use to reserve a

seat on the express train

the notice says that you should go to

the counter if you would like to reserve

a seat on an express train

you’ve just arrived at your destination

and you’re attempting to exit the train


unfortunately the exit you usually take

is blocked by some ongoing renovations

a signboard is posted informing you of

another route

how should you proceed

how should you proceed

the sign tells you to go back in the

opposite direction

take the escalators up to the second

floor and to turn right

and take the east exit

you are at a train station reading a

leaflet that you found at the train


the leaflet is advertising a new

shopping center that just opened

how do you get to the new shopping


how do you get to the new shopping


the leaflet says that you can use

platform 4 or platform 2

if it’s a sunday to get to the new

shopping center

you’re reading an event guide and are

going to see an upcoming art event

what does the guide say about bringing

food to the event

what does the guide say about bringing

food to the event

the description reads that if you bring

your own food or drinks they will be


you’re planning to buy an instant meal

how much water do you add and what do

you do once it’s added

how much water do you add and what do

you do once it’s added

you add 100 cc’s of boiling water

wait three to five minutes then stir the


you’re at the clothing store and want to

try on a few shirts

how many items are allowed in the

fitting room

how many items are allowed in the

fitting room

the notice says that a maximum of three

items per customer are permitted inside

the fitting room

after paying for your shirt you notice

the return policies printed on the


what items are excluded from the return


what items are excluded from the return


the sentence means please note that all

sale items are excluded from this policy

and are non-returnable

with your receipt you also received a


where do you have to present the coupon

where do you have to present the coupon

it says present this coupon at the cash

register at the time of purchase to

receive a 20

discount off all items

want to speak real english from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at englishclass101.com

you are aboard an express train where

you’re about to arrive at your next


suddenly the train slows and comes to an

unexpected stop clearly short of the


there are no instructions from the

conductor concerned

you pick up and read the emergency

instructions pamphlet aboard the train

according to the pamphlet what should

you do in this situation

according to the pamphlet what should

you do in this situation

the pamphlet says that you should not

attempt to exit the train

because the train tracks are electrified


you should stay seated and wait for help

to arrive

you are at a train station platform

where you are waiting for your train

there’s a small pamphlet sitting on a

display case about a new train that will

be introduced next year

you decide to pick up and read the


what is the main feature and the biggest

advantage of the new train

what is the main feature and the biggest

advantage of the new train

the main feature of the train is that it

is propelled by magnetism

the biggest advantage is that it can

reach twice the speeds of any train that

runs on tracks

you just got off the train at the

closest station to your friend’s new


where he’s invited you to a party which

exit should you use to get to your

friend’s new house

which exit should you use to get to your

friend’s new house

although the east exit would have

normally been the closest exit

it’s currently under construction so you

should take the south exit

instead you are at a train station

where you’re heading to the lost and

found office to retrieve a lost passport

according to an email you received from

the train company

what things do you need to provide to

the staff

what things do you need to provide to

the staff

the email says that you need to present

proof of identification

and to pay a small fee

you are exiting a train station when a

big notice posted on the bulletin board

catches your attention the notice

highlights permanent changes made to the

train schedule

how will trains on fridays be affected

how will trains on fridays be affected

trains on fridays will now start at 6


and will end at 1 a.m

suddenly you get bad abdominal pain and

decide to buy some medicine

what are the instructions regarding the

recommended dosage on the label

what are the instructions regarding the

recommended dosage on the label

the label says that daily dosage two

pills per day after eating

your condition is not getting better and

you decide to go to the nearby clinic

you receive a medical report what is the


you receive a medical report what is the


the diagnosis is food poisoning caused

by contaminated food

you just bought a few items from a local

shop online

what information does the website say

about the delivery date


what information does the website say

about the delivery date

the website says that delivery dates

differ depending on the delivery method

but all dates should be calculated from

the next working day

the day after ordering an item online

you receive an email notification

how can you track your package

how can you track your package

the email says that you can track your

package on this website by logging into

your account

and after logging in click on your order

history and enter the order number found

in this email

you’re reading the instructions of an

electronic device you’ve just bought

what should you do in case of


what should you do in case of


the manual says that if you notice the

surface overheating

unplug the device immediately and allow

it to cool down before handling again

reading in a foreign language is great

but a big challenge related to reading

is that you often need a high level of

fluency before it gets really fun

and if a book isn’t fun then you’re not

going to want to read it

the entire point of sitting down with a

book is to enjoy it and have a good time

being absorbed in the story or learning

the information

and that’s just not going to happen if

you need to look up every second word

it’ll take you out of the story and it

will feel like a chore like an

assignment from school where you have to

read the book for a class

but there is a resource that you might

not know about that can really help your


bilingual books in this video we’ll look


how to supercharge your vocabulary with

bilingual reading

this is a simple solution that will make

reading especially at the beginner


easier and fun these are books that have

your target language on the left page

and your native language on the right

but how do you use it

well it’s all in the name you read a

book in two languages at once

the language that you’re learning plus

the language that you’re fluent in

there are a few different formats for

bilingual books but the most common one

is the one previously mentioned

you have a book that has your foreign

language on one side and your native

language on the other

it’s also possible to find stories that

are presented bilingually paragraph by


the principle is the same but the

information is just in more bite-sized


so your eyes need to travel less to read

both texts the great thing about

bilingual reading is that you can

quickly switch between languages

and the translation is presented to you

so you don’t need to try to distinguish

between the 10 variants of a word that

your dictionary offers

which brings us to the main advantage

bilingual reading is great for building

your initial vocabulary

when you first try reading in a new

language you’ll probably find that you

need a relatively high level of fluency

before you can make a strong connection

with the words on the page reading is a

lot of fun if you already know about 80

of the words as you can guess the

meaning of another 15 from context

and then look up the remaining few words

you do not understand

but if you’re starting out you might

know only 10 percent of the words

that’s where bilingual reading can help

a lot here’s a way to use a bilingual


read a sentence first in your target

language see if you understand it

if you do think about the meaning of

some of the key words

then quickly glance on the other side of

the page and check the translation

this way you’ll be able to have fun

reading and learn contextual vocabulary

at the same time

let’s look at why it works well if

you’re learning a language at home

if you’re taking language classes then

your teacher sometimes supports you in a

similar way to the translated page

when you’re reading a text with your

teacher you can ask them questions

whenever you do not understand something

they’ll give you a translation quickly

and can share other ways in which a word

can be used

but if you’re learning from home you

don’t have that advantage

bilingual reading offers the same

benefits as you can quickly check the

translation of a sentence and see what

each word means

the main goal of bilingual books is to

bridge the gap between the beginner and

intermediate to more advanced levels

they can help set you up to read real

books without any translations

some language purists might recommend

you read only stories that were

originally written in your target


but any book you enjoy is best to

encourage your studies

use bilingual reading to improve your

vocabulary and reading comprehension


until you get so good that you don’t

need it anymore it doesn’t matter what

language you’re learning

bilingual reading works for every

language the principles of language

learning don’t change

only the implementation does you also

don’t really

need too much knowledge at the start if

you like a real challenge then you could

even start reading some simple bilingual

stories without any prior experience in

a language

however just as with other language

programs and courses

the more people who speak a specific

language the easier it’ll be to find

bilingual books

bilingual reading can be a great

addition to your normal study routine

and it can give you an idea of where you

are in your studies and what goals to


but for even more ways to learn a new

language check out our complete language

learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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