At the Hotel Useful Learn English Lesson for Real Life


at the hotel

staying at a hotel is an exciting

experience for many people

let’s watch the following video to learn

how to book a room and ask for help at a


dialog 1 booking a room



this is move-in pick hotel how may i

help you

hello i’ll arrive in bangkok next week

for a business trip do you still have

any vacant rooms

i would like to make a reservation for

three nights on october 19th 20th and


may i ask how many people you are

booking the room for and what type of

room would you like to get

i only need a single room for myself

okay please give me a second i’ll check

for you

great thanks

we still have a single room on those

days the price is 52 dollars for a night

does that price include taxes and fees

if all fees are included the price will

be sixty dollars a night

okay what’s included in the price

you will have free breakfast

free wi-fi and lounge access

that sounds great i’d like to book this

room please

may i have your name

sophia streep

i’ll send you the deposit right now can

i pay for the rest when i get to the


of course that’d be no problem

awesome thank you

dialog 2 checking in


good morning welcome to move in pick


hello i already booked a room over the

phone last week i would like to check in


sure may i have your name please

sophia streep

ah yes you made the reservation for a

single room for three nights

yes that’s correct

may we see your id please

here’s my passport

thank you i already paid the deposit i’d

like to pay for the rest by credit card

of course please wait a moment

everything’s all good here’s your credit

card and room card your room is on the

third floor our bellman harris over

there will help you carry your luggage

and show you the way to your room

great thank you

if you have any issues or need help with

anything please don’t hesitate to call

the reception desk

we hope you’ll enjoy your stay at

movenpick hotel

okay thank you so much

dialogue 3 requesting a wake-up call

hello i am sophia i’m the guest staying

in room 318

hello ma’am can i help you with anything

yes i have an important business meeting

tomorrow morning that i cannot miss

i already set up my cell phone alarm but

can i request a wake-up call just in

case we can certainly do that what time

do you want the call

my meeting is at 8 a.m i am a heavy

sleeper so i think i’ll need two calls

one at 6 30 a.m and another one at 6 45


okay i noted that please expect your

wake-up calls at 6 30 and 6 45 a.m

is there anything else i can help you


yes i’d also like to have my clothes

ironed for my meeting tomorrow

certainly i can ask a housekeeping staff

to come to your room in 10 minutes to

get your clothes

your clothes will be ironed and returned

to you tonight

great thank you

you’re welcome glad i can help

dialogue 4 asking for help


hello is is this the reception i need


yes this is the reception what’s wrong

how can we help

i think there’s a mouse in my room

please come help

could you tell me what room you’re in

i’m in room 318

okay don’t worry we’ll come right away


hello ma’am sorry for disturbing you you

said that there’s a mouse in this room

yes thank god you’re here so quick i

think i heard a mouse making noises

somewhere in the room

from which place did you hear the noise

was it from the ceiling

no i think it was from that corner

between the walls or something

okay let us check then


ah we found the problem

did you manage to catch the mouse

well no we’ve checked very carefully and

it turns out that the noise comes from a

kid’s toy of a family staying in the

room next door


i’m so relieved it sounds like an actual


yes it does sound like a mouse but

there’s no mouse there don’t worry

thank you for your help

you’re very welcome enjoy your afternoon


dialog 5 asking for the wi-fi


good evening how may i help you

hi i’m staying in room 318 i need to use

the wi-fi to work on my laptop is there

free wi-fi in the hotel

yes we do provide free wi-fi access

how can i access it i found a wi-fi

connection but it asks for a password

oh yes we don’t offer a public network

for security reasons

you can find a username and password for

your own use on the wall

where is it i can’t see anything

the username and password are written on

a piece of paper near the night table

ah i found that piece of paper

great can your laptop connect to that

network all right

yes my laptop is connected the wi-fi

connection seems pretty strong thank you

it’s my pleasure is there anything else

nothing for now thanks


dialog 6 asking for recommendation


good morning how may i help you

hello i would like to ask for some food

recommendations if that’s possible

certainly what food have you tried in


i only have two days left here and

yesterday i was busy with a business

meeting all day so i haven’t been able

to go out much

i see what types of food or restaurants

do you like

i’d like to try as many signature dishes

here as possible but i’m not sure where

to go and how to get there

actually our hotel offers a food tour

that will take you to the most famous

local restaurants and street vendors

is that something you’re interested in

oh how long is that tour

it’s only within a day there are two

options a three hour tour and a half day


what about the price

it’s thirty dollars for the shorter tour

and sixty dollars for the half day tour

that doesn’t sound too bad i’ll book the

half day tour please



may i get your name please

sophia streep i’m in room 318 what time

will the tour start

it will start at 8 a.m 11 a.m 3 3pm or


which time is best for you

8 am is good

perfect our tour guide will wait for you

at the hotel lounge please come down

before 7 50 a.m

okay i will thanks


dialog 7 luggage storage


hello how are you ma’am

how may i help you today

i’m fine thanks i’d like to ask if the

hotel can hold my luggage after checkout

we certainly can do that how long would

you need to store your luggage

that’s awesome i have to check out at

noon today but my flight is not until 6


so i’d like to do some last minute

shopping in the meantime

can i have my luggage here until 4 pm i

only have one carry-on suitcase

that should be no problem we can help

store your luggage for a few hours

could you please leave your name in

contact so that we can contact you if we

need to

of course let me write my name and phone

number down

here you are

okay we’ve got it feel free to let me

know if there’s anything else i can help

you with that’d be all thank you so much

you’re very welcome


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