At the Restaurant Conversation How to making cancel a Reservation English for Real Life


reserving a table

have you ever reserved a table

how can you do it watch the video and

learn something about these situations

situation 1 reserving a room in a hotel


good morning

thank you for calling the grand hotel

how may i help you

good morning

i’d like to book a room for three days

from the 25th of june to the 28th of



we can do that what kind of room would

you like

i would like to reserve two double rooms

in advance

and the rooms must be non-smoking


do you have any other requests

for example the view or a balcony

yes of course i’d like the rooms with a

sea view

i’ve heard that your hotel has a

breathtaking view

and if the rooms have a balcony that

would be great


let me repeat your reservation

you booked two double rooms

non-smoking with a sea view

that’s right

do the rooms have internet access

yes of course

it’s a basic requirement of customers

all our rooms are well equipped with a

good internet connection

air conditioning


if you book the five-star rooms you can

have a television as well


that sounds good but

i just want internet access and a sea



and non-smoking rooms

yes sir could i know your name


my name is john

how can we contact you

via my phone number

zero five six seven

eight three eight nine yes

welcome to the grand hotel

if there are any changes please contact


we will assist you as quickly as


thank you goodbye


situation 2

booking a table for a birthday


good afternoon

welcome to our star restaurant

how can i help you

i know that your restaurant can be a

birthday party venue i’d like to make a

reservation for 5th of july for my

girlfriend’s birthday party

yes we do

you’re a great boyfriend

our restaurant has hosted many birthday


i would like to have one near the window

if you have a vacancy outside it would

be great

yes we do

great and there’s a special thing i want

to get down on one knee that day


wow you mean you’re going to propose to


yes it’s a special gift for her so i

want to prepare everything carefully

as much as possible

i guarantee your girlfriend will be the

happiest person that day

we’ll help you

yes i hope she is happy

so you’d like to book a table for 5th of


what time will you come

about 7pm

it’s the most romantic time

i would like you to help me with the

decoration a bit please make it romantic

and check everything carefully for me

of course sir

we’ll prepare decorative flowers

balloons and candles

do you need us to prepare the cake too

oh no

i will prepare it and that day please

turn on the music for me

can you help me arrange the candles into

a heart shape


i remember

now what name will the reservation be

listed under

my name is alex how can we contact you

here’s my business card

you can contact me at this phone number

on the card

yes if there are any changes please

contact us we will assist you as quickly

as possible


not at all

see you on the 5th of july

see you later


situation three

reserving a villa


good morning

welcome to our sunny villa how can i

help you

good morning

i’d like to ask for some information

about your villa


well i would like to reserve your villa

i want a villa with about four rooms

a spacious living room and a big kitchen

and what is the exact date of your


20th of june

how long will you be staying


i’ll be staying for three days

how many people is the reservation for

there will be about 10 people

yes we have one which is suitable for

your requirements

it has two floors

and a swimming pool



let me check if we’re scheduled for that


ah yes

the delegation will leave on the morning

of the 19th so we will be available for

you from the 20th

that’s good

is this villa well equipped

don’t worry about that we provide the

best service to you

we are fully equipped with everything

please rest assured about the service


i’ve seen photos of this villa on the

website but i can visit directly to see

it first

since it’s our vacation i’d like to

check out the location furniture

and sign the agreement later

of course you can make an appointment

with our manager he’ll show you


i have time next monday the 15th

can i come that day

let me check the schedule


my manager has an appointment that day

are you free another day

let’s see

how about the next day 16th

yes so i will make the appointment for


i’ll come at 3 pm


what name will the reservation be listed


my name is jill

is there a number we can contact you at


my cell phone number is five one one

two six three six six

thank you if you have any questions or

changes please do not hesitate to call

us we’ll help you as quickly as possible


thank you so much

my pleasure

have a nice day

situation four

canceling a reservation


good afternoon foodie restaurant my name

is jenny

how can i help you

good afternoon i would like to cancel

our order tonight

yes please give me your information

my name is jackson

how about the phone

eight number three

please wait for me a minute i’ll check

it out

you ordered a table at six pm on the

30th of august and you gave us a deposit

of twenty dollars

that’s right and now i would like to

cancel my order because i have an

unscheduled meeting this evening

can you help me please

certainly but according to our rules you

will have to pay the full amount that

you deposited because we only refund the

deposit when you cancel or reschedule


two days in advance

yes i know i also don’t want to cancel

but i can’t come because of having a

busy day

i see

and now i’ll cancel your order thank you

for using our service

yes thank you

not at all


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