REAL LIFE ENGLISH Speak English Like A Native Speaker Episode 2

hey welcome to episode 2 of the real


english series in today’s episode i am

going to teach you

real english vocabulary real english

expressions and i’m

also going to teach you a fluency

pattern that you can use

today and sound more like a native

english speaker

when you request something i also have

some quizzes

just for you so i hope you’re ready


i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right

in all right so we’re going to start off

by looking

at a situation a real life situation

here we have a man and a woman sitting


looking at their cell phones now the

woman is

probably saying honey you are more

tech savvy than me can you please show


how to work this new phone you bought

for me

now this is a very natural conversation

a very natural request that this woman

is making

but what’s the pattern that she used let

me show you the pattern

she used she said his name

or a nickname which is honey and i’ll


then she gave the reason or the current


and finally she made her request

she didn’t just immediately make the

request she followed this

pattern and this formula now i do want

to explain something to you really


honey you may be asking teacher what

does honey mean

now honey is just a term of endearment

for someone you love so for example

my mother will call my father honey or

dear likewise my father will call my


honey or dear so you can call your


your boyfriend or your girlfriend honey

in english we say

honey good job one more time after me

honey excellent all right now she also

said something that maybe you haven’t

heard before

she said tech savvy

after me tech savvy

excellent now tech savvy just means

well informed about or good at

using modern technology so

maybe you are tech savvy maybe you are

really good at using computers and

cell phones and other things you can say


i’m tech savvy makes sense right

now look again at what she said she said


the name you are more tech savvy than me

she’s giving the reason before she makes

the request

honey you’re so good with technology

right now the request comes can you

please show me right so what about this

last part

work this what does it mean to work

something this is again a real english


real life english work something means

to use something right so for example

i have my cell phone right here i am

very familiar with

my cell phone i know how to work it

because i’ve used it for a while so this

individual was telling her husband hey

baby hey honey

you’re tech savvy you’re really good

with technology

can you please help me i don’t know how

to work it

makes sense right so once again looking

at this image

at this situation we have the pattern

name plus reason or situation

plus the request and this is exactly

how you are going to use the pattern as


now let me quiz you and see if you

remember the words i just taught you

are you ready for our first quiz i hope

you are here we go

all right quiz number one now you only

have five

seconds for each question here we go

now let’s see the first question is

right here

i want you to fill in the blank

technology is a big part

of life so little kids

are very five seconds

all right time what is the answer

yes you got it exactly little kids are


tech savvy makes sense right

a lot of kids even my four-year-old

niece she’s really

good with technology tech savvy

all right let’s see how you do with

question number two

here we go question number two fill in

the blank

he just bought a new smart tv

for his office but he doesn’t know how

to what’s the answer five seconds

here we go

all right time what’s the answer

come on you got it exactly he doesn’t

know how to

work it or use it makes sense right

excellent job excellent now let’s see

another situation

that uses the pattern that we learned

here we go here is the next situation

we have again what looks like a husband

and a wife

now in this situation the woman is


saying michael you know that you

tower over me would you put the meat on

the top

shelf of the freezer pretty please

all right so we’re seeing here that a


is being made but the woman is

using the fluency pattern let me show

you watch right here

she did what said his name

michael then gave the reason michael you


over me now wait a minute what does

tower over me mean

all right so tower over just means to be

much taller than someone or something

the man in the picture is much taller

than the lady

actually my brother-in-law is about six

two or six three

he towers over us he’s extremely

tall so again following the pattern when

you’re making a request

name then the reason the woman said you

tower over me

you’re so much taller than me now it’s

time for the request

she says would you put the meat

on the top shelf of the freezer

pretty please now what does pretty

please mean

again real life english english we use

here we go pretty please actually means

it’s used

to ask someone for something or

persuading them to do

something by sounding friendly

that’s right when you say oh pretty


you’re trying to sound friendly you’re

trying to make them see that i

really need your help in english we do


pretty please now guys you probably

don’t want to say it but

women and children we do actually say so

we say

pretty please after me pretty please

excellent good job so she said pretty

please now you already know what time it


it’s time for your next quiz let’s see

if you

understood exactly what we just went


alright so each question again remember

you have

five seconds so here is the first

question right here fill in the blank

she likes short guys because tall

guys usually her

you ready five seconds what goes in

the blank here we go

time all right so what goes in the blank

i know you got it

yes very good tower over

her she likes short guys because tall

guys tower over her excellent job

really good all right now let’s go to


number two here we go number two again

the little girl wanted ice cream what

did she

say to her mother

she wanted ice cream what did she say

here we go

timer has started

time all right so what did the little

girl say come on i know you got it

excellent she said pretty please

very good excellent job all right so

again we had two situations

where the individuals followed the

fluency pattern for making a request

name reason or situation and then the


well let’s see if it happens in this

situation as well

in this situation we have a woman and

she’s on the phone and she’s probably


hey susan i’m trying to knock out

my resume but it’s taking longer than i

expected i know you are the resume

guru so would you mind looking over

it for me now in this situation

she also used the fluency

pattern let me show it to you again the


name hey susan reason or situation

i’m trying to knock out my resume

but it’s taking longer than i expected

now that’s the reason

and her situation but what does

knock out mean so knock out actually


to complete or finish something so

to knock something out for example oh

i need to knock out dinner before i go

hang out with my friends

i need to complete or make dinner before

i go out with my friends

we say knock out something in english

real life english and now you can also

use it

so she’s trying to knock out or complete

her resume she also says it’s taking

longer than i expected so what does

longer than expected mean it means

to take longer than you initially

thought it would so she’s giving the


and she’s also giving her a situation

before she makes

her request this is how you speak

english in real life

you don’t just immediately make your

request you need to say the name

give the reason or situation and then

make the request

so now she’s starting to make the

request after she says

i know you are the resume guru she then


so would you mind looking over it

for me that’s her request but what does

it mean to

look over something look over

something just means to review or

check something for errors so she’s

asking her hey

i know you’re the resume guru that’s the

situation and the reason

would you mind just kind of checking my


that was the request so again she

followed the pattern

name plus reason or situation and then

the request so you know what time it is

now it’s time for your last

quiz let’s see how you’re gonna do here

we go now we have five

questions for this quiz and i know that

you are going to do well

here we go first now it’s a combination

now of everything you’ve learned

my husband loves computers

he is really what’s the answer i’m gonna

give you five seconds here we go

five seconds

time you got it her husband is

what come on i know you asked you know

the answer

excellent tech savvy so good

excellent job her husband is tech

savvy very very good all right now let’s

go to

question number two here we go you’re

doing great so far

question number two what is a term

that a woman might use to

call her husband what’s a term that a

woman might use to call

her husband here we go five seconds

time all right what’s the answer what’s

the term come on

yes honey excellent a woman or a man

would call their spouse honey excellent


real life english all right here we go

question number three the basketball


is extremely tall he

blank all of his fans

whoo what’s this answer come on you know


five seconds let me know the answer here

we go

time what’s the answer you know it yes

excellent job

he towers over all of his fans

he’s extremely tall very good excellent


all right now let’s go to question

number five oh number four

almost skipped one here we go the little


said he had to his homework

before he could play outside with them

what’s the answer five seconds here we

go five seconds on the clock

time come on what’s the answer tell me

what the answer is

exactly he had to knock out

or complete his homework before he could


outside with them now one more quiz

question come on

you are doing such a great job i know

you can get this one too

here we go question number five

he bought a new cell phone yesterday

but he still doesn’t know how to

yet what’s the answer five seconds on

the clock

here we go time all right so

tell me come on what’s the answer yes

he doesn’t know how to work it

yet excellent job you

are amazing you passed

that quiz with flying colors

all right so i really hope you enjoyed

today’s lesson

remember we talked about the pattern

this pattern will

help you and it will show you how to

speak english fluently

when you want to make a request remember

first part

name second part reason or situation and


make your request now if you want to

keep studying with me

you can check me out right here ah right

here right here

uh let’s see follow up plan by going to

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or if you want to save time let’s go

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save time go to and

you can get my ebooks

that are amazing and will help you learn

english fast

or you can go to english with tiffany

the app start learning and have fun

again i hope you enjoyed today’s lesson

i will see you next week but

as always remember to speak english

you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

hey i said it’s story time

okay i have a good story for you today

this is something that my family talks


all the time now i live

in maryland okay and you all know how


i love food so in maryland there

are a lot of west indians

people from trinidad people from jamaica

and many other islands so we have

amazing west indian food here in


now my family we are not west indian but

we love west indian food

specifically roti

so the roti we like has cabbage and

potatoes and

garbanzo beans and vegetables it’s


and all throughout my high school years

and college and even a little bit after

college there was

one specific restaurant we used to go to

it was called caribbean delight it

wasn’t too far from my high school

and the owner actually worked with my

mother at the hospital

the restaurant was her side business

when i

say her roti oh was good

oh my goodness it would make you

lick your fingers that’s how good the

roti was

now the thing is my mom knew the owner

very well

she was the cook she was the owner and

they were friends at work there was

nothing wrong

but there was one unique quality about

this lady

she did not play any games she was

extremely serious

and when you went to her restaurant you

needed to know exactly what you wanted

you need to know what your request was

because she didn’t have time for small


so i remember one specific time i was

really craving i wanted to eat roti so i


almost 30 minutes from my house just to

pick up some roti from a restaurant

so i arrived at the restaurant and i was

gonna make my request right so i said

her name and i said hey ma’am

her name and then i won’t say her name

here and then you know i said hey i’m

here i really

really wanted to eat some of your food

so i want to order a roti you see

name i told her why i came and then i

made the

order but i had a question now i usually

just said what i wanted and sat down and

waited for it to be given to me after i


but i had a few questions i wanted to

know if they could add

some vegetable so i asked her i said hey

i just wanted to know

can this be added and she looked

baby you get what she paid for

she really did not want anything changed

on her menu

now she was not mean but she did not

play games and she did not want small

talk so she said

you want a roti you can’t change

anything yes ma’am yes ma’am

i paid my money and i sat down and i

waited for my roti to come

so i came home and i told my mom i was

laughing because

the food was so good now in america

customer service is very important just

to help you understand

so usually the customers always right if

a customer has something they want

then the person will kind of adjust like

at subway

you make it your way and they do things

your way

so usually if you make a request you

want some vegetable changed people will

do that but not this lady

she said you get what’s on the menu or

you get nothing at all

and we all continued to go to her

restaurant because her food was so good

so we always have jokes about her

because she did not play

don’t change the menu get whatever’s on

the menu and people loved her food

now she’s no longer here she got sick

unfortunately and so we’re not able to

get her food anymore but we have these

funny memories of her

because she did not really match the

typical american

uh food culture she did not let you have

what you wanted

if you wanted to change anything she

said no you get what’s on the menu

so maybe there are some people in your

country that are like that

just one way they won’t change at all

i hope you enjoy the story guys i hope

you have an

awesome week and i will see you next


don’t forget to check me out if you want

to keep studying with me

love you all and i’ll talk to you later