REAL LIFE ENGLISH Speak English Like A Native Speaker Episode 4

hey welcome to part four of the real

life english series my goal as your

teacher is to help you sound more like a

native english speaker in order to do

that you must learn real life english

and that’s what i’m going to teach you

in today’s lesson are you ready well

then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in alright so i want to show you a

picture really quickly now this picture

shows you something that

so many native english speakers love and

you probably love it too

this is a picture of some delicious food

but you see if i was looking at this in

real life

i would say


one more time after me

watch my mouth


excellent one more time


very good now when i look at that cake

and all of the things on top of it as a

native english speaker my first response

is to say oh

this cake looks

scrumptious now you may have some

troubles with your pronunciation but

don’t worry remember you can always

download the english with tiffany app

the link is right in the description and

i have a few lessons in there about

pronunciation but you’re probably

wondering teacher what does scrumptious

mean so let me explain

scrumptious just means


extremely tasty i want you to think

about your favorite food maybe it’s

macaroni and cheese maybe it’s something

that is specifically unique to your

culture think about that dish and

how your mouth starts to water that’s

because it’s delicious or it’s


excellent now let me give you an example

sentence here we go

the cake she made was


makes sense right now what i want you to

do is in the comment section

right now i want you to tell me

something about your culture a food that

is very unique to your culture and tell

me that it’s scrumptious make your own

sentence and put it in the comment

section remember real life english

now this is something that i want you to

use on a regular basis but let me show

you a sentence pattern all right now

when you write your comment if you need

help you can use this sentence pattern

here we go the blank the name of the


was extremely scrumptious

very simple right

now look how i would use this pattern to

make a sentence

the banana nut bread my mom made was



makes sense right now at the end don’t

go anywhere i’m going to tell you a

story for story

time hey and this story is going to be

related to banana nut bread so don’t go

anywhere all right so scrumptious

something that you like that’s very

delicious it’s scrumptious makes sense

all right very good now let me show you

the next real english word so we’re

still looking at the same picture but

this time i go down a little further and

i see this chocolate fudge and i say


after me


excellent watch me again


very good now what does this word

drizzle mean and why do native english

speakers use this word you see drizzle

means to pour liquid

slowly over something especially in a


a thin line or in small drops so again

we saw the cake it looked scrumptious

and then we saw the chocolate

fudge just coming down on the side we

say they drizzled chocolate maybe you

like to bake or cook and you like to

drizzle things on your food

all right so let me give you an example

sentence the chef

drizzled the syrup over the pancakes you


true story this past weekend on sunday i

actually had my family and my friends

over and i actually cooked food for them

and i made something that required them

to drizzle some syrup over their food

makes sense right now let me give you a

pattern that you can use so that you can

use this real english word easily okay

so here’s the pattern

i like to drizzle say what it is

over and then say the food item for

example i like to drizzle




makes sense right now look what i said i

like to drizzle agave agave is a type of

natural syrup

over my cinnamon pancakes man can’t you


imagine eating something delicious and

then drizzling some liquid some

sweetener on the top of it

we say drizzle in english now before i

go to the next one i want to give you

your first quiz i hope you’re ready i

hope you’re ready alright we have quiz

number one i want to make sure you’re

understanding these real life english

vocabulary words so you’re going to have

five seconds to answer i want you to

think quickly all right we learned

drizzle and we also learned what was the

other one

scrumptious very good all right here’s

the first question and again you will

have only five seconds so here we go the

first question is my niece asked me if

she could

the syrup over her food five seconds

time all right what’s the answer

yes you got it excellent she asked me if

she could drizzle the syrup over her

food excellent all right now let’s look

at question number two here we go now

again i’ll start the timer over

the cupcakes she made were

what’s the answer

five seconds

time what’s the answer

excellent you got it they were

scrumptious uh-oh went away i brought it

back they were scrumptious again

extremely tasty very delicious so we

have scrumptious and

drizzle now if we go back to our image

of this wonderful cake we’re going to

see something else that pops up we have

drizzle we have scrumptious but when we

go to the next part of this picture look

what happens

now we have



again after me

visually appealing

yeah that v sound can be tricky for the

v sound all i want you to do is put your

front teeth on your bottom lip and

vibrate so

excellent again i teach all of this in

the english with tiffany app my app

click the link in the description so

again visually appealing

excellent now what does visually

appealing actually mean so visually

appealing this expression means to look


or attractive something looks good or

attractive hopefully you can see

appealing there you go

something looks good or attractive when

a man

comes in with a nice suit

now that brother is visually appealing

or when you make something delicious

something scrumptious some food and you

want to make sure it looks good you

drizzle the dressing over the salad you

place different pieces at just the right

spots you want to make sure your food is


appealing again real life english that

we as native english speakers use so let

me give you an example sentence here we


it’s always important to make sure your

food that your food is visually


that makes sense right when something

looks good it’s usually a lot tastier

right okay so let me give you an example

pattern sentence here we go

i want to make sure that my dot dot dot

is or are visually appealing that’s the

pattern remember you can write down the

pattern but don’t worry if you’re not

able to take notes all you have to do is

go to my website speak english with and you’ll see the notes for

this episode as well so let me tell you

the sentence i would make using this


i want to make sure that my outfit is

visually appealing right visually

appealing now you can see right now i’m

wearing the shirt with the speak english

with tiffany logo and it is visually

appealing it looks good it looks

attractive so again we have this pattern

i want to make sure that my outfit is

visually appealing make sense all right

good job so let’s go to the next part

here we go looking at the picture now

we’re moving to the top section again oh

this upside down waffle cone temptation


after me


excellent one more time


very good now what does this word

temptation actually mean temptation

means the wish to do

or have something that you know you

should not do or have now in the picture

remember in the picture there was an

upside down waffle cone with chocolate

around the edges and sprinkles and can

you imagine having an ice cream cone set

inside the ice cream scoop right on top

of that waffle cone but maybe

you’re on a diet

maybe you’re watching your figure you’re

trying to stay in shape and you know you

shouldn’t have that ice cream cone

that is why it’s a temptation

makes sense right okay let’s look at an

example sentence here we go

he tried to resist the temptation to eat

all of the pie in one sitting at one

time he said oh my goodness

this pie is so good i know

that i shouldn’t eat all of it but oh

baby it looks good

it’s a temptation makes sense all right

good let’s look at an example pattern

all right a pattern for this one here we


i gave in to temptation and

what action what did you do

what did you fall into so for example i


i gave in to temptation and bought a big

tub of ice cream remember we were

talking about trying to keep our figures

nice trying to stay healthy and in shape

but that ice cream

it looks so good growing up true story i

loved mint chocolate chip ice cream

every time i went to baskin robbins or

an ice cream shop i would get mint

chocolate chip mint chocolate chip

it’s my temptation it tempts me every

time so again i gave in to temptation

and bought a big tub of ice cream

make sense all right good job now what

about the next one again looking at the

picture one more time and we’re going to

the other side oh man we have these

macaroons again

and now we have the word


after me


yeah that l and g combination can be a

little bit tricky so let’s do it one

last time


haha you got it excellent job now what

does indulge mean

indulge let me show you the definition

before the pattern here we go indulge

just means to allow yourself or another

person to have something enjoyable


more than is good for you so remember

we just learned temptation i said mint

chocolate chip i love it i bought a big

tub of this ice cream now

i shouldn’t eat the ice cream all at one

time right

but if i indulge it means hey

come on now you enjoy it just go ahead

and do it

you can go ahead and indulge eat more

than you really should do more than you

really should in english this real

english vocabulary word is

indulge so let me give you a sentence

i decided to indulge in a big bowl of

ice cream now

many of you are probably like wow

teacher tiffany really loves ice cream i

do like ice cream i’m vegan that’s

another fact so i eat vegan ice cream

but it’s a great example of a temptation

something you want to indulge in right

okay so let me give you a pattern now

that you can use here we go

i like to indulge in dot dot dot

i want you to use this pattern this is a

very interactive class an interactive

lesson in the comment section i want you

to tell me what do you like to indulge

in i’ve mentioned ice cream maybe you

like something else so here’s the

example sentence using the pattern

i like to indulge in cookies when i get

home from work you see i actually told a

time i expressed even more about my

temptation and what i like to indulge in

and when i like to indulge in it so you

can use this pattern and write your own

sentence in the chat area so again

i like to indulge in dot dot dot let us

all know what you personally like to

indulge in now you know what time it is

quiz number two all right now we have

our second quiz now remember you only

have five seconds for each question so

the first question here we go

first question the food i ate yesterday

was absolutely five seconds

time what’s the answer

yes scrumptious

excellent job very very good excellent

the food was scrumptious now question

number two again i’ll reset the timer

you have five seconds here’s the

question fill in the blank

the plate the chef presented to us

was very

five seconds

time what’s the answer


visually appealing excellent job you

really learned a lot here we go

question number three resetting the

timer again here we go

i love cookies but i don’t often

myself five seconds

time what’s the answer

yes good job indulge myself

excellent job all right question number

four we have two more questions again

resetting the timer

my niece

loves to

honey over her biscuits five seconds

here we go five seconds

time what’s the answer

excellent yes drizzle honey over her

biscuits very good all right last

question let’s see if you can get all

five correct here we go resetting the

timer here’s the go here we go

the woman decided to resist the

to steal the money

what is the answer time

started and

time has ended what’s the answer


temptation the woman decided to resist

the temptation to steal the money

excellent job you learned so much today

in this lesson i hope you use each and

every one of the words and expressions

that you learned in this real life

english lesson don’t forget if you want

to get help with your pronunciation

download the english with tiffany app

and even if you don’t need pronunciation

help there are a ton of other courses

and lessons that you can find in the

english with tiffany app click the link

right now and download it and start

improving your english now i will see

you next week but as always remember to

speak english

you still there

you know what time it is it’s

story time

eight i said it’s story time

all right

i told you guys earlier

during uh the part of the lesson where i

was talking about


and banana nut bread so i want to tell

you my earliest memory literally i think

i may have been

two or three years old i’m leaning more

towards two years old now i’ve told some

of you this story


one of my favorite desserts

one of my favorite breads is banana nut

bread i

absolutely love banana nut bread and my

love for this scrumptious bread you saw

how i added that in there

came from my mother so when i was about

two years old literally it feels like

i’m in a movie because i can go right

back to the day i remember what was

happening i was walking down the hall in

our home again two or three years old

and i saw my mom at a distance she was

in the kitchen and my mom cooked a lot

she’s a really good cook

so it wasn’t abnormal to see her in the

kitchen cooking

but i started to smell something

something so sweet so i walked into the

kitchen and i remember my mom giving me

a little stool so that i could see what

she was doing she said okay baby come

here she put the stool right next to the

stove she had already taken out of the

oven whatever it was that was smelling

so good so she was closing the oven and

she put it right on top of the oven so i

got she put the stool in front of me i

stepped on top of the stool and what i

saw what had a lot of steam coming up

from it

so she uncovered it

and it was beautiful glistening brown

the perfect browning of the top of the

bread and i said mommy what is this she

said baby this is banana nut bread do

you want some now you know i said of


now she sliced it i remember slicing the

bread putting a little piece on a small

plate for me and she handed it to me and

when i put it in my mouth it was soft it

was scrumptious it was amazing and since

that time banana nut bread has been my

favorite bread if anybody makes it i

will eat it so maybe you have childhood

memories that even to this day

years later you still remember as if

they happened yesterday i remember the

scrumptious banana bread my mother made

and every time someone brings it around


even if i’m on a diet i have to give in

to temptation and i indulge in a piece

of delicious scrumptious banana nut

bread all right guys today’s story was a

little bit short but i do want to know

more about your childhood memories so

add your childhood memory anything you

want to share with us in the comment

section below thanks again guys so much

for joining i can’t wait to see you next

week i love you all have an awesome day