Weekly English Words with Alisha Red Idioms

A normalish Weekly Words! Welcome back! Welcome, welcome. This week we’re gonna do red idioms.

Idioms involving the color red. Let’s start.
I’m curious.

“Paint the town red” is kind of an old-fashioned phrase. It just means to “go out and have

a really good time.” You might’ve seen
it in an old movie that says, “Come on!

We’re gonna go out and paint the town red tonight! Let’s go!”

“To be in the red.” You don’t want to
be in the red. “To be in the red” means

that you “owe someone money.” You have debt. Our company is in the red for the last

quarter. We really need to improve our sales strategy. Yeah. I don’t know what this was.

We really need to improve our sales strategy. This’ll help.

Red idiom is “a red flag.” “Red flag”
is a great phrase to know I think. It’s

“a sign that something is wrong.” You
might say, “That person was acting really

weird. That was kind of a red flag to me.”
Mean, if I say these things. Five red flags

for meeting people are: all talk no action;
always bumming money off their friends; no

ambition; no skills or no desire to develop
skills. Another one is don’t know when it’s

their turn to talk. I don’t like that. Watch
“English in Three Minutes” for more on

how to develop these skills, these very important skills.

Onward. The next is “to catch someone red-handed.” This is used when you catch someone doing

something bad. “The teacher caught the student red-handed. He was trying to steal the hamster

from the school’s petting zoo.” I don’t
know. “The teacher caught the student red-handed

trying to steal the class pet.” Caught him
red-handed, right in the middle, in the act

of trying to do something bad. That’s the
key there.

The next one is “red carpet treatment.”
“Red carpet treatment.” Maybe you’ve

seen this at awards shows. There’s always a red carpet in front of where the famous

actors and actresses and producers and film people enter. “Red carpet treatment” means

“to be treated very well, to be treated
like royalty.” You might say, “We got

the red carpet treatment at the event last
week. It was great.”

Okay. That’s the end! That’s the end of…
That’s the end of red idioms, words and

phrases that are related to the color red.
Try them out. There are a couple pretty common

ones in there. And we will see you again next week for more Weekly Words. Thanks again for

joining us. Bye-bye!