If Your English Communication Skills are Bad... You Need those Conversation Tips

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learning to carry a conversation is

vital to mastery of any language even

beginners can quickly learn

conversational language well enough to

carry on real conversations with native

speakers of course beginners won’t be

able to carry a conversation the same

way they could in their native language

but just knowing a few tips like which

questions to ask to keep a conversation

going are all you need to speak and

interact with real native speakers

before we get to specific suggestions

let’s first take a closer look at how

having real conversations in your target

language is so vital to your mastery of

the language communicating with other

people is the very point of language and

conversation comes easily in our native

tongue for beginners or anyone learning

a new language conversations aren’t easy

at all and even simple greetings can be

intimidating and awkward nothing kills a

conversation faster than long periods of

awkward silence so you need practice and

specific strategies to avoid them when

you know what to say to keep a

conversation going

communication becomes much easier and

you make a better impression on your

listener nothing will help you learn to

speak a language faster and truly master

the language than having real

conversations with native speakers

conversations quickly expose you to

slang cultural expressions and

vocabulary that force you to absorb and

assimilate information faster than any

educational setting and that’s a great

thing but how can you possibly have real

conversations with real people if you’re

just starting out here are three proven

methods that even beginners can quickly

use to learn conversational language to

make a great impression and avoid

awkward silences first ask questions to

keep a conversation going for beginners

and even more advanced speakers the key

is to ask questions to keep a

conversation going of course they can’t

be just random questions or else you may

confuse the listener but by memorizing a

few key questions and the appropriate

time to use them you can easily carry a

conversation with minimal vocabulary

or experience and remember the more

conversations you have the quicker you

will learn and master the language

second learn core vocabulary terms as

quickly as possible

you don’t need to memorize thousands of

words to learn conversational language

in fact with just a couple hundred words

you could have a very basic conversation

and by learning maybe 1,000 to 2,000

words you could carry a conversation

with a native speaker about current

events order in restaurants and even get

directions to help you get started with

this check out our 2,000 common words

also known as our core list these 2,000

words are all you need to learn to speak

fluently and carry a conversation with a

native speaker third study video or

audio lessons that you can play and

replay again and again if you want to

know how to carry on a conversation then

you need exposure to native speakers and

the more the better

studying video or audio lessons is ideal

because they provide contextualized

learning in your native language and you

can play them again and again until you

achieve mastery our instructors have

created more than 2,500 video and audio

lessons that you can play over and over

and the best part is they don’t just

teach you vocabulary and grammar they

are designed to help you learn to speak

and teach you practical everyday topics

like shopping ordering and more although

it may seem intimidating for a beginner

the truth is that it’s very easy to

learn conversational language just learn

a few core vocabulary terms in which

questions to ask to keep a conversation

going our language learning program has

the world’s largest online collection of

video and audio lessons by real

instructors plus tons of advanced tools

to help you learn to speak and carry on

a conversation quickly just a little

practice and exposure to real

conversations or lessons is all it

really takes so if you’re ready to

finally learn a new language the fast

fun and easy way sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description signing up takes less

than 30 seconds and you’ll start

speaking from your very first lesson if

you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a new leg

which and subscribe to our channel we

release new videos every week I’ll see

you next time

my a man is reporting about his

company’s sales performance at a meeting

which two charts is he using for his

presentation please look at the handout

the Left chart shows our company sales

over the past three years and the sales

forecast for the current year and the

right chart shows the monthly breakdown

in sales up to October of this year now

please have a look at the Left chart it

shows that sales have been steadily

increasing over the past three years and

if we can keep increasing our sales the

total sales for this year will show an

increase over last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaign’s we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaigns yes but this kind of decreases

unavoidable I expect the annual sales

for this year will show an increase over

last year if we can keep increasing our


which two charts is he using for his


a man is reporting about his company’s

sales performance at a meeting which two

charts is he using for his presentation

please look at the handout the Left

chart shows our company sales over the

past three years and the sales forecast

for the current year and the right chart

shows the monthly breakdown in sales up

to October of this year

now please have a look at the Left chart

it shows that sales have been steadily

increasing over the past three years and

if we can keep increasing our sales the

total sales for this year will show an

increase over last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaign’s we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaign’s yes but this kind of

decreases unavoidable I expect the

annual sales for this year will show an

increase over last year if we can keep

increasing our sales

a man is joining a sports club and

getting information on its policies what

type of membership will he choose let me

start by explaining our clubs different

membership options as described in this

brochure regular members can use the gym

in the pool at any time on any day of

the week but we also offer early-morning

memberships where people can use the

facilities only in the early morning and

night memberships for people who only

want to come in the evening what are the

hours for early morning members early

morning members can use the facilities

from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night

members can use them from 6 p.m. to 11

p.m. I see so early morning members can

stop by and use the facilities on their

way to work exactly the early morning

type is popular among people with 9 to 5

jobs and we also offer memberships just

for the gym or just for the pool if you

only want to use one of those I want to

use both the gym and the pool I think

I’ll use the gym in the early morning

before going to work on weekdays and

then use the pool on the weekend if you

have a membership that covers something

like early mornings for the weekdays but

all day on the weekend we’re sorry but

we don’t offer a membership like that

sir ok I don’t think I can get up that

early on the weekend so I’ll choose this

membership option

what type of membership will he choose

a man is joining a sports club and

getting information on its policies what

type of membership will he choose let me

start by explaining our clubs different

membership options as described in this

brochure regular members can use the gym

in the pool at any time on any day of

the week but we also offer early-morning

memberships where people can use the

facilities only in the early morning and

night memberships for people who only

want to come in the evening what are the

hours for early morning members early

morning members can use the facilities

from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night

members can use them from 6 p.m. to 11

p.m. I see so early morning members can

stop by and use the facilities on their

way to work exactly the early morning

type is popular among people with 9 to 5

jobs and we also offer memberships just

for the gym or just for the pool if you

only want to use one of those I want to

use both the gym and the pool I think

I’ll use the gym in the early morning

before going to work on weekdays and

then use the pool on the weekend if you

have a membership that covers something

like early mornings for the weekdays but

all day on the weekend we’re sorry but

we don’t offer a membership like that

sir ok I don’t think I can get up that

early on the weekend so I’ll choose this

membership option

a woman is talking with a man who works

for an outsourced printing company about

a brochure for a new product when is the

deadline for the first design draft for

the brochure we decided to launch the

new product on October 15th and we’d

like to offer you the contract to make

the brochure thank you so much we’re

definitely excited about helping you

with this project so could you tell us a

bit about the schedule when will you

need everything by well considering the

time needed for printing we’d like to

get the brochures to the printing stage

by the end of September

so would it be possible for you to get

us the first design draft by the middle

of August

well we’d like to give you three design

options for the initial draft and then

have you choose the one which best fits

your concept then we’ll make the final

design based on your choice so it’ll be

very helpful if you could give us two

more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm

okay maybe one month will be enough time

to choose one of the designs you’ve made

and then decide on the final design all

right we’ll be counting on you you’re in

good hands

our design team is the best thank you so


when is the deadline for the first

design draft for the brochure

a woman is talking with a man who works

for an outsourced printing company about

a brochure for a new product when is the

deadline for the first design draft for

the brochure we decided to launch the

new product on October 15th and we’d

like to offer you the contract to make

the brochure thank you so much we’re

definitely excited about helping you

with this project so could you tell us a

bit about the schedule when will you

need everything by well considering the

time needed for printing we’d like to

get the brochures to the printing stage

by the end of September

so would it be possible for you to get

us the first design draft by the middle

of August well we’d like to give you

three design options for the initial

draft and then have you choose the one

which best fits your concept then we’ll

make the final design based on your

choice so it’ll be very helpful if you

could give us two more weeks to prepare

for this stage hmm okay maybe one month

will be enough time to choose one of the

designs you’ve made and then decide on

the final design all right we’ll be

counting on you you’re in good hands

our design team is the best thank you so


a woman is calling on the phone to

reserve tickets for a play which two

seats did she get hello this is black

friars Playhouse can I help you I’d like

to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30

this evening do you still have any

tickets available we do have a few seats

left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have

any next to each other if you don’t mind

though we can get you two seats

separately okay we don’t mind do you

have any particular requests well do you

have any aisle seats yes we have an

aisle seat at the left side of the

center section and to the right of it

three seats over we have another free

seat to the side okay then please book

that aisle seat certainly how about the

other one do you have any seats near the

center the only Center seats we have

left are from the first row to the third

row I’m not too crazy about having

actors spit on me so this room is

relatively small and I think you could

enjoy the play even at the end of the

row on the side is that so

then I’ll take the one you mentioned

before on the left side

which two seats did she get

a woman is calling on the phone to

reserve tickets for a play which two

seats did she get hello this is black

friars Playhouse can I help you I’d like

to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30

this evening do you still have any

tickets available we do have a few seats

left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have

any next to each other if you don’t mind

though we can get you two seats

separately okay we don’t mind do you

have any particular requests well do you

have any aisle seats yes we have an

aisle seat at the left side of the

center section and to the right of it

three seats over we have another free

seat to the side okay then please book

that aisle seat certainly how about the

other one do you have any seats near the

center the only Center seats we have

left are from the first row to the third

row I’m not too crazy about having

actors spit on me so this room is

relatively small and I think you could

enjoy the play even at the end of the

row on the side is that so then I’ll

take the one you mentioned before on the

left side

a man and a woman are talking about

preparations for a presentation they’ll

be making tomorrow at their office what

were the woman check after the

conversation ends okay I think we’re

almost ready for the presentation

tomorrow just a few more things the

meeting will start at 9:00 sharp so

could you double check the meeting room

today yep I’ve already checked the room

okay great

did you make sure the projector is

working okay oh I was gonna check the

projector tomorrow morning when I have

my laptop no we’ve got to get that

checked today we won’t have time to deal

with it in the morning if there’s a

problem so make sure to check that

projector today that’s the most

important thing okay will do and did you

get the copies of those handouts miss

Tanaka is making them now let’s see what

else oh did you check the whiteboard yes

I did

sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink

left in them did you get a chance to

check them not yet but I’ll make sure to

do that later yes please make sure to do

that today

what will the woman check after the

conversation ends

a man and a woman are talking about

preparations for a presentation they’ll

be making tomorrow at their office

what will the woman check after the

conversation ends okay I think we’re

almost ready for the presentation


just a few more things the meeting will

start at 9:00 sharp so could you double

check the meeting room today yep I’ve

already checked the room okay great

did you make sure the projector is

working okay oh I was gonna check the

projector tomorrow morning when I have

my laptop no we’ve got to get that

checked today we won’t have time to deal

with it in the morning if there’s a

problem so make sure to check that

projector today that’s the most

important thing okay

will do and did you get the copies of

those handouts miss Tanaka is making

them now let’s see what else oh did you

check the whiteboard yes I did

sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink

left in them did you get a chance to

check them not yet but I’ll make sure to

do that later yes please make sure to do

that today want to speak real English

from your first lesson sign up for your

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hi everybody my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about ten of the

hardest words to pronounce according to

you guys so we collected some

information from you on Facebook thanks

very much for sending in your ideas and

these were the top ten most difficult

words for you to pronounce so let’s get

started absolutely absolutely absolutely

it might be tough to pronounce

absolutely means 100% absolutely is an

agreement phrase are you going to that

music event next week absolutely yes

100% definitely absolutely loot like a

loot Lu te big rhyme the crime

apparently means dirty I’ve never heard

nor used this word before but perhaps

it’s difficult to pronounce the grime

the door to my apartment was big rhymed

in the storm last week breakfast the

next word is breakfast breakfast is hard

to pronounce but that is the meaning of

breakfast you’re breaking the fast so

fast is a period of time without eating

and to break means to just well in this

case breaking something is doesn’t

four it’s like crushing a thing but

stopping something to break the fast of

the night in other words so you’re

fasting during the night you’re not

eating so you wake up in the morning you

break the fast but we don’t say break

fast we say breakfast in a sentence this

morning from breakfast I ate a bowl of

cereal with grapes and I had a coffee


colleague colleague yes colleague many

of my students struggle with this they

say colleague or they say colleague you

or something cuz the spelling of this

word is really really strange there’s

that gue at the end and we’re more

commonly I feel it’s just co-worker

colleague sounds slightly more formal to

me than co-worker somebody who you work

with or somebody who you have a business

relationship with in some sense could be

a person from another company could be

somebody from your own company anyone

who you do business dealings with is

your colleague can be your colleague in

a sentence I’m going to a networking

event with my colleagues next week

miscellaneous that Mis C miscellaneous

so just as the spelling I think maybe

it’s confusing for this word

miscellaneous miscellaneous just means

other stuff or just other uncatted

Erised stuff I keep a lot of

miscellaneous items in a drawer in my

house maybe they don’t they don’t really

fit into one category like it’s not

kitchen things it’s not clothing it’s

just sort of a mixture of things

miscellaneous things negotiation the

next word is negotiation negotiation

yeah there are two T’s in this but

neither T is a hard T they’re both very

soft that sound because they’re

followed by the eye and another vowel

that she a negotiation negotiation

refers to a compromise between two

people you’re trying to make a decision

and you negotiate in this case that’s a

noun form negotiation business

negotiations continued for more than a

month with this important deal realm

realm I see why this one’s hard it’s

that role part that realm it’s a weird

word isn’t it it’s used to talk about

just like the kind of a fantasy world is

sort of the nuance of this phrase the

realm in a sentence lets us go to the

realm where the elves live and eat their

bread unfortunately

the next word is unfortunately

unfortunately unfortunately just means

too bad you can use this to to start bad

news for example like unfortunately I

can’t come to work today because I’m

sick or unfortunately I broke my arm at

the basketball game last week or

unfortunately my haircut is bad

vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry

vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry

just refers to the words in a language

my vocabulary in my second language is

really really low I need a bigger

vocabulary so that I can express myself

more clearly world world oh I see why

this one’s hard world world hard to

pronounce that rld I think together is

tough Plus that W at the beginning as

well it’s such a short word but you have

to say so many weird things at the same

time world your tongue is going like

this in a sentence I have traveled all

over the world and the best food is in

my stomach that’s in so those were 10

hard to pronounce words give them a try

slowly at first and just kind of try to

work up to saying it at a more natural

speed if you like thank you so much for

sharing your opinions with us on

Facebook and please make sure to

subscribe to our channel so that you

don’t miss out on any of this fun

information so thanks again for watching

today and we’ll see you again next time

bye you don’t need new shoes you need

new feet a man and a woman are choosing

a hotel which hotel are they going to

choose we have to decide on the hotel

for our trip next month ok let’s check

the internet the ocean hotel is near the

beach it says 120 dollars a night per

person and you get a buffet breakfast

how about the Pine Hotel it’s $80 a

night I don’t want to waste too much on

accommodations hmm

but the pine Hotel is far from the beach

and from downtown and it says you have

to pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise

hotel it usually costs a hundred forty

dollars a night but now they’re running

a promotion and we can stay one night

for $90 it’s between the beach and

downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds


oh wait it says the deal is for next

week only oh I didn’t see that so how

about this place the Royal Hotel it’s

located in the middle of downtown and it

costs $100 a night the room doesn’t look

so nice but they have free Wi-Fi okay

let’s book this hotel oh it’s already

fully booked shoot then I think the

first one is best is it full no it’s not


which hotel are they going to choose

a man and a woman are choosing a hotel

which hotel are they going to choose we

have to decide on the hotel for our trip

next month okay let’s check the internet

the ocean hotel is near the beach

it says $120 a night per person and you

get a buffet breakfast how about the

pine hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t want

to waste too much on accommodations hmm

but the pine hotel is far from the beach

and from downtown and it says you have

to pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise

hotel it usually costs a hundred forty

dollars a night but now they’re running

a promotion and we can stay one night

for $90 it’s between the beach and

downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds


oh wait it says the deal is for next

week only oh I didn’t see that so how

about this place the Royal Hotel it’s

located in the middle of downtown and it

costs $100 a night the room doesn’t look

so nice but they have free Wi-Fi okay

let’s book this hotel

oh it’s already fully booked shoot then

I think the first one is best is it full

no it’s not great

a man and a woman are talking about the

layout of a meeting room

how are they going to arrange the tables


let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s

meeting alright shall we put all the

tables in the center of the room so that

everyone faces each other well there’s

going to be a group session first so

let’s separate the tables into four

sections four people will be seated in

each group okay and I’ll put some pens

and pads of paper on each table thank

you and we’ll have a short presentation

at the beginning of the session so we

need a projector here all right also

we’re going to use a whiteboard aren’t

we is it okay if I put the whiteboard

next to the screen

well how about putting the whiteboard at

the other end of the room that makes

sense after the meeting we need to put

everything back where it was in four

rows of two tables per row

how are they going to arrange the tables

a man and a woman are talking about the

layout of a meeting room how are they

going to arrange the tables

let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s

meeting all right shall we put all the

tables in the center of the room so that

everyone faces each other well there’s

going to be a group session first so

let’s separate the tables into four

sections four people will be seated in

each group okay

and I’ll put some pens and pads of paper

on each table thank you and we’ll have a

short presentation at the beginning of

the session so we need a projector here

all right also we’re going to use a

whiteboard aren’t we is it okay if I put

the whiteboard next to the screen well

how about putting the whiteboard at the

other end of the room that makes sense

after the meeting we need to put

everything back where it was in four

rows of two tables per row a man and a

woman are talking about office supplies

what will the man order every month you

need to check our office supplies and

order any items that are running low

this time let’s take a look at them

together here’s the checklist okay that

sounds good well starting with the paper

it looks like there’s only one box left

we use lots of paper every day so let’s

order two more boxes okay

the printer is out of color ink should

we order that we don’t really print

documents in color so we don’t need to

worry about that hmm okay

looks like these whiteboard markers are

running out of ink right those need to

be replaced we get a discount if we

order them in sets of five so let’s do

that okay and while we’re at it can we

order a mouse sometimes it works but

sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably

because it’s running out of batteries

let’s check the stock of batteries and

order more if we don’t have many left

sure well we have three batteries here

you can take two of these for your mouse

but buy a six pack of batteries to

replace them

what will the man order

a man and a woman are talking about

office supplies

what will the man order every month you

need to check our office supplies and

order any items that are running low

this time let’s take a look at them

together here’s the checklist okay that

sounds good well starting with the paper

it looks like there’s only one box left

we use lots of paper every day so let’s

order two more boxes okay

the printer is out of color ink should

we order that we don’t really print

documents in color so we don’t need to

worry about that hmm okay

looks like these whiteboard markers are

running out of ink right those need to

be replaced we get a discount if we

order them in sets of five so let’s do

that okay and while we’re at it can we

order a mouse sometimes it works but

sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably

because it’s running out of batteries

let’s check the stock of batteries in

order more if we don’t have many left

sure well we have three batteries here

you can take two of these for your mouse

but buy a six pack of batteries to

replace them

a woman is asking for directions to the

airport at an information center how is

she going to get to the airport excuse

me I need to go to the airport would you

tell me how to get there

sure there are a few ways if you take

bus number one it takes about one and a

half hours to the airport it’s the least

expensive way bus number two is a

non-stop bus it’s more expensive and

leaves once every hour but it only takes

fifty minutes I see what about taxis

there’s a taxi stand in front of the

building and they take about an hour but

they use the expressway and charge extra

for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be

a lot more expensive than the bus I

guess that makes sense and I’d like to

avoid paying too much you didn’t by

chance buy anything at shopping world

while you were here they offer

complimentary shuttle service to the

airport for customers who make a

purchase there wow I didn’t know that I

haven’t bought anything yet but I was

going to stop by and get some souvenirs

there anyway then you can use that

how is she going to get to the airport

a woman is asking for directions to the

airport at an information center

how is she going to get to the airport

excuse me I need to go to the airport

would you tell me how to get there

sure there are a few ways if you take

bus number one it takes about one and a

half hours to the airport it’s the least

expensive way bus number two is a

non-stop bus it’s more expensive and

leaves once every hour but it only takes

fifty minutes I see what about taxis

there’s a taxi stand in front of the

building and they take about an hour but

they use the expressway and charge extra

for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be

a lot more expensive than the bus I

guess that makes sense and I’d like to

avoid paying too much you didn’t by

chance buy anything at shopping world

while you were here they offer

complimentary shuttle service to the

airport for customers who make a

purchase there Wow

I didn’t know that I haven’t bought

anything yet but I was going to stop by

and get some souvenirs there anyway then

you can use that

a woman and a supplier are talking on

the phone what is the woman going to get

for the sale I need you to deliver some

more sweaters in time for the sale next

month okay what do you need we need a

thousand of the small red sweaters and

four hundred of the medium red sweaters

and we also need 600 of the small green

sweaters and 200 of the medium green

sweaters by the end of this month red

and green sweaters actually we’re

running low on green sweaters and we’re

waiting on some green yarn from our

supplier we’ll get you started with the

red sweaters though no no no we need the

red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters

ready as you can okay

I think we can get 200 of the green

sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take

priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll

do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red

sweaters you ordered

what is the woman going to get for the


a woman and a supplier are talking on

the phone what is the woman going to get

for the sale I need you to deliver some

more sweaters in time for the sale next

month okay what do you need we need a

thousand of the small red sweaters and

four hundred of the medium red sweaters

and we also need 600 of the small green

sweaters and 200 of the medium green

sweaters by the end of this month red

and green sweaters actually we’re

running low on green sweaters and we’re

waiting on some green yarn from our

supplier we’ll get you started with the

red sweaters though no no no we need the

red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters

ready as you can okay

I think we can get 200 of the green

sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take

priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll

do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red

sweaters you ordered want to speak real

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oh hi everybody my name is Alisha and

today we’re gonna be talking about ten

phrases that you always want to hear so

let’s begin you win the first phrase is

you win you win if you hear the phrase

you win it means you have won something

you are probably going to receive

something for free whoo that’s a very

happy thing right you want to give free

things congratulations you win a car yay

here are the keys to your new car great

thank you

and I brought you something special this

is exciting to hear because it means

this little something special as I call

I thought only of you so I brought you

this I brought you something special

really thank you I miss you I miss you I

miss you is nice you can use this with

your friends your family members your

partner whoever I miss you shows that

you want to meet the other person

probably you haven’t you haven’t seen

them as much as you would like to so you

can say I miss you I miss

you call your husband or wife or

boyfriend girlfriend whoever on the

phone maybe you haven’t seen them for a

long time you can say I miss you I miss

you to take a break

I’ll do the cleaning today take a break

I’ll do the cleaning today this means

someone else is going to clean up your

house for you or clean up something for

you I would be very happy to hear this

phrase right now because my apartment is

a disaster because I am only there to

sleep so maybe you’ve had a long day at

work or a long day doing something you

come home and somebody else has offered

to do this for you so take a break I’ll

do the cleaning today and you can reply

really thank you so much I’m gonna relax

the budget is unlimited the next phrase

that you always want to hear is the

budget is unlimited the budget is

unlimited this could be at work this

could be a budget a personal budget

maybe but it just means there’s no limit

to the budget you can spend as much

money as you want very exciting so let’s

see in a business context perhaps you

have this new client who’s gonna give

you a lot of money to build a new house

or something maybe you’re building

houses that’s your project your boss

comes to you the budget for this project

is unlimited really let’s go crazy

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the

month yeah this is a phrase that you

probably are very excited to hear it

means you are going to receive extra

money from your job at the end of the

month whoo-hoo very exciting extra money

maybe you’ll hear this from your boss or

your manager or maybe your coworker at

work maybe you see it in an email

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the

month really I’m gonna use mine to buy a

new car really I’m gonna use mine to go

out on a date really I’m gonna use mine

to get a new fish you did a great job

you did a great job you did a great job

it’s something you’ll probably hear from

well I don’t know you could hear this

from pretty much anybody any time you’ve

done a good job someone will

congratulate you or tell you their

opinion with this phrase you did a great

job you finished a project at work and

your boss says you did a great job thank

you so much it was really fun or thank

you just just say thank you you look

great today you look great today the

other person thinks that your physical

appearance is nice today

don’t think about that today part you

know just just just take the compliment

oh really thank you so much you look

great today oh thank you so much I got a

new haircut thank you so much

i i got enough sleep yeah you were right

you were right this means that something

that you said in the past was correct

and it everybody likes to be correct I

think I saw that movie that you

recommended you were right it was really

good oh good I’m glad you enjoyed it

don’t be like I know or yeah I knew I

was right don’t do that just say oh good

I’m glad you’re an excellent cook you’re

an excellent cook this is a nice

compliment especially for someone who

enjoys cooking if you say you’re an

excellent cook

it means you enjoyed their food so let’s

see at a dinner party for example you’re

an excellent cook this food is delicious

oh thank you so much I’m really glad you

enjoyed it and that’s the end so those

are things that you want to hear so keep

in mind it’s nice for you to hear these

things but other people also want to

hear them too so compliment other people

tell them that they are awesome if they

are awesome tell them that they have

good skills in whatever it is that they

like to do people like to be

complimented people want to be liked so

write the message or say something nice

to them yes leave at the comment we have

a great team of people doing all these

amazing things so tell them how much you

love them so thanks so much for joining

us for this week’s lesson we will see

you again next time please make sure to

subscribe if you have not already so

that you don’t miss out on any fun stuff

thank you very much again for watching

and we’ll see you again soon bye

I guess I don’t really need to do that

I’m sorry a husband and a wife are

looking at some floor plans which room

are they going to see how about this one

it’s got a nice large living room hmm I

like a big living room but I want the

parking space let’s see how about this

one yeah that’s nice should we go see

this one wait a second isn’t the closet

a bit too small

good point hmm there doesn’t seem to be

one that’s perfect wait how about this

one it’s got everything we need doesn’t

it and the closet is pretty large too

let’s go see this one okay

which room are they going to see

a husband and a wife are looking at some

floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice

large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I want the parking space

let’s see how about this one yeah that’s


should we go see this one wait a second

isn’t the closet a bit too small good


hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s


wait how about this one it’s got

everything we need doesn’t it and the

closet is pretty large too let’s go see

this one okay

a man is making a reservation at a hotel

which room is he going to stay in


Seaside Hotel how may I help you

hi I like to stay for one night on

September 22nd certainly one night from

September 22nd how many people - would

you like a smoking or a non-smoking room


non-smoking the only non-smoking room

available on that day is a mountain view

room is that ok well I was hoping for an

ocean view room I’m sorry but the only

ocean view room available on that day is

a smoking room I see is there a

non-smoking ocean view room available on

September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll

stay on September 23rd

which room is he going to stay in

a man is making a reservation at a hotel

which room is he going to stay in

Seaside Hotel how may I help you

hi I like to stay for one night on

September 22nd certainly one night from

September 22nd how many people - would

you like a smoking or a non-smoking room


non-smoking the only non-smoking room

available on that day is a mountain view

room is that ok well I was hoping for an

ocean view room I’m sorry but the only

ocean view room available on that day is

a smoking room I see is there a

non-smoking ocean view room available on

September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll

stay on September 23rd

a woman is talking to her hairstylist

how would she like to change her hair hi

may I help you

hi I’ve got a three o’clock reservation

for Richie ah yes

welcome miss Richie please come this way

what can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit okay

what length would you like about

shoulder length all right and what about

your bangs keep the bangs straight down

or parted on the side to the side a bit

which side may be a little left from the

middle got it we’ll start with the

shampoo so please come this way

how would she like to change your hair

a woman is talking to her hairstylist

how would she like to change your hair

hi may I help you hi I’ve got a 3

o’clock reservation for Richie ah yes

welcome miss Richie please come this way

what can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit okay

what length would you like about

shoulder length all right and what about

your bangs keep the bangs straight down

or parted on the side to the side of it

which side maybe a little left from the

middle got it we’ll start with the

shampoo so please come this way

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements which job is the

female student going to apply for hey

what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t as high but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from the evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier huh well it would be

good to work after school this one for a

coffee shop might be good too oh yeah I

love that place and it’s on my way to


not bad huh hmm which one should I apply

to which two is it between the coffee

shop and the newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay my mind’s made up I

guess I’ll just have to get up early

which job is the female student going to

apply for

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements which job is the

female student going to apply for hey

what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the paint

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t that’s high but you

can work two or three days a week and

start working from the evening oh this

one a supermarket cashier huh well it

would be good to work after school this

one for a coffee shop might be good too

oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my

way to school

not bad huh hmm which one should I apply

to which two is it between the coffee

shop and the newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay my mind’s made up I

guess I’ll just have to get up early

a woman is trying on a dress and talking

to a shop clerk which dress is she going

to buy it looks very nice on you and it

fits perfectly yeah it fits but I

usually wear plain colors I’m not used

to this kind of a pattern well I think

you look great

yeah still it would take some courage

for me to actually wear this what about

this dress then the pattern is much more

reserved so it won’t feel as flashy

you’re right let me try that one on

go right ahead what do you think ma’am

this one suits me much more than the

last do you have a long-sleeved version

with this design yes we do thanks I’ll

buy that

which dress is she going to buy

a woman is trying on a dress and talking

to a shop clerk which dress is she going

to buy it looks very nice on you and it

fits perfectly yeah it fits but I

usually wear plain colors I’m not used

to this kind of a pattern well I think

you look great

yeah still it would take some courage

for me to actually wear this what about

this dress then the pattern is much more

reserved so it won’t feel as flashy

you’re right let me try that one on

go right ahead what do you think ma’am

this one suits me much more than the

last do you have a long-sleeved version

with this design yes we do

thanks I’ll buy that

a woman is ordering a birthday cake

which cake is she going to order excuse

me I’d like to order a birthday cake for

my daughter great could you tell me what

kind of cake you’re looking for my

daughter likes chocolate so I think a

chocolate cream cake would be good and

can you put strawberries on it

absolutely we have round and square

cakes which one would you prefer

hmm a round one please okay how old is

your daughter going to be she’ll be 12

okay then we’ll get 12 candles ready do

you want to write a message yes please

write happy birthday all right do you

want that written in pink if so we’ll

put it on a white plate otherwise we can

write it in white and put it on a pink

plate please write it in pink and put it

on a white plate

which cake is she going to order

a woman is ordering a birthday cake

which cake is she going to order

scuse me I’d like to order a birthday

cake for my daughter great could you

tell me what kind of cake you’re looking

for my daughter likes chocolate so I

think a chocolate cream cake would be

good and can you put strawberries on it

absolutely we have round and square

cakes which one would you prefer hmm a

round one please okay how old is your

daughter going to be she’ll be 12 okay

then we’ll get 12 candles ready do you

want to write a message yes please write

happy birthday all right do you want

that written in pink if so we’ll put it

on a white plate otherwise we can write

it in white and put it on a pink plate

please write it in pink and put it on a

white plate a man and a woman are

discussing plans for their upcoming move

when are they going to move I think we

should decide on the moving date and

call a moving company sounds good I was

just looking at some moving companies I

don’t want to pay a lot of money

definitely this company here will give

us a discount of 10% if we book at least

one month before the moving day one

month before then we have to move after

December 15th in order to get the

discount yep and there’s an additional

discount if we book on a weekday a

weekday well I have a meeting that

Monday morning and the exhibition is on

Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be

good because we could then organize the

new place over the weekend yeah but wait

a second they say 15% off Monday to

Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what

do you want to do let’s go for the

biggest discount I’ll be done with the

exhibition by then anyway

when are they going to move

a man and a woman are discussing plans

for their upcoming move when are they

going to move

I think we should decide on the moving

date and call a moving company sounds

good I was just looking at some moving

companies I don’t want to pay a lot of


definitely this company here will give

us a discount of 10% if we book at least

one month before the moving day one

month before then we have to move after

December 15th in order to get the

discount yep and there’s an additional

discount if we book on a weekday a

weekday well I have a meeting that

Monday morning and the exhibition is on

Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be

good because we could then organize the

new place over the weekend yeah but wait

a second they say 15% off Monday to

Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what

do you want to do let’s go for the

biggest discount I’ll be done with the

exhibition by then anyway want to speed

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