LIVE watch party Checking in at a Hotel

is anyone out there I’m not sure if this

is streaming or not I really should know

that can people hear me can people see


Germany awesome okay guys it’s happening

we’re live how is everybody got my

youtube t-shirt on so today we’re gonna

try something new

we’re gonna watch a video together one

of my favorite videos that I’ve ever


we’ll watch it together and I’ll pause

it if needed and you know I can answer

questions that are happening in chat so

we’ll talk about things that we see if

you see something in the video and you

have a question put it in chat and we’re

just gonna watch this video together and

I’m gonna pause it and we’ll talk about

things as we go okay so let me figure

out fell room you could also book a

table at a restaurant this means you’ve

made is too fast okay I gotta figure out

how to start playing the video here we

go Asian you could book a venue for your

wedding or a concert venue could you

cancer or abandoned okay the bar I know

what I did wrong I know what I did wrong

this is a brand new software so bear

with me here still figuring it out okay

guys we got a book to my friends band

for Friday here OOW makes the as in push

vowel book a book

so both the noun book a corner booked my

friends band for Friday okay guys that

is not working the way I wanted it to I

wanted it to start at the beginning of

the video but it’s not it’s starting

like one minute

to the videos so frustrating okay maybe

if I do this here oo it makes the a zinc

push vowel book your beautiful book


so both the noun and the verb book are

pronounced exactly the same hi

I booked online Rachel Smith and then

about an hour after I booked I booked an

upgrade I used the term upgrade this

means to improve okay I’m still not

happy with that it’s still not starting

at the beginning in the video you guys

are so great experiment of going live

it’s a cool idea though isn’t it

we watch a video together and we go with


wait a second oh you know it’s that is

trippy I need to put that away this what

I’m seeing there is is behind what I’m

actually doing okay there are currently

five hundred fifteen people here in this

live stream and I can’t figure out how

to start the video from the beginning oh

wait I think I know some time to get a

higher quality for example if you’ve had

your cell phone that shoot so

disappointed guys I’m so sad I wanted to

figure out what I was doing with this

video oh I know here is a bit slow yeah

you might loss all videos okay now go to

my video in point I want to start over

how do I do that

I’m not being too impressive here am i

well we’re gonna watch this video gather

if we have to watch it from one minute

in then we will that’s silly

but it’s what we’ll do if we have to do

it video in point jump to zero go back

go back to the very beginning okay that

might have done it let’s see we’ll try

I’m gonna shrink myself down oh I did it

wrong again

you beautiful people thank you for being

here with me as I figure this out I

appreciate you

it’s kind of hard trying to be the

person who controls everything and is

live but you guys are all here wonderful

okay I think I figured out how to start

the video from the beginning let’s try

this that doesn’t look quite right but

we’ll see what happens when we click

start I want to get an upgrade here I’m

using it as a noun on a flight you might

be upgraded from an economy to a

first-class seat here I’m using it as a

verb upgrade in this case I booked a

hotel room and then the system asked me

if I wanted to upgrade the offer seemed

like a good deal to me so I did up if

you have seen this video that we’re

watching together let me know in the

comments it’s a video that I made a

couple years ago and it was one of my

favorite videos I loved making it so

much it’s got some of my favorite people

in it but it didn’t get very many views

so I thought I’m bringing it back and

we’re gonna watch it together I paid a

bit more money for a bigger better room

and then about an hour after I booked I

booked an upgrade because it was sounded

very enticing what was being offered do

you have to move my camera here because

I’m blocking how pregnant I look in the

video and that’s no fun I want it I want

everyone to see how pregnant I was that

I am here I’m eight months pregnant

and this was the last weekend that my

doctor said I could travel away from

home so we took Stoney to my in-laws

that is David’s parents and took this

short trip in the u.s. you might hear

people call this a babymoon that is a

relaxing trip you take have any of you

guys heard the term babymoon before it

was the trip that we did right before my

son Sawyer was born it was really fun

and oh man it’s just so crazy right now

isn’t it to think about being able to

take a trip versus being stuck inside

I’m very wistful for that trip and just

for thinking about being able to go to

New York City my favorite place on earth

who knows when we’ll be able to go back

hopefully in a couple of months but

anyway all right let’s keep watching

click myself down again shrink myself

down before it’s harder to travel

because you have a baby this is related

to the term honeymoon which is a trip

you take alone with your partner right

after you get married

yes south-facing here we’re using some

terms that you might use when describing

a room I just want to say I’m really

enjoying watching you guys in chat some

people here already knew the term

babymoon some people knew honeymoon but

not babymoon and it’s just it’s fun

reading the chats as they come in okay

let’s keep going we have this room we

had an amazing amazing trip we booked a

king which means it has a king-sized bed

in it king and california king are the

two largest sized beds she okay who here

sleeps in a king I sleep in a king with

David because I want as much room as

possible use the term water view this

simply means what you can see from your

room you might have City View Park View

water view ocean view

garden view street view this hotel is

close to the Hudson River I used the

term south-facing this means when you’re

in your room looking out the window

which direction are you looking I knew I

wanted to be south-facing because just

north of the hotel are some taller

buildings and I will say that hotel had

an amazing view were about to see it I

didn’t want to look directly at another


so I upgraded to a south-facing room you

might also see a room described as a

corner room which of course means you’re

on the corner of the building and you

might get views in two different


yes south-facing sure when checking into

a hotel there’s a good chance that

they’ll ask for a form of ID like she

did that would be something official

with your picture and name on it like a

driver’s license or passport I have you

ever gone on a trip and forgotten your

ID I was on a bus on the way to the

airport to fly to Barcelona when I

realized I didn’t have my passport and I

had to call my ex-boyfriend and he had

to go break into my house I told him how

to do it find my passport I knew exactly

where it was and drive it to me it was

like 45 minutes away from where he was

it was so embarrassing but I was very

lucky he did it for me and I still made

my flight always remember your photo ID

when you travel d is short for


they’ll also usually want a credit card

from you so they can make charges to the

room if you damage or take anything

sure okay I saw Pedro asks what’s the

name of the hotel this was called the

standard Hotel in New York City it’s the

only time I’ve stayed there it’s pretty

ritzy it’s very pricey it was a splurge

something that you can’t do every day

something that you just do every once in

a while to sort of treat yourself that

was what this hotel was the standard

hotel in New York City actually they

have two hotels in New York City this

was the one on the west side buy what is

the name of that park the High Line okay

no problem

incidentals this is a word they use for

anything in addition to the cost of the

room for example if you eat or drink

from the minibar in your room

they’ll keep track of that and charge it

to your card after you leave okay no

problem and it doesn’t it’s not ready

yet by chance is it Oh perfect

she asks have you stayed here before oh

no I’ve not it’s been on my bucket list

bucket list have you heard this term

before it means something you want to do

within your lifetime

for example okay someone is asking what

was my ex-boyfriends name someone says

ex-boyfriend what does that mean

so my ex-boyfriend is somebody who was

my boyfriend and is not anymore and his

name was Justin and so it was my

ex-boyfriend who I had to call to bring

me my passport because I didn’t have

that many people’s phone numbers

memorized this was before cell phones I

had to get off the bus call this guy

from a payphone I had his number

memorized I called him and I knew that

he would probably be home and he would

probably do this huge favor for me to go

get my passport at my house and bring it

to me 45 minutes away so ex-boyfriend

someone that used to be your boyfriend

isn’t an

more you’ve probably heard the term

ex-husband - or ex-wife that’s what you

call your partner after you divorced I

don’t have an ex-husband I just have a

husband and you will see him in this

video well visiting Paris is on my

bucket list

oh no I’ve not it’s been on my bucket

list so I’m glad that it’s happening

Yeah right just initial here here and

it’s signature there and if you could

just add this gentleman’s name right

sure there might be something you have

to initial or sign when checking into a

hotel initial of course means you just

put Rs instead of your whole signature

Rachel Smith just initial here here and

it’s signature there and if you could

just add this gentleman’s name ring sure

we finished checking in and head up to

our room room number 814 we have a card

as a key very dark elevator oh shoot I

didn’t pause it in time there was David

you could see a my husband you could see

him reflected in the mirror of the

elevator someone says sorry Justin you

know what my ex-boyfriend Justin he’s

okay he ended up great he’s married he

has three kids he’s living his best life

in Indiana so he’s all good we don’t

need to feel too bad for him

see this is why I didn’t want to be

North facing this because then you’re

just looking at a building north facing

south facing it can be very handy to

know the details of the room you want

when booking a hotel let’s go find the

room there’s the river and there’s the

city yes see that is the view that I was

talking about that is the view that I

wanted if I was gonna splurge on this

hotel I wanted to make sure I had that


and there’s the High Line how cool is

that the High Line is a park in NYC that

was built on top of an abandoned raised

train line I’ll also talk about the

Whitney which is an art museum

that’s the Whitney right there have you

ever been to the Whitney David the new


yeah and that’s their little rooftop

spot there maybe well maybe we should go

they have someone in the chat really

wants us to know that it’s 1218 midnight

there so acknowledged I’m enjoying

reading yells comments in the chat thank

you someone says what do you call this

kind of big window well we would

probably call it floor-to-ceiling

floor-to-ceiling windows and if I was

saying that more conversationally I

would say floor to ceiling so the word -

sounds like Florida floor-to-ceiling

floor-to-ceiling I just realized floor -


sounds like the state Florida

floor-to-ceiling floor-to-ceiling

windows so this hotel has amazing

floor-to-ceiling windows keep the

questions coming in the chat I can’t

answer all of them but I’ll do my best

to take them in hey as you wish entrance

on Friday evenings all right well let’s

settle in settle in is a phrase that

means to unpack to get comfortable to

arrange your things in a new place after

a big move it can take some time to

settle in whenever we stay somewhere

even if it’s just for a night or two I

like to spend some time settling in when

we first arrived to make this day more

comfortable all right well let’s settle

in that night our friend Renee dropped

by and we ordered room service generally

you can reach the front desk by pressing

0 the front desk is there in the lobby

where we checked in you can call them

with your needs and questions room

service is for the restaurant in the

hotel that can make and bring food to

your room ok

someone’s asking am I gonna go again to

this hotel

I would love to it’s gotten harder now

that we have the second kid it’s harder

to leave them and you know this hotel is

very expensive so it’s not something we

can just do without thinking about it or

you know we have to really plan it it

has to be like a special occasion

actually for our fifth wedding

anniversary we were gonna go we got

married in January and we were gonna

celebrate a little bit late we were

gonna celebrate in March but then

coronavirus started happening and it

kind of became clear that we should not

go that we could not go so we never did

go celebrate our fifth wedding

anniversary hopefully we will at some

point I’m just gonna keep my eye on the

chat so if you have questions just keep

them coming and thank you guys all for

being here this is fun I love watching

videos with you guys it’s fun seeing

your questions that come in I get a

chance to explain a few extra things and

we get to have this kind of conversation

more in real life hi is this where I

call to place a room service order I

don’t hear that thank you is hear it

pause all movies someone says how many

children do you have have two two

beautiful little children maybe that was

only in this year I better put this ear

back in one is four years old and one is

one year old and they are a lot of fun

okay let me try to play this again it

was the front desk I’m not room service

hi I’m in room 814 and I’d like to order

two orders of fries and does that come

with ketchup okay and also two orders of

a good pickle


um anyone thirsty no I think we’re good

if you ask someone if they want

something or offer them something and

they say I’m good or we’re good

that’s like saying no thank you that

person does not want it anyone thirsty

no I think we’re good

they told me okay someone in the chat

said not to mention coronavirus because

then you it’s gonna wake up the YouTube

algorithm and they’re gonna be like ah

and try to shut it down okay someone’s

saying they can’t hear this sound the

problem is it looks like the sound for

that video is coming in one channel let

me see if I can change that I don’t know

that I know enough about how to change

it no I don’t think I do

so my microphone is coming in both

channels but the video sounds that we’re

watching together is only coming in one

channel so for some reason you have mono

mono ear stare stereo speaker instead of

stereo I’m not making much sense then it

you’ll you won’t hear it and I’m sorry

I’ll figure that out before my next live

stream because that’s that’s bad there

should be everyone should be able to

hear everything it would be a 30-minute

wait okay I am eight months pregnant if

that helps boost me forward okay okay

I’m just kidding

thank you but I mean I’m not kidding I

am eight months pregnant if that makes a


luckily the food came quickly well okay

so here this is we got a room service my

friend Renee was visiting she came to

stop by and hang out with us for a

little bit in our hotel room and she

lives by herself in Brooklyn and

something amazing has happened what has

happened is that she hold on maybe I can

mute myself here and that will help will

that help does that do anything no oh

so she’s moved in with us she six weeks


you know Brooklyn was starting to get

crazy in New York City was starting to

get crazy with the corona virus and so

her work was having everybody work from

home and so she said hey can I come live

with you guys for a week and we were

like yes absolutely and then of course

that week turned into much longer as we

started to realize what was happening

and the extent to which things were

gonna get shut down here so six weeks

ago she moved in with us we’re very

lucky that we have an extra room in our

house for guests so she got to you know

be here and have a comfortable place

some space to herself but it’s been six

weeks now that she’s been living with us

we love her so much we’re having so much

fun with her and we feel so lucky during

this crazy time to have a friend who’s

moved in and is living with us I love

her so much it makes me happy to see her

here in my video no mini mayonnaise to

go mini ketchup and then two good

pickles okay what did you think of yours

eight out of ten

I’m done think I’m gonna give it a 6 or

700 solo do you do this too we rated how

much we liked the pickle on a scale of

one to ten one is always the lowest and

10 the highest the very best of the best

so I didn’t love the pickle still

there’s something very luxurious about

eating french fries in your hotel room

at 10:30 at night many hotels have an

ice machine

this one was labeled an ice dispenser so

almost every Hotel okay so that’s my

husband in case you don’t know who he is

let me move myself a little bit there

that’s my husband David on our babymoon

right before Sawyer was born room in

America has an ice bucket that you can

take to the machine to fill up this one

also had tongs to serve ice into glasses

David and I had such a relaxing stay


enjoying slow days before we leave let’s

go over a few more words and phrases

that might be useful to you as you

travel as you stay in hotels first when

you check into a hotel you’ll find the

front desk in the lobby and you can

probably find a luggage cart there to

help you get all your luggage to your

room okay so somebody was talking about

they noticed some linking I had said

moved in and it sounded like a move din

like the D was on the next word that is

totally true that happens a lot with

linking and actually I have a funny

story about that Sawyer my youngest son

whenever he’s done eating I’ll get like

a cloth and I’ll get it wet and I’ll

come over to him in his highchair and

I’ll say Sawyer can I get you cleaned up

and I say cleaned up and he always

repeats the last word that you say as

he’s learning language and you know what

word he said he said DUP he took the D

from cleaned and put it on the word up

and he thought that was the word unit in

his mind that’s what he picked up DUP

cleaned up and he would say DUP DUP and

I thought this is amazing he is getting

like he gets the linking and it was just

an interesting way to think about it you

know he thinks the word is DUP even

though it’s cleaned up I love that all

right let’s keep going the opposite of

checking in is checking out check out of

course is when you leave the hotel room

and you give back your key to phrasal

verbs for your travel vocabulary

check-in/check-out here I called the

front desk to ask what time checkout was

I also had to report an issue about the

room hi Freddy

um I am wondering what time checkout is

tomorrow morning if it’s 1:00 p.m.

okay perfect my other question is I’m in

room 814 and the drain to the bathtub

doesn’t seem to close all the way

okay I’m gonna meet them coming up is it

okay that’s great we’re actually gonna

head out in a minute is it okay if we’re

not here yeah okay thank you so much

I used the phrasal verb head out this

means to leave we were just getting

ready to leave this could be another

case where you’re linking the ending

consonant into a word that begins with a

vowel or diphthong head out head out

head out head out cleaned up clean up

cleaned up cleaned up head out thinking

about the ending consonant beginning the

next word when the word begins with a

vowel or diphthong can help you with

your smooth smooth linking which is what

we really want in American English give

our room for a walk head out that’s

great we’re actually gonna head out in a

minute is it okay if we’re not here okay

thank you so much we don’t even need to

try to get a late check-out because

checkouts noon that’s perfect

this particular hotel does have a

minibar so that is a place where they’re

gonna have okay now here I am giving you

a little tour of the hotel room so that

I can go over a little bit more

vocabulary that has to do with the hotel

room so let’s check that out

but some food and snacks for you they

have some glasses for us nice and

there’s also a refrigerator minibar

usually refers to a frigerator

refrigerator and this one is fully

stocked that means it came with all

sorts of goodies ready for us now

usually if you eat or drink what comes

here in the hotel it’s quite expensive

much more expensive than just running

out and buying it yourself another neat

thing that this particular hotel room

has is a shower bath room so it’s this

whole room floor-to-ceiling doesn’t

matter if you get the whole thing wet a

big bathtub and then there are some

slats that look out into the I mean

that’s why I love this room look at that

view from the

shower that is when you’re really

getting spoiled isn’t it okay just

continuing to see you guys here in the

chat thank you for being here

a couple of people are asking about the

Academy someone here from Poland hey

I’ve seen Brazil

hey so the Academy is $27 a month

Rachel’s English Academy dot-com

of course if that is something that you

cannot do no problem I’m gonna keep

making YouTube videos and the ones

coming up in the rest of April May and

then the summer they’re all really good

videos I’m really excited about them

rooms so you can still see the view as

you take your shower this hotel room

also has a safe many many hotel rooms do

so you can put passports or money

valuables whatever in the safe when you

leave one thing that people are often

interested in when choosing a hotel is

the list of amenities amenities would be

things like a gym or a pool or room


other things that you get in addition to

your room or special things that you

might get in your room many hotels come

with a little card like this this one

says privacy please and you hang this on

your doorknob to let them know I don’t

want anyone to come in and work on my

room or on the other side I do want

someone to come in change out my towels

for all right just want to pop in and

say again okay in chat we’ve got Brazil

we’ve got I saw Ethiopia there I see

Peru what else to Colombia I mean I’m

saying that with the terrible accident I

apologize we’ve got the dr congo awesome

great to have you guys here

ibrahim hi

so just i’m reading the chat i can’t

respond to everybody but i love how you

guys are bringing so much energy to this

video watching this conversation that

we’re having thank you

all right we’re gonna keep going clean

towels maybe vacuum so this card says

privacy please but you might also see do

not disturb thank you guys for traveling

with me to New York City this weekend I

also have a video that I made on travel

phrases that you may use when checking

in at an airport be sure okay now at

that point I’m just sort of finishing up

the video there so thank you guys for

joining me on this livestream to watch

one of my past videos there were a

couple glitches especially at the

beginning I couldn’t figure out how to

play the video from the start the video

was playing with mono audio and instead

of on both channels so sorry about that

I’m gonna get better at it and once I do

once I gain more confidence in using

this software and doing livestream I’ll

start doing it more regularly and I’ll

let you guys know when it’s happening

okay because this is a great way to meet

you guys and to know you guys more so

thank you all so much for being here

for watching this video with me one of

my all-time favorite videos so wonderful

okay guys we’re ending this stream stay

safe out there

stay healthy love to you all bye
